1. Name
  2. Gründungsjahr
  3. Bundesland
  4. Genre
  5. Funktion
  6. Filter

Bands (1998)

  1. -
  2. 2000 Super
  3. 330 mle
  4. 4IIFunk (Bittersweet Crime)
  5. 7th District Inc. feat. Mystic Aura
  6. @Lisa
  7. A klana Indiana
  8. Acid Rain
  9. Afterbone
  10. Agem Project
  11. All Purpose Red
  12. Amber Fish
  13. Analog Junk-Funk
  14. Ani(e)mo(a)tion
  15. Antimaniax
  16. Antwort, Die ( ANT)
  17. Append:x
  18. Aromabar
  19. Ars Moriendi
  20. Artett
  21. Artigen, Die
  22. Atlantic Monthly, The
  23. B. Fleischmann
  24. B.A.L.D.
  25. Beautiful Kantine Band, The
  26. Best o´ The West
  27. Black Kurrant
  28. BlueBox
  29. Bonnet Freaks
  30. Brambilla
  31. Brewed & Canned
  32. C-BRA
  33. Chaos Messerschmitt
  34. Cheek Dakota
  35. Cooleur Café
  36. Cornerstone
  37. Cover In Dust
  38. Crackling Candy
  39. Crawuzi Capuzi
  40. Cryosphere
  41. DRP - Das rhythmische Prinzip
  42. DSR
  43. Dafeldecker/Kurzmann
  44. Descending Darkness
  45. Desperate Remember
  46. Deuzzaf
  47. Diana Symbiosis
  48. Dis Go Dis Way
  49. Dominion III
  50. Dominus Satanas
  51. Drei
  52. Dunkelziffer
  53. E.S.P.
  54. EEC
  55. Echophonic
  56. Edenbridge
  57. Egger
  58. Eineinhalbliter
  59. Elephant & Castle
  60. Elmü
  61. Esprit
  62. Estate
  63. Fairy Nectar
  64. Fancy Free
  65. Festering Flesh
  66. Fey Unison
  67. Focus
  68. Freiensteiner Musikganoven
  69. Fresh Andy, DJ
  70. Fumimoto, Takeshi
  71. Fur Balloon
  72. Gabis, Peter Trio
  73. Gentz
  74. Gizmo
  75. Government Denies
  76. Grant
  77. Grooving Culture
  78. Großstadtindianer
  79. Gruber, Luise & Zentao
  80. HFJ
  81. Hambly, Gráinne with Peter Ratzenbeck
  82. Heavenly Creatures
  83. Hetaeren, Die
  84. High Speed Moses
  85. High Tension
  86. Himbeer Teddies, The
  87. Hoi
  88. I Conti
  89. Institut für transakustische Forschung
  90. J. Honk Project
  91. JBM
  92. Jade
  93. Jam 4 More feat. Christian "Fly" Rijavec
  94. Janoska, Juci / Gerald Gradwohl
  95. Jazz-Brewery
  96. Jugendstil
  97. Just 4 You
  98. Kamp
  99. Kayo & Phekt
  100. Kernzone
  101. Konrad und die Buben
  102. Krasch
  103. Kronfuss, Rudy Experience, The
  104. Kulta Funk Oy
  105. LS im D-Land
  106. Last Dawn
  107. Lazy Horz
  108. Leherb, Andre
  109. Little Green
  110. Lynox
  111. Maltschick´s Molodoi
  112. Marrok
  113. Maz
  114. Mephisto´s Revenge
  115. Mightiness
  116. Mika
  117. Mike And The Gangbang
  118. Mindcave
  119. Mister Dezire
  120. Moonlight Lounge
  121. Moral Insanity
  122. Naca7
  123. No Excuse
  124. No Mercy
  125. ONE-ITY
  126. Omission, The
  127. Open Highhead
  128. Paiva, Fernando Quartett
  129. Passion Plastique
  130. Patchwork.fm
  131. Pfeiler´s New Jazz Organi-Zation, T. C.
  132. Platzgumer & CaMi Tokujiro
  133. Pledge Alliance
  134. Porn To Hula
  135. Powergrade, The
  136. Primp
  137. Primus Sitter
  138. Projekt Diskret
  139. Pure Cellar Orchid
  140. RTL 3
  141. Raccoon Gang
  142. Rainer von Vielen
  143. Ranch House Favorites
  144. Rapperbahn
  145. Regency
  146. Respect !
  147. RevoxRevue
  148. Rioters, The
  149. Ronja
  150. Rosarot
  151. Rotten Rooters
  152. Roy Edel
  153. SONORA
  154. Safer Six - a capella
  155. Satin Sheets
  156. Schmuck/Neugebauer
  157. Schönheitsfehler & Heinz
  158. Sensual Love
  159. Shineform
  160. Sick of Silence
  161. Skot
  162. Sonic Maze
  163. Sprite & Salieri
  164. Stoika
  165. Stoned Angelina
  166. Sundust
  167. Superchild
  168. Suzie Cries For Help
  169. T. Phoebe Alexa
  170. TNG
  171. Tarantino
  172. Tartosgardh
  173. Tekniker
  174. Telenovela
  175. Thai Stylee
  176. Tinka
  177. Tocodille
  178. Torn
  179. Trish
  180. U Comix
  181. UKO
  182. Urban Ego
  183. Urgent Burst
  184. Vegetable Orchestra
  185. Villalog
  186. Vivian
  187. Wako
  188. Wiener Wahnsinn
  189. Wildbacher, Die
  190. X-Act All Star Band
  191. Zapalot
  192. Zena
  193. banal
  194. dZihan & Kamien
  195. munKa twitch
  196. thanX
  197. trck.
  198. ®
  199. Ötzis Erben