Bad Weed und Coshiva
Heute Dienstag verzaubert Coshiva mit ihrem "Gute Laune-Pop" ab 20 Uhr die Summer Stage im 9. Wiener Gemeindebezirk. Im Rhiz hingegen gehts etwas punkiger zur Sache, da supporten die Österreicher Bad Weed die kalifornische Punkband Cosmonauts, presented by "Reich und Föhn"! Viel Spass!
Und hier noch Infos zu Bad Weed:
"Formed in Vienna by permateens who believe in the power of sixteeen years olds! Trying hard in squeezing out some tunes out of their shitty gear while drinking loads of beer. Somebody told me that their musick sounds like G.G. Allin and Roy Orbison in some kind of heavy petting infight while Paul Collins is having dinner with Cindy Lauper in a fancy fish restaurant. Duh!? By the way, these four punx recently got beaten up backstage by Jesse Pinkman, Snoop Lion and Lindsay Lohan during the opening ceremony of The World Bong Championships!". (FB-Page)