1. Name
  2. Gründungsjahr
  3. Bundesland
  4. Genre
  5. Funktion
  6. Filter

Bands (1988)

  1. 001 Znort 101
  2. A Wedding Anniversary
  3. Alea Quartett
  4. Alea-Ensemble
  5. Anna O.
  6. Aston For Summer
  7. B.Unit
  8. Bad City Boys
  9. Big Sip
  10. Black Acid
  11. Blitzgemetzel
  12. Blues For Two
  13. Bunker
  14. Cold World
  15. Disastrous Murmur
  16. Enver Hoxha Revivalists
  17. Ferbrache & Noyce
  18. Fresh Freddie
  19. Fuckhead
  20. Futureflowers
  21. General Custer
  22. Go See Eddie
  23. Graymalkin
  24. Harmless Wankers
  25. I.E.P
  26. I.Q. 69
  27. Jive At Five
  28. Johnny & The Credit Cards
  29. L. Cube
  30. Love Grave
  31. Maische
  32. Men In Black & The Lady In Red
  33. Menage
  34. Misfit
  35. Morgen es wird schoen
  36. Neverland
  37. Nikotin
  38. Nouvelle Cuisine Big Band
  39. Oidwien
  40. Open The Barngates
  41. Out Of Order
  42. Oyce
  43. Peace Frog
  44. Picture Framed
  45. Place of Clod
  46. Precious Stone
  47. Pricks, The
  48. Pungent Stench
  49. Pure Laine
  50. Raydead
  51. Resist
  52. Roadrunners, The
  53. Sergeant Clue
  54. Seven Sioux
  55. Shady Bonsaii
  56. Since88
  57. Space Invaders
  58. StandArt
  59. Station Rose
  60. Striped Roses
  61. Supervamp
  62. T.B.C. What?
  63. Trompeteria
  64. Two By Two
  65. Weil ma Salzburger san
  66. Wek'n'M
  67. White Roots
  68. Wiff
  69. Wild Venus On Wheels
  70. Zwiezupf
  71. cKariEs