Bands (1988)
- 001 Znort 101
- A Wedding Anniversary
- Alea Quartett
- Alea-Ensemble
- Anna O.
- Aston For Summer
- B.Unit
- Bad City Boys
- Big Sip
- Black Acid
- Blitzgemetzel
- Blues For Two
- Bunker
- Cold World
- Disastrous Murmur
- Enver Hoxha Revivalists
- Ferbrache & Noyce
- Fresh Freddie
- Fuckhead
- Futureflowers
- General Custer
- Go See Eddie
- Graymalkin
- Harmless Wankers
- I.E.P
- I.Q. 69
- Jive At Five
- Johnny & The Credit Cards
- L. Cube
- Love Grave
- Maische
- Men In Black & The Lady In Red
- Menage
- Misfit
- Morgen es wird schoen
- Neverland
- Nikotin
- Nouvelle Cuisine Big Band
- Oidwien
- Open The Barngates
- Out Of Order
- Oyce
- Peace Frog
- Picture Framed
- Place of Clod
- Precious Stone
- Pricks, The
- Pungent Stench
- Pure Laine
- Raydead
- Resist
- Roadrunners, The
- Sergeant Clue
- Seven Sioux
- Shady Bonsaii
- Since88
- Space Invaders
- StandArt
- Station Rose
- Striped Roses
- Supervamp
- T.B.C. What?
- Trompeteria
- Two By Two
- Weil ma Salzburger san
- Wek'n'M
- White Roots
- Wiff
- Wild Venus On Wheels
- Zwiezupf
- cKariEs