- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands (2010)
- A-Brothers
- ARTgerecht
- Abfoltern
- Acumen
- Affe Maria
- All Faces Down
- Almost Failed
- Amerling
- Anbuley
- Anstalt
- Antcar
- Anti Cornettos
- Avalanche
- BASCH analog
- Betrügerbande
- Black Body Radiation, The
- Black Books
- Black Box Radio
- Black Riders, The
- Blind Alley Six
- Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand, Der
- Bo Candy and his Broken Hearts
- Borderlines, The
- Bradln & Bier
- Brute
- Carter
- Cherkadelics
- Chinatown Trio
- Coitus Interius
- Colette & Rose
- Crazy Boogiemen
- Crystal Soda Cream
- Cube
- Cursed By The Fallen
- DavidChristoph
- Dead Alley
- Deadnote.danse!
- Death Rising
- Deathstorm
- Dellroy, John Band
- Doc Dooley & Friends
- ESPR!music
- Emray, Chris
- Eneera
- Evolution8
- Extraordinary
- Femous Orchestra
- Five Minute Fall
- Frank Lemon
- Freddie Red
- Fräulein Hona
- GelbGut
- Gewitter im Juni
- Girlfriend Of Many Pilots
- Gnackwatschn
- Go! Go! Gorillo
- Goatmen
- Golden Beuyz
- Grey Czar
- Grey Years
- Grim Justice
- Groteskh
- Gurlfriends
- Hadu Brand
- HellerPropeller
- Hornek, O'Mara, Collins, Lettner
- Humus
- Idklang
- Illskillz vs Logistics
- In Crucem Agere
- Inspirational Corner
- Inspirational Corner feat. Big John Whitfield
- Inter Nubes
- Intergang
- Intone
- Iron Heel
- Julian le Play
- Kain
- Kanoi
- Kardroz
- Kebara
- Kill Robot Kill
- Klangvoll
- Kollektiv/Rauschen
- Krash
- Kurt Razelli
- Legion Of Bokor
- Life Crime
- Lola Pour
- Lovecat
- Mann & Klamm
- Maur Due & Lichter
- Mekoor
- Melmosh
- Melody Current
- Melting Blend
- Mental Escape Pod
- Metaxis
- Mizgebonez
- My wicked wicked ways
- Naplava
- Nemetz/Bechtloff
- Neonstream
- Nose, The
- Nuclear Havoc
- Oil & Water
- Onk Lou
- Paradicso
- Passive Attack
- Patricia & Janus
- Phenomen
- Pistole Peng!
- Please Madame
- Prophets, The
- Pöbelstunk
- Radio DCS
- Rauhnåcht
- Rectal Rooter
- Sir Tralala & The Golden Glanders
- Sister Jones
- Solar Manoeuvre
- Space Cell
- Subchor
- Sölli & Die Vorstadtromeos
- T Raum
- Tante Gerti
- Tear Decline
- The Phobos Ensemble
- Thus I End
- Trio Fix
- Two on Top
- Vibratör
- Voodoo Driven Denim Devils
- Werner Von Unten
- Wet Spinach
- Within the Tides
- Witwer
- Wolfwizard
- [:Pi:]
- [[[Altar:Thron]]]
- dieb13 & Matija Schellander
- explicit sub.
- p.K.one
- tran/nachbagauer/keppel/hölzel