1. Name
  2. Gründungsjahr
  3. Bundesland
  4. Genre
  5. Funktion
  6. Filter

Bands (2010)

  1. A-Brothers
  2. ARTgerecht
  3. Abfoltern
  4. Acumen
  5. Affe Maria
  6. All Faces Down
  7. Almost Failed
  8. Amerling
  9. Anbuley
  10. Anstalt
  11. Antcar
  12. Anti Cornettos
  13. Avalanche
  14. BASCH analog
  15. Betrügerbande
  16. Black Body Radiation, The
  17. Black Books
  18. Black Box Radio
  19. Black Riders, The
  20. Blind Alley Six
  21. Blutharsch And The Infinite Church Of The Leading Hand, Der
  22. Bo Candy and his Broken Hearts
  23. Borderlines, The
  24. Bradln & Bier
  25. Brute
  26. Carter
  27. Cherkadelics
  28. Chinatown Trio
  29. Coitus Interius
  30. Colette & Rose
  31. Crazy Boogiemen
  32. Crystal Soda Cream
  33. Cube
  34. Cursed By The Fallen
  35. DavidChristoph
  36. Dead Alley
  37. Deadnote.danse!
  38. Death Rising
  39. Deathstorm
  40. Dellroy, John Band
  41. Doc Dooley & Friends
  42. ESPR!music
  43. Emray, Chris
  44. Eneera
  45. Evolution8
  46. Extraordinary
  47. Femous Orchestra
  48. Five Minute Fall
  49. Frank Lemon
  50. Freddie Red
  51. Fräulein Hona
  52. GelbGut
  53. Gewitter im Juni
  54. Girlfriend Of Many Pilots
  55. Gnackwatschn
  56. Go! Go! Gorillo
  57. Goatmen
  58. Golden Beuyz
  59. Grey Czar
  60. Grey Years
  61. Grim Justice
  62. Groteskh
  63. Gurlfriends
  64. Hadu Brand
  65. HellerPropeller
  66. Hornek, O'Mara, Collins, Lettner
  67. Humus
  68. Idklang
  69. Illskillz vs Logistics
  70. In Crucem Agere
  71. Inspirational Corner
  72. Inspirational Corner feat. Big John Whitfield
  73. Inter Nubes
  74. Intergang
  75. Intone
  76. Iron Heel
  77. Julian le Play
  78. Kain
  79. Kanoi
  80. Kardroz
  81. Kebara
  82. Kill Robot Kill
  83. Klangvoll
  84. Kollektiv/Rauschen
  85. Krash
  86. Kurt Razelli
  87. Legion Of Bokor
  88. Life Crime
  89. Lola Pour
  90. Lovecat
  91. Mann & Klamm
  92. Maur Due & Lichter
  93. Mekoor
  94. Melmosh
  95. Melody Current
  96. Melting Blend
  97. Mental Escape Pod
  98. Metaxis
  99. Mizgebonez
  100. My wicked wicked ways
  101. Naplava
  102. Nemetz/Bechtloff
  103. Neonstream
  104. Nose, The
  105. Nuclear Havoc
  106. Oil & Water
  107. Onk Lou
  108. Paradicso
  109. Passive Attack
  110. Patricia & Janus
  111. Phenomen
  112. Pistole Peng!
  113. Please Madame
  114. Prophets, The
  115. Pöbelstunk
  116. Radio DCS
  117. Rauhnåcht
  118. Rectal Rooter
  119. Sir Tralala & The Golden Glanders
  120. Sister Jones
  121. Solar Manoeuvre
  122. Space Cell
  123. Subchor
  124. Sölli & Die Vorstadtromeos
  125. T Raum
  126. Tante Gerti
  127. Tear Decline
  128. The Phobos Ensemble
  129. Thus I End
  130. Trio Fix
  131. Two on Top
  132. Vibratör
  133. Voodoo Driven Denim Devils
  134. Werner Von Unten
  135. Wet Spinach
  136. Within the Tides
  137. Witwer
  138. Wolfwizard
  139. [:Pi:]
  140. [[[Altar:Thron]]]
  141. dieb13 & Matija Schellander
  142. explicit sub.
  143. p.K.one
  144. tran/nachbagauer/keppel/hölzel