Bands (2018)
- Amanda
- Amarok Avari
- Andrews, Luke Band
- Anna Absolut
- Atzur
- Big Howard, The
- Blood and Champagne
- Circle of Life
- Color the Night
- CueStack
- Desolat
- Downers & Milk
- Dusk
- EsraP & Gasmac Gilmore
- Falle
- Friedberg
- Hatzmann, Rita & Luksch, Georg O.
- Helten
- Hesse, Alexandra
- Ian Piqué
- Ilathar
- Illegal Jazz Brunch
- KGW3
- Kantig
- Kao
- King & Potter
- Kofos
- Krayne
- Lam q
- Land of Ooo
- Lechufer
- Lijon
- Liminal Zone
- Lou Asril
- Magic Voodoo Club, The
- Maraskino
- Molden, Ernst und das Frauenorchester
- Moll
- Naked Lunch Reduced
- No Bros featuring Freddy Gigele
- Nàire
- O/P (Oelz/Poremba)
- Oxyjane
- Pan Kee-Bois
- Peach Tinted
- Pigeon Motel
- Plaguepreacher
- Powerhouse
- RIC49
- Rajju Baba
- Robert Unterköfler Quintett
- Roman Gregory & The President's Friends
- Ruffhands
- Schaller und Rausch
- Schodl
- Shamamas
- Silenzer
- Sinikka Monte
- Soul Kitchen
- Spiral Drive
- Strandhase
- Supergfrast
- Sybil & Sybil.Muzak
- Tromaar
- Valerian
- Vermocracy
- Violet Spin
- Viosphere
- Voyage Futur
- Weddings
- Werckmeister
- Yokohomo
- Znap
- km special