- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands (r)
- R!val & Euphority
- R/V/LT/D
- R. Christian feat. Anna Tendera
- r.f. feat. mon e
- R. H. Giants, The
- R.I.T.T.I.
- R. O. Insanity
- R.O.L.
- R.O.M. Read Only Memory
- R.O.N.I.
- R.U.Dead ?
- R & S Band
- r0+0-gen
- R2M
- Ra]va[ge
- Raab, Karin & For Fun
- Raab, Lorenz
- Raab, Simon
- Raab, Thomas & Band
- Raab/Angerer/Deixler
- Raab Thomas
- Raab - Zoé, Lorenz
- RaaDie
- Raal, Paul
- Ra-B
- Rabak, Freddy
- Rabbi Herskowitz und die Tadelöser
- Rabbit on Purple
- Rabbi X
- Rabe
- Rabe, Mia
- Rabel, Jojo
- Raber, Thomas
- Rabhansl, Karin
- Rabid Dog
- Rabitsch, Bernhard
- Rabitsch, Michaela & Pawlik, Robert Quartet
- Rabitsch, Thomas
- Rabitsch/Pawlik
- Rabl, Günther
- Rabo & Traumata
- Rabouge
- Raccoon Gang
- Raccoon Rally
- Race, Hugo And The True Spirits
- Race of the Bees
- Racial Abuse
- Racktacktek
- Radelmacher, Günter (solo)
- RaDeschnig
- Radian
- Radiateur
- Radical Chic
- Radical Chique
- Radical Instinct
- Radikalkur
- Radio.String.Quartet.Vienna
- Radio Bukarest & das zypriotische Rundfunkorchester
- Radio DCS
- Radio Diffusion
- Radio Gamma
- Radio Hanoi
- RadioKillaZ
- Radio Magenta
- Radioplastik
- Radiostern
- Radio String Quartett
- Radio Subcom
- Radio Sue
- Radio-Symphonieorchester (RSO)
- Radiotabu
- Radio Tirana
- Radio Wahnsinn
- Radio Wave
- Raditschnig, Werner
- Raditschnig Werner & Laber Gerhard
- Radovan, Andy
- Radovan, Christian
- RAF 3.0
- RAF 3.0 feat. Nazar
- RAF Camora
- RAF Camora & Nazar
- Rafetseder, Laura
- Raffaseder, Hannes
- Raffetseder Wildfellner Raffetseder
- Raga Roll
- Raggamaffia
- Raggamaffia
- Ragged & Radiant
- Ragger, Gernot & Die Bons
- Ragin´ F
- Rag Mama
- Ragnaroek
- Rahdan
- Railroad Project, The feat. Daniel Zamir
- Raimondi, Ildikó & die Wiener Symphonia Schrammeln
- Raimund Theater Ensemble & Orchester der Vereinigten Bühnen Wien
- Rain
- Rainbowpapers
- Rainbow Warrior
- Rainer, Barbara
- Rainer, Helmut
- Rainer Klang
- Rainer Krispel
- Rainer Stuhlgang
- Rainer von Vielen
- Rainer Zufall
- Raining Sunshine
- Raisins
- Raist 9
- Rai Tinga
- Rajju Baba
- Raketa
- Rakete, Kiri
- Raleigh, Ralph
- Ralf
- Ralf Boehler
- Ralph
- Ralph Mothwurf Orchestra
- Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band
- Rama
- Ramadun
- Ramazuri
- Ramba:Zamba
- Rambo Rambo Rambo
- Rame
- Ramhapp, Elfriede
- Ramirez, Rokko
- Rammelhof
- Rammler, Alexander
- Ramon
- Ramona Gillard Band
- Ramon Miles
- Ramon Tapia
- Ramon Zerano, DJ & Marc Korn
- Rampage
- Rampage Ltd.
- Ramsch und Rosen
- Ramses
- Ramses Äroschmid
- Ramzee
- Ran Can Can
- Ranch House Favorites
- Randacher, Florian
- Randall, Hanna
- Randall/Fuchsbichler
- Random
- Random Atlas & Marzian
- Random Noise
- Random Trip feat. Big John, Fábián Juli & Thaiman
- Randy, DJ
- Randy Old Goat
- Randy Skunk
- Rank
- Rankeys
- Ranking Smo
- Rankmen, The
- RanninG susHi
- Rant
- Rantanplan, DJ
- Ranzinger, Maximilian
- Raoul Haspel
- Rap4fikk
- Rap Addicted
- Rap Addicted feat. Apple Tree
- Rap Attack
- Raphael Dincsoy & Niereich
- Raphael Käfers Constellation Project
- Raphael Wressnig's Organic Trio
- Raphael Wressnig & Igor Prado
- Raphael Wressnig with Alex Schultz & James Gadson
- Rap ID.
- RapMassiv
- Rapottnig & Mayrl
- Rapperbahn
- Rappers in Prison
- RapTerror
- Rap Terror
- Raptis, Jannis
- Raptix
- Raptoar
- Raptor & LFXBOI
- Raptor200
- Raptus feat. Smallboy
- Rapublic
- Rapublik, Die
- Rare'n'Tasty
- Rare Friends
- Rare Sugar, DJ
- Ras Al Geti
- Rashim
- Raskolnikov, Ripoff
- Raskolnikov, Ripoff & Christian Höller
- Raskolnikov, Ripoff & The 20th Century Blues Band
- Ras Maier
- Ras MC Bean
- Rasmus Faber & Skye'n'Sugarstarr
- Rassemenschen helfen armen Menschen
- Rastafahnda
- Rastamen
- Rasthof Dachau
- Rasztovits, Sabrina
- Ratio
- Ratlos
- Ratrock Tot Sint Jans
- Rats
- Rats, The
- Rats Are Back, The
- Ratzenbeck, Peter
- Ratzer, Karl
- Ratzer, Karl Night Club Band
- Ratzer, Karl Orgel Trio
- Ratzer, Karl Quartet
- Ratzer, Karl Quintett
- Ratzer, Karl Septet
- Ratzer, Karl Trio
- Ratzer / Herbert / Extracello
- RatzFatz
- Rauch, Andreas
- Rauch, Patrick
- Rauch, Tina
- Rauch, Verena
- Räudig Allstars
- Rauhnacht
- Rauhnåcht
- Raul de Souza
- Raum 3
- Raumfisch
- Raumpatrouille
- Raumschiff Engelmayr
- Räumungsalarm
- Raureif
- Rausch/Bartolot/Vielgut
- Rauschfrei
- Rave Bot
- Raven and Phan
- Ravenband
- Ravenhill
- Ravenhorst
- Raven Khan
- Ravenous
- Raven Rec.
- Raven Red
- Raventhrone
- Ravers On Dope
- Ravissa
- Ravissa & Dunja
- Raw.full, DJ
- Rawar
- Rawar & Atropp
- Rawar & ChromArepo
- Rawar vs. Agressive Mood
- Rawar vs. Corrosive Brain
- Rawar vs. Silent Horror
- Rawcat
- Raw-Cats, The
- Raw Century Soul
- Rawer
- Ray & Mick Bilgeri/Köhlmeier
- Raya O. Coal
- Raydead
- Raygold
- Ray Shames
- Ray Tracer
- Razak - Schmeisser
- Razorblade, The
- RazorRancun Razor Rancun
- Razzia
- Rdeca Raketa
- RDG & DubApe
- RDM Blues Band
- Reaching Fourth
- Reactive
- Reade Truth
- Real Bang, The
- Real Chief Jacksons of Justice, The
- Real Clime-X
- Realität, Die
- Realize
- Real Liberty
- Real Music
- Realness, The DJ Realness
- Real No Mercy, The
- RealTastic x Klangbauer
- Reanima
- Reaper
- Reas
- Rebecca
- Rebecca_1147
- Rebecca's Playground
- Rebel Elementz
- Rebell Bagatell
- Rebel Muffin
- Rebel Relaunch
- Rebelscope
- Reboot Joy Confession, The
- Reborn Hate
- Recall To Life
- Receptor
- Rechner, Fritz Band
- Rechner, Fritz Jazz Band
- Reck´less
- Reckless
- Recon
- Reconfused
- Recon x Niduz x Vice
- Recorderman
- Record Melodiker
- Rectal Rooter
- Recycle 2
- Recyclers
- Red, DJ
- Red/Short
- Red.Chamber
- Red Carpet Riders
- Red Detail
- Red Devils
- Red Dreadnuts
- Red DSP
- Red Eye Shot
- Red-Faced Farmer Boys, The
- Red Gaze
- Redhaus
- Redhead Army
- Red Inc
- Redlight
- Red Light Romance
- Redlightsflash RLF
- Redlock
- Red Machete
- Red Patch
- Redpill
- Red Pinion
- Red Plankton Red
- Redred Rosary
- Red River Two, The
- Redshift
- Red Socks
- Redstar
- Red Sun Project
- Redtenbacher's Blue Funkestra
- Red Tide Crew
- Reduce Speed Now
- Red Weber
- Ree:Raw Ree Raw
- Reeds & Strings
- Reek Of Death
- Reeva
- Re-Evolution
- Reflection
- Reflector
- Reflejos
- Reflex
- Reflex Artists
- Reform Art Unit
- Refpiz
- Refrain Color
- Reframe The Concept
- Regalager
- Regen, Ina
- Regenbogen
- Regency
- Reggae Broadcast
- Regolith
- Rehak, Alex
- Rehberg, Peter
- Rehberg & Bauer
- Reicht, Christoph
- Reider, Bernhard
- Reidler, Bernhard
- Reifert, Albert Project
- Reifert, Albert Special
- Reiger, Ines
- Reiger, Ines - Thomas Huber Quintett
- Reiger, Ines und Thomas Huber Quintett
- Reihe Zykan + Reihe Zykan Plus
- Reinagl, Robert / Schwabegger, Monika
- Reiner, Jonathan
- Reiner, Resi
- Reinhard Schraml Trio
- Reinhardt, Belinda
- Reinhardt, Belinda (solo)
- Reinhardt, Belinda & Allen Sforzina
- Reinhart Sellner Duo
- Reinhaudt
- Reinheitsgebot
- Reino Glutberg
- Reisecker, Franz
- Reisenzahn, Reinhard
- Reisinger, Herbert
- Reisinger, Wolfgang
- Reisinger/Lewis/Reisinger
- Reisinger/Mitterer/Terenzi
- Reiß, Isa + Justin Hoffmann
- Reiter, Bernd Jazzquartett
- Reiter, Eva
- Reiter, Jochen
- Reiter, Josef
- Reiter, Marcus
- Reiter, Markus feat. Samy Jones
- Reiter, Martin
- Reiter, Wolfram
- Reiter, Wolfram / Natter, Albert
- Reiter/Drimal Jochen Reiter & Jürgen Drimal
- Reiter Haus
- Reitermaier, Ernst
- Reizend
- Rekall
- Rekord Kicker
- Reks
- Re-Lay
- Remasuri
- Remedy
- Remember Elvis Band
- Remember Tanz- & Barmusik
- Remember The Nights
- ReMI
- Remis
- Remnant
- Remote Control
- Renate Hornstein
- Renate Reich
- Renate Reich Fivetett
- Renato Chicco Trio
- Renato Unterberg
- Rendl, Rosa
- René And Hyperkip
- Rene Reiter
- Rene Rodrigezz meets MC Yankoo
- Rene Rodrigezz meets Vinyl Junky's
- Reni Hofmüller
- Renner, Harald "Huckey"
- Renner, Simone
- Rennert, Uli
- Rennert, Uli Quartett
- Rennert, Uli Trio
- Rennert/ Herbert/ Gesing
- Renoa
- Renoa & Ramadun
- Renoa | Hadrian
- Renoa feat. Moa Janes
- Renoa feat. Robbe & Walkner.Moestl
- Rens Newland Band
- Rent
- Rentenberger, Magdalena
- Rentokill
- Rep & Hydrophonic
- Replica
- Republique Electrique
- Repulsive Creep
- ReRa
- Rer Repeter
- Resch, Gerald
- Resch, Thomas
- Resch / Pauly
- Resch Sonja
- Resetarits, Lukas
- Resetarits, Wilhelm
- Resetarits, Willi
- Resetarits, Willi & Johanna
- Resetarits, Willi & Perwer, Sivan
- Resetarits, Willi & Sivan Perwer
- Resetarits, Willi & Soyka, Walter
- Resetarits, Willi + Xtra Combo
- Resetarits, Willi und der Stubnblues
- Resetarits/Hank
- Reset the World
- Resign
- Resist
- Resista, DJ
- Resistate
- Resistenz Force Sound6tem
- Resolut Crew
- Resonanz, Die & Jessica Lurie
- Resonanz (Stanonczi), Die
- Respect ! The Locomotion Art
- Rest, The
- Restaurant Tracks
- Rest in Fear
- Restless Ear Syndrome
- Restless Leg Syndrom
- Resurrection of Fear
- Rethmeier, Andy
- Retro Flex
- Retroman
- Rettenbacher, Johann A.
- Rettenwander, Lissie
- Return Of The Red Pony
- ReUnite
- Reutemann
- Rev. Frank TT
- Rev. Frank TT & Dirty Alex
- Revange
- Revenge
- ReVerb, The
- Reverend Backflash
- Reverso 68
- Revolter
- Revolution
- RevoxRevue
- Reward
- Rewolfinger
- ReXar
- Rexho
- Rex n
- Rex Royal
- Rex Royal & seine Rotatoren
- Reyer, Sophie
- Reyes, Monica & Die schöne Band
- ReZzaR
- Rhacoon
- Rheintaler Nachtwerk, Das
- Rhiannon
- Rhinozeros Rex
- Rhode, Helmut
- Rhodes, Bernie
- Rhovanion
- Rhythm, The
- Rhythm & Sound
- Rhythmayer
- Rhythmbreakz
- Rhythm Chapters
- RhythMen
- Rhythm Gangsters, The (Garstenauer, Peter & The Rhythm Gangsters)
- Rhythmiker, Die
- Rhythmische Sieben Die
- Rhythmusa
- Rhythm Xing
- Rian
- Ribeiro, Errol & the Vienna Beatles
- Ribisel
- Ribisls
- RIC49
- Ricci, Claudio
- Rice Master Yen & Hightauer
- Richard, Dr.
- Richard Steinschlag
- Richard Steinschlag & Donnergrollen
- Richard Steinschlag & J.P.Exbert
- Richard Steinschlag & Men in Burka
- Richard Steinschlag & PabloJ
- Richard Steinschlag & Unsound Mind
- Richard The Booster
- Richmond, Mike
- Richmond Wagner
- Richter
- Richthammer
- Rickenbecker & ein Nervöser Vogel, Dr.
- Riddimstix, The
- Ridra
- Riedler, Ilse
- Riedler, Ilse 4tet
- Riefenstahl, Leni
- Riegler, Daniel
- Riegler, Robert
- Riepler/Fleischer/Winkler/Junior
- Riesen, Die
- Rieß, Lissi & Sammy Phon
- RiffRaff BigBand
- Riff Ruff
- Riffwerk
- Rigby, Stian
- Rigler, Mike
- Rigler, Mike vs. Coppa
- Rigoni/Schoenherz
- Rigor Mortis
- Rijavec, Christian
- Rik
- Rika
- Rikitik
- Rikitik feat. das Gnu
- Rikk-O-Ton
- Rik Moser
- Rimini Project
- Rimshot
- Rin & Jes Rin 99er & Jes
- Rin99er
- Ring, Alex
- Ring, Angelika
- Ring Freiheitlicher Cowboys
- Ringtones, The
- Rinner, Mike (solo)
- Rino Texter
- Rio Bravo
- Riot Act
- Rioters, The
- Riot in Drum City
- Rip In Silence
- Ripple
- Riptide
- Riptide & Kythera
- Riptide & Obscurum
- Riptide & Zhophrenica
- RisaMasala
- Rising
- Rising Girl
- Rising Passion
- Rising Seed
- Rising-Stars
- Risser/Rühl
- Ritornell
- Ritornell & Abby Lee Tee
- Ritornell & Some Freak & Andreya Triana
- Ritornell feat. Mussurunga
- Ritsch, Winfried
- Ritter
- Ritter, Karl Solo
- Ritter, Michael
- Ritter/Pernes/Eder
- Ritva
- Rival
- River
- Rivers Avenue
- Riverwitch
- Riviera
- Riya ft. Nymfo & ZeroZero
- Rizzle & Wingz
- Rizz Palm
- rmf
- Road, The
- Road Crew
- Roadie Rowdy Piper Band, The
- Roadkill Rodney
- Roadrunners, The
- Roadrunners, The
- Road To Wineville
- Roaring Sixties Revival Band
- Rob, DJ & Joe Coma
- Rob.STP
- Robb
- Rob Birch, Megablast, Resonanzz
- Robby
- Robby & The Splash
- Rob Clements
- Ro Bergman
- Robert Adrian & Rupert Huber
- Robert Adrian & Sam Auinger
- Roberta F. Entertainment
- Robert Benett
- Robert Es
- Robert Furrier
- Robert Herbe
- Roberto C
- Roberto K, DJ
- Robert Rotifer
- Robert Rotifer, der Nino aus Wien und die Laimgrubenleute
- Roberts, Dean/Werner Dafeldecker
- Roberts, Frank und die Bongo Band mit Chor
- Roberts, Peter
- Robert Shumy & Anke Angel
- Robert Shumy Band, The
- Robert Stahl
- Robert Unterköfler Quintett
- Rob HDT
- Robier F.
- Robi Faustmann & Band
- Robin, Jess
- Robin Ass
- Robin Pirker
- Robinson
- Robinson, Tex
- Robinson, Tex & Friends
- Robinson, Tex & Karin
- Robinson, Tex & Saltcastle Bullwashers
- Robinson Island
- Robosonic
- Robot, Claudia
- Roboterwerke
- Roboto Loco
- Robotra
- ROBPM & Niereich
- Robsi Mantoura
- Robson
- Robson
- Rob Trainor
- Rob van Hell
- Rochford, Sebastian & Kurstin, Pamelia
- Rochus
- Rock ´n´ Roll´s Voice
- Rockabulls, The
- Rockaholic
- RockBrew
- Rock Company
- Rockefeller Junior
- Rockenschaub
- Rockenschaub
- Rockers, The
- Rockers Hi-Fi
- Rockerz, The
- Rockets, The
- Rocket Science
- Rock Generation
- Rockhead
- Rockhouse Session Band ´97
- Rockin´ Janitor
- Rockin´ Musical
- Rockin' Home Blues Band, The
- Rockin' musical
- Rockin Comets
- Rocking Birds, The
- Rocking Painter, The
- Rocking Stars, The
- Rocking Teddys
- Rock in Rot Weiß Rot
- Rockip
- Rockoko
- Rockschaffner
- Rocksteady Allstars, The
- Rocksteady Conspiracy, The
- Rocksteady Conspiracy with Stick A Bush
- Rockstein, Dr.
- Rocktail
- Rock Toxic
- Rocky F. Holicke
- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Rockzipfel
- Rock-Zoo
- Rocquette
- Rodney Hunter
- Rodney Hunter feat. Ola Egbowon
- Rodney Lee
- Rodrigezz, René
- Rodrigezz, Rene, & Dipl.Inch
- Rodrigezz, Rene, & Dirtyharry
- Rodrigezz, Rene & DJ Antoine
- Rodrigezz, Rene & PH Electro
- Rodrigezz, Rene & Silva Reese
- Rodriguez
- Roedelius, Hans-Joachim
- Roedelius/Czjzek
- Roedelius Schneider
- Roehr, Gideon
- Roger.
- Rogers, CeCe & Nuphunk
- Roggers, Jimmy
- Rogues, The
- Roh
- Rohm, Tom & The Screw
- Rohnefeld, Claudia, & Roland Sulzer
- Rohnefeld & Havlicek
- Röhren, Die
- Rohrsorfer, Peter
- Rohrweg, Jan
- Rohstoff
- Roi
- Roia
- Roi Blech Orchester
- Roidinger, Adelhard
- Rois, Christoph
- Rois, Sophie/ Hautzinger, Franz/ Leitner, Matthias/ Rosmanith, Peter
- Rois, Stefan
- Roisz, Billy
- Rokis DJ Rokis
- Rokis vs. The Brain Corp.
- Rokitansky
- Rokitansky
- Rokko & Analena
- Rokko Anal
- Roky Alien, The
- Roland
- Roland Neffe's Vibes Beyond
- Roland Stein
- Roland von der Aist & Dietmar von der Traun
- Roland W.
- Roletts, The
- Rollers, The
- Rolling Stones Project, The
- Rollkragen
- Rollsplitt
- Rolltreppe
- Roly Poly & The Raspberries
- Rom, Peter
- Rom, Peter Trio
- Rom / Schaerer / Eberle
- Rom/Wenger
- Romana
- Romancer, DJ
- Romanes
- Roman Gregory & The President's Friends
- Roman Gregory singt Dean Martin auf Wienerisch
- Roman Magnus Hranitzky
- Romanofsky Jazztett
- Romanovstra
- Roman Rauch
- Roman Rauch & Moony Me
- Romans
- Romantic Islands
- Romantic Slivo
- Roman Weber
- Rom Azul Chi Base X
- Romberger, Gabriel
- Romc
- Romed Hopfgartner Quartett
- Romen, Barbara/ Gunther Scheider
- Romen/Fagaschinski/Schneider
- Romeo, DJ
- Romeo, DJ vs. MC Mars
- Romi
- Ron(ni) Urini
- Ronaldo Saggiorato / Endrigo Bettega
- Ron Bop
- Rondstoa
- Ronia R o n i a
- Ronin Saedi
- Ronja
- Ronnie Rocket & die letzten Raketen
- Ronnie Rocket & Gudrun Rubini
- Ronnie Rocket & The Burning Chrome
- Ronnie Rocket & The Mirror Shades
- Ronnie Rocket & The Subcandies
- Ronnie Rocket Superstar
- Ronnie Urini & Leeza Vermeer
- Ronnie Urini & Venus
- Ronny & Chris
- Ronny & Gerhard
- Ronny & The Hot Potatoes
- Ronny Trettmann & Ranking Smo
- Ron Urini & The Wild Bunch
- Roodolph
- Rooftop Clique
- Rooftop Culture
- Roofus
- Rooga
- Room
- Room #6
- Room 204 / G.I. Joe
- Room Island
- Rooner Meye
- Rooster
- Rootless
- Rootless
- Rootless & Stockhammer
- Roots
- Roots, The
- Roots Ahead
- Rootscontrolller
- Rootsman, The
- Roots of Future
- Roots Vibration
- Roquestar
- Rorschachpunk
- Rosa
- Rosa Anschütz
- Rosachrom
- Rosa Friedhof
- Rosales, Endrina Group
- Rosamystica
- Rosa Nebel
- Rosa Nitsche
- Rosarot
- Rosaroten Gummibären, Die
- Rosco
- Roscoe Fletcher
- Rose, Keana
- Roseate
- Rosebuddies, The
- Rose Club, The
- Rosée Sisters
- Rosemary Malign
- Rosenberg
- Rosenbergs, Die
- Rosengarten
- Rosengarten
- Rosengracht
- Rosensprung
- Rosenthal
- Rosenzopf, Wolfgang
- Rosetti Sisters, The
- Rose Visions
- Rosi lebt
- Rosi Spezial
- Rosivita
- Rosls, The
- Rosmanith, Peter
- Rosmanith/Trabitsch
- Rospleszecz, Philipp
- Rossavielle
- Rossbacher, Gerald
- Rossner, Bernd
- Rostfrei
- Rostrock
- Roswell 47, DJ
- Rot, Kapelle
- Rota, Nino
- Rote Augen
- Roter Engel Chor
- Roter Fäustling
- Roterfeld
- Roter Gamsbart
- Roter Oktober
- Roter Rot
- Roter Stern Silberstern
- Rote Zora
- Roth, Thomas
- Roth/ Theessink/ Pozar
- Rotheneder, Martin
- Rothstein, Lena
- Rothstein, Lena & Ensemble Spharadim
- Rotieren
- Rot in Rot
- Rotkopf
- Rotschopf, Teresa
- Rotstich
- Rotstich, Ramona
- Rotted On Toilet
- Rotten Cold
- Rotten Halo
- Rotten Rooters
- Rotterdam
- Rot Weiss Tod
- Rotz
- Rotzpipn
- Rouge
- Rouge et Noir
- Rough Enough
- Rough Surface
- Rought
- Rought feat. Susana Sawoff
- Rounder Girls, The
- Rounds
- Round Table Knights feat. Ogris Debris
- Route 66
- Route To Groove
- Rox, La
- Rox 4
- Roxanne Szankovich
- Royal
- Royal Cat Club
- Royal Diving Academy
- Royal Flush Orchestra
- Royal Garden Jazz Band
- Royal Kombo
- Roy De Roy
- Roy Edel
- Royer, Sofie
- RoyGreen
- RoyGreen, Protone & Dual
- RoyGreen, Protone & Joakuim
- RoyGreen, Protone & Scepticz
- RoyGreen & Protone
- RoyGreen & Protone & Ben Soundscape
- RoyGreen & Protone & Boka Boka
- RoyGreen & Protone & BokaBoka & Krint
- Roy Green & Protone & Double Jeu & Sam
- RoyGreen & Protone & Monologue
- RoyGreen & Protone & Monologue & LaMeduza
- RoyGreen & Protone & Natural Flavour
- RoyGreen & Protone & Phase
- Roy Green & Protone feat. Dorian
- Röyksopp
- Roys Are Back In Town, The
- Rozman Lisa
- Rozol, Igor
- Rozznpack
- RP5 Resetarits-Puschnig-Quintett
- RPB Rock'n'Poetry Band
- Rregula & Dementia
- Rröslein Tott
- rrralph
- RS Bigband
- RTL 3
- Rubberfinger
- Rubberfresh
- Rubber Soul
- Rubbervox
- Ruben And The Jets
- Ruben Dimitri
- Rubesch, Grete
- Rübezahl
- Rubin, Billy Trio, The
- Rubin, Mick
- Rubin, Peter
- Rubini, Gudrun
- Rubinowitz/Potuznik
- Rückgrat
- Rucki Zucki Palmencombo
- Ruckus Keepers
- Ruckus X Gear X Ominous
- Rückwärts-Gäng, The
- Rudern
- Rudi Berger and the Three World Band
- Rudi Biber
- Rudi Biber's Lovemachine
- Rudl
- Rudnik, Barbara
- Rudolfsheim Fünfhaus
- Ruediger
- Rüegg Mathias
- Ruesmend Bluesbend
- Ruf, Christina
- Ruff´n´Rich
- Ruff ´n´ Tuff
- Ruffhands
- Ruffian & Dumanoid
- Ruffian Rugged Governor General Rugged
- Ruff Pack, The
- Ruff Stuff
- Rufus
- Rüfüs Du Sol
- Rugged Inc.
- Ruh
- Ruhmer
- Ruidosa Inmundicia
- Ruinaerus
- Rummy Sharma
- Rumperts, The
- Runa, Franco & Orchester Teddy Windholz
- Rund
- RunDemSound
- Run For Cover
- Runners High
- Running Fetus
- Running Hybrids
- Running Sores
- Running Stream
- Run Riot
- Runtime Terror
- Rupert's Jazz Construction
- Ruppnig, Mathias
- Rupprecht, Felix
- Rush-hour
- Russ, Michael
- Russian Gentleman Club, The
- Russkaja
- Rußmann, Manfred und Bruhin, Anton
- Rußmann, Manfred und Magdalena
- Russmann, Manfred und Robert
- Rußmann, Manfred und Schörkl, Werner
- Rußmann, Manfred und Walter, Herbert
- Russo, Manuel
- Rusty & Jay
- Rüsty Diamönds Rusty Diamonds
- Rusty Franx
- Rusty Nail
- Rüttler
- Ruzicka, Evelyn
- Rycojets, The
- Rydel, Kimberly F.
- Ryo Sketch
- Ryotts
- Ryte
- Rythm & Breath
- RyuX
- RyuX vs. Elfo
- RyZn
- RØGDAR & Toxic D.N.A