- Name
- Gründungsjahr
- Bundesland
- Genre
- Funktion
- Filter
Bands aus Oberösterreich
- -
- -
- -
- -
- 00y 18
- 10 Saiten 1 Bogen
- 1234 Gstanzln
- 1Bomb1Target
- 2000 Super
- 22# Windmill Street
- 3MinutenEi
- 3rynnia
- 4 experimentelle die nur 2 sind
- 666
- 68 Dreadlocks
- 7on's Rastgarden
- 7schlaf
- 94 East
- A Colourful White
- A Day In The Forest
- A Red Flag For A Souvenir
- A.G. Trio
- A.M.C.
- A.Men
- A.T.M. (Automated Trash Machine)
- ASR Company
- AU, Die (Average & Url)
- Abby Lee Tee
- Abby Lee Tee & GC
- Abfoltern
- Absurd
- Achim Lot
- Acumen
- Adisdead
- Adolessonz
- Adrian Flux
- Aendiaena
- After Aids
- Agent 003
- Agent Error
- Ages
- Ahamer, Harry
- Aigner, Gabriele
- Aimless Bunch
- Akjela
- Alastor
- Alestoy
- Alex
- Alex Lemar
- Alex Milex
- Alex The Flipper
- Alexx Aiyax
- Alexx Aiyax / Marcus Füreder
- Allerseelen
- Almost Failed
- Alone
- Alphabox
- Alpinkatzen
- Alraunen, Die
- Amanshauser & Wenzl
- Amity In Fame
- Ammagamma
- Ammoniak
- Among Rats
- Amortis
- Anarchophobia
- Anaroid
- Anda Morts
- Andaka
- Andakat
- Anderson, DJ
- Anderwelt
- Andi & Alex
- Andiana
- Andie Gabauer
- Andress, Ali
- Andrew Edge Band
- Androsch - Kerbl spielt Androsch
- Androsch, Peter
- Androsch, Peter/Silke Dörner
- Androsch/Dorninger
- Andy Korg
- Angels Company
- Angerer, Ali & Gabl, Dietmar
- Animal Mother
- Anish
- Ankerstrom
- Annamirl
- Annie Red Shirt
- Anonimus
- Anorak
- Anstaltskinda
- Ant Antic
- Anti Smart
- Antonia feat. Sandra
- Antrue
- Antwort, Die ( ANT)
- Antwort, Die, Das Rückgrat & Kayo
- Apology
- Append:x
- Approaching Extinction
- Aquarian Age
- Area 51
- Arise
- Arlect, The
- Armed Forces
- Armourgeddon
- Art Boys Collection
- Artifacts
- Artificial Pesticides
- Artists, The
- Ashram
- Ask Alice
- Astaroth
- Atmasu
- Atomic Stereo
- Attersee & Hanni
- Attersee und das Ferry Trio
- Attwenger
- Audiobomber
- Aural Screenshots
- Aural Screenshots feat. James Plotkin
- Austria Knochenschau
- Automan
- Avalon
- Average & Huckey
- Average, MC
- B-Style
- Babelfisch
- Baby Sunshine & die 1000 Kilomete
- Bachner, Robert Quintet
- Back In Stride
- Back Then
- Back To Felicity
- Bad Zoo
- Badrock Blues Band, The
- Balance Point
- Balkonkind
- Banane
- Bananz & Die Grossen Tangos
- Banks, Christopher feat. Michellé, Shelia
- Banty Roosters, The
- Barbados Live
- Barking Dog
- Basiskapelle
- BauXL
- Bauchweh
- Baumgartner, Harald
- Beatlefield
- Beda mit Palme
- Beeswax Polish
- Beethosens
- Behind The Mask
- Bella Diablo
- Belmondalfeldzug
- Bending Unit
- Benedikt Walter
- Bent Arrows
- Berauer, Johannes
- Bereavement
- Bernie Berlin
- Bernie Berlin & Benjamin Ramadani
- Bernie Berlin feat. X-Beliebig
- Best Off
- Beth Edges, The
- Big Brass and Rhythm Band Freistadt
- Big Crazy Family
- Big Dick Willy
- Big Easy, The
- Big J
- Big Mäx
- Bigi Biggs & die Posträuber
- Bilderbuch
- Binder
- Bingle Jells
- Birdy
- Birngruber. Theresia
- Black Coffee
- Black Dog Cubik
- Black Flash
- Black Koffie
- Black Label
- Blackberry
- Blackwitch
- Blauklang
- Bleached Modesty
- Blisstonia
- Blonder Engel
- Blood Stained
- Blouson Brothers
- Blow & Order
- Blowback
- Blowing Lewinsky, The
- Blue Chip Orchestra
- Blue Danube Brass Band
- Blue Heads, The
- Blue Horn
- Blue, Chris
- Blues Frizz
- Bluesxperience
- Bluish
- Blumenschein/Vatagin
- BoB
- Boa Boa
- Bock & Leiermusik
- Body Talk
- Boeff
- Boerni_K
- Boerni_K, Markus Sis & Gudrun Rubini
- Bogdan
- Bognermayr/Zuschrader
- Boogie Dush
- Borderlines, The
- Boreas
- Born In The Bottle
- Braaz
- Brain Dead
- Brichta, Ron
- Brill'n
- Broadway
- Broken Age
- Broken Sequence
- Bros, Erwin
- Brotlose Kunst
- Bruckmayr & DJ Mussurunga
- Bruckmayr, Didi
- Bruckner's Unlimited
- Bruendlinger
- Brüder Punzenberger
- Buccaneers, The
- BulBul
- Bulbul + Mäusegruppe
- Bulbultumido
- BumBum Biggalo
- BumBum Kunst
- BumBumKunst & Skero
- Burn The Traitor
- Burnin' Aces
- Burp!
- Busch, Jakob
- Butterfly's Empire
- Buzz 7
- Bärenheld
- Böff Bölgstoff Strovanovsky
- Böhnisch, Vera
- Böhse TekknoMachaZ
- Bösze, Cordula
- Bürstinger, Herbert Quartett
- C-60
- C-Soulution
- C.I.P. (Control in Production)
- CCider Mockingbird
- C_ypherspace
- Cachimbo de Paz
- Cafe Amigo
- Calais
- Camorra
- CanItrashcan!?
- Candlelight Disaster
- Cannonball Ride
- Cans
- Cantona
- Captain Boykott
- Captain Caracho
- Carin Cosa Latin Band
- Cariot
- Cash & Bloom
- Cash Candy
- Cash Candy & Parov Stelar
- Casin
- Cassidy Scenario, The
- Castanetti, Hirschmugl & Glück
- Catalpa
- Catastrophe & Cure
- Cemetery Dust
- Centao
- Cesar Sampson
- Ceveo
- Chakuza
- Chameleon Orchestra
- Chasa
- Chekuma
- Cherry Sunkist
- Chill Out
- Chillblains
- Chrafd
- Chris Colt
- Christian & Michael
- Christoph spuit Christoph
- Chronotpimist
- Chrunch, The
- Chunkfunk
- City Blues Band, The
- Clains
- Cleareol
- Clot Of Snot
- Clouds Over Chrysler
- Cnocks
- Cocbit
- Cockroach
- Coffee & Cream
- Coffee & Cream
- Coins, The
- Cold Cows
- Color the Night
- Colours
- Compact Phunktion
- Compaq
- Compiled
- Concord
- Conquitum
- Constant Irie Crew
- Contact
- Container
- Cook & The Gang
- Cook and Friends
- Cool K
- Cosma Shiva
- Costa de la Muerte
- Country Swingers
- Couscous
- Coverage
- Crashdead
- Crazy Cubes
- Crazy Temple
- Creative Rhyme Brothaz
- Creep
- Crosshill
- Crown Royal
- Crumb, George Trio
- Cryin Mice
- Cryin´ Mice
- Crystal Soda Cream
- Cube, Der
- Cult Of Perce O´Nality
- Curious
- Curley Sue
- Cursed By The Fallen
- Curtila Combo
- Cyclon Bäh
- D-Tex
- D.Fect Groovemasters
- DDkern
- DJ Abillity
- DJ Eve Electric
- DJ Fantastic
- DJ Rapha L aka Tod Ernst
- DJ Ride
- DJ Twang
- Da Staummtisch
- DaLenz
- Dada Böff Komplex
- Dane-E
- Danubian Life Lies
- Darius Mondop
- Dashing Fellows
- Datof
- Dawn Chorus
- Daylight Torn
- De Ha (Desert Harvest)
- DeZTyleZ
- Dea Artio
- Dead Alley
- Dead Apes
- Dead Knowledge
- Dead Souls
- Deadlokk
- Deadzibel
- Dealer
- Dealirium
- Dear No
- Death Racer
- Death Rising
- Deceivers
- Deen, Lisa S.
- Def Ill
- Def:k
- Defenceless
- Delilah
- Della Street
- Denk, Birgit
- Deo DeLuxe
- Desperate Cry
- Detomaso
- Detroit
- Devil's Rejects, The
- Dhab
- Dharma Bums Insane
- Dibo
- Dickbauer Collective
- Die Partie
- Die!
- Die:Cut
- Diggins
- Diggn, Konstantin
- Dine With Duke Humphrey
- Direkte Volksmusik
- Dirt Deflector
- Disco Torture
- Disenchants
- Disorder
- Distaste
- Divano Cemento
- Diving Duck Blues Band
- Djane Fraulich
- Doe Damage
- Doll Steak
- Doneus, Marcus
- Donke / Zigon
- Donke-Unger-Zion
- Doped Focus
- Doperator
- Dorian Hunter
- Dorn
- Dorninger
- Down The Line
- Dr. Didi
- Dr. Rock
- Dreaded Downfall
- Dreaded Presence
- Dreadyfredy
- Dreh And The Kru, Dr.
- Drill Reality
- Drk Poet x Fozhowi x Alligatorman
- DropShop
- Du3pl3x
- Duo Ost/West
- Duo Vakkordeonioline
- Dynamo Urfahr
- Dynomite
- Dystrophy
- Döberl, Dominic
- Dörnbach
- Düsenfried & The Stuffgivers
- Easy Rider
- Eat My Shit
- Edenbridge
- Eela Craig
- Egger
- Egger, Gerhard
- Egger, Gerhard & Die Mostrocker
- Egotrip
- Eickhoff, Klaus-André
- Einbahn
- Eisberg, Wolf Lobo
- Eisserer, Geza
- Eka-Faraday
- Elastic Skies
- Electric Ray and The Shockers
- Electric Theatre
- Electronic Music Lab
- Elektrovog
- Elephant & Castle
- Eleven
- Elfriedes Knie
- Ellen D.
- Embrio Adventure
- Emerald
- Emperor, Bobby
- Empower
- End, The
- Endorphine
- Enemy
- Enesi Nayaran
- Engelstaub
- Ensenada
- Enver Hoxha Fatalists
- Enver Hoxha Revivalists
- Ephen Rian
- Erdgas
- Erhart, Roland
- Eric Fischer & Petit Beurre feat. Florencio Cruz
- Erler, Gerhard
- Eros Mailfeld + Fresh Meadow Grass of Spring
- Erstunken und Erlogen
- Ertl, Gerhard
- Eschaton
- Essmayr
- Estate
- Estatic Fear
- Ethiko
- Eugene The Cat
- Euphective
- Euroclikk
- Evva
- Ex Machina
- Exit
- Eye of Betrayer
- Eyht
- F.B.I. (Far Beyond Innocence)
- F80/80
- FC Linz
- Fabo B.
- Fadi
- Faisty´s Group
- Fallsbacher Angeiger
- Family Funk
- Fancy Free
- Fang den Berg
- Fang den Berg/Tortoma
- Far Beyond Innocence
- Faro & Big Work
- Faro und Schmiedhammer
- Fashion, The
- Fat Cat R&B Band
- Fat Chester
- Faulhammer, Tobias
- Fear Kills Spirit
- Fehlgeburt
- Females Under Tension
- Ferank's Fan Club
- Ferbrache & Noyce
- Ferbrache_Buddha
- Festering Flesh
- Fetal Injury
- Fetznbuam
- Feuerlöscher
- Feux & Mirac
- Feynman, Fabian
- File Not Found
- Finest Blend
- Fireclath
- Fireclath Prod. & Kinetical
- Firm Entropy, The
- Fische, Die
- Fischer, Eric
- Fischer, Eric & Postl, Peter
- Fischerlehner Trio
- Fishermans Enemy
- Fishhead 66
- Fishmac (Fishmäc und seine Hamburger)
- Fiskkilla
- Fitsch
- Five Seasons
- Flamyyy
- Flatcaps, The
- Flatline
- Flavour Force feat. Gender Bender
- Flexibel Feet
- Flieger und die Cola Dosen
- Flip
- Flip & Average
- Fluadan
- Flying Penis Brothers
- Fo(u)rtissima
- FocusPocus
- Folia Forever
- Folkshilfe
- Food On Wheels
- Fools And Children
- Forgotten Ears
- Forum Walters, The
- Fotzhobl
- Four Sisters
- Foxes, The
- Fozhowi
- Fragile Frame
- Fragile I
- Frank Yonco Band
- Franx
- Franzobel
- Frats, The
- Frattner, Markus
- Freakazoid
- Freakbox
- Freaks For Freaks
- Frederic
- Freekazoid
- Freeman
- Frenzel & Söhne
- Frick/Helbock Duo
- Frinc
- Fritz & The Cats
- From A Lake
- Frontal
- Frozen Smoke
- Fuchs, Fritz
- Fuckhead
- Fuel of Hate
- Fugu and the Cosmic Mumu
- Fullgore
- Fun 4 U
- Funkgerät
- Funny Genius, The
- Fur Balloon
- Füreder, Marcus
- FüzzBappn
- G&J
- G&J ft. Synged
- GC
- GC NU?
- GIS Orchestra
- Gabriele Kepplinger
- Gaobot FX
- Garden of Grief
- Garstenauer, Peter
- Garstenauer, Peter Band
- Gatecrashers
- Gebauer, Harald & Die E-Band
- Gebrüder Schmidt
- Geburtstag und Weihnachten
- Gegenwind
- Gelsinger, Andrea
- Gelée Royale
- GenderBender
- Gerhard
- Ghostwrita
- Gigaldi
- Gigi's Gogos
- Gil Brent
- Gilla
- Gin Tonic
- Gitarrenduo Klaus Obermaier und Alois Watzinger
- Global Tones
- Go Bang
- Goass, Die
- Goatskin
- GodHateCode
- Goethe groovt
- Goldgruber, Johannes v. Chrysosthomus
- Goll, Joseph
- Gone To Lunch
- Good Vibes
- Good, Bad, Ugly, The
- Goodheart And It Beats
- Goodheart Wagner
- Government Denies
- Graf Lhotzky Terzett
- Grand Zeppelin
- Grandmas Chocolate Cake
- Grassfather
- Great Escape, The
- Greece Lightning
- Grenzgang
- Groove
- Grooving Arts
- Grooving Culture
- Grossglockner
- Grotesque
- Ground Äpple Gang
- Gruber, Gerhard
- Gruber, Luise & Zentao
- Guanako
- Guaraná
- Guerra Pagan
- Guideline
- Guigue
- Gungatz
- Gust-Maly-Band
- H-Ant Orange, (Agent Orange)
- H. P. Three
- Hagauer, Günter & New Austrian Big Band, The
- Hakkaapäälle
- Hammond´s, Doug Jazz & Blues Brass Band
- Hangover 9E
- Hans
- Hanslmayr/Krebs
- Harmless Wankers
- Harry & The Rimshots
- Harry Jen
- Haslinger/Mütter/Puntigam
- Hatless
- Haute Couture
- Head Top Miners
- Headtrip
- Heartcore
- Heatzy
- Heatzy & Mahesh
- Heavy Minds, The
- Heavy Tuba & Jon Sass
- Heckspoiler
- Heiligenblut
- Heinrich Himalaya
- Heisenberg & Ghostwrita
- Helica
- Helicopters (Schönleitner, Helmut & Helicopters)
- Hellmeth
- Helm
- Helter Skelter
- Hemenex
- Henry OK
- Herb
- Herbst
- Hermann Göring Werke
- Hermann Wurzer
- Hexamorph
- Heyduk, Dieter
- Hie, Miriam
- High 'n' Mighty
- High Speed Lady Die
- High-Q
- Hillberg & Bruckmayr
- Hillberg & D-Tex
- Hillside Wranglers, The
- Hinterland
- Hirschmugl & Glueck Electric
- Hirtner / Steiner
- Hofko, Maximilian
- Hohtraxlecker Sprungschanzenmusi
- Holm
- Homebaze
- Honeytones, The
- Honigsalz
- Hooch & Maly
- Hooch Gang
- Hooray, DJ
- Horace
- Hornek/Kalupa/Lettner Trio
- Hornflakes, The
- Hot News
- Hot Pants Road Club, The
- Hotel Balkan Orkestar
- Hotzenblotz
- Houdini
- Housequake Club
- Howie
- Hrossharsgrawl
- Hubert von Goisern
- Huckey & Sam
- Hueber, Franz Quartett
- Human Groove
- Hund
- Hurry, Martha
- Hush, The
- Höllenfürst
- I Eat Pancakes
- I.E.P
- INseit
- Iamyour Pamphletear
- IcebergILL
- Idealbesetzung
- Iga Biva
- Ignore This Sign
- IgoRamirez
- Illemann
- Image 2040
- Impact vs. FLX
- In Slumber
- In The Attic
- Inbetween
- Incardia
- Incorporated
- Indeed
- Indietro
- Infernal Inc.
- Infernal
- Inherent Obscurity
- Inner Storm
- Innquarters
- Innviertler Hausmusik
- Innviertler Roadshow
- Insanity Ravage
- Insört
- Intact
- Interactives Renegades, Les
- Interfake
- Intheron
- Intra
- Invictus
- Iron Overkill
- Isaac Gluten
- J.F.K.
- Ja'Soul
- Jack Frost
- Jack Untawega
- Jack Untawega & BumBum Kunst
- JackTheBusch
- Jagersberger, Holger
- Jam 4 More
- Jam 4 More feat. Christian "Fly" Rijavec
- Jande Vachada Kriseneviz
- Jay Band
- Jay Escola
- Jazzodrom
- Jazzpresso
- Jazzwa
- Jekyll & Mr. Blues, Dr.
- Jen, Harry & The Live Action Squad
- JennyJazz
- Jestic, The
- Jilly
- Jimmy Hofer Band, The
- Jirkuff Sisters, The
- Jirkuff, Susanne
- John Horse
- John TC & the Troubleshooters
- John TPS
- Johnny Geiger
- Johnny Rockers
- Johnny Summerville
- Johnny and the Rotten
- Johnnys, Die
- Joka
- Joko13
- Jomasounds
- Josef K. Noyce (Noyce)
- Josephs Coat
- JuJu
- Juicy
- Juke Joint Blues Band
- Juke West
- Jungweird
- Junior Freak
- Junior Freak feat. Boogie Dush
- Just A Jump
- Just Banks
- Just Orange
- K., The
- K.H.C.
- KGW3
- Kadesh, The
- Kafé Kaos
- Kaga
- Kain
- Kain
- Kaiserschmoarn
- Kalchgruber, Anna
- Kaleen
- Kaligula
- Kalmar
- Kapaun
- Kapitano Chaotico
- Karan d´ache
- Karawatz
- Kardinal Kaos
- Kardroz
- Karli
- Katt, Anna
- Kaya
- Kayo
- Kayo & Markee
- Kayo & Phekt
- Kblbrch
- Keep Cool
- Keine Ahnung
- Kensee
- Kepl, Irene
- Kepplinger/Frittaion
- Kern
- Kern & Zogholy
- Kienberger, Karin
- Kilim Band
- Kindheitstrauma
- Kinetical
- Kinetical & Ruffian Rugged
- Kinetical & The Basic Sound Band
- Kinetical x Fireclath Sound
- Kinetical x Mink
- King Paranoij & Zoo
- King Size
- Kingdom Snow
- Klangpark 99
- Klassenordner
- Kleebauer, Marco
- Kleiss, Julian
- Klingovsky, Gerhard Quintet
- Knochen Hartmann
- Knockout Society
- Kodak
- Kokashila
- Koksstierler 74
- Konrad Hieslmayr Combo
- Konsul Gnadenwalze
- Kopf Im Sound
- Krautschädl
- Kravali
- Kreba Sound
- Kringa
- Kroko Jack
- Krüppelschlag
- Kuba Connect
- Kubinger, Conny
- Kulturbaden Ottensheim
- Kurort
- Kyos
- Kyos & Nestik
- Kyos & Synged
- Köpf, Christoph
- L., Bernie
- LA Big Band
- LA BigBand feat. Karamarkovic, Irina
- LS Franz
- LS im D-Land
- La Défense
- La Rochelle Band
- La Sabotage
- La Vita
- Lacherstorfer, Julia
- Laine
- Lalá Vocalensemble
- Lampe
- Lang, Bernhard
- Lang, Dominik
- Lanvall
- Last Remedy, The
- Launisch
- Law Found Guilt
- Lazarus
- Leber
- Leeb, Klaus
- Leer
- Leeux
- Leftover
- Legacy of Hate
- Legits, The
- Leinöl
- Leitner / Klinger
- Leitner, Ursula und Freunde
- Lettners, The
- Lex Audrey
- Leyya
- Lichtblick
- Lieblinge der Nation
- Lika Doss
- Like Elephants
- Likewise
- Lila Vila
- Lilja Bloom
- Lilli
- Linecker, Hermann & Traunmüller, Peter
- Linkmen
- Linz Süd Kartell
- Linza Buam
- Linzer Lehrlingstheater
- Linzer Xindl
- Lipp, David
- Lipp, David und die Liebe
- Liquid Amber
- Liquid Fellow 79
- Liquid Sun
- Liselotte
- Lo Pro Edge
- Logic
- Lone Swakement
- Loopzilla Kaminski
- Lorant Masher
- Los Torpedos
- Lost Vital Spark
- Loud
- Love&Fist
- Lowa
- Loxodrome
- Lucifer Baby
- Lucky Strikes
- Lucy In The Sky
- Lukas Poellauer
- Luky Schrempf Band
- Lumberjack
- Luminance
- Lunar Mystique
- Lupo & Kurtl
- Lynch, Ilga & Wanted Men
- L´oops
- M-FX
- M-Force
- M-Force feat. Kinetical MC
- M.G. Firebug
- M.luid
- MC Fantastico & The Crowd
- MC Hammersteen
- MC Snowburger
- MC Yankoo
- MD Baby
- MKID feat. Didi Bruckmayr
- MP The Kid
- MT Brains
- MUR ´92
- Machine Zoo
- Mad Hiaz
- Madame Humtata
- Madog
- Maggiore Quartett
- Maier, Pepi
- Malek, Dorota
- Maly / Steiner / Luger
- Maly, August & seine Freunde
- Maly, G. & G. Polland
- Maly, Gust
- Mammon
- Manatee Pink
- Mandatory
- Mandragora
- Manfred & Conny
- Maniac Within
- Mankurt
- Mann Aus Marseille
- Mansch
- Manuel Normal
- Many Men Have Tried
- Maree*
- Maria, Thomas
- Mariandjosef
- Marina
- Mark Neo
- Markante Handlungen
- Markus Quittner
- Marrok
- Martin Gasselsberger Trio (mg3)
- Martin Mueller
- Martinez Merker
- Mary Go Round
- Masoud Simaei
- Masue Tasun vs Syquest
- Maurer, Christian Quintet
- Mavi Phoenix
- Max Powa
- Max Powa feat. Horace Andy
- Max the Sax & Peter Cruseder
- Maxine
- Maxx Gerard
- Maybe Sunday
- Mayr
- Mc Clay & The B. Fresh & B. Nice Crew
- McGregorys
- Meanda
- Medicine Men
- Meena
- Mefjus
- Mehlbrass
- Melody Current
- Men Killing Men
- Men On Mission
- Menace, The
- Mental Spirits
- Mephisto
- Merker TV
- Mes
- Meschugge
- Metal Freak Projekt
- Mg3 feat. Collins, Tim
- Mhesz, Ulli
- Michael Strauss
- Michellé, Shelia
- Midnight Gang
- Mieux
- Mike & A Massive Illusion
- Mike Absolom
- Mike Deal
- Mike Smile
- Mike Turrento
- Mike Vinyl
- Mikel
- Mikrotek
- Milarepa
- Milicevic, Darko
- Milk
- Millhouze
- Million Dollar Band, The
- Mindcave
- Mindcure
- Miriam
- Mirkophonics
- Mischmeister M
- Misjudge
- Mislimi
- Miss Electric
- Misses Doe
- Miß_Verständnis
- Modepuppen
- Modul Kollektiv
- Moerky Moerk
- Mojique
- Mojique V2
- Mollies, Die
- Mollner Maultrommler
- Momentane Bräuche
- Monkey Business
- Mono
- Mono & Amial
- Monochrome Bleu
- Monozone
- Morphean, The
- Mortus
- Mosfet
- Most Unlimited
- Mostpower
- Mostviertler Birnbeitler
- Mother Mathilda
- Mr. Magnetiks Electric Boogie Band
- Mud & Bones Blues Distillery
- Mugg
- Mugshot
- Mus Bus
- Mussurunga
- Mute Audio
- Muttertag
- My House In Spain
- Myer, Wolf Orchestra
- Mühlberger, René
- N. C. Mentis
- N.W.O.
- NI
- Nachtschwärmer
- Nadeshda
- Nailhead Bastards
- Nane's Spicy Kitchen Lab
- Napalm Quintett, Das
- Narada Orchestra
- Nash
- Neania
- Ned Rise
- Nein, Franz!
- Nematomorpha
- NepTune
- Nestik
- Neubauer, Andreas
- Neumüller, Werner
- Neun Volt
- New Ohr Linz Dixieband, The
- Nexxor
- Ngoi, Chanda
- Night Voc
- Nika
- Nikotin
- Nine Day Wonder
- Nintendos, The
- NirwAkia
- Nnella
- Nnoa
- No Business For Dogs
- No Fashion
- No Fear
- No deal
- Noah
- Nochtschicht
- Noise "R" Us
- Noisyboy
- Noize Torture
- NoizeGuerilla
- Nola Grey
- Nom3k
- Nordwind
- Norma Jean
- Novi Start
- Novisattva
- Novotny, Josef
- Noxious
- Nuclear Havoc
- Nunu sagt
- Nutz, Andreas
- Nàire
- O Luv
- O+A / Sam Auinger & Bruce Odland
- O.R.I.G.I.N
- Oblivious
- Oel
- Offsize
- Ohne Kane Bresln
- Okabre
- Olemus
- Olga
- One Verse
- One of a kind
- Open Art Band
- Opproductive
- Orange
- Orgema
- Orphan
- Ortner, Bianca
- Osci
- Otsch, Der
- Ottos Mops
- Out Of Cage
- Out of Blue
- Outline
- Outside
- Outsmarted
- Oxilogik
- Ozymandias
- PAUL !
- PC-Boys, The
- Pacalolo
- Paddy Murphy
- Padre El Ferenco
- Pangani
- Panica
- Paniktreibriegel, Der
- Pankrott-Revival-Band
- Parasol Caravan
- Parov Stelar
- Parov Stelar Trio
- Part7
- Pascal A Band
- Passengers, The
- Patricia K
- Patunum
- Paul Blaze
- Pearls For Pigs
- Pekari
- Pelvic Tilt
- Perditus
- Perfect Roommates
- Performance
- Pest
- Peter Gabis
- Peter Gastenauer & Band
- Peterstorfer, Harald & Angerer, Ali
- Petia & Friends
- Petit Beurre
- Pfann, Rudy & Apollo 3
- Pfeffer, Werner & Band
- Phaeicon
- Phekt
- Phenomen
- Phentix
- Phentix & Kinetical MC
- Phil Chronics
- Phil Sonic
- Philemon's Tree
- Philomena
- Phobos
- Phredless Dread
- Pianocrash
- Pikestaff
- Pilzi
- Pink As A Panther
- Pirata Rossa
- Pixel Picture
- Planquadrat
- Plasma
- Plasticube
- Plastik
- PlekTron
- Poem by Hard
- Poetzelsberger, Tobias
- Poihaum Connected
- Polifame
- Polirac
- Polland Blues Band
- Poly Kommune
- Polyfame
- Popeye
- Popserver
- Porn To Hula
- Portico
- Post Period
- Post, (Die)
- Powerblues Inc.
- Poxrucker Sisters
- Pray That I Miss
- Prelevant Kicks
- Pride & Shame
- Priests, The
- Primp
- Princest
- Pristine
- Pro Brass
- Prochoice
- Prosch, Mario
- Prünster, Klaus
- Puntigam, Werner
- Puntigam, Werner & Gert-Jan Prins
- Puntigam-Ertl
- Punzenberger, Roland
- Purge
- Purple Bonsai
- Purple Haze
- Putput
- Quintessenz
- R & S Band
- Ra]va[ge
- Rabe
- Rabid Dog
- Rabl, Günther
- Racktacktek
- Radio Diffusion
- Radio Magenta
- Radio Wave
- Radovan, Andy
- Raffetseder Wildfellner Raffetseder
- Rai Tinga
- Rampage Ltd.
- Random
- Rapperbahn
- Rare'n'Tasty
- Ras MC Bean
- Rastafahnda
- Rats, The
- Rauhnacht
- Rauschfrei
- Raven Khan
- Raven Rec.
- Raw-Cats, The
- Ray Tracer
- Real Chief Jacksons of Justice, The
- Real Clime-X
- Real Liberty
- Realize
- Rebel Muffin
- Recyclers
- Red Eye Shot
- Red Machete
- Red Plankton Red
- Red Sun Project
- Reflection
- Regalager
- Regen, Ina
- Regency
- Regolith
- Reider, Bernhard
- Reiter, Marcus
- Rene Reiter
- Replica
- Resch / Pauly
- Resch, Thomas
- Rex Royal & seine Rotatoren
- Rhythm Gangsters, The
- Ribisel
- Rigler, Mike
- Rik
- Rika
- Riptide
- Ritornell
- Ritva
- Roadrunners, The
- Robinson
- Robinson Island
- Robinson, Tex
- Robinson, Tex & Friends
- Robinson, Tex & Karin
- Robson
- Rockenschaub
- Rockschaffner
- Rockzipfel
- Rodrigezz, René
- Roi
- Roi Blech Orchester
- Roidinger, Adelhard
- Rois, Stefan
- Roly Poly & The Raspberries
- Ronja
- Ronny & Chris
- Ronny & Gerhard
- Roots, The
- Rosenbergs, Die
- Rot Weiss Tod
- Royal Cat Club
- Roys Are Back In Town, The
- Ruben And The Jets
- Ruffian Rugged
- Ruh
- Ruhmer
- Running Sores
- Ryotts
- Rückgrat
- Rüsty Diamönds
- S!ckmouth
- S. F. 2
- S.M.art
- Sanders, John Lee & The World Blue Band
- Sandl
- Sanguis et Cinis
- Santiago
- Sarcastic Murder
- Sasa Kroma
- Sasha
- Savage Savage
- Scab
- Schachverein
- Schallerbande
- Schallosie
- Scheckfälscher Combo
- Schiller, Ingrid
- Schlagbrett
- Schmack
- Schmidauer
- Schmidauer & Band
- Schmidauer, Hannes & Band
- Schmiedhammer
- Schrempf, Luky
- Schrempf, Luky & Wild Dogs
- Schutti, Ralph
- Schwarz, Charly
- Schwarz, Roland
- Schwarz, Roland & Parov Stelar
- Schwarzwald, Reinhold
- Schwester
- Schöne Männer
- Scotty
- Screenager
- Se Mustard Terrorists
- Sebastian
- Second Guesses
- Second Section
- Secret Council Corner
- Secretary Modern
- Seelenwärmer
- Seidenstickah Camp
- Seismic
- Seitan Terror
- Sekretär Modern
- Sektion Kraftsport
- Selbstlaut
- Selecta Mahesh
- Selecta Ufuk
- Selenities, The
- Sen Lotus
- Senseless Seduction
- Sepp Schmidhammer spricht zum Thema
- Septic Cemetery
- Seraphim
- Sergeant Steel
- Serve Chilled
- Seth
- Seven Sioux
- Sex Sex Sex
- Sexual Spastics
- Shadowcast
- Shaka
- She
- Shine
- Shine Sally
- Ship Cracking Guns
- Shirts Alive
- Short People
- Shotgun Wedding
- Shy
- Shy Jump, The
- Sick Orange
- Sign Of Salvation
- Silence Of Sins
- Silent Cry
- Silent Sun, The
- Simple Service
- Sin After Sin
- Singer, Bobbie
- Sirene & Philippe
- Sister Jones
- Six, David
- Six-Score
- Skaputnik
- Skip It
- Skizzo
- Skydiving Pearls
- Skyfade
- Slaveson
- Slavica
- Sleam, The
- Sliver of Serenity
- Sloggahouse
- Slugsuck
- Smart Import
- Smiling Buddha & Manu
- Smiling Buddhas, The
- Smiling Sunrise Band, The
- Smoking Frogs
- Smoky River Band
- Snuh
- Sodding Cob
- Sodom & Gomorrah
- Sonic Adventure Project
- Sonic Drive
- Sonic Fusion
- Sonido
- Sonoluce
- Sophisticated
- Sorgt für Spaß
- Soul Fun Project
- SoulDeep
- Souldja
- Soundhaufn
- Soundsgood
- Space Navigator
- SpaceChimp
- Spaice trucking feat. Ian Paice
- Spank
- Spanky´s Bungalow
- Spearhead
- Speed
- Spillane
- Spiral Dance
- Spittah
- Splitting - Spank
- Spontanen Populisten, Die
- Spott & Hohn
- Spour, Robert & Klaus Obermaier
- Spring String Quartet
- SpringFlash
- Ssenkrad
- Stadler, Mario
- Stadler, Monika
- Stadtwerkstattklänge / Stadtwerkstattmusik
- Stahlkind 3000
- Stand To Fall
- StandArt
- Staudinger, Hans
- Steeltown Corruption
- Stefan Kushima
- Stehplatz Allstars
- Stehtrommler Hirsch
- Steinbacher, Christian
- Stelartronic
- Stelzhamma
- Stelzhamma & Habringer, Rudi
- Stereoslap
- Stikz
- Stikz & Abby Lee Tee
- Still Experienced
- Still No Name
- StimmBruch
- Stoabeck
- Stone Circle
- Stone Void
- Stoned Angelina
- Stoned Fish
- Stormbringer
- Strahler 80
- Straight Ahead
- Stranzinger
- Striegl, Bettina
- Stroke
- Stupe-It
- Stöllnberger, Hermine
- Stückwerk
- Stüngö
- Stürmer, Christina
- Success
- Success, Le
- Sucksass
- Suicide Mission
- Sunstain
- Supa Supa Zero Zero
- SuperSmashBrothaz
- Superfeucht
- Superformy
- Superguitars
- Superplastik
- Surfin' Talibaan
- Surfin´ Birds, The
- Sustain
- Svartsorg
- Swamp Swallow
- Swanmay
- Swap
- Swap & Susanne Leitinger
- Swede:Art
- Sweet West
- Swing-Tin-Tin
- Sycamore
- Sympathy For Nothing
- Synged
- Synonym, Das
- Syntrom
- Syphilis
- Szelegowitz, Andreas
- T-Bone
- T-Roll
- T-Time
- TBH Club
- TR Tactics
- TR Tactics & Phentix
- Tabloid
- Tacheless
- Taiyang
- Talltones, The
- Tamed By The Machine
- Target of Demand
- Tartosgardh
- Telepathie
- Tensalomi
- Tentacula
- Tera
- Testsieger
- Texta
- Texta ft. Attwenger
- Thalia
- Their Dogs Were Astronauts
- Thine
- Third Eyed People
- Third Moon
- Thirdmoon
- Three Eyed People
- Threesome
- Tibor Foco
- Tiefenrausch
- Timestone
- Tina 4
- Tira
- To-Ma
- Tom Tesla
- Toma
- Tomboyz
- Tommi B. Feat. Wolfgang K.
- Tom´s Lesion
- Tonfabrik
- Tonfabrik
- Tonfabrik
- Toothpix
- Torinoscale
- Torture
- Toter Roter Fisch
- Tough Motion
- Trackshittaz
- Traenenlos
- Trans Ams, The
- Transmission Range 667
- Traxler
- Treibhaus
- Tribe Remain
- Tribe Time
- Tricomplexes
- Triggerhippies
- TrigoNoMetry
- Trio Akk:zent
- Trio ZaVoCC
- Triotonic
- Triotonic meets Lorenz Raab
- Triple Contact
- Triptychon
- Trizeps
- Trompeteria
- Tronstoner
- Trybek, Michael & Rainbow Kids
- Trümmer sind Steine der Hoffnung
- Tsiegen Foot Music
- TuXedoo
- Tube
- Tuff & Powa
- Tumido
- Tumido & Stefan Rois
- Tumult
- Tuner
- Turn A Blind Eye
- Turnaround
- Tweed
- Two By Two
- Ty Tender
- U
- Uche Yara
- Uciel
- Ulla
- Ultranoise
- Ultrawurscht
- Unbelievable
- Und dann und wann ein weißer Elefant
- Under The Beltline
- Undo, Edith
- Unica
- Unichtbaren, Die
- UnterMieter
- Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra, The
- Uranus Voc
- Urban Movement
- Urban Sprawl
- Urban Style
- Urfahraner Aufgeiger
- Urfahrer Durchbruch
- Urfahrwändchöre, Die
- Ursula h.
- Uzziel
- Vacunt
- Valina
- Van Diesel
- VanDeRock
- Veins, The
- Vera
- Verbale Systematik
- Vergeblichkeit
- Verwegenen, Die
- Viasteiga Schwegler
- Vipera
- Vision Noir
- Vnzvcht
- Voices and Music
- Vollkorn Plus
- Volume Knob
- Voodoo Driven Denim Devils
- Voodoo Hanks
- W.H. Band, Dr.
- W.I.L.D.
- WCH Band
- Wagner, Gotthard
- Wahlmüller, Michael
- Waiszbrohd
- Walkner-Hintenaus
- Walkner.Möstl
- Wall Drug
- Watchtower & Octopus
- Waterloo
- Waterloo & Robinson
- Waterloo Live Band
- Waugznerer
- We Blame The Empire
- Weedy Beedies
- Weinberger, Manfred Paul & Braun, Stefan
- Weinberger, Manfred Paul Quartett
- Weinberger, Manfred Paul Quintett
- Weinberger, Manfred Paul Septett
- Weinberger, Manfred Paul Sextet
- Weiszbrohd
- Wellblech Untergrund
- Wendja
- Wenzel Dnatek
- Wenzel Washington
- Wenzl Dnatek
- Wenzl, Franz Adrian
- Werner Puntigam & Matchume Zango
- Werner Puntigam, Adam Chisvo & Klaus Hollinetz
- Wet Spinach
- Wheeler Kenny & Maurer Christian Quintet
- Who Cares
- Wienerroither, Klaus
- Wiesinger, Roland
- Wiff
- Wilfried
- Willee
- Willi Warma
- Wipeout
- Wish Upon A Star
- Witchmop
- Withers
- Wok
- Wolfgang
- Wombäts
- Working Animal
- Working Class Heroes
- Wort::Wörtlich
- X-Act All Star Band
- X-Dream
- X-Miss
- Xaver V
- Ybalferran
- Yield 7
- Ynnox
- You Know?!
- Youngdozer
- Yoyo
- Yuki Suckaboner
- Yukon
- Yumans
- ZAK!
- Zagholy, André
- Zarathustra
- Zeit, Die
- Zeitlos
- Zentrix
- Zimmermann / Leitinger
- Zombiefied
- Zsa Zsa
- Zweikanalton
- [:Pi:]
- cms_Report
- d.L
- datafucklatenightshow
- di´laemma
- drkmbnt
- ears.incorporated
- fiasco électrique
- iPunk
- jukeboxXfreak
- madLberger
- mayr & derhunt
- mg3
- nOrah
- nexxor & helica
- quaksalber
- sOUndsO
- systemError
- tr&b
- trouble by design
- wa:rum
- y-project, the
- Äffchen und Craigs
- Ösi Bua