- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands aus Niederösterreich
- 'Manstree, The
- 2 Faces
- 4 Giants
- 4 Giants Later
- 4 vor 2000
- 4-Xang
- 4tune
- 6-Xang
- 62-Connaction
- A Frog And A Strawberry Blonde
- A Taste of Ink (ATOI)
- A.Voltage
- ARTgerecht
- Aalysha
- Aber Das Leben Lebt
- Abfangjäger, Die
- Abigor
- Acris
- Across the Delta
- Acute Francis
- Adamon
- Adrenaline Kings
- Aeons of Ashes
- Age End Orange
- Agem Project
- Agony
- Aimless
- Aioaska
- Aiwasian
- Akustixxx
- Al x-rays
- Alexa
- Alissia Laureen
- Amalea
- Ambros, Wolfgang & Bisenz Alexander
- Amerling
- Amestigon
- Amon
- Amplitudes
- Amun Re
- And I Bleed...
- And many more!
- Andrews, Luke
- Andrews, Luke Band
- Andy R.
- Angel Dust
- Angizia
- Angry Nation
- Anomalie
- Ant-Hill
- Antrue & ChiLL iLL
- Antz, The
- Aphrodiziax
- Appendix
- Arkestra
- Art Mayr Band
- Artett
- Aschenglas
- Ascher
- Ashantee Foundation
- Ass Vierzig
- Astpai
- Atomhörnchen
- Attention!
- Attic, The
- Ausnahmezustand
- B.B.S., DJ
- B.O.S.
- B.O.S. & TMA
- Back To Avenue
- Backdoor Bluesband
- Badner Schmäh
- Bahamuth
- Bahnhof Kollektiv
- Bahö
- Bakimed & Alcaza
- Ballycotton
- Barbecue
- Barefoot Basement
- Basement
- Basilikum
- Bastard Peels
- Bates Men
- Bates Unlimited (The Bates)
- Bauch, Bernhard
- Bauer, Wolfgang
- Baxant Bogner
- Beatcore
- Beatroot
- Beautiful Mistake, A
- Bedernik, Marcel
- Ben Martin
- Berger & Kunz
- Bernd Bechtloff
- Bernhard Speer
- Berserk
- Best Before Yesterday
- Beverly Hells
- Beyond A Coloured Dream
- Big Apple
- Big Band Oberndorf
- Big Band Scheibbs
- Bis eine heult
- Blabensteiner, David
- Black Riders, The
- Blank!
- Bled Dry
- Blending Borders
- Blinded Colours
- Blisco, DJ
- Bloodshed Remains
- Blue Mondaze
- Blue Spirit
- Blue Thunder
- BlueNote10
- Bluespumpm
- Body Hot Face Not
- Bongo & Friends
- Boomarang Sound
- Boon
- Boring Blues Band
- Bow Rider
- Brackets Closed
- Bradln & Bier
- Brainstorm
- Braunton
- Breinschmid, Georg & Gansch, Thomas
- Broken Radio Show
- Bros, Erwin & die Geschworenen
- Brothers, The
- Bruder, Christian
- Brunthaler, Kurt - Big Band
- Brute
- Buffalo Bells, The
- Bugs In The Coffee
- Burger, A.
- Burn.Time
- Burned Out
- Bury The Sun
- Busdriver´s King
- Bust The Chain
- Candle-S
- Carnuntum Vibration
- Cascade 3
- Cassious Clay
- Cathy
- Cautery
- Cephalic
- Chaos Inside
- Charly Bone
- Chasepath
- Cheek Dakota
- Chief Jackson
- Chiefs, The
- Children Of A Lesser God
- Chili Cell
- Chill Ill
- Chiller, Die
- Chips
- Chiron
- Chmela, Walter
- Cholitos, Los
- Chorea Minor
- Cidequa
- Ciunas
- Climax
- Clonious, The
- Clutch At Straws
- Cockpits, The
- Cocoplexplex
- College Coma
- Common Blue, The
- Con-Dom feat. Rohita J.
- Conny Chaos & die Retortenkinder
- Contower
- Cornerstone
- Cosmic Crotonbugs
- Cosmic Wheel, The
- Country Buskers
- Cow Hill Gang
- Coxx, Paul
- Coxx, Paul & die Panzerknacker
- Cranes of Ibykus
- Crossrock
- Csaikl, Joachim
- Cuarteto Cameselle
- Cube
- Cue
- Custos & Weber
- DJ Mexondex
- Da Capo
- DaDü
- Daimler
- Dandy Hoffman
- Dani Lia
- Dargaard
- Dark Deception
- Dark Message
- Darkside
- Dash2
- Daumpflok
- Dave Reismann
- Davenport
- Deacon Scott
- Deaf James
- Death Mentality
- Death Row Diner
- Deep Inside
- Deeper Than Purple
- Defilla
- Deluca
- Demian
- Dependance
- Desperado Inc.
- Destroy, Munich
- Devastating Enemy
- Dice
- Digestives, The
- Dimitrij
- Dirtywink
- DiscoTier
- Division
- Dixiefritz & The Hippolyt Stompers
- Django Destructivo
- Doc Dooley & Friends
- Doctors, Die
- Dominion III
- Doors Experience, The
- Dorftrommler, Die
- Dossa & Locuzzed
- Dr. Brain
- Drained Thoughts
- Dreambakers, The
- Drei
- Drescher
- Dreschflegel
- Dritte Hand
- Drugstore
- DualXess
- Dubios
- Dumb
- Dust
- Dust n` Bones
- Dynamo99
- Dämmerattacke
- E.M.S.
- EARased
- Eastwood Haze
- Eccos, The
- Eden, Ralf Band
- Eder, Alexander
- Edictum
- Edmund
- Egger, Bernhard Blues Band
- Ein grüner Feuerlöscher mit Hang zur Kontroverse
- Einfach Flo
- Electric Church
- Electric Youngsters Trio
- Ella
- Emily's Bleeding
- Emma-Mo
- Empty Flags
- Empyre
- Emray, Chris
- Enclave
- Endocrane
- Ensemble des Musicals Rattengift
- Entspannten, Die
- Epsilon
- Erase Gap
- Erdklang Weinviertel
- Erebus
- Erschlagen
- Espresso
- Essl, Karlheinz
- Esteban's
- Eternias, Die
- Ettenauer, Isabel
- Everton
- Evil Mopped
- Evolution8
- Exceed Excess
- Excite
- Excuse Me Moses
- Exit7
- Exploited Pony
- Extreme Gene
- Exzentrinker (Unfit)
- Eyetolegy
- FS Massaker
- Fabman & Bobbin
- Fait
- Familie Ruppert
- Familienbande
- Famous Flash
- Faust
- Feitel
- Fellatio
- Fibich, Bernhard
- Fields, Paul
- Fields, Paul Trio
- Filz´, Richard Geräuschekünstler
- Finger
- Firestorm
- Firetribemusic
- Flakes
- Flakes, The
- Flame
- Flamedukes, The
- Flatcat Ramblers
- Flohhaufen
- Folterkammer
- Forchtenstein
- Forstner, Thomas
- Fortuna
- Fortunas Favourites
- Four Front
- Four in a Cage
- Frammin' At The Jim Jam
- Fran San Disco
- Francis International Airport
- Frank, Franz
- Frank, Michael
- Franz Fuexe
- Franz-Riegler, Thomas
- Freaction, The
- Free Competition
- Freezy Trap
- Freischwimma
- Fresh Andy, DJ
- Fresh Freddie
- Freund Hein
- Fried Freak Orchestra
- From Dawn To Fall
- From My Chest
- Frozen, The
- Funkalicious
- Funkfurter
- Funkwart
- Fuzpils
- Fuzzy Headed Puppy Dogs, The
- Fäke
- Fänggen
- Gandalf
- Gassies, The
- General Protection Fault
- Geranium Kiss
- Gerda & Bongo
- Gescheiterten Existenzen, Die
- Get It!
- Giant Blonder
- Gilt Of Dudes
- Glaring Green Chick-Peas
- Glückskleepflücker
- Goala
- Godgets, The
- Godsentus
- Goga, Olivia
- Gogets, The
- Goldfisch
- Goldfisch
- Goldfisch
- Good
- Good Life Period
- Google
- Gradwohl, Gerald
- Gradwohl, Gerald Trio
- Granitarium
- Grant
- Gravögl
- Green Coloured Sun
- Grenzgang
- Gretchenfrage, Die
- Grey Years
- Grimus
- Grotesk
- Grünzweig
- Grüssinger, Hans
- Grütze & Philipp Zahlbruckner
- Gschu
- H Punkt Schedlmayer Trio
- Haberhauer, Robert
- Hackl, Markus
- Haidl, Klaus
- Half Past Ten
- Hancock
- Hart & Fried & Co
- Hauk
- Hausg'macht
- Hausmannskost
- Haydn, Tom
- Heaven Rise
- Heavy Preachers Club
- Heftig
- Heftschentis
- Heinrich, Peter
- Helix
- Hendl With Kehr
- Herbstrock
- Herby & The King Bees
- Herzdame
- Hetaeren, Die
- Hetzendorfer, Gerhard Brazil Project
- High-Hat
- Hills Like White Lions
- Hitch Hikers, The
- Holly For Kings
- Holy, Peter
- Holza
- Hoot Up
- Horny Funk Brothers
- Hotel Palindrone
- House of Riddim
- Huber, Alois
- Hutter, Helmut und das Waldviertler Schrammeltrio
- Höhenflug
- I Am Cereals
- I Am The Horseman
- I Watch Mountains Grow
- ILLuSion
- Ilathar
- Imbsound
- Impulse Eventmusik
- Incredible Fake, The
- Indigo
- Ineé
- Infantil
- Infra
- Inquisition
- Insane Edition
- Insecure
- Insomnia
- Intoxication
- Intrepidity
- Ippolit
- Iram Chace
- J*A*N feat. U.D.S.S.R.
- JM Kanes
- Jaba
- Jailhouse Dogs, The
- Jake Pure
- Jeager
- Jesus Christ Smokes Holy Gasoline
- Jig
- Jolphin
- Joruma
- Josy & the Joggers
- Jotu Jeu
- Joy
- Judy and the Fuckerbabes
- Jugendstil
- Junk Food
- Just Around
- Kalnein, Heinrich von
- Kalnein, Heinrich von/Schaeffer, Roland
- KamptalMusic
- Kano
- Kaputt AG
- Karasek, Norbert & Harald Edelbauer
- Kasperltheater
- Katakomb
- Katastrophen Kommando
- Katjuscha
- Kehin
- Kelly
- Kentucky Callin'
- Kern
- Kid Copy
- Kidney Loop
- Kiff Kaputto
- Kiliang
- Killer Spirit
- Killerwatt
- Kimera
- Kinderlähmung
- King Luie
- King, Herby Quintett
- Kitzmüller, Werner
- Kitzmüller, Werner Trio
- Klubbhoppers
- Knötaröt
- Kobayashi
- Kothflöhe
- Kremser, Martin
- Kreuzer, Albert
- Kreuzer, Albert Big Band
- Kugel i
- Kung Fu Kitty
- Kurzmann Taktgott
- Köhler & Köhler
- Köhler, Reinhard
- Lagler, Manfred
- Lahmer, Franz
- Landscape Izuma
- Langer, Valdinho
- Last Order, The
- Laura & The Comrats
- Laura Kamhuber
- Lausch
- Leeloo
- Lens-n-Pens
- Lesotho
- Libuda, Dieter
- Lichtenwallner, Martin
- Lights of Auckland
- Lindner, Wolfgang Band
- Linko
- Lipm
- Liptower
- Liquid Darkness
- Litter Basket
- Logic Psycho
- Loony Brain
- Loop Doctors
- Loose Lips
- Loose Lips Sink Ships
- Lost Soul
- Lost in Majority
- Love Piratas
- Low Key
- Lucas, Andreas
- Lukascher
- Luke Danfield
- Lurch
- Lükopodium
- MSL368
- Mac Animal
- Machacek, Alex
- Machacek, Mario A. Group
- Mad Boilers
- Mad Society
- Madcaps
- Magenta + Deluca
- Makrelengeiger, Die
- Mandy Tankys
- Mantan
- Manu Alto
- Marajá
- Mario Ranieri
- Mario Ranieri feat. Braunton
- Mario Ranieri feat. Elena
- Markus Sis & Peter Box
- Marty Pi
- Massive Riot
- Mausoleum
- Max of Prey
- MayDay
- Meadows
- Meatballs
- Mednezz
- Megna
- Meissner, Peter
- Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen
- Mellauner, Elisabeth
- Melony
- Memory of Tomorrow
- Men´s Club
- Midgard
- Mike And The Gangbang
- Milch
- Milt
- Mind the Gap
- MindFlip
- Minds In Shellshock
- Mini & Claus
- Minimalisten
- Miscellanea
- Miss Pixie
- Missing Link, The
- Mitterfeld
- Mittwinter
- Mixed Ingredients
- Moglee
- MogliCore
- Molotow Cocktail
- Monkey Rage In The Gorilla Cage
- Monochrome Tone, The
- Monotrigger
- Montgomery
- Moonyards
- Moral Majority
- Morchestra
- More Most Music
- Mostheadz
- Mover
- Mr. Wizard
- Mundpropaganda
- Mushybeats
- Muthspiel, Christian & Motley Mothertongue
- My Moral Majority
- My Only Salvation
- My Sister's Name is Frank
- Männertherapie
- Naca7
- Nagel, Der
- Namasté
- Nameless
- Naps, The
- Narish
- Narishe Tantz
- Nattastoy
- Nebo_sis
- Neckam, Maria
- Nema
- Nemesis Affair
- Neon Cowboys
- Neongrau
- Nero
- Ness
- Neue Liebe
- Neuen, Die
- Never Ending Circle
- Nevergreen
- Neversage
- New Area
- New Fast
- New Kits On The Drums (And The Session Brothers)
- New Native
- New West
- Nex Aestatis
- Nick Thal & Band
- Nikator
- Nine Inch Negl
- No Excuse
- No Exit
- No More Encore
- No Pride
- No Quality
- NoCult
- Nocturnes Creatures
- Nono Punch
- Noohoorsh
- Novi, Chris
- Nowotnys Message
- Nucleus Mind
- Nuun
- Oberger, Hannes "Mini"
- Obsession
- Occupied
- Of Like Mind
- Officer Friendly
- Oide Hodan
- Oil & Water
- Omicrøn
- One Aim
- One-Eight-Seven
- Opfekompott
- Orange Crush
- Orlando Doom
- Oskar - The Cover Collective
- Ostbahnselbsthilfegruppe
- Other Kind, The
- Ottis, Mike
- Out Of Rage
- Pain & Glory
- Pan Kee-Bois
- Panjapol
- Paradise Now!
- Patti's Paranoia
- PauT
- Perenda, Sonja
- Perfect Days
- Permanent Pump
- Pernusch, Franz
- Peter Nidetzky & the Spooky Kids
- Peter Pan
- Peter Pan
- Petticoats, The
- Philipp Griessler
- Philipp Manfred & Patrick Johann
- Phobe
- PhoroptiC
- Pictures Of My Friends
- Più
- Place of Clod
- Playpunk
- Plus
- Pocket Rocket
- Poets Cage
- Pohn / Scheer / Rotheneder
- Poison Rose
- Popeye´s Gone Insane
- Poptracker
- Poslusny, Victor
- Powergrade, The
- Premature Birth
- Previously Unreleased
- Primitive
- Primitive Times
- Private Sun
- Prohaska
- Project, The
- Prosperity Denied
- Psy 9
- PsySon
- Psychospank
- PsyloAirlines
- Pure Cellar Orchid
- Pyrogene
- Quartz
- Queue, The
- Quick Lunch
- R. O. Insanity
- R.O.M.
- Radio Wahnsinn
- Rantanplan, DJ
- Rauch, Verena
- Ravenhill
- Ravenhorst
- Ravers On Dope
- Re-Evolution
- Reactive
- Reanima
- Recall To Life
- Reconfused
- Red-Faced Farmer Boys, The
- Redhead Army
- Reisenzahn, Reinhard
- Reizend
- Rekord Kicker
- Rentokill
- Resistate
- Ribisls
- Richthammer
- Rioters, The
- Rob Clements
- Rock Company
- RockBrew
- Rocquette
- Roedelius, Hans-Joachim
- Rolling Stones Project, The
- Rooner Meye
- Rootless
- Roots Vibration
- Rosa Friedhof
- Rosengracht
- Rotheneder, Martin
- Rotted On Toilet
- Royal
- Royal Flush Orchestra
- Rubberfinger
- Rund
- RyZn
- Röhren, Die
- S' letzte Moi
- S.H.E.
- S.L.K.
- STP Circle
- SabineWerner
- Sabotage
- Sackratten, Die
- Sadako
- Sadjewuschek
- Saelentum
- Sahara
- Salami Sux
- SalonCapelle Nebosis
- Samek, Peter
- Samplissimo
- Samsara
- Sapperlott
- Sarah
- Satara
- Scapegoat Delu:xxe
- Scenario Fever
- Schattenkoenig
- Scheibbs 3 & Band
- Schlager, Jimmy
- Scholler, Lukas
- Schweighart, David
- Schwiegermutter?
- Scooter
- Screena
- Second Effort
- Sector B
- Secula
- Sei ned so goaschtig zu meiner Goaß
- Seiler und Speer
- Seiler, Christopher
- Selling The Drama
- Senchai
- Sense of Justice
- Sepia
- Septon
- Sergeant Pluck Himself
- Seven Ages
- Seven Eleven - The Unplugged Experience
- Sevenhead
- Sex on The Beach
- Shantisan
- She and the Junkies
- Shellac Strikers Swing Bigband
- Shoutoutlouds-Coverband, The
- Shylock Nerd
- Sick'n'Flaw
- Sickness
- Sicknez
- Side Effect
- Sign of Decay
- Silveree
- Sinikka Monte
- Sisnation
- Skeptic Eleptic
- Skirt, The
- Skolka
- Skw!d
- SkyDy
- Slap Back
- Slooga
- Smart Love Junkies
- Smokestack Lightning
- Snack Attack
- Snitch Bros.
- So What
- Soey
- Sokal, Harry
- Solar Manoeuvre
- Solitude
- Sollbruchstelle
- Sommerkind
- Sommerregen
- Sonic Bastards
- Sophistication
- Soul Chordz
- Soul Devoured
- Soul Kitchen
- Soul, Dr.
- Soundkiller
- Sounds of Silence
- Southeast
- Sparks to Fire
- Spazierer, Die
- Spengler
- Spiegelbild
- Splat
- Split
- Splitternackt
- Sport
- Squeeze My Lemon
- Squirtophobic
- Staff
- Stainless
- Starman
- Stay Due Beauty
- Steckling
- Steirer Franz
- Steirer Music Company
- Stereo Bullets
- Steve Hope
- Stick, Tom
- Still Kids
- Stilllegung
- Stinger, DJ
- Stoahoat & Bazwoach
- Stone Circus
- Stone Free
- Stone, William
- Stonefield
- Stooka
- Stranded
- Strauss
- Strobl, Heinz
- Suckceed
- Sugar Smash
- Sun Secrets
- Sun, The
- SunSurfaz, The
- Sundown Spirits
- Sunset
- SuperToaster
- Superchild
- Swoon
- Symbiotika
- T.U.B.E.
- TakaTuka
- TakaTuka & GehLekTek
- Tamtam de Luxe
- Tan Me
- Tanga
- Tanzband Focus, Die
- Tate
- Tecteam
- Teratrycin
- Texas Riders
- Texmens
- Texmens Booszerock
- Thal, Nick
- Theiser, Reinhard
- Threeo
- Thrilla In Manila
- Time for Pride
- Timothy´s Garden
- Toegang
- TomX
- Tommy Gun
- Tommyknockerz
- Top Secred
- Topsy Turvy
- Totgeglaubt
- Toughmotion
- Tower of Power Project, The
- Trabitsch, Klaus
- Tracy´s Flaw
- Traise
- Trilox
- TrioBoot
- Tripminus
- Trug
- Truncation Terror
- Truth About Marilyn, The
- Tschok, die Dohle
- Tuff Stuff
- Tune Up
- Turbobier
- Tuskulum
- Twisted Aura
- Two Faces
- Twominutesleft
- Ulla und Komplizen
- Umspannwerk
- Unavoidable
- Und de scheenen Hoa
- Und morgen, der Asphalt
- Unforsaken
- Unicorn
- United Bastards
- United Love Affairs, The
- United Workers
- Unity
- Unknown Pleasures
- Unmarried Men
- Unorthodox Behavior Jazzrock
- Urini, Ronnie "Rocket"
- Use No Hooks
- ValSans
- ValiG
- Van De Gruufmaakers
- Vatagin, Alexandr
- Verderber
- Vesselsky // Kühn
- Vesselsky, Irmie
- Violent Heat
- Virus, The
- Visions of Kaya
- Vladivostoks, The
- Voodoo Jürgens
- Wachauer Buam
- Wakeness Overload
- Waldfee
- Wandl
- Warcult
- Warrator
- Wasted Weasel
- Waves
- We Are Accidents
- We Should Be Friends
- Westpol
- What´s That
- Whispers In The Shadow
- Why Goats Why
- Wild Element
- Windspiel
- Winter
- Winterday
- Wolfgang Ableidinger
- Wood & Strings
- Woody Melectric
- WortAllianz
- Wosisig
- Wotanic Desire
- X-Act, The
- X-Beliebig
- X-Dream
- X-Posed
- Xnund
- Yawp Sonata
- Years, The
- Yell, The
- Yllmangspach
- You Fool
- Ytterbium
- Z.U.A - Zumindest unguat aufgfoin
- Zach, Angie
- Zanot, Gustav
- Zantleitner, Florian
- Zappa & The Wild Irish Lasses
- Zbass
- Zenflow
- Zenit
- Zerbrechlich
- Zero Hero
- Zero Physics
- Zip Guns
- Zoubek, Philip
- Zsa Zsa Gabor's, The
- Zur Wachauerin & Die Strottern
- Zytacorean Tirtum Gang
- ch-club, the
- d´Fiyahware
- hook+loop
- iloveakim
- kleinLAUT
- mdf
- n-Ear
- schäferischen Kiwara, die
- six7eight
- tran/nachbagauer/keppel/hölzel
- ughBoots
- vaZdaZ
- vaZdaZ & TakaTuka
- xol21
- zwo3wir
- Äpplicätör 120
- Önorm Absolut Austropop