1. Name
  2. Gründungsjahr
  3. Bundesland
  4. Genre
  5. Funktion
  6. Filter

Bands aus Oberösterreich

  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. 00y 18
  6. 10 Saiten 1 Bogen
  7. 1234 Gstanzln
  8. 1Bomb1Target
  9. 2000 Super
  10. 22# Windmill Street
  11. 3MinutenEi
  12. 3rynnia
  13. 4 experimentelle die nur 2 sind
  14. 666
  15. 68 Dreadlocks
  16. 7on's Rastgarden
  17. 7schlaf
  18. 94 East
  19. A Colourful White
  20. A Day In The Forest
  21. A Red Flag For A Souvenir
  22. A.G. Trio
  23. A.M.C.
  24. A.Men
  25. A.T.M. (Automated Trash Machine)
  26. AMS
  27. ASR Company
  28. AU, Die (Average & Url)
  29. AVEC
  30. Abby Lee Tee
  31. Abby Lee Tee & GC
  32. Abfoltern
  33. Absurd
  34. Achim Lot
  35. Acumen
  36. Adisdead
  37. Adolessonz
  38. Adrian Flux
  39. Aendiaena
  40. After Aids
  41. Agent 003
  42. Agent Error
  43. Ages
  44. Ahamer, Harry
  45. Aigner, Gabriele
  46. Aimless Bunch
  47. Akjela
  48. Alastor
  49. Alestoy
  50. Alex
  51. Alex Lemar
  52. Alex Milex
  53. Alex The Flipper
  54. Alexx Aiyax
  55. Alexx Aiyax / Marcus Füreder
  56. Allerseelen
  57. Almost Failed
  58. Alone
  59. Alphabox
  60. Alpinkatzen
  61. Alraunen, Die
  62. Amanshauser & Wenzl
  63. Amity In Fame
  64. Ammagamma
  65. Ammoniak
  66. Among Rats
  67. Amortis
  68. Anarchophobia
  69. Anaroid
  70. Anda Morts
  71. Andaka
  72. Andakat
  73. Anderson, DJ
  74. Anderwelt
  75. Andi & Alex
  76. Andiana
  77. Andie Gabauer
  78. Andress, Ali
  79. Andrew Edge Band
  80. Androsch - Kerbl spielt Androsch
  81. Androsch, Peter
  82. Androsch, Peter/Silke Dörner
  83. Androsch/Dorninger
  84. Andy Korg
  85. Angels Company
  86. Angerer, Ali & Gabl, Dietmar
  87. Animal Mother
  88. Anish
  89. Ankerstrom
  90. Annamirl
  91. Annie Red Shirt
  92. Anonimus
  93. Anorak
  94. Anstaltskinda
  95. Ant Antic
  96. Anti Smart
  97. Antonia feat. Sandra
  98. Antrue
  99. Antwort, Die ( ANT)
  100. Antwort, Die, Das Rückgrat & Kayo
  101. Apology
  102. Append:x
  103. Approaching Extinction
  104. Aquarian Age
  105. Area 51
  106. Arise
  107. Arlect, The
  108. Armed Forces
  109. Armourgeddon
  110. Art Boys Collection
  111. Artifacts
  112. Artificial Pesticides
  113. Artists, The
  114. Ashram
  115. Ask Alice
  116. Astaroth
  117. Atmasu
  118. Atomic Stereo
  119. Attersee & Hanni
  120. Attersee und das Ferry Trio
  121. Attwenger
  122. Audiobomber
  123. Aural Screenshots
  124. Aural Screenshots feat. James Plotkin
  125. Austria Knochenschau
  126. Automan
  127. Avalon
  128. Average & Huckey
  129. Average, MC
  130. B-Style
  131. BLUEBURYme
  132. BRPOBR
  133. BRX, DJ
  134. Babelfisch
  135. Baby Sunshine & die 1000 Kilomete
  136. Bachner, Robert Quintet
  137. Back In Stride
  138. Back Then
  139. Back To Felicity
  140. Bad Zoo
  141. Badrock Blues Band, The
  142. Balance Point
  143. Balkonkind
  144. Banane
  145. Bananz & Die Grossen Tangos
  146. Banks, Christopher feat. Michellé, Shelia
  147. Banty Roosters, The
  148. Barbados Live
  149. Barking Dog
  150. Basiskapelle
  151. BauXL
  152. Bauchweh
  153. Baumgartner, Harald
  154. Beatlefield
  155. Beda mit Palme
  156. Beeswax Polish
  157. Beethosens
  158. Behind The Mask
  159. Bella Diablo
  160. Belmondalfeldzug
  161. Bending Unit
  162. Benedikt Walter
  163. Bent Arrows
  164. Berauer, Johannes
  165. Bereavement
  166. Bernie Berlin
  167. Bernie Berlin & Benjamin Ramadani
  168. Bernie Berlin feat. X-Beliebig
  169. Best Off
  170. Beth Edges, The
  171. Big Brass and Rhythm Band Freistadt
  172. Big Crazy Family
  173. Big Dick Willy
  174. Big Easy, The
  175. Big J
  176. Big Mäx
  177. Bigi Biggs & die Posträuber
  178. Bilderbuch
  179. Binder
  180. Bingle Jells
  181. Birdy
  182. Birngruber. Theresia
  183. Black Coffee
  184. Black Dog Cubik
  185. Black Flash
  186. Black Koffie
  187. Black Label
  188. Blackberry
  189. Blackwitch
  190. Blauklang
  191. Bleached Modesty
  192. Blisstonia
  193. Blonder Engel
  194. Blood Stained
  195. Blouson Brothers
  196. Blow & Order
  197. Blowback
  198. Blowing Lewinsky, The
  199. Blue Chip Orchestra
  200. Blue Danube Brass Band
  201. Blue Heads, The
  202. Blue Horn
  203. Blue, Chris
  204. Blues Frizz
  205. Bluesxperience
  206. Bluish
  207. Blumenschein/Vatagin
  208. BoB
  209. Boa Boa
  210. Bock & Leiermusik
  211. Body Talk
  212. Boeff
  213. Boerni_K
  214. Boerni_K, Markus Sis & Gudrun Rubini
  215. Bogdan
  216. Bognermayr/Zuschrader
  217. Boogie Dush
  218. Borderlines, The
  219. Boreas
  220. Born In The Bottle
  221. Braaz
  222. Brain Dead
  223. Brichta, Ron
  224. Brill'n
  225. Broadway
  226. Broken Age
  227. Broken Sequence
  228. Bros, Erwin
  229. Brotlose Kunst
  230. Bruckmayr & DJ Mussurunga
  231. Bruckmayr, Didi
  232. Bruckner's Unlimited
  233. Bruendlinger
  234. Brüder Punzenberger
  235. Buccaneers, The
  236. BulBul
  237. Bulbul + Mäusegruppe
  238. Bulbultumido
  239. BumBum Biggalo
  240. BumBum Kunst
  241. BumBumKunst & Skero
  242. Burn The Traitor
  243. Burnin' Aces
  244. Burp!
  245. Busch, Jakob
  246. Butterfly's Empire
  247. Buzz 7
  248. Bärenheld
  249. Böff Bölgstoff Strovanovsky
  250. Böhnisch, Vera
  251. Böhse TekknoMachaZ
  252. Bösze, Cordula
  253. Bürstinger, Herbert Quartett
  254. C-60
  255. C-Soulution
  256. C.I.P. (Control in Production)
  257. CCider Mockingbird
  258. C_ypherspace
  259. Cachimbo de Paz
  260. Cafe Amigo
  261. Calais
  262. Camorra
  263. CanItrashcan!?
  264. Candlelight Disaster
  265. Cannonball Ride
  266. Cans
  267. Cantona
  268. Captain Boykott
  269. Captain Caracho
  270. Carin Cosa Latin Band
  271. Cariot
  272. Cash & Bloom
  273. Cash Candy
  274. Cash Candy & Parov Stelar
  275. Casin
  276. Cassidy Scenario, The
  277. Castanetti, Hirschmugl & Glück
  278. Catalpa
  279. Catastrophe & Cure
  280. Cemetery Dust
  281. Centao
  282. Cesar Sampson
  283. Ceveo
  284. Chakuza
  285. Chameleon Orchestra
  286. Chasa
  287. Chekuma
  288. Cherry Sunkist
  289. Chill Out
  290. Chillblains
  291. Chrafd
  292. Chris Colt
  293. Christian & Michael
  294. Christoph spuit Christoph
  295. Chronotpimist
  296. Chrunch, The
  297. Chunkfunk
  298. City Blues Band, The
  299. Clains
  300. Cleareol
  301. Clot Of Snot
  302. Clouds Over Chrysler
  303. Cnocks
  304. Cocbit
  305. Cockroach
  306. Coffee & Cream
  307. Coffee & Cream
  308. Coins, The
  309. Cold Cows
  310. Color the Night
  311. Colours
  312. Compact Phunktion
  313. Compaq
  314. Compiled
  315. Concord
  316. Conquitum
  317. Constant Irie Crew
  318. Contact
  319. Container
  320. Cook & The Gang
  321. Cook and Friends
  322. Cool K
  323. Cosma Shiva
  324. Costa de la Muerte
  325. Country Swingers
  326. Couscous
  327. Coverage
  328. Crashdead
  329. Crazy Cubes
  330. Crazy Temple
  331. Creative Rhyme Brothaz
  332. Creep
  333. Crosshill
  334. Crown Royal
  335. Crumb, George Trio
  336. Cryin Mice
  337. Cryin´ Mice
  338. Crystal Soda Cream
  339. Cube, Der
  340. Cult Of Perce O´Nality
  341. Curious
  342. Curley Sue
  343. Cursed By The Fallen
  344. Curtila Combo
  345. Cyclon Bäh
  346. D-Tex
  347. D.Fect Groovemasters
  348. DDkern
  349. DJ Abillity
  350. DJ Eve Electric
  351. DJ Fantastic
  352. DJ Rapha L aka Tod Ernst
  353. DJ Ride
  354. DJ Twang
  355. DORY
  356. DYAS
  357. Da Staummtisch
  358. DaLenz
  359. Dada Böff Komplex
  360. Dane-E
  361. Danubian Life Lies
  362. Darius Mondop
  363. Dashing Fellows
  364. Datof
  365. Dawn Chorus
  366. Daylight Torn
  367. De Ha (Desert Harvest)
  368. DeZTyleZ
  369. Dea Artio
  370. Dead Alley
  371. Dead Apes
  372. Dead Knowledge
  373. Dead Souls
  374. Deadlokk
  375. Deadzibel
  376. Dealer
  377. Dealirium
  378. Dear No
  379. Death Racer
  380. Death Rising
  381. Deceivers
  382. Deen, Lisa S.
  383. Def Ill
  384. Def:k
  385. Defenceless
  386. Delilah
  387. Della Street
  388. Denk, Birgit
  389. Deo DeLuxe
  390. Desperate Cry
  391. Detomaso
  392. Detroit
  393. Devil's Rejects, The
  394. Dhab
  395. Dharma Bums Insane
  396. Dibo
  397. Dickbauer Collective
  398. Die Partie
  399. Die!
  400. Die:Cut
  401. Diggins
  402. Diggn, Konstantin
  403. Dine With Duke Humphrey
  404. Direkte Volksmusik
  405. Dirt Deflector
  406. Disco Torture
  407. Disenchants
  408. Disorder
  409. Distaste
  410. Divano Cemento
  411. Diving Duck Blues Band
  412. Djane Fraulich
  413. Doe Damage
  414. Doll Steak
  415. Doneus, Marcus
  416. Donke / Zigon
  417. Donke-Unger-Zion
  418. Doped Focus
  419. Doperator
  420. Dorian Hunter
  421. Dorn
  422. Dorninger
  423. Down The Line
  424. Dr. Didi
  425. Dr. Rock
  426. Dreaded Downfall
  427. Dreaded Presence
  428. Dreadyfredy
  429. Dreh And The Kru, Dr.
  430. Drill Reality
  431. Drk Poet x Fozhowi x Alligatorman
  432. DropShop
  433. Du3pl3x
  434. Duo Ost/West
  435. Duo Vakkordeonioline
  436. Dynamo Urfahr
  437. Dynomite
  438. Dystrophy
  439. Döberl, Dominic
  440. Dörnbach
  441. Düsenfried & The Stuffgivers
  442. EVOL
  443. Easy Rider
  444. Eat My Shit
  445. Edenbridge
  446. Eela Craig
  447. Egger
  448. Egger, Gerhard
  449. Egger, Gerhard & Die Mostrocker
  450. Egotrip
  451. Eickhoff, Klaus-André
  452. Einbahn
  453. Eisberg, Wolf Lobo
  454. Eisserer, Geza
  455. Eka-Faraday
  456. Elastic Skies
  457. Electric Ray and The Shockers
  458. Electric Theatre
  459. Electronic Music Lab
  460. Elektrovog
  461. Elephant & Castle
  462. Eleven
  463. Elfriedes Knie
  464. Ellen D.
  465. Embrio Adventure
  466. Emerald
  467. Emperor, Bobby
  468. Empower
  469. End, The
  470. Endorphine
  471. Enemy
  472. Enesi Nayaran
  473. Engelstaub
  474. Ensenada
  475. Enver Hoxha Fatalists
  476. Enver Hoxha Revivalists
  477. Ephen Rian
  478. Erdgas
  479. Erhart, Roland
  480. Eric Fischer & Petit Beurre feat. Florencio Cruz
  481. Erler, Gerhard
  482. Eros Mailfeld + Fresh Meadow Grass of Spring
  483. Erstunken und Erlogen
  484. Ertl, Gerhard
  485. Eschaton
  486. Essmayr
  487. Estate
  488. Estatic Fear
  489. Ethiko
  490. Eugene The Cat
  491. Euphective
  492. Euroclikk
  493. Evva
  494. Ex Machina
  495. Exit
  496. Eye of Betrayer
  497. Eyht
  498. F.B.I. (Far Beyond Innocence)
  499. F80/80
  500. FC Linz
  501. FLUT
  502. FR3UD
  503. Fabo B.
  504. Fadi
  505. Faisty´s Group
  506. Fallsbacher Angeiger
  507. Family Funk
  508. Fancy Free
  509. Fang den Berg
  510. Fang den Berg/Tortoma
  511. Far Beyond Innocence
  512. Faro & Big Work
  513. Faro und Schmiedhammer
  514. Fashion, The
  515. Fat Cat R&B Band
  516. Fat Chester
  517. Faulhammer, Tobias
  518. Fear Kills Spirit
  519. Fehlgeburt
  520. Females Under Tension
  521. Ferank's Fan Club
  522. Ferbrache & Noyce
  523. Ferbrache_Buddha
  524. Festering Flesh
  525. Fetal Injury
  526. Fetznbuam
  527. Feuerlöscher
  528. Feux & Mirac
  529. Feynman, Fabian
  530. File Not Found
  531. Finest Blend
  532. Fireclath
  533. Fireclath Prod. & Kinetical
  534. Firm Entropy, The
  535. Fische, Die
  536. Fischer, Eric
  537. Fischer, Eric & Postl, Peter
  538. Fischerlehner Trio
  539. Fishermans Enemy
  540. Fishhead 66
  541. Fishmac (Fishmäc und seine Hamburger)
  542. Fiskkilla
  543. Fitsch
  544. Five Seasons
  545. Flamyyy
  546. Flatcaps, The
  547. Flatline
  548. Flavour Force feat. Gender Bender
  549. Flexibel Feet
  550. Flieger und die Cola Dosen
  551. Flip
  552. Flip & Average
  553. Fluadan
  554. Flying Penis Brothers
  555. Fo(u)rtissima
  556. FocusPocus
  557. Folia Forever
  558. Folkshilfe
  559. Food On Wheels
  560. Fools And Children
  561. Forgotten Ears
  562. Forum Walters, The
  563. Fotzhobl
  564. Four Sisters
  565. Foxes, The
  566. Fozhowi
  567. Fragile Frame
  568. Fragile I
  569. Frank Yonco Band
  570. Franx
  571. Franzobel
  572. Frats, The
  573. Frattner, Markus
  574. Freakazoid
  575. Freakbox
  576. Freaks For Freaks
  577. Frederic
  578. Freekazoid
  579. Freeman
  580. Frenzel & Söhne
  581. Frick/Helbock Duo
  582. Frinc
  583. Fritz & The Cats
  584. From A Lake
  585. Frontal
  586. Frozen Smoke
  587. Fuchs, Fritz
  588. Fuckhead
  589. Fuel of Hate
  590. Fugu and the Cosmic Mumu
  591. Fullgore
  592. Fun 4 U
  593. Funkgerät
  594. Funny Genius, The
  595. Fur Balloon
  596. Füreder, Marcus
  597. FüzzBappn
  598. G&J
  599. G&J ft. Synged
  600. GC
  601. GC NU?
  602. GESMBH
  603. GGC
  604. GIS Orchestra
  605. GLIMMER
  606. GSH
  607. Gabriele Kepplinger
  608. Gaobot FX
  609. Garden of Grief
  610. Garstenauer, Peter
  611. Garstenauer, Peter Band
  612. Gatecrashers
  613. Gebauer, Harald & Die E-Band
  614. Gebrüder Schmidt
  615. Geburtstag und Weihnachten
  616. Gegenwind
  617. Gelsinger, Andrea
  618. Gelée Royale
  619. GenderBender
  620. Gerhard
  621. Ghostwrita
  622. Gigaldi
  623. Gigi's Gogos
  624. Gil Brent
  625. Gilla
  626. Gin Tonic
  627. Gitarrenduo Klaus Obermaier und Alois Watzinger
  628. Global Tones
  629. Go Bang
  630. Goass, Die
  631. Goatskin
  632. GodHateCode
  633. Goethe groovt
  634. Goldgruber, Johannes v. Chrysosthomus
  635. Goll, Joseph
  636. Gone To Lunch
  637. Good Vibes
  638. Good, Bad, Ugly, The
  639. Goodheart And It Beats
  640. Goodheart Wagner
  641. Government Denies
  642. Graf Lhotzky Terzett
  643. Grand Zeppelin
  644. Grandmas Chocolate Cake
  645. Grassfather
  646. Great Escape, The
  647. Greece Lightning
  648. Grenzgang
  649. Groove
  650. Grooving Arts
  651. Grooving Culture
  652. Grossglockner
  653. Grotesque
  654. Ground Äpple Gang
  655. Gruber, Gerhard
  656. Gruber, Luise & Zentao
  657. Guanako
  658. Guaraná
  659. Guerra Pagan
  660. Guideline
  661. Guigue
  662. Gungatz
  663. Gust-Maly-Band
  664. H-Ant Orange, (Agent Orange)
  665. H. P. Three
  666. Hagauer, Günter & New Austrian Big Band, The
  667. Hakkaapäälle
  668. Hammond´s, Doug Jazz & Blues Brass Band
  669. Hangover 9E
  670. Hans
  671. Hanslmayr/Krebs
  672. Harmless Wankers
  673. Harry & The Rimshots
  674. Harry Jen
  675. Haslinger/Mütter/Puntigam
  676. Hatless
  677. Haute Couture
  678. Head Top Miners
  679. Headtrip
  680. Heartcore
  681. Heatzy
  682. Heatzy & Mahesh
  683. Heavy Minds, The
  684. Heavy Tuba & Jon Sass
  685. Heckspoiler
  686. Heiligenblut
  687. Heinrich Himalaya
  688. Heisenberg & Ghostwrita
  689. Helica
  690. Helicopters (Schönleitner, Helmut & Helicopters)
  691. Hellmeth
  692. Helm
  693. Helter Skelter
  694. Hemenex
  695. Henry OK
  696. Herb
  697. Herbst
  698. Hermann Göring Werke
  699. Hermann Wurzer
  700. Hexamorph
  701. Heyduk, Dieter
  702. Hie, Miriam
  703. High 'n' Mighty
  704. High Speed Lady Die
  705. High-Q
  706. Hillberg & Bruckmayr
  707. Hillberg & D-Tex
  708. Hillside Wranglers, The
  709. Hinterland
  710. Hirschmugl & Glueck Electric
  711. Hirtner / Steiner
  712. Hofko, Maximilian
  713. Hohtraxlecker Sprungschanzenmusi
  714. Holm
  715. Homebaze
  716. Honeytones, The
  717. Honigsalz
  718. Hooch & Maly
  719. Hooch Gang
  720. Hooray, DJ
  721. Horace
  722. Hornek/Kalupa/Lettner Trio
  723. Hornflakes, The
  724. Hot News
  725. Hot Pants Road Club, The
  726. Hotel Balkan Orkestar
  727. Hotzenblotz
  728. Houdini
  729. Housequake Club
  730. Howie
  731. Hrossharsgrawl
  732. Hubert von Goisern
  733. Huckey & Sam
  734. Hueber, Franz Quartett
  735. Human Groove
  736. Hund
  737. Hurry, Martha
  738. Hush, The
  739. Höllenfürst
  740. I Eat Pancakes
  741. I.E.P
  742. IIP
  743. INseit
  744. Iamyour Pamphletear
  745. IcebergILL
  746. Idealbesetzung
  747. Iga Biva
  748. Ignore This Sign
  749. IgoRamirez
  750. Illemann
  751. Image 2040
  752. Impact vs. FLX
  753. In Slumber
  754. In The Attic
  755. Inbetween
  756. Incardia
  757. Incorporated
  758. Indeed
  759. Indietro
  760. Infernal Inc.
  761. Infernal
  762. Inherent Obscurity
  763. Inner Storm
  764. Innquarters
  765. Innviertler Hausmusik
  766. Innviertler Roadshow
  767. Insanity Ravage
  768. Insört
  769. Intact
  770. Interactives Renegades, Les
  771. Interfake
  772. Intheron
  773. Intra
  774. Invictus
  775. Iron Overkill
  776. Isaac Gluten
  777. J.F.K.
  778. Ja'Soul
  779. Jack Frost
  780. Jack Untawega
  781. Jack Untawega & BumBum Kunst
  782. JackTheBusch
  783. Jagersberger, Holger
  784. Jam 4 More
  785. Jam 4 More feat. Christian "Fly" Rijavec
  786. Jande Vachada Kriseneviz
  787. Jay Band
  788. Jay Escola
  789. Jazzodrom
  790. Jazzpresso
  791. Jazzwa
  792. Jekyll & Mr. Blues, Dr.
  793. Jen, Harry & The Live Action Squad
  794. JennyJazz
  795. Jestic, The
  796. Jilly
  797. Jimmy Hofer Band, The
  798. Jirkuff Sisters, The
  799. Jirkuff, Susanne
  800. John Horse
  801. John TC & the Troubleshooters
  802. John TPS
  803. Johnny Geiger
  804. Johnny Rockers
  805. Johnny Summerville
  806. Johnny and the Rotten
  807. Johnnys, Die
  808. Joka
  809. Joko13
  810. Jomasounds
  811. Josef K. Noyce (Noyce)
  812. Josephs Coat
  813. JuJu
  814. Juicy
  815. Juke Joint Blues Band
  816. Juke West
  817. Jungweird
  818. Junior Freak
  819. Junior Freak feat. Boogie Dush
  820. Just A Jump
  821. Just Banks
  822. Just Orange
  823. K., The
  824. K.H.C.
  825. KGW3
  826. Kadesh, The
  827. Kafé Kaos
  828. Kaga
  829. Kain
  830. Kain
  831. Kaiserschmoarn
  832. Kalchgruber, Anna
  833. Kaleen
  834. Kaligula
  835. Kalmar
  836. Kapaun
  837. Kapitano Chaotico
  838. Karan d´ache
  839. Karawatz
  840. Kardinal Kaos
  841. Kardroz
  842. Karli
  843. Katt, Anna
  844. Kaya
  845. Kayo
  846. Kayo & Markee
  847. Kayo & Phekt
  848. Kblbrch
  849. Keep Cool
  850. Keine Ahnung
  851. Kensee
  852. Kepl, Irene
  853. Kepplinger/Frittaion
  854. Kern
  855. Kern & Zogholy
  856. Kienberger, Karin
  857. Kilim Band
  858. Kindheitstrauma
  859. Kinetical
  860. Kinetical & Ruffian Rugged
  861. Kinetical & The Basic Sound Band
  862. Kinetical x Fireclath Sound
  863. Kinetical x Mink
  864. King Paranoij & Zoo
  865. King Size
  866. Kingdom Snow
  867. Klangpark 99
  868. Klassenordner
  869. Kleebauer, Marco
  870. Kleiss, Julian
  871. Klingovsky, Gerhard Quintet
  872. Knochen Hartmann
  873. Knockout Society
  874. Kodak
  875. Kokashila
  876. Koksstierler 74
  877. Konrad Hieslmayr Combo
  878. Konsul Gnadenwalze
  879. Kopf Im Sound
  880. Krautschädl
  881. Kravali
  882. Kreba Sound
  883. Kringa
  884. Kroko Jack
  885. Krüppelschlag
  886. Kuba Connect
  887. Kubinger, Conny
  888. Kulturbaden Ottensheim
  889. Kurort
  890. Kyos
  891. Kyos & Nestik
  892. Kyos & Synged
  893. Köpf, Christoph
  894. L., Bernie
  895. LA Big Band
  896. LA BigBand feat. Karamarkovic, Irina
  897. LOUDER
  898. LS Franz
  899. LS im D-Land
  900. LUM!X
  901. La Défense
  902. La Rochelle Band
  903. La Sabotage
  904. La Vita
  905. Lacherstorfer, Julia
  906. Laine
  907. Lalá Vocalensemble
  908. Lampe
  909. Lang, Bernhard
  910. Lang, Dominik
  911. Lanvall
  912. Last Remedy, The
  913. Launisch
  914. Law Found Guilt
  915. Lazarus
  916. Leber
  917. Leeb, Klaus
  918. Leer
  919. Leeux
  920. Leftover
  921. Legacy of Hate
  922. Legits, The
  923. Leinöl
  924. Leitner / Klinger
  925. Leitner, Ursula und Freunde
  926. Lettners, The
  927. Lex Audrey
  928. Leyya
  929. Lichtblick
  930. Lieblinge der Nation
  931. Lika Doss
  932. Like Elephants
  933. Likewise
  934. Lila Vila
  935. Lilja Bloom
  936. Lilli
  937. Linecker, Hermann & Traunmüller, Peter
  938. Linkmen
  939. Linz Süd Kartell
  940. Linza Buam
  941. Linzer Lehrlingstheater
  942. Linzer Xindl
  943. Lipp, David
  944. Lipp, David und die Liebe
  945. Liquid Amber
  946. Liquid Fellow 79
  947. Liquid Sun
  948. Liselotte
  949. Lo Pro Edge
  950. Logic
  951. Lone Swakement
  952. Loopzilla Kaminski
  953. Lorant Masher
  954. Los Torpedos
  955. Lost Vital Spark
  956. Loud
  957. Love&Fist
  958. Lowa
  959. Loxodrome
  960. Lucifer Baby
  961. Lucky Strikes
  962. Lucy In The Sky
  963. Lukas Poellauer
  964. Luky Schrempf Band
  965. Lumberjack
  966. Luminance
  967. Lunar Mystique
  968. Lupo & Kurtl
  969. Lynch, Ilga & Wanted Men
  970. L´oops
  971. M-FX
  972. M-Force
  973. M-Force feat. Kinetical MC
  974. M.G. Firebug
  975. M.luid
  976. MC Fantastico & The Crowd
  977. MC Hammersteen
  978. MC Snowburger
  979. MC Yankoo
  980. MD Baby
  981. MKID
  982. MKID feat. Didi Bruckmayr
  983. MP The Kid
  984. MT Brains
  985. MUR ´92
  986. Machine Zoo
  987. Mad Hiaz
  988. Madame Humtata
  989. Madog
  990. Maggiore Quartett
  991. Maier, Pepi
  992. Malek, Dorota
  993. Maly / Steiner / Luger
  994. Maly, August & seine Freunde
  995. Maly, G. & G. Polland
  996. Maly, Gust
  997. Mammon
  998. Manatee Pink
  999. Mandatory
  1000. Mandragora
  1001. Manfred & Conny
  1002. Maniac Within
  1003. Mankurt
  1004. Mann Aus Marseille
  1005. Mansch
  1006. Manuel Normal
  1007. Many Men Have Tried
  1008. Maree*
  1009. Maria, Thomas
  1010. Mariandjosef
  1011. Marina
  1012. Mark Neo
  1013. Markante Handlungen
  1014. Markus Quittner
  1015. Marrok
  1016. Martin Gasselsberger Trio (mg3)
  1017. Martin Mueller
  1018. Martinez Merker
  1019. Mary Go Round
  1020. Masoud Simaei
  1021. Masue Tasun vs Syquest
  1022. Maurer, Christian Quintet
  1023. Mavi Phoenix
  1024. Max Powa
  1025. Max Powa feat. Horace Andy
  1026. Max the Sax & Peter Cruseder
  1027. Maxine
  1028. Maxx Gerard
  1029. Maybe Sunday
  1030. Mayr
  1031. Mc Clay & The B. Fresh & B. Nice Crew
  1032. McGregorys
  1033. Meanda
  1034. Medicine Men
  1035. Meena
  1036. Mefjus
  1037. Mehlbrass
  1038. Melody Current
  1039. Men Killing Men
  1040. Men On Mission
  1041. Menace, The
  1042. Mental Spirits
  1043. Mephisto
  1044. Merker TV
  1045. Mes
  1046. Meschugge
  1047. Metal Freak Projekt
  1048. Mg3 feat. Collins, Tim
  1049. Mhesz, Ulli
  1050. Michael Strauss
  1051. Michellé, Shelia
  1052. Midnight Gang
  1053. Mieux
  1054. Mike & A Massive Illusion
  1055. Mike Absolom
  1056. Mike Deal
  1057. Mike Smile
  1058. Mike Turrento
  1059. Mike Vinyl
  1060. Mikel
  1061. Mikrotek
  1062. Milarepa
  1063. Milicevic, Darko
  1064. Milk
  1065. Millhouze
  1066. Million Dollar Band, The
  1067. Mindcave
  1068. Mindcure
  1069. Miriam
  1070. Mirkophonics
  1071. Mischmeister M
  1072. Misjudge
  1073. Mislimi
  1074. Miss Electric
  1075. Misses Doe
  1076. Miß_Verständnis
  1077. Modepuppen
  1078. Modul Kollektiv
  1079. Moerky Moerk
  1080. Mojique
  1081. Mojique V2
  1082. Mollies, Die
  1083. Mollner Maultrommler
  1084. Momentane Bräuche
  1085. Monkey Business
  1086. Mono
  1087. Mono & Amial
  1088. Monochrome Bleu
  1089. Monozone
  1090. Morphean, The
  1091. Mortus
  1092. Mosfet
  1093. Most Unlimited
  1094. Mostpower
  1095. Mostviertler Birnbeitler
  1096. Mother Mathilda
  1097. Mr. Magnetiks Electric Boogie Band
  1098. Mud & Bones Blues Distillery
  1099. Mugg
  1100. Mugshot
  1101. Mus Bus
  1102. Mussurunga
  1103. Mute Audio
  1104. Muttertag
  1105. My House In Spain
  1106. Myer, Wolf Orchestra
  1107. Mühlberger, René
  1108. N. C. Mentis
  1109. N.W.O.
  1110. NI
  1111. Nachtschwärmer
  1112. Nadeshda
  1113. Nailhead Bastards
  1114. Nane's Spicy Kitchen Lab
  1115. Napalm Quintett, Das
  1116. Narada Orchestra
  1117. Nash
  1118. Neania
  1119. Ned Rise
  1120. Nein, Franz!
  1121. Nematomorpha
  1122. NepTune
  1123. Nestik
  1124. Neubauer, Andreas
  1125. Neumüller, Werner
  1126. Neun Volt
  1127. New Ohr Linz Dixieband, The
  1128. Nexxor
  1129. Ngoi, Chanda
  1130. Night Voc
  1131. Nika
  1132. Nikotin
  1133. Nine Day Wonder
  1134. Nintendos, The
  1135. NirwAkia
  1136. Nnella
  1137. Nnoa
  1138. No Business For Dogs
  1139. No Fashion
  1140. No Fear
  1141. No deal
  1142. Noah
  1143. Nochtschicht
  1144. Noise "R" Us
  1145. Noisyboy
  1146. Noize Torture
  1147. NoizeGuerilla
  1148. Nola Grey
  1149. Nom3k
  1150. Nordwind
  1151. Norma Jean
  1152. Novi Start
  1153. Novisattva
  1154. Novotny, Josef
  1155. Noxious
  1156. Nuclear Havoc
  1157. Nunu sagt
  1158. Nutz, Andreas
  1159. Nàire
  1160. O Luv
  1161. O+A / Sam Auinger & Bruce Odland
  1162. O.R.I.G.I.N
  1163. Oblivious
  1164. Oel
  1165. Offsize
  1166. Ohne Kane Bresln
  1167. Okabre
  1168. Olemus
  1169. Olga
  1170. One Verse
  1171. One of a kind
  1172. Open Art Band
  1173. Opproductive
  1174. Orange
  1175. Orgema
  1176. Orphan
  1177. Ortner, Bianca
  1178. Osci
  1179. Otsch, Der
  1180. Ottos Mops
  1181. Out Of Cage
  1182. Out of Blue
  1183. Outline
  1184. Outside
  1185. Outsmarted
  1186. Oxilogik
  1187. Ozymandias
  1188. PAUL !
  1189. PC-Boys, The
  1190. PJ:UN
  1191. POSTMAN
  1192. Pacalolo
  1193. Paddy Murphy
  1194. Padre El Ferenco
  1195. Pangani
  1196. Panica
  1197. Paniktreibriegel, Der
  1198. Pankrott-Revival-Band
  1199. Parasol Caravan
  1200. Parov Stelar
  1201. Parov Stelar Trio
  1202. Part7
  1203. Pascal A Band
  1204. Passengers, The
  1205. Patricia K
  1206. Patunum
  1207. Paul Blaze
  1208. Pearls For Pigs
  1209. Pekari
  1210. Pelvic Tilt
  1211. Perditus
  1212. Perfect Roommates
  1213. Performance
  1214. Pest
  1215. Peter Gabis
  1216. Peter Gastenauer & Band
  1217. Peterstorfer, Harald & Angerer, Ali
  1218. Petia & Friends
  1219. Petit Beurre
  1220. Pfann, Rudy & Apollo 3
  1221. Pfeffer, Werner & Band
  1222. Phaeicon
  1223. Phekt
  1224. Phenomen
  1225. Phentix
  1226. Phentix & Kinetical MC
  1227. Phil Chronics
  1228. Phil Sonic
  1229. Philemon's Tree
  1230. Philomena
  1231. Phobos
  1232. Phredless Dread
  1233. Pianocrash
  1234. Pikestaff
  1235. Pilzi
  1236. Pink As A Panther
  1237. Pirata Rossa
  1238. Pixel Picture
  1239. Planquadrat
  1240. Plasma
  1241. Plasticube
  1242. Plastik
  1243. PlekTron
  1244. Poem by Hard
  1245. Poetzelsberger, Tobias
  1246. Poihaum Connected
  1247. Polifame
  1248. Polirac
  1249. Polland Blues Band
  1250. Poly Kommune
  1251. Polyfame
  1252. Popeye
  1253. Popserver
  1254. Porn To Hula
  1255. Portico
  1256. Post Period
  1257. Post, (Die)
  1258. Powerblues Inc.
  1259. Poxrucker Sisters
  1260. Pray That I Miss
  1261. Prelevant Kicks
  1262. Pride & Shame
  1263. Priests, The
  1264. Primp
  1265. Princest
  1266. Pristine
  1267. Pro Brass
  1268. Prochoice
  1269. Prosch, Mario
  1270. Prünster, Klaus
  1271. Puntigam, Werner
  1272. Puntigam, Werner & Gert-Jan Prins
  1273. Puntigam-Ertl
  1274. Punzenberger, Roland
  1275. Purge
  1276. Purple Bonsai
  1277. Purple Haze
  1278. Putput
  1279. QV II
  1280. Quintessenz
  1281. R & S Band
  1282. RIB
  1283. RIP
  1284. RUDY
  1285. Ra]va[ge
  1286. Rabe
  1287. Rabid Dog
  1288. Rabl, Günther
  1289. Racktacktek
  1290. Radio Diffusion
  1291. Radio Magenta
  1292. Radio Wave
  1293. Radovan, Andy
  1294. Raffetseder Wildfellner Raffetseder
  1295. Rai Tinga
  1296. Rampage Ltd.
  1297. Random
  1298. Rapperbahn
  1299. Rare'n'Tasty
  1300. Ras MC Bean
  1301. Rastafahnda
  1302. Rats, The
  1303. Rauhnacht
  1304. Rauschfrei
  1305. Raven Khan
  1306. Raven Rec.
  1307. Raw-Cats, The
  1308. Ray Tracer
  1309. Real Chief Jacksons of Justice, The
  1310. Real Clime-X
  1311. Real Liberty
  1312. Realize
  1313. Rebel Muffin
  1314. Recyclers
  1315. Red Eye Shot
  1316. Red Machete
  1317. Red Plankton Red
  1318. Red Sun Project
  1319. Reflection
  1320. Regalager
  1321. Regen, Ina
  1322. Regency
  1323. Regolith
  1324. Reider, Bernhard
  1325. Reiter, Marcus
  1326. Rene Reiter
  1327. Replica
  1328. Resch / Pauly
  1329. Resch, Thomas
  1330. Rex Royal & seine Rotatoren
  1331. Rhythm Gangsters, The
  1332. Ribisel
  1333. Rigler, Mike
  1334. Rik
  1335. Rika
  1336. Riptide
  1337. Ritornell
  1338. Ritva
  1339. Roadrunners, The
  1340. Robinson
  1341. Robinson Island
  1342. Robinson, Tex
  1343. Robinson, Tex & Friends
  1344. Robinson, Tex & Karin
  1345. Robson
  1346. Rockenschaub
  1347. Rockschaffner
  1348. Rockzipfel
  1349. Rodrigezz, René
  1350. Roi
  1351. Roi Blech Orchester
  1352. Roidinger, Adelhard
  1353. Rois, Stefan
  1354. Roly Poly & The Raspberries
  1355. Ronja
  1356. Ronny & Chris
  1357. Ronny & Gerhard
  1358. Roots, The
  1359. Rosenbergs, Die
  1360. Rot Weiss Tod
  1361. Royal Cat Club
  1362. Roys Are Back In Town, The
  1363. Ruben And The Jets
  1364. Ruffian Rugged
  1365. Ruh
  1366. Ruhmer
  1367. Running Sores
  1368. Ryotts
  1369. Rückgrat
  1370. Rüsty Diamönds
  1371. S!ckmouth
  1372. S. F. 2
  1373. S.M.art
  1374. Sanders, John Lee & The World Blue Band
  1375. Sandl
  1376. Sanguis et Cinis
  1377. Santiago
  1378. Sarcastic Murder
  1379. Sasa Kroma
  1380. Sasha
  1381. Savage Savage
  1382. Scab
  1383. Schachverein
  1384. Schallerbande
  1385. Schallosie
  1386. Scheckfälscher Combo
  1387. Schiller, Ingrid
  1388. Schlagbrett
  1389. Schmack
  1390. Schmidauer
  1391. Schmidauer & Band
  1392. Schmidauer, Hannes & Band
  1393. Schmiedhammer
  1394. Schrempf, Luky
  1395. Schrempf, Luky & Wild Dogs
  1396. Schutti, Ralph
  1397. Schwarz, Charly
  1398. Schwarz, Roland
  1399. Schwarz, Roland & Parov Stelar
  1400. Schwarzwald, Reinhold
  1401. Schwester
  1402. Schöne Männer
  1403. Scotty
  1404. Screenager
  1405. Se Mustard Terrorists
  1406. Sebastian
  1407. Second Guesses
  1408. Second Section
  1409. Secret Council Corner
  1410. Secretary Modern
  1411. Seelenwärmer
  1412. Seidenstickah Camp
  1413. Seismic
  1414. Seitan Terror
  1415. Sekretär Modern
  1416. Sektion Kraftsport
  1417. Selbstlaut
  1418. Selecta Mahesh
  1419. Selecta Ufuk
  1420. Selenities, The
  1421. Sen Lotus
  1422. Senseless Seduction
  1423. Sepp Schmidhammer spricht zum Thema
  1424. Septic Cemetery
  1425. Seraphim
  1426. Sergeant Steel
  1427. Serve Chilled
  1428. Seth
  1429. Seven Sioux
  1430. Sex Sex Sex
  1431. Sexual Spastics
  1432. Shadowcast
  1433. Shaka
  1434. She
  1435. Shine
  1436. Shine Sally
  1437. Ship Cracking Guns
  1438. Shirts Alive
  1439. Short People
  1440. Shotgun Wedding
  1441. Shy
  1442. Shy Jump, The
  1443. Sick Orange
  1444. Sign Of Salvation
  1445. Silence Of Sins
  1446. Silent Cry
  1447. Silent Sun, The
  1448. Simple Service
  1449. Sin After Sin
  1450. Singer, Bobbie
  1451. Sirene & Philippe
  1452. Sister Jones
  1453. Six, David
  1454. Six-Score
  1455. Skaputnik
  1456. Skip It
  1457. Skizzo
  1458. Skydiving Pearls
  1459. Skyfade
  1460. Slaveson
  1461. Slavica
  1462. Sleam, The
  1463. Sliver of Serenity
  1464. Sloggahouse
  1465. Slugsuck
  1466. Smart Import
  1467. Smiling Buddha & Manu
  1468. Smiling Buddhas, The
  1469. Smiling Sunrise Band, The
  1470. Smoking Frogs
  1471. Smoky River Band
  1472. Snuh
  1473. Sodding Cob
  1474. Sodom & Gomorrah
  1475. Sonic Adventure Project
  1476. Sonic Drive
  1477. Sonic Fusion
  1478. Sonido
  1479. Sonoluce
  1480. Sophisticated
  1481. Sorgt für Spaß
  1482. Soul Fun Project
  1483. SoulDeep
  1484. Souldja
  1485. Soundhaufn
  1486. Soundsgood
  1487. Space Navigator
  1488. SpaceChimp
  1489. Spaice trucking feat. Ian Paice
  1490. Spank
  1491. Spanky´s Bungalow
  1492. Spearhead
  1493. Speed
  1494. Spillane
  1495. Spiral Dance
  1496. Spittah
  1497. Splitting - Spank
  1498. Spontanen Populisten, Die
  1499. Spott & Hohn
  1500. Spour, Robert & Klaus Obermaier
  1501. Spring String Quartet
  1502. SpringFlash
  1503. Ssenkrad
  1504. Stadler, Mario
  1505. Stadler, Monika
  1506. Stadtwerkstattklänge / Stadtwerkstattmusik
  1507. Stahlkind 3000
  1508. Stand To Fall
  1509. StandArt
  1510. Staudinger, Hans
  1511. Steeltown Corruption
  1512. Stefan Kushima
  1513. Stehplatz Allstars
  1514. Stehtrommler Hirsch
  1515. Steinbacher, Christian
  1516. Stelartronic
  1517. Stelzhamma
  1518. Stelzhamma & Habringer, Rudi
  1519. Stereoslap
  1520. Stikz
  1521. Stikz & Abby Lee Tee
  1522. Still Experienced
  1523. Still No Name
  1524. StimmBruch
  1525. Stoabeck
  1526. Stone Circle
  1527. Stone Void
  1528. Stoned Angelina
  1529. Stoned Fish
  1530. Stormbringer
  1531. Strahler 80
  1532. Straight Ahead
  1533. Stranzinger
  1534. Striegl, Bettina
  1535. Stroke
  1536. Stupe-It
  1537. Stöllnberger, Hermine
  1538. Stückwerk
  1539. Stüngö
  1540. Stürmer, Christina
  1541. Success
  1542. Success, Le
  1543. Sucksass
  1544. Suicide Mission
  1545. Sunstain
  1546. Supa Supa Zero Zero
  1547. SuperSmashBrothaz
  1548. Superfeucht
  1549. Superformy
  1550. Superguitars
  1551. Superplastik
  1552. Surfin' Talibaan
  1553. Surfin´ Birds, The
  1554. Sustain
  1555. Svartsorg
  1556. Swamp Swallow
  1557. Swanmay
  1558. Swap
  1559. Swap & Susanne Leitinger
  1560. Swede:Art
  1561. Sweet West
  1562. Swing-Tin-Tin
  1563. Sycamore
  1564. Sympathy For Nothing
  1565. Synged
  1566. Synonym, Das
  1567. Syntrom
  1568. Syphilis
  1569. Szelegowitz, Andreas
  1570. T-Bone
  1571. T-Roll
  1572. T-Time
  1573. TBH Club
  1574. TOMÁ
  1575. TR Tactics
  1576. TR Tactics & Phentix
  1577. Tabloid
  1578. Tacheless
  1579. Taiyang
  1580. Talltones, The
  1581. Tamed By The Machine
  1582. Target of Demand
  1583. Tartosgardh
  1584. Telepathie
  1585. Tensalomi
  1586. Tentacula
  1587. Tera
  1588. Testsieger
  1589. Texta
  1590. Texta ft. Attwenger
  1591. Thalia
  1592. Their Dogs Were Astronauts
  1593. Thine
  1594. Third Eyed People
  1595. Third Moon
  1596. Thirdmoon
  1597. Three Eyed People
  1598. Threesome
  1599. Tibor Foco
  1600. Tiefenrausch
  1601. Timestone
  1602. Tina 4
  1603. Tira
  1604. To-Ma
  1605. Tom Tesla
  1606. Toma
  1607. Tomboyz
  1608. Tommi B. Feat. Wolfgang K.
  1609. Tom´s Lesion
  1610. Tonfabrik
  1611. Tonfabrik
  1612. Tonfabrik
  1613. Toothpix
  1614. Torinoscale
  1615. Torture
  1616. Toter Roter Fisch
  1617. Tough Motion
  1618. Trackshittaz
  1619. Traenenlos
  1620. Trans Ams, The
  1621. Transmission Range 667
  1622. Traxler
  1623. Treibhaus
  1624. Tribe Remain
  1625. Tribe Time
  1626. Tricomplexes
  1627. Triggerhippies
  1628. TrigoNoMetry
  1629. Trio Akk:zent
  1630. Trio ZaVoCC
  1631. Triotonic
  1632. Triotonic meets Lorenz Raab
  1633. Triple Contact
  1634. Triptychon
  1635. Trizeps
  1636. Trompeteria
  1637. Tronstoner
  1638. Trybek, Michael & Rainbow Kids
  1639. Trümmer sind Steine der Hoffnung
  1640. Tsiegen Foot Music
  1641. TuXedoo
  1642. Tube
  1643. Tuff & Powa
  1644. Tumido
  1645. Tumido & Stefan Rois
  1646. Tumult
  1647. Tuner
  1648. Turn A Blind Eye
  1649. Turnaround
  1650. Tweed
  1651. Two By Two
  1652. Ty Tender
  1653. U
  1654. Uche Yara
  1655. Uciel
  1656. Ulla
  1657. Ultranoise
  1658. Ultrawurscht
  1659. Unbelievable
  1660. Und dann und wann ein weißer Elefant
  1661. Under The Beltline
  1662. Undo, Edith
  1663. Unica
  1664. Unichtbaren, Die
  1665. UnterMieter
  1666. Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra, The
  1667. Uranus Voc
  1668. Urban Movement
  1669. Urban Sprawl
  1670. Urban Style
  1671. Urfahraner Aufgeiger
  1672. Urfahrer Durchbruch
  1673. Urfahrwändchöre, Die
  1674. Ursula h.
  1675. Uzziel
  1676. Vacunt
  1677. Valina
  1678. Van Diesel
  1679. VanDeRock
  1680. Veins, The
  1681. Vera
  1682. Verbale Systematik
  1683. Vergeblichkeit
  1684. Verwegenen, Die
  1685. Viasteiga Schwegler
  1686. Vipera
  1687. Vision Noir
  1688. Vnzvcht
  1689. Voices and Music
  1690. Vollkorn Plus
  1691. Volume Knob
  1692. Voodoo Driven Denim Devils
  1693. Voodoo Hanks
  1694. W.H. Band, Dr.
  1695. W.I.L.D.
  1696. WCH Band
  1697. WUF
  1698. Wagner, Gotthard
  1699. Wahlmüller, Michael
  1700. Waiszbrohd
  1701. Walkner-Hintenaus
  1702. Walkner.Möstl
  1703. Wall Drug
  1704. Watchtower & Octopus
  1705. Waterloo
  1706. Waterloo & Robinson
  1707. Waterloo Live Band
  1708. Waugznerer
  1709. We Blame The Empire
  1710. Weedy Beedies
  1711. Weinberger, Manfred Paul & Braun, Stefan
  1712. Weinberger, Manfred Paul Quartett
  1713. Weinberger, Manfred Paul Quintett
  1714. Weinberger, Manfred Paul Septett
  1715. Weinberger, Manfred Paul Sextet
  1716. Weiszbrohd
  1717. Wellblech Untergrund
  1718. Wendja
  1719. Wenzel Dnatek
  1720. Wenzel Washington
  1721. Wenzl Dnatek
  1722. Wenzl, Franz Adrian
  1723. Werner Puntigam & Matchume Zango
  1724. Werner Puntigam, Adam Chisvo & Klaus Hollinetz
  1725. Wet Spinach
  1726. Wheeler Kenny & Maurer Christian Quintet
  1727. Who Cares
  1728. Wienerroither, Klaus
  1729. Wiesinger, Roland
  1730. Wiff
  1731. Wilfried
  1732. Willee
  1733. Willi Warma
  1734. Wipeout
  1735. Wish Upon A Star
  1736. Witchmop
  1737. Withers
  1738. Wok
  1739. Wolfgang
  1740. Wombäts
  1741. Working Animal
  1742. Working Class Heroes
  1743. Wort::Wörtlich
  1744. X-Act All Star Band
  1745. X-Dream
  1746. X-Miss
  1747. XING
  1748. Xaver V
  1749. Ybalferran
  1750. Yield 7
  1751. Ynnox
  1752. You Know?!
  1753. Youngdozer
  1754. Yoyo
  1755. Yuki Suckaboner
  1756. Yukon
  1757. Yumans
  1758. ZAK!
  1759. Zagholy, André
  1760. Zarathustra
  1761. Zeit, Die
  1762. Zeitlos
  1763. Zentrix
  1764. Zimmermann / Leitinger
  1765. Zombiefied
  1766. Zsa Zsa
  1767. Zweikanalton
  1768. [:Pi:]
  1769. cms_Report
  1770. d.L
  1771. datafucklatenightshow
  1772. di´laemma
  1773. drkmbnt
  1774. ears.incorporated
  1775. fiasco électrique
  1776. iPunk
  1777. jukeboxXfreak
  1778. madLberger
  1779. mayr & derhunt
  1780. mg3
  1781. nOrah
  1782. nexxor & helica
  1783. quaksalber
  1784. sOUndsO
  1785. systemError
  1786. tr&b
  1787. trouble by design
  1788. wa:rum
  1789. y-project, the
  1790. Äffchen und Craigs
  1791. Ösi Bua