Records für 2023
- Special (1)
- Nummer (9)
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- z (4)
- 0_00_0__0 (beauchamp*geissler)
- 1. OG / Schubertstra​ß​e (Bydl)
- 1 Above Minus Underground (Koenig)
- 24​​​/​​​7 - Vol 3 (sampler)
- 25yrs on earth (Katyadtocom)
- 3 (Sundl)
- 313 (Suluka)
- 33ACID (Dan Lodig)
- 3 for The Road (Clayton / Pauer / Neumeister)
- Abendmahl südlich von Rimini (Lang, Nicolas Robert)
- ABSENCE Soundtrack (Bydl)
- Acting Funny (Deluxe) (Sharktank)
- Addicted EP (Niereich)
- adhs (Verifiziert)
- A Dream Of Heaven (Annihilation)
- Advanced Multimode Music (sampler)
- A finite Pool of Sorries (GLIMMER)
- A Gentle Creature (Blood and Champagne)
- Age Of Angst (Laut Fragen)
- Albedo (Federspiel)
- Album 2 (Zack Zack Zack)
- Alibis (Bird of The Year)
- Alle auf der Jagd (Laut Fragen)
- Alle EP (Efeu)
- Alles ist Vergangenheit (Yukno)
- Alles ok (Pippa)
- All Gas No Breaks (Cinnemane)
- Alpha Suite (Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Always (Rendl, Rosa)
- Always on My Mind (Bakken, Rebekka)
- Am Anfang war das Lied (La Fons)
- Amoi So Amoi So (Chill Ill)
- An das Gestern, das nie Morgen wurden darfte. Ich warte (Buntspecht)
- Andromeda (Steaming Satellites)
- And So We Met Again EP (Bon Jour)
- Angst (Low Life Rich Kids)
- Another Universe (Coma System)
- Another World (Wingz)
- Anti-Static (Second Guesses)
- Antithese (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Après La Bohéme (Saint Privat)
- April (Alpha Tracks)
- Arcade (Bilgeri, Laura)
- Are You In (My Ugly Clementine)
- Artist Showcase (sampler)
- Aryacuna Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Ascension (sampler)
- Ascension EP (Artheist)
- As cold as sunlight (Rent)
- A Sequence In Time Vol. 2 (sampler)
- A Ship (Hautzinger, Franz / Stangl, Burkhard)
- As I Fall (We Blame The Empire)
- Atlas (Apollo & Dub Ten)
- Auf Reha (Joe Hannes)
- August (Alpha Tracks)
- Aus Ländern (Belle Fin)
- Avant Trash (Cousines Like Shit)
- AVOTS (Gischt)
- Awake EP (Modul Kollektiv)
- Azure (Liminal Zone)
- Azure ReImagined (Liminal Zone)
- b.a.d. (Eli Preiss)
- b1rds (Dan Lodig)
- Babyboy (PALFFI)
- Back2Back EP (Alibi & Sl8r)
- Back to Earth (Kurt Razelli featuring Matthias Strolz)
- Back To Mali 2023 (Mikka Blank)
- Bad Feminist (AaRon+eRiKA<3)
- Bad Time For Cumbia / Hornrace (Restless Leg Syndrom)
- Bahö (AMS)
- Basic (Now.)
- Bassface (Hamses)
- bauspoan (AMS)
- Beat of the Whale Heart (Ernesty International)
- Before Midnight (Onk Lou)
- Belize (TINA)
- Bella Ciao (Fisso & Spark Breakbeat Remix) (Fisso & Spark)
- Below Stairs EP (Below Stairs)
- Beton (Laut Fragen)
- Betrunken (EP) (Ness)
- Between The Eyes (Leave Them All Behind)
- Beyond The Veil (sampler)
- Beziehungsweisen (Die Partie)
- Big Energy (Gelatto Edit) (parule)
- Biggest Asshole in The Room (Mavi Phoenix)
- Bionic​ / ​Trainwreck (IamDoomed)
- Birthday (FRANZ Pop Collective)
- Black Crosses in The Sun (Aurora By Noon)
- Blastards - Virus Expired Remixes (sampler)
- Bleach (Laikka)
- Blick (Pippa)
- blink (L4DIES)
- Boi Da Cara Preta (Stereotyp)
- Born To Die (Thinus x Niduz x Recon)
- Bowed Down (Pharma)
- Boymusic EP (Monophobe)
- Breaking News (Luxipher Remix) (Expulze & Narfos)
- Brick In The Wall Remix (Scheibosan & Moritz Fritsch)
- Broken Dreams (Drogu)
- Bully (Dub Ten)
- Bundles (BEX)
- Bunte Vögel (Marten)
- Bun Up The Dance (Daney)
- Burnt Tongue (Fisher, Ian)
- Cadence (Oryma & Pasquale Racca)
- Cala Mastella 001 (Makossa & Megablast)
- Calder Plays Theremin (Dorit Chrysler)
- Calder Plays Theremin - Deluxe Vinyl Edition EP (Dorit Chrysler)
- Calimero (Batard, Johnny)
- Call Me Cat (Paenda)
- Can't Escape You (Oryma)
- Can't Escape You (Bloodfire Remix) (Oryma)
- Can't See / Tell Me (K Sonic)
- Carbon Copy EP (Genuine Aspect)
- Casket (Havoc)
- Cecilia (Jeanny)
- Ceremony (Enko)
- Chambers Of Monasterio (Toxic D.N.A)
- Chance To Be Reborn (Greyshadow)
- Chaos and Contemplation EP (Artheist)
- Chaplin (Squarebadger)
- Chapter 1: Growth (Bon Jour)
- Checkmate / A Bad Trip (ZeroZero)
- Cherryland (Ruhmer)
- Chicken Legs (Isaac Gluten)
- Chroma (Full Crimp)
- Chronicles Of A Mad Man (Sort of Odd)
- Chuck's Cafe (Girmindl, Johannes)
- Cold Hands EP (le:la)
- Cold Winter (Elettrotape)
- Come Around (Dapreme)
- Confused (Nefarian x Deltix)
- Consume Land Flea Market (Noayama)
- could've had (le:la)
- Cross Chaos Production 001 (sampler)
- Crude (Weber, Zelda)
- Cult over Apollo (Nick Hanzo & A-Tweed)
- Cuts Extraordinaire (Best of Jazzsticks) (sampler)
- Daham sein zählt (Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen)
- Damma Wos?! (Sankt Krinzinger)
- Dance EP (Elephants Carousel)
- Dance of The Elders (Muthspiel / Colley / Blade)
- Dancing On Bullets (Elephants Carousel)
- Danke, gut (Mabo, Anna)
- Dann fass ich mir ein Herz (Buchegger, Anna)
- Dark Corners EP (Pandora)
- Datreveno (Trio Akk:zent)
- Deceiving Dreams, Pt. 1 (Blending Borders)
- December (Alpha Tracks)
- Defender EP (Meindl, Florian)
- Der Fairness Halber (wienerzucker)
- Der Lärm der Welt (Neuschnee)
- Der Sänger im Roggen (Tom the One)
- Desert (Fissore, Andrea)
- Desert Frog EP (Volain)
- Destroy (Nefarian & Splat)
- De zwidan Zwa (Molden & Seiler ft. Das Frauenorchester)
- Dialekt Sessions Vol. 1 (Russ, Michael)
- Dialekt Session Vol. 2 (Russ, Michael)
- Die Liebe wird siegen (Krbavac / Salesny / Dolp)
- Die Macht der Nacht EP (Niereich)
- Die schönsten Lieder zur Weihnachtszeit (Jürgens, Udo)
- Diese Welt ist schöner (Neuschnee)
- Difficult (Laikka)
- Diminishing Returns (L.L.A., The)
- Dirty Talons (Dirty Talons)
- Disclosure / Divergence VIP (Phentix)
- Disconnected Society EP (First Person & TR Tactics)
- Discrete Steel (Firn)
- Disorder / Echoes (Division)
- Dissolve (GehLekTek)
- Distorted Rooms (Radian)
- Distort My Mind (Laikka)
- DIY or DIE (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Don't Wake Me Up (Manta)
- Doubt This (Hamses)
- Dreaming By The Xindian (Punzmann)
- DROP EYE (Afghanistan Mon Amour)
- Drug Searching Dogs (Drug Searching Dogs)
- DSD x Morast Tour Ambience (Bydl)
- DSR1001 (sampler)
- Dubak (Kritechno)
- Dubpack 01 (Niduz)
- Dust Breeder EP (Breaknetic Twins)
- Dystopia (Enesi M.)
- Eagle's Point EP (RoyGreen & Protone)
- Echoes of Tarab 3 (sampler)
- effortlessly cool (Combat Beach)
- Eigene Art (Single) (Marten)
- Eine Ode an Wien (Bibiza)
- Eine von Vielen (Fräulein Peter)
- Ein fragiles System (Bipolar Feminin)
- Ein sehr schöner Witz (RAHEL)
- Elmo Nero (Elmo Nero)
- El último aliento (Boros, Zsófia)
- Empanadas Del Sol (Unsuspected Noise)
- Empathy Audio Presents: Surveillance 1 (sampler)
- Endless (Oryma)
- Endlich (GC NU?)
- Endlich wieder Feia (Rotheneder, Martin)
- Enlightenment (Viennese Ladies)
- Entering Zero Gravity (Alpha Trianguli)
- Enter J's Chamber (Takeshi's Cashew)
- Enter The Ketaverse Vol 1 (sampler)
- Epitomise (sampler)
- Erde brennt (Dan Lio)
- Escalator (264 Hours of Sleep)
- Es tropft (Pizza Emozionale)
- Evaporate (h i ŋ a)
- Evviva la Vita (Baba Yaga)
- Excuse Me I Got Insomnia (Glazed Curtains)
- Exhale EP (Traumata)
- Exotic Creatures (Striggles, The)
- Explorations (Little Rosies Kindergarten)
- Extrahügel (5 x 5)
- Extreme Measures (RØGDAR & DEILA)
- Eyemaster (Squarebadger)
- Eyes Wide Shut (Mike Inzinger)
- Fad (Freunde Schöner)
- Fallen EP (Dub Ten)
- Far East - The Indo-Jazz Big Band Suite (Georg Gratzer & Bigband Weiz)
- Farewell (Anna-Sophie)
- Faro (JOANiSH)
- Fast wie Radlfahren (Regen, Ina)
- Fathom (Geostatic)
- Fauteuil (Max Nagl Trio)
- Feeling It (Rocksteady Conspiracy with Stick A Bush)
- Feet Up (My Ugly Clementine)
- Feiawerk (Granada)
- FeinkostTheke (con:volute & LazySwan)
- Feral (Screamarts)
- Feste Feiern Fallen (Berglind)
- Festival (Freunde Schöner)
- Feuerwehr > Polizei (Efeu)
- Fight Girls (Misses Doe)
- fire (L4DIES)
- Firetales #1 (sampler)
- First Choice (Second Guesses)
- First Clarity / Home (sampler)
- Fish & Fowl (Edi Köhldorfer)
- Flechsen (JOANiSH)
- Flickers of Etna (Spiegl, Philipp)
- Fliegen (Loeweloewe)
- Floating Illusions (Artrik)
- Flunkyball (sampler)
- Flying (Mang, Fabian)
- FM4 Radio Session (Cari Cari)
- Forever More EP (Jakobin)
- Forged EP (Alibi)
- Format II (sampler)
- Fortunea Cookies Vol. 4 (sampler)
- Found Out (Greyshadow)
- Four (Mynth)
- Fox Boy (Whsprs)
- Freedom (Enko & Wallyens)
- FreedOm (Mr. Freed)
- Freiheit (Oryma & Pasquale Racca)
- From The Cold (Lammer, Patrick)
- Fümstar (Marten)
- Furat (Jabr, Basma)
- Future Fire Vol. 2 (sampler)
- Gaming Area (Skydrill)
- Ganz Normal (Eder, Alexander)
- Geheimland (Urbs)
- Generation Maximum (Culk)
- Ghostbusters (Fisso & Spark Breakbeat Remix) (Fisso & Spark)
- Ghosts of The Woods (Glanz, Lukas)
- Girondolini (Girondolini)
- Give Up (Niduz)
- Glaubst i Bin Bled (GüMix & Kolbeck)
- God's Plan / Overtone Maneuvers (Paul SG & Decon)
- Godwana (Danny Murano)
- Golden (Brassbeat)
- Goliath (AKOV & Screamarts)
- Gone / Heartly Desired (Vortex)
- Gööb-Blau (Gelb-Blau) - Mein Lied für Niederösterreich (Marty Pi)
- Goods for Conversation (Salamirecorder & The Hi-Fi Phonos)
- Graceful (Puzzle)
- GreyNote Compilation #3 (sampler)
- Grind for this (Bezoar)
- Groovecore United Vol​.​2 (sampler)
- GTG (con:volute DnB Bootleg) (Freddie Dredd)
- Gumbo (Brenk)
- Gumbo 2: Pretty Ugly (Brenk)
- Habits! (King & Potter)
- Half Darling (Half Darling)
- Hallux EP (q100 ft. Ome)
- Halo (/DL/MS/)
- Hamkuma (AMS)
- Handcracked EP (RoyGreen & Protone)
- Hände hoch ich kann dich leiden (sampler)
- Happy Depressions (Annihilation)
- Happy Ending (HRTBRK, The)
- Hard Drive 23 (sampler)
- Harte Zeiten EP (Parc de Triomphe)
- Hart Lab VA (sampler)
- Hazy Jane EP (Peletronic)
- Headlock (Puzzle)
- Heartless EP (Ome)
- Heat's Auf Min Kriag, Kriag Ist Mord! / Losst's Mi In Ruah (Böslinge, Die)
- Hey (Mayez)
- Hey Bird (shak)
- Highs & Heartbreaks (Nnoa)
- High Tea Music Presents Ginseng (sampler)
- Hivemind 02 (sampler)
- Hiyosu (Ome)
- hoid (Kefer, Sibylle)
- Holding Hands in Petrópolis (Robert Rotifer)
- Hold On (Sequent)
- Hold The Heat Remix Album (Steve Michael)
- Hold Up (Cray C)
- Honey Badger (Peletronic)
- Hope Chess (Kenji Araki)
- Hope Less (Bad Ida)
- Hornotter-Rag (Smart Metal Hornets)
- How I Wish (Kadesh, The)
- Howl at The Moon, Gaze at The Stars! (Clara Luzia)
- How Many Ancestors Do We Have? EP (Woxow)
- How Many Times EP (Raven and Phan)
- Hunde am Meer (Alpha Romeo & die Winterreifen)
- Hundeholz (Rosi Spezial)
- Hydra EP (Niduz x Hamses)
- Hypnosis (Dapreme)
- Hypnotic (Vertigon)
- Hypogean (Division & Primitive Instinct)
- I Am An Echo (Maiija)
- I Am Consumed (Maiija)
- Ich komme! (Rawcat)
- Ich steh auf meinem Kopf (Pippa)
- Iconic Move (Hamses)
- I Dropped The Bottle (Beaks)
- I Feel Alone These Days (AVEC)
- I hob nur gschaut (dog&SCHWOAZ)
- II (Bad Weed)
- Immer Dabei (Solarkreis)
- Immer noch (Busch, Jakob)
- Impacted Technology EP (AM)
- Inbetween States EP (Mikka Blank)
- In Bloom (Laura Del Fiore)
- Increase EP (Squarebadger)
- Inertia LP (AKOV)
- Inferno (We Blame The Empire)
- Innerbloom (Apollo Bootleg) (Rüfüs Du Sol)
- Insert Time (Jdis)
- Insomnia EP (Two XY & Anthropic)
- Intentional Aggression (Oryma)
- In This Life (Apollo)
- Into The Void (Annihilation)
- In unsam Haus (TTR Allstars)
- Invasion (Modula Nation)
- In Wien (Efeu)
- In Your Eyes (Greyshadow)
- Irgendetwas, das du liebst (Spilif)
- Irgendwonn (Fräulein Peter)
- It Was A Hoax (Lil Julez)
- I Want It Back (Dapreme)
- Jazz Collaborations EP (sampler)
- Jazzthetics / Live At The Memory Inn (Zero Gravity)
- Jetzt weinst du (HE/RO + NESS)
- Jim und Pam (Hund)
- July (Alpha Tracks)
- June (Lea's Apartment)
- June (Alpha Tracks)
- Jupiter / Ich bin nur ein Mann (Alpha Romeo & die Winterreifen)
- Käfig (Wijne, Jeroen)
- Kalter Rauch (Hund)
- Karadi (Ybalferran)
- Karthago (Oryma)
- Katza Jazz (Rosi Spezial)
- Keep On Coming 2023 (Operator Burstup)
- Keep On Talking (Leave Them All Behind)
- Kein Glanz EP (Efeu)
- Kekova (Sketchbook Quartet)
- Khazad Records Various Artists Vol 5 (sampler)
- King of Nothing II EP (Philiam Shakesbeat x Osive)
- Koa Garantie (Steger, Chris)
- Kobudai (Kobudai)
- Kombination 6 (sampler)
- Kreamy / Shift (Pharma)
- Kreejur (Operator Burstup)
- Kummowa (Holza)
- Kung Fu Fighter (Ja, Panik)
- Künstlerhände (Alpha Romeo & die Winterreifen)
- La Colecci​ó​n (Yawanawa)
- La Diosa feat. Eribertho Cruz (Megablast / Cheikna)
- Lass mich los (Skofi)
- Late Reaction EP (Lok44)
- Lay It Down (Now.)
- Leben, Lieben, Leichen (Mindblind)
- Leeches (ft. Anthea) (Laikka)
- LI$037 (sampler)
- Liebe (Mayerin, Die)
- Lieder, die lustig sind und manchmal ein bisserl traurig, aber das ist okay (Blonder Engel)
- Life Is 2 Short 2 Be Happy EP (Mario Ranieri)
- Lightning Trails (Laundromat Chicks)
- Lights On The Danube (Fissore, Andrea)
- Light Up / Can't See (Wingz)
- Lila (Shake Stew)
- Lilo (Pande)
- Live at Billa (Billa Ensemble)
- Live Auf Den Kasematten (Granada)
- Live im Oval (Herbert Berger Bigband)
- Live in der Wachau (5/8erl in Ehr'n & Jazzorchester Vorarlberg)
- LND / Ghetto (Dub Ten)
- Lola (JOANiSH)
- Lose Control (Palastic & Novum)
- Lost Ground EP (sampler)
- Lost Tracks (Elektro Guzzi)
- Love & Order (Lausch)
- Love Is A Circus (Pia Maria)
- Love Is the Answer (Carl Haze)
- LP 2 (Jansky)
- Maasnbriada 3: Legendenstatus (BumBumKunst & Skero)
- Machine Gun (Niduz)
- Mach Weiter (Efeu)
- Made of Gold EP (Ome)
- Madl (Fräulein Peter)
- Mad Man (Monyu)
- Mad Mates Vol​ 04 (sampler)
- Mad World (Pianocrash)
- Make Me Feel EP (Ferice)
- Maria Mater Meretrix (Prohaska / Kopatchinskaja)
- Marswalker / Dubslinga (Derryl Danston)
- Maruschka (Werckmeister)
- Maskaron EP (Lee Stevens)
- May (Alpha Tracks)
- MBU (Dan Lodig)
- Mechanical Apocalypse EP (Massive Noise)
- Mechanical Distortion EP (Yawanawa)
- Mehr Zwirn (Duo Rittmansberger Soyka)
- Mei Bua (AMS)
- Mein Lied für Niederösterreich (sampler)
- Mein Viertes (Damion Lee)
- Melody (Neps)
- Memories EP (Ferice)
- Mentekatos 01 (sampler)
- Meridian Steps (PRIM)
- Metaverse (sampler)
- Middlefingers EP (Hamses)
- Mile High Club Vol. 2 (sampler)
- Mind EP (Traumata)
- Miracles (Hyeji Nam)
- Mirage (Philip Zoubek Trio Extended)
- Mir geht's um die Menschen (Monobrother)
- Miss Monroe (Hidden Gemz)
- Mitte/Ende 20 (Picobello)
- Modern Solutions EP (Yucatec)
- Mojo Risin (Buntspecht)
- Mollusk / Anomaly (AKOV)
- Molotov EP (Adieu)
- Monument (Tobien, Amelie)
- Morena / Clave (Pharma)
- Morts (Anda Morts)
- Movements (Striggles, The)
- Moving Mountains (Kensee)
- Mr Happy (Dotronix Bootleg) (DJ Hazard & D Minds)
- Müde (Leftovers)
- Multiplan 04 (Van der Wiese & Enko)
- Mut (Gentz)
- Mute Air / Unity (Ken Hayakawa)
- My Grandma Says We Have No Future (Cari Cari)
- Nachbarin (A Diverse Narrative) (Lacherstorfer, Julia)
- Nada EP (Ome)
- Native Fluorescence (Alpine Dweller)
- Nemesis AD (Serenity)
- Neo EP (En:vy)
- Nest (Horn, Sigrid)
- Neva Da (Gilewicz)
- New Dimension (Cobario)
- Night In The Woods (Whsprs)
- Nightshade 1 (sampler)
- Nirwana (Da Staummtisch)
- NitroQuest (sampler)
- No Excuses EP (Niereich)
- Noise (Coma System)
- Noize Artefact EP (Stromtod)
- No Shelter (Enko)
- Not Here / Satisfy (Wingz & Koherent)
- Nothing’s The Same (Greyshadow)
- Novaculite (Operator Burstup)
- November (Alpha Tracks)
- Nucleus Affairs EP (Markus Sis & Band)
- October (Alpha Tracks)
- Oh wie schön das Leben is (Kramer, Felix)
- Old Habits (Unsuspected Noise)
- One Foot in Hell (Enko vs Ling Ling)
- One Star (Jungstötter)
- Onion Chopper (Ruffian & Dumanoid)
- On Short Term Notice, Something Completely Different (Monokay)
- Opus (Hidden by The Grapes)
- Orchid / Hyacinth (Puzzle)
- Out of my way (Facelift)
- Outside - A Tribute to Erik S. (Dusha Connection)
- Over & Out EP (Enko)
- Paradies (Horn, Sigrid)
- Parallel EP (Klinical & En:vy)
- Paralysiert (Low Life Rich Kids)
- Parole Donna EP (Donna Savage)
- Past Perfect (Crush)
- Peace of Mind EP (XING)
- Peloid EP (Toupaz)
- Permanent Construction (Borrow or Rob)
- Personal Development Deals (At Pavillon)
- Phoenix (Egons Cry)
- Phönix (SWANtje)
- Phono (Vetter, Jens)
- Piece Of My Heart (Ree Raw Remix) (Janis Joplin)
- Pillow (Kenji Araki)
- Playing With Matches (Spies)
- Pointless / Double Dutch (Carter)
- Polaroid Dreams (Daney)
- Post-human (Neon Neet)
- Power Of Knowledge EP (Geostatic)
- Prayer EP (Acris)
- Probandenausweis EP (Kobermann)
- Prolog (Dyin Ernst)
- Psychotic Illusions (Alves)
- Pum Pum Technician (Remixes) (Sabo & Megablast)
- Pum Pum Technician feat. Steffy Biz (Sabo & Megablast)
- Rain (Fissore, Andrea)
- Ratty Whistler (Enko)
- Raum & Zeit (Chill Ill)
- Rave Digger VIP (Alibi)
- Raver EP (IamDoomed)
- Ravinator (Niereich)
- Re:set (Gala Fur)
- Ready & Ripe EP (DJ Squarewave & DubApe)
- Ready for it `Loud (ML74)
- Ready for Take Off - Schnitzelbeat Vol. 3 (sampler)
- Reckless Heart (Pia Maria)
- Refraction Vol. 002 (sampler)
- Regen (Bibiza)
- Remixes (sampler)
- Reparatur (Josh.)
- RetroMix21 (Lou Asril)
- Ride On Dub Remixed (Van Dub)
- Rohrschachfest (Firn)
- Roin (BumBumKunst & Skero)
- Rough Instinct (Conntex & SloMo)
- Running (Misses Doe)
- Rural Diaries EP (Silent Cubes)
- S/T (Hase)
- S<3MMER23 (Monokay)
- Sakral (N.I.L.F.I.S.C.)
- Savage Summer (Hobbyhorse Edit) (parule)
- Say My Name (Lindinger, Sophie)
- Scendum EP (Concept One)
- Schatten (Relic Mix) (Luxipher)
- Schattenkind (Neuschnee)
- Schmetterling (Guilty)
- Schön und gut (Zöchling, Monika & Jamnig, Johann Franz)
- Schwerkraft (St. Marx)
- Seatbelts Save Lives (Stuart J. Neville)
- Selbst Therapie (Escaloop)
- Sena (Obermaier, Stefan)
- September (Alpha Tracks)
- Seropia EP (Vortex)
- Shadow Eyes (Terz Nervosa)
- Shaolin (YUGO)
- Sharpen Your Knives (Haag, Oskar)
- Shock Rock Rebel (Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space)
- Shoneys (Cray C)
- Shoneys VIP (Cray C)
- Show Me Love (Bountydave)
- Shred (Modula Nation)
- Sieben (Kommando Elefant)
- Sigamos Corriendo (Arcos, David)
- Silence! (BulBul)
- Since Always And Forever (freekind.)
- Sinister Synthesis (Patrick M4SS)
- Siolim EP (Danny Murano)
- Situationship (Elias, Jacob)
- Sleep Rythm / Trouble (Pheet)
- Slow Down (Nero Effecta)
- Smash It (Toxic D.N.A)
- Snake Eater (AKOV Remix) (Aenygma)
- Snow In Sweden (Whsprs)
- So Bad EP (Silentium)
- Sofa King Sick V (sampler)
- Softpower (Bilderbuch)
- So It Goes (James Choice)
- Solange ich dich glücklich seh (Alania)
- Solitude (K Sonic & Milla Piso)
- Solo in Innsbruck (Gasselsberger, Martin)
- Some Place Nice EP (Chris Chronic)
- Sonne, Mond & Dynamit (Kobrakasino)
- Sophie (Uche Yara)
- Sophie Lindinger (Lindinger, Sophie)
- So schee woas a ned (Fräulein Blauboad)
- Soulful Christmas (With A Funky Twist) (Wressnig, Raphael & Schultz, Alex)
- Sound 23 (Koko Tai)
- So Vanilla (Viji)
- Spare Some Sugar (For The Rat) (Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Spiral (Phlage)
- Spirits of Mana (Rajju Baba)
- Splash (Knisda Kanisda)
- src005 (sampler)
- Stadtpark Insomnia (Bibiza)
- Stay (Mefjus)
- Steeltown Tentacles (Kensee)
- Step Back (Mefjus)
- Step Outward (sampler)
- Stereofoundation (Stereofoundation)
- Still Funky​ / ​3sick (Texta)
- Stimulation (RØGDAR & Toxic D.N.A)
- Storm (Fissore, Andrea)
- Straight To The Brain (Nero Effecta)
- Strange Rituals (Atzur)
- Strangers (Dan Lee & Subsurface Remix) (Kenya Grace)
- Street of Minarets (Youssef, Dhafer)
- String Along (Ronia)
- Stripping Feelings (Kaleen)
- SUBETA002 (sampler)
- Subjektiv betrachtet (SALÒ)
- SUBSTR8 (Kenji Araki)
- Sucht (Oryma)
- Sugar Cubes EP (Candy Cartel)
- Sundowner EP (Senchai)
- Surreal Particles Vol 001 (sampler)
- Sweetly Singing (Chris Chronic)
- Sweet Promises (Greyshadow)
- Tabacco (Julian le Play)
- Tag und Nacht (Busch, Jakob)
- Take Me Up (S.P.Y & IAMDOOMED)
- Take Me Up (Palastic)
- Talk (Wingz)
- Tanz mit Sirenen (Patrick M4SS)
- Teenage Lullabies (Haag, Oskar)
- Teer & Gras (Efeu)
- Teilnehmermedaille (wienerzucker)
- Tekalot 05 (Tekno's23)
- Termina (Aenygma)
- Tetris (Fisso & Spark Breakbeat Remix) (Fisso & Spark)
- Teuer (Euroteuro)
- Thalija IV (Thalija)
- The Blood Is Rushing (Toxic D.N.A)
- The Darkside (ft. Ekko) (Palastic)
- The Elevator (Fabiano José)
- The End Is Near (Shut Up Club)
- The Fog Remixes (Doctors On Decks)
- The Gap EP (Monyu)
- The Gate EP (Philipp Straub & NILU)
- The Good Life (/DL/MS/)
- The Good Life (My Ugly Clementine)
- The Life You Choose (Shirin & KeTon)
- The Living Mounatin (Larcher, Thomas)
- The Love Revolution (Jakab, Tünde)
- The Magical Misery Tour II (TMMT)
- The Minus Remixes (Doctors On Decks)
- the most beautiful storm you can imagine (Apollo Sissi)
- The Next Episode (Andrea Fissore Deep House Remix) (Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg)
- The Only Way Is Up (Rocket Science)
- The Plastic Manifestation Of A Creative Imagination [B] (sampler)
- The Ponderer (Ananda)
- The Pure Chlorine Problem (Pure Chlorine)
- There Goes The Sun (Siamese Elephants)
- The Rush (Crush)
- The Voice Of Ekou Vol​.​3 (sampler)
- They Exist EP (Neosapiens)
- this is techno? (sampler)
- Those Things Falling (Raab, Simon)
- Timebomb (Bon Jour)
- Timeless (sampler)
- Timeless Warrior (Echo Boomer)
- Tinkerbell (Ness)
- Tokyo Ghoul (Kritechno Remix) (Saluki)
- Tombstone (Klaus Benedek)
- Too Late to Move on (Lahra)
- Trails (Jend)
- Transition (Intra)
- Travelling (Gizem)
- Treibholz (Die Faulen Kompromisse)
- Tricks And Truths (Half Darling)
- Trocknet, Meine Tränen (Parc de Triomphe)
- True Words (Antrue & ChiLL iLL)
- TRUST XY.2 (sampler)
- Turbo Polka Party (Russkaja)
- Tutti Dilemma (Tutti Dilemma)
- Twilight Path (Monyu & Glÿph)
- Two Faced (Havoc x Infected)
- U-Boot (Neuschnee)
- Ukulele Land (At Pavillon)
- Umschwung (Wetter etc.)
- Unfulfilled Desires (Greyshadow)
- Until Our Hearts Burst Carrying All This Gold (Tare)
- Untitled IV & V (Bydl)
- Up (Leelah Sky)
- Uplink (Monyu)
- Urlaub in Sepia (SarahBernhardt)
- Utopia (Xenrox)
- Various01 (sampler)
- Venus EP (Puzzle)
- Verbogen (Alania)
- Verliererstra​ß​e (Efeu)
- Vienna Sound Carriers (Damo Suzuki & Half Baked Cheese)
- Vire (Folkshilfe)
- Vista (sampler)
- Volume Eins & Zwei (Euroteuro)
- Volume III (Euroteuro)
- ...Weil sie Wien nicht kennen (EsraP & Gasmac Gilmore)
- Wait 4 U / Hebra (Pharma)
- Wait For Me (Kadesh, The)
- Wait For Me VIP (Fourtex & Sublime)
- Wanderer EP (Apollo)
- Warfare (Cray C x Escaperz)
- Washa Non Stop (K Sonic)
- Watching Strangers Smile (Filly)
- Waves (Gardens)
- We Are Silent Koalas Volume 2 (sampler)
- Weather The Storm / Chirico (Syncline & Zero Gravity)
- Weißt du, was ich mein?! (Reiner, Resi)
- Went To Walk (Schwab, Claudia)
- What's Left EP (sampler)
- When The Lights Are Out (Now.)
- When The Lights Are Out (Acoustic) (Now.)
- Where Flowers Grow (Crush)
- Whiteout (Phal:Angst)
- Who The Hell Is Edgar? (Teya & Salena)
- Why Does My Heart Feel so Bad? K SONIC Bootleg (Moby)
- Wie Meltemi das Sauwetter in meinem Kopf verweht EP (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Wiener Schickeria (Bibiza)
- Wilder Sturm (Pippa)
- Willi Resetarits und seine Bands (Live) (Resetarits, Willi)
- Willkommen im Nichts (Fuzzman)
- Wir Werden Nur Was Wir Schon Sind (Fiio)
- Witchcraft EP (Nefarian & Niduz)
- Witches Brew (Vulvarine)
- Without Hope I Am Nothing (Panik Deluxe)
- Wohngebietspark (Parc de Triomphe)
- Woina (Nyx, Thomas / Philadelphy, Martin)
- Wo I sei soi (AMS)
- Woman on a Sofa (FRANZ Pop Collective)
- Worth Fighting For / Unpredictable (Geostatic)
- WWW She Hot (Uche Yara)
- Xanzo (Kritechno)
- Xenobot (Powernerd)
- Xibipíío (Archie & Kritechno)
- XV (RAF Camora)
- ♄♄♄♄♄ x Black Yen Split (Saturnists)
- Yellow (Vici Remix) (Puzzle)
- You Are Not Alone (JOANiSH)
- You Broke Me (NeryVice)
- You Can Try (Niduz x M3LK)
- You Make Me Feel / In Love (Clank & Maider)
- Your Basslines (Firn)
- You See Things EP (Maze of Madness)