1. Name
  2. Gründungsjahr
  3. Bundesland
  4. Genre
  5. Funktion
  6. Filter

Bands aus Niederösterreich

  1. 'Manstree, The
  2. 2 Faces
  3. 4 Giants
  4. 4 Giants Later
  5. 4 vor 2000
  6. 4-Xang
  7. 4tune
  8. 6-Xang
  9. 62-Connaction
  10. A Frog And A Strawberry Blonde
  11. A Taste of Ink (ATOI)
  12. A.Voltage
  13. ARTgerecht
  14. Aalysha
  15. Aber Das Leben Lebt
  16. Abfangjäger, Die
  17. Abigor
  18. Acris
  19. Across the Delta
  20. Acute Francis
  21. Adamon
  22. Adrenaline Kings
  23. Aeons of Ashes
  24. Age End Orange
  25. Agem Project
  26. Agony
  27. Aimless
  28. Aioaska
  29. Aiwasian
  30. Akustixxx
  31. Al x-rays
  32. Alexa
  33. Alissia Laureen
  34. Amalea
  35. Ambros, Wolfgang & Bisenz Alexander
  36. Amerling
  37. Amestigon
  38. Amon
  39. Amplitudes
  40. Amun Re
  41. And I Bleed...
  42. And many more!
  43. Andrews, Luke
  44. Andrews, Luke Band
  45. Andy R.
  46. Angel Dust
  47. Angizia
  48. Angry Nation
  49. Anomalie
  50. Ant-Hill
  51. Antrue & ChiLL iLL
  52. Antz, The
  53. Aphrodiziax
  54. Appendix
  55. Arkestra
  56. Art Mayr Band
  57. Artett
  58. Aschenglas
  59. Ascher
  60. Ashantee Foundation
  61. Ass Vierzig
  62. Astpai
  63. Atomhörnchen
  64. Attention!
  65. Attic, The
  66. Ausnahmezustand
  67. B.B.S., DJ
  68. B.O.S.
  69. B.O.S. & TMA
  70. BCSB
  71. BHF
  72. BLiND
  74. BSE
  75. Back To Avenue
  76. Backdoor Bluesband
  77. Badner Schmäh
  78. Bahamuth
  79. Bahnhof Kollektiv
  80. Bahö
  81. Bakimed & Alcaza
  82. Ballycotton
  83. Barbecue
  84. Barefoot Basement
  85. Basement
  86. Basilikum
  87. Bastard Peels
  88. Bates Men
  89. Bates Unlimited (The Bates)
  90. Bauch, Bernhard
  91. Bauer, Wolfgang
  92. Baxant Bogner
  93. Beatcore
  94. Beatroot
  95. Beautiful Mistake, A
  96. Bedernik, Marcel
  97. Ben Martin
  98. Berger & Kunz
  99. Bernd Bechtloff
  100. Bernhard Speer
  101. Berserk
  102. Best Before Yesterday
  103. Beverly Hells
  104. Beyond A Coloured Dream
  105. Big Apple
  106. Big Band Oberndorf
  107. Big Band Scheibbs
  108. Bis eine heult
  109. Blabensteiner, David
  110. Black Riders, The
  111. Blank!
  112. Bled Dry
  113. Blending Borders
  114. Blinded Colours
  115. Blisco, DJ
  116. Bloodshed Remains
  117. Blue Mondaze
  118. Blue Spirit
  119. Blue Thunder
  120. BlueNote10
  121. Bluespumpm
  122. Body Hot Face Not
  123. Bongo & Friends
  124. Boomarang Sound
  125. Boon
  126. Boring Blues Band
  127. Bow Rider
  128. Brackets Closed
  129. Bradln & Bier
  130. Brainstorm
  131. Braunton
  132. Breinschmid, Georg & Gansch, Thomas
  133. Broken Radio Show
  134. Bros, Erwin & die Geschworenen
  135. Brothers, The
  136. Bruder, Christian
  137. Brunthaler, Kurt - Big Band
  138. Brute
  139. Buffalo Bells, The
  140. Bugs In The Coffee
  141. Burger, A.
  142. Burn.Time
  143. Burned Out
  144. Bury The Sun
  145. Busdriver´s King
  146. Bust The Chain
  147. Candle-S
  148. Carnuntum Vibration
  149. Cascade 3
  150. Cassious Clay
  151. Cathy
  152. Cautery
  153. Cephalic
  154. Chaos Inside
  155. Charly Bone
  156. Chasepath
  157. Cheek Dakota
  158. Chief Jackson
  159. Chiefs, The
  160. Children Of A Lesser God
  161. Chili Cell
  162. Chill Ill
  163. Chiller, Die
  164. Chips
  165. Chiron
  166. Chmela, Walter
  167. Cholitos, Los
  168. Chorea Minor
  169. Cidequa
  170. Ciunas
  171. Climax
  172. Clonious, The
  173. Clutch At Straws
  174. Cockpits, The
  175. Cocoplexplex
  176. College Coma
  177. Common Blue, The
  178. Con-Dom feat. Rohita J.
  179. Conny Chaos & die Retortenkinder
  180. Contower
  181. Cornerstone
  182. Cosmic Crotonbugs
  183. Cosmic Wheel, The
  184. Country Buskers
  185. Cow Hill Gang
  186. Coxx, Paul
  187. Coxx, Paul & die Panzerknacker
  188. Cranes of Ibykus
  189. Crossrock
  190. Csaikl, Joachim
  191. Cuarteto Cameselle
  192. Cube
  193. Cue
  194. Custos & Weber
  195. DAV
  196. DJ Mexondex
  197. Da Capo
  198. DaDü
  199. Daimler
  200. Dandy Hoffman
  201. Dani Lia
  202. Dargaard
  203. Dark Deception
  204. Dark Message
  205. Darkside
  206. Dash2
  207. Daumpflok
  208. Dave Reismann
  209. Davenport
  210. Deacon Scott
  211. Deaf James
  212. Death Mentality
  213. Death Row Diner
  214. Deep Inside
  215. Deeper Than Purple
  216. Defilla
  217. Deluca
  218. Demian
  219. Dependance
  220. Desperado Inc.
  221. Destroy, Munich
  222. Devastating Enemy
  223. Dice
  224. Digestives, The
  225. Dimitrij
  226. Dirtywink
  227. DiscoTier
  228. Division
  229. Dixiefritz & The Hippolyt Stompers
  230. Django Destructivo
  231. Doc Dooley & Friends
  232. Doctors, Die
  233. Dominion III
  234. Doors Experience, The
  235. Dorftrommler, Die
  236. Dossa & Locuzzed
  237. Dr. Brain
  238. Drained Thoughts
  239. Dreambakers, The
  240. Drei
  241. Drescher
  242. Dreschflegel
  243. Dritte Hand
  244. Drugstore
  245. DualXess
  246. Dubios
  247. Dumb
  248. Dust
  249. Dust n` Bones
  250. Dynamo99
  251. Dämmerattacke
  252. E.M.S.
  253. EARased
  254. EMX
  255. Eastwood Haze
  256. Eccos, The
  257. Eden, Ralf Band
  258. Eder, Alexander
  259. Edictum
  260. Edmund
  261. Egger, Bernhard Blues Band
  262. Ein grüner Feuerlöscher mit Hang zur Kontroverse
  263. Einfach Flo
  264. Electric Church
  265. Electric Youngsters Trio
  266. Ella
  267. Emily's Bleeding
  268. Emma-Mo
  269. Empty Flags
  270. Empyre
  271. Emray, Chris
  272. Enclave
  273. Endocrane
  274. Ensemble des Musicals Rattengift
  275. Entspannten, Die
  276. Epsilon
  277. Erase Gap
  278. Erdklang Weinviertel
  279. Erebus
  280. Erschlagen
  281. Espresso
  282. Essl, Karlheinz
  283. Esteban's
  284. Eternias, Die
  285. Ettenauer, Isabel
  286. Everton
  287. Evil Mopped
  288. Evolution8
  289. Exceed Excess
  290. Excite
  291. Excuse Me Moses
  292. Exit7
  293. Exploited Pony
  294. Extreme Gene
  295. Exzentrinker (Unfit)
  296. Eyetolegy
  297. FMB
  298. FS Massaker
  299. Fabman & Bobbin
  300. Fait
  301. Familie Ruppert
  302. Familienbande
  303. Famous Flash
  304. Faust
  305. Feitel
  306. Fellatio
  307. Fibich, Bernhard
  308. Fields, Paul
  309. Fields, Paul Trio
  310. Filz´, Richard Geräuschekünstler
  311. Finger
  312. Firestorm
  313. Firetribemusic
  314. Flakes
  315. Flakes, The
  316. Flame
  317. Flamedukes, The
  318. Flatcat Ramblers
  319. Flohhaufen
  320. Folterkammer
  321. Forchtenstein
  322. Forstner, Thomas
  323. Fortuna
  324. Fortunas Favourites
  325. Four Front
  326. Four in a Cage
  327. Frammin' At The Jim Jam
  328. Fran San Disco
  329. Francis International Airport
  330. Frank, Franz
  331. Frank, Michael
  332. Franz Fuexe
  333. Franz-Riegler, Thomas
  334. Freaction, The
  335. Free Competition
  336. Freezy Trap
  337. Freischwimma
  338. Fresh Andy, DJ
  339. Fresh Freddie
  340. Freund Hein
  341. Fried Freak Orchestra
  342. From Dawn To Fall
  343. From My Chest
  344. Frozen, The
  345. Funkalicious
  346. Funkfurter
  347. Funkwart
  348. Fuzpils
  349. Fuzzy Headed Puppy Dogs, The
  350. Fäke
  351. Fänggen
  352. GLT
  353. GPF
  354. Gandalf
  355. Gassies, The
  356. General Protection Fault
  357. Geranium Kiss
  358. Gerda & Bongo
  359. Gescheiterten Existenzen, Die
  360. Get It!
  361. Giant Blonder
  362. Gilt Of Dudes
  363. Glaring Green Chick-Peas
  364. Glückskleepflücker
  365. Goala
  366. Godgets, The
  367. Godsentus
  368. Goga, Olivia
  369. Gogets, The
  370. Goldfisch
  371. Goldfisch
  372. Goldfisch
  373. Good
  374. Good Life Period
  375. Google
  376. Gradwohl, Gerald
  377. Gradwohl, Gerald Trio
  378. Granitarium
  379. Grant
  380. Gravögl
  381. Green Coloured Sun
  382. Grenzgang
  383. Gretchenfrage, Die
  384. Grey Years
  385. Grimus
  386. Grotesk
  387. Grünzweig
  388. Grüssinger, Hans
  389. Grütze & Philipp Zahlbruckner
  390. Gschu
  391. H Punkt Schedlmayer Trio
  392. Haberhauer, Robert
  393. Hackl, Markus
  394. Haidl, Klaus
  395. Half Past Ten
  396. Hancock
  397. Hart & Fried & Co
  398. Hauk
  399. Hausg'macht
  400. Hausmannskost
  401. Haydn, Tom
  402. Heaven Rise
  403. Heavy Preachers Club
  404. Heftig
  405. Heftschentis
  406. Heinrich, Peter
  407. Helix
  408. Hendl With Kehr
  409. Herbstrock
  410. Herby & The King Bees
  411. Herzdame
  412. Hetaeren, Die
  413. Hetzendorfer, Gerhard Brazil Project
  414. High-Hat
  415. Hills Like White Lions
  416. Hitch Hikers, The
  417. Holly For Kings
  418. Holy, Peter
  419. Holza
  420. Hoot Up
  421. Horny Funk Brothers
  422. Hotel Palindrone
  423. House of Riddim
  424. Huber, Alois
  425. Hutter, Helmut und das Waldviertler Schrammeltrio
  426. Höhenflug
  427. I Am Cereals
  428. I Am The Horseman
  429. I Watch Mountains Grow
  430. ILLuSion
  431. Ilathar
  432. Imbsound
  433. Impulse Eventmusik
  434. Incredible Fake, The
  435. Indigo
  436. Ineé
  437. Infantil
  438. Infra
  439. Inquisition
  440. Insane Edition
  441. Insecure
  442. Insomnia
  443. Intoxication
  444. Intrepidity
  445. Ippolit
  446. Iram Chace
  447. J*A*N feat. U.D.S.S.R.
  448. JAN Feat.UDSSR
  449. JM Kanes
  450. Jaba
  451. Jailhouse Dogs, The
  452. Jake Pure
  453. Jeager
  454. Jesus Christ Smokes Holy Gasoline
  455. Jig
  456. Jolphin
  457. Joruma
  458. Josy & the Joggers
  459. Jotu Jeu
  460. Joy
  461. Judy and the Fuckerbabes
  462. Jugendstil
  463. Junk Food
  464. Just Around
  465. Kalnein, Heinrich von
  466. Kalnein, Heinrich von/Schaeffer, Roland
  467. KamptalMusic
  468. Kano
  469. Kaputt AG
  470. Karasek, Norbert & Harald Edelbauer
  471. Kasperltheater
  472. Katakomb
  473. Katastrophen Kommando
  474. Katjuscha
  475. Kehin
  476. Kelly
  477. Kentucky Callin'
  478. Kern
  479. Kid Copy
  480. Kidney Loop
  481. Kiff Kaputto
  482. Kiliang
  483. Killer Spirit
  484. Killerwatt
  485. Kimera
  486. Kinderlähmung
  487. King Luie
  488. King, Herby Quintett
  489. Kitzmüller, Werner
  490. Kitzmüller, Werner Trio
  491. Klubbhoppers
  492. Knötaröt
  493. Kobayashi
  494. Kothflöhe
  495. Kremser, Martin
  496. Kreuzer, Albert
  497. Kreuzer, Albert Big Band
  498. Kugel i
  499. Kung Fu Kitty
  500. Kurzmann Taktgott
  501. Köhler & Köhler
  502. Köhler, Reinhard
  503. Lagler, Manfred
  504. Lahmer, Franz
  505. Landscape Izuma
  506. Langer, Valdinho
  507. Last Order, The
  508. Laura & The Comrats
  509. Laura Kamhuber
  510. Lausch
  511. Leeloo
  512. Lens-n-Pens
  513. Lesotho
  514. Libuda, Dieter
  515. Lichtenwallner, Martin
  516. Lights of Auckland
  517. Lindner, Wolfgang Band
  518. Linko
  519. Lipm
  520. Liptower
  521. Liquid Darkness
  522. Litter Basket
  523. Logic Psycho
  524. Loony Brain
  525. Loop Doctors
  526. Loose Lips
  527. Loose Lips Sink Ships
  528. Lost Soul
  529. Lost in Majority
  530. Love Piratas
  531. Low Key
  532. Lucas, Andreas
  533. Lukascher
  534. Luke Danfield
  535. Lurch
  536. Lükopodium
  537. MSL368
  538. Mac Animal
  539. Machacek, Alex
  540. Machacek, Mario A. Group
  541. Mad Boilers
  542. Mad Society
  543. Madcaps
  544. Magenta + Deluca
  545. Makrelengeiger, Die
  546. Mandy Tankys
  547. Mantan
  548. Manu Alto
  549. Marajá
  550. Mario Ranieri
  551. Mario Ranieri feat. Braunton
  552. Mario Ranieri feat. Elena
  553. Markus Sis & Peter Box
  554. Marty Pi
  555. Massive Riot
  556. Mausoleum
  557. Max of Prey
  558. MayDay
  559. Meadows
  560. Meatballs
  561. Mednezz
  562. Megna
  563. Meissner, Peter
  564. Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen
  565. Mellauner, Elisabeth
  566. Melony
  567. Memory of Tomorrow
  568. Men´s Club
  569. Midgard
  570. Mike And The Gangbang
  571. Milch
  572. Milt
  573. Mind the Gap
  574. MindFlip
  575. Minds In Shellshock
  576. Mini & Claus
  577. Minimalisten
  578. Miscellanea
  579. Miss Pixie
  580. Missing Link, The
  581. Mitterfeld
  582. Mittwinter
  583. Mixed Ingredients
  584. Moglee
  585. MogliCore
  586. Molotow Cocktail
  587. Monkey Rage In The Gorilla Cage
  588. Monochrome Tone, The
  589. Monotrigger
  590. Montgomery
  591. Moonyards
  592. Moral Majority
  593. Morchestra
  594. More Most Music
  595. Mostheadz
  596. Mover
  597. Mr. Wizard
  598. Mundpropaganda
  599. Mushybeats
  600. Muthspiel, Christian & Motley Mothertongue
  601. My Moral Majority
  602. My Only Salvation
  603. My Sister's Name is Frank
  604. Männertherapie
  605. Naca7
  606. Nagel, Der
  607. Namasté
  608. Nameless
  609. Naps, The
  610. Narish
  611. Narishe Tantz
  612. Nattastoy
  613. Nebo_sis
  614. Neckam, Maria
  615. Nema
  616. Nemesis Affair
  617. Neon Cowboys
  618. Neongrau
  619. Nero
  620. Ness
  621. Neue Liebe
  622. Neuen, Die
  623. Never Ending Circle
  624. Nevergreen
  625. Neversage
  626. New Area
  627. New Fast
  628. New Kits On The Drums (And The Session Brothers)
  629. New Native
  630. New West
  631. Nex Aestatis
  632. Nick Thal & Band
  633. Nikator
  634. Nine Inch Negl
  635. No Excuse
  636. No Exit
  637. No More Encore
  638. No Pride
  639. No Quality
  640. NoCult
  641. Nocturnes Creatures
  642. Nono Punch
  643. Noohoorsh
  644. Novi, Chris
  645. Nowotnys Message
  646. Nucleus Mind
  647. Nuun
  648. Oberger, Hannes "Mini"
  649. Obsession
  650. Occupied
  651. Of Like Mind
  652. Officer Friendly
  653. Oide Hodan
  654. Oil & Water
  655. Omicrøn
  656. One Aim
  657. One-Eight-Seven
  658. Opfekompott
  659. Orange Crush
  660. Orlando Doom
  661. Oskar - The Cover Collective
  662. Ostbahnselbsthilfegruppe
  663. Other Kind, The
  664. Ottis, Mike
  665. Out Of Rage
  666. PRIFUE
  667. Pain & Glory
  668. Pan Kee-Bois
  669. Panjapol
  670. Paradise Now!
  671. Patti's Paranoia
  672. PauT
  673. Perenda, Sonja
  674. Perfect Days
  675. Permanent Pump
  676. Pernusch, Franz
  677. Peter Nidetzky & the Spooky Kids
  678. Peter Pan
  679. Peter Pan
  680. Petticoats, The
  681. Philipp Griessler
  682. Philipp Manfred & Patrick Johann
  683. Phobe
  684. PhoroptiC
  685. Pictures Of My Friends
  686. Più
  687. Place of Clod
  688. Playpunk
  689. Plus
  690. Pocket Rocket
  691. Poets Cage
  692. Pohn / Scheer / Rotheneder
  693. Poison Rose
  694. Popeye´s Gone Insane
  695. Poptracker
  696. Poslusny, Victor
  697. Powergrade, The
  698. Premature Birth
  699. Previously Unreleased
  700. Primitive
  701. Primitive Times
  702. Private Sun
  703. Prohaska
  704. Project, The
  705. Prosperity Denied
  706. Psy 9
  707. PsySon
  708. Psychospank
  709. PsyloAirlines
  710. Pure Cellar Orchid
  711. Pyrogene
  712. PÄM
  713. Quartz
  714. Queue, The
  715. Quick Lunch
  716. R. O. Insanity
  717. R.O.M.
  718. RAYJAM
  719. RIPD
  721. Radio Wahnsinn
  722. Rantanplan, DJ
  723. Rauch, Verena
  724. Ravenhill
  725. Ravenhorst
  726. Ravers On Dope
  727. Re-Evolution
  728. Reactive
  729. Reanima
  730. Recall To Life
  731. Reconfused
  732. Red-Faced Farmer Boys, The
  733. Redhead Army
  734. Reisenzahn, Reinhard
  735. Reizend
  736. Rekord Kicker
  737. Rentokill
  738. Resistate
  739. Ribisls
  740. Richthammer
  741. Rioters, The
  742. Rob Clements
  743. Rock Company
  744. RockBrew
  745. Rocquette
  746. Roedelius, Hans-Joachim
  747. Rolling Stones Project, The
  748. Rooner Meye
  749. Rootless
  750. Roots Vibration
  751. Rosa Friedhof
  752. Rosengracht
  753. Rotheneder, Martin
  754. Rotted On Toilet
  755. Royal
  756. Royal Flush Orchestra
  757. Rubberfinger
  758. Rund
  759. RyZn
  760. Röhren, Die
  761. S' letzte Moi
  762. S.H.E.
  763. S.L.K.
  764. SEN
  765. SFYA
  766. STP Circle
  767. SabineWerner
  768. Sabotage
  769. Sackratten, Die
  770. Sadako
  771. Sadjewuschek
  772. Saelentum
  773. Sahara
  774. Salami Sux
  775. SalonCapelle Nebosis
  776. Samek, Peter
  777. Samplissimo
  778. Samsara
  779. Sapperlott
  780. Sarah
  781. Satara
  782. Scapegoat Delu:xxe
  783. Scenario Fever
  784. Schattenkoenig
  785. Scheibbs 3 & Band
  786. Schlager, Jimmy
  787. Scholler, Lukas
  788. Schweighart, David
  789. Schwiegermutter?
  790. Scooter
  791. Screena
  792. Second Effort
  793. Sector B
  794. Secula
  795. Sei ned so goaschtig zu meiner Goaß
  796. Seiler und Speer
  797. Seiler, Christopher
  798. Selling The Drama
  799. Senchai
  800. Sense of Justice
  801. Sepia
  802. Septon
  803. Sergeant Pluck Himself
  804. Seven Ages
  805. Seven Eleven - The Unplugged Experience
  806. Sevenhead
  807. Sex on The Beach
  808. Shantisan
  809. She and the Junkies
  810. Shellac Strikers Swing Bigband
  811. Shoutoutlouds-Coverband, The
  812. Shylock Nerd
  813. Sick'n'Flaw
  814. Sickness
  815. Sicknez
  816. Side Effect
  817. Sign of Decay
  818. Silveree
  819. Sinikka Monte
  820. Sisnation
  821. Skeptic Eleptic
  822. Skirt, The
  823. Skolka
  824. Skw!d
  825. SkyDy
  826. Slap Back
  827. Slooga
  828. Smart Love Junkies
  829. Smokestack Lightning
  830. Snack Attack
  831. Snitch Bros.
  832. So What
  833. Soey
  834. Sokal, Harry
  835. Solar Manoeuvre
  836. Solitude
  837. Sollbruchstelle
  838. Sommerkind
  839. Sommerregen
  840. Sonic Bastards
  841. Sophistication
  842. Soul Chordz
  843. Soul Devoured
  844. Soul Kitchen
  845. Soul, Dr.
  846. Soundkiller
  847. Sounds of Silence
  848. Southeast
  849. Sparks to Fire
  850. Spazierer, Die
  851. Spengler
  852. Spiegelbild
  853. Splat
  854. Split
  855. Splitternackt
  856. Sport
  857. Squeeze My Lemon
  858. Squirtophobic
  859. Staff
  860. Stainless
  861. Starman
  862. Stay Due Beauty
  863. Steckling
  864. Steirer Franz
  865. Steirer Music Company
  866. Stereo Bullets
  867. Steve Hope
  868. Stick, Tom
  869. Still Kids
  870. Stilllegung
  871. Stinger, DJ
  872. Stoahoat & Bazwoach
  873. Stone Circus
  874. Stone Free
  875. Stone, William
  876. Stonefield
  877. Stooka
  878. Stranded
  879. Strauss
  880. Strobl, Heinz
  881. Suckceed
  882. Sugar Smash
  883. Sun Secrets
  884. Sun, The
  885. SunSurfaz, The
  886. Sundown Spirits
  887. Sunset
  888. SuperToaster
  889. Superchild
  890. Swoon
  891. Symbiotika
  892. T.U.B.E.
  893. TVÖ
  894. TakaTuka
  895. TakaTuka & GehLekTek
  896. Tamtam de Luxe
  897. Tan Me
  898. Tanga
  899. Tanzband Focus, Die
  900. Tate
  901. Tecteam
  902. Teratrycin
  903. Texas Riders
  904. Texmens
  905. Texmens Booszerock
  906. Thal, Nick
  907. Theiser, Reinhard
  908. Threeo
  909. Thrilla In Manila
  910. Time for Pride
  911. Timothy´s Garden
  912. Toegang
  913. TomX
  914. Tommy Gun
  915. Tommyknockerz
  916. Top Secred
  917. Topsy Turvy
  918. Totgeglaubt
  919. Toughmotion
  920. Tower of Power Project, The
  921. Trabitsch, Klaus
  922. Tracy´s Flaw
  923. Traise
  924. Trilox
  925. TrioBoot
  926. Tripminus
  927. Trug
  928. Truncation Terror
  929. Truth About Marilyn, The
  930. Tschok, die Dohle
  931. Tuff Stuff
  932. Tune Up
  933. Turbobier
  934. Tuskulum
  935. Twisted Aura
  936. Two Faces
  937. Twominutesleft
  938. Ulla und Komplizen
  939. Umspannwerk
  940. Unavoidable
  941. Und de scheenen Hoa
  942. Und morgen, der Asphalt
  943. Unforsaken
  944. Unicorn
  945. United Bastards
  946. United Love Affairs, The
  947. United Workers
  948. Unity
  949. Unknown Pleasures
  950. Unmarried Men
  951. Unorthodox Behavior Jazzrock
  952. Urini, Ronnie "Rocket"
  953. Use No Hooks
  954. VITRUV
  955. ValSans
  956. ValiG
  957. Van De Gruufmaakers
  958. Vatagin, Alexandr
  959. Verderber
  960. Vesselsky // Kühn
  961. Vesselsky, Irmie
  962. Violent Heat
  963. Virus, The
  964. Visions of Kaya
  965. Vladivostoks, The
  966. Voodoo Jürgens
  967. WIR
  968. WLF
  969. Wachauer Buam
  970. Wakeness Overload
  971. Waldfee
  972. Wandl
  973. Warcult
  974. Warrator
  975. Wasted Weasel
  976. Waves
  977. We Are Accidents
  978. We Should Be Friends
  979. Westpol
  980. What´s That
  981. Whispers In The Shadow
  982. Why Goats Why
  983. Wild Element
  984. Windspiel
  985. Winter
  986. Winterday
  987. Wolfgang Ableidinger
  988. Wood & Strings
  989. Woody Melectric
  990. WortAllianz
  991. Wosisig
  992. Wotanic Desire
  993. X-Act, The
  994. X-Beliebig
  995. X-Dream
  996. X-Posed
  997. Xnund
  998. Yawp Sonata
  999. Years, The
  1000. Yell, The
  1001. Yllmangspach
  1002. You Fool
  1003. Ytterbium
  1004. Z.U.A - Zumindest unguat aufgfoin
  1005. ZEN
  1006. Zach, Angie
  1007. Zanot, Gustav
  1008. Zantleitner, Florian
  1009. Zappa & The Wild Irish Lasses
  1010. Zbass
  1011. Zenflow
  1012. Zenit
  1013. Zerbrechlich
  1014. Zero Hero
  1015. Zero Physics
  1016. Zip Guns
  1017. Zoubek, Philip
  1018. Zsa Zsa Gabor's, The
  1019. Zur Wachauerin & Die Strottern
  1020. Zytacorean Tirtum Gang
  1021. ch-club, the
  1022. d´Fiyahware
  1023. hook+loop
  1024. iloveakim
  1025. kleinLAUT
  1026. mdf
  1027. n-Ear
  1028. schäferischen Kiwara, die
  1029. six7eight
  1030. tran/nachbagauer/keppel/hölzel
  1031. ughBoots
  1032. vaZdaZ
  1033. vaZdaZ & TakaTuka
  1034. xol21
  1035. zwo3wir
  1036. Äpplicätör 120
  1037. Önorm Absolut Austropop