- Index
- Cover
Records für j
- (Jubiläum) Mann oh Mann
(Hubbubs, The)
- #joeh
(Franz-Riegler, Thomas)
- J.A.C.
- J.O.E.L EP
- J.P.'s
(Jokin' Parrot)
- J´ai Peur
- J'Ai Perdu Mon Coeur Remixes
(Vortex Rex)
- Ja
- Ja, Panik
(Ja, Panik)
- Ja, Panik / Die Heiterkeit
(Ja, Panik)
- Ja, Panik / Hans Unstern
(Ja, Panik)
- Ja, so war'n meine Leut'
(Prager, Christl)
- Ja, so war's in Sapporo
(Wachauer Buam)
- Ja, was waß denn die Welt, was a Weanerherz fühlt
(Duo Stadlmayr-Kroupa)
- Jack´s Angels Best
(Jack´s Angels)
- Jack's Angels
(Jack´s Angels)
- Jack EP
- Jackers Wanna Get Me
(Wax Motif & CSKok)
- Jack Grunsky
(Grunsky, Jack)
- Jackhammer
(Scvlpture & Cranium)
- Jack of All Trades
(Leonardi, Giuseppe)
- Jack of Spades
(Matter of Taste)
- Jackpot
(Müller, Ludwig)
- Jackpot
- Jackpot Cockeyed Girl
(Sado Maso Guitar Club, The)
- Jackpot Cockeyed Girl / I Lost My Faith In You
- Jack Roots
(Sam Chalcraft)
- Ja das is´ mei´ Land
(Zimmer, Franz)
- Ja eh
- Jaeyn
(Nicole Jaey & Harry Jen)
- Jaeyn​.​remixed
(Nicole Jaey & Harry Jen)
- Jagatee
- Jägermeister
(Subl!ne & San Datino)
- Jagged EP
(Koax & Geostatic)
- Jägiritter
- Jägiritter Instrumental
- Jaguar / Catchy
(Frank Lemon)
- Jaguar Skills & His Amazing Friends Vol. 1
- Jahman
(Stereotyp meets Tikiman)
- Jahraus, Jahrein - der Wienerischen Lieder zweiter Teil
(Pluhar, Erika)
- Jahreszeiten
(Cornelius, Peter)
- JaJa
(Donna Savage)
- Ja Ja Ja
- Jakobi
- Jakuzi's Attempt
(Jakuzi's Attempt)
- Jakuzi's Attempt
(Jakuzi's Attempt)
- Jalan
- Jalousie
(Klement, Katharina)
- Jam
(Austrian Jazz Orchestra, The)
- Jam!
(Raw Century Soul)
- Jamaica
(Watzik, Chris)
- Jamaica EP
(Funky Dragon)
- Jamaica Jamaica
- James Bond
(Ed Martini)
- James Choice
(James Choice)
- James Choice & The Bad Decisions EP
(James Choice & The Bad Decisions)
- James Hersey EP
(Hersey, James)
- Jammama
- Jammin´ With Theo / Passin´ Dreams
(Ratzenbeck, Peter)
- Jamzero
- Janine
(Majzen, Mike)
- Janine / Zärtlichkeit
(Majzen, Mike)
- Janis / Mädchen
(Blümchen Blau)
- Jänner
(Holy, Peter)
- January
(Alpha Tracks)
- Japanese Rose
(Ken Hayakawa feat. Herb Piper)
- Japan Live 1996
- Japan Tour 2005 Morr Music
- Japan Tour 2011
(Gulda, Yuko)
- Japan Tour 2018 EP
(DeeCracks, The)
- Jardin Au Fou
(Roedelius, Hans-Joachim)
- Jasmine
(Don_t Go)
- Ja so war das
(Olgas Boris)
- Jatobá Bigband
(Jatobá Bigband)
- Jaune
(Monophobe & Sixtus Preiss)
- Jaya The Cat / The Forum Walters - split
(Forum Walters, The)
- Jayden / Chresus Jist
- Jazz
- Jazz
(Fender, Fredi)
- Jazz! / Sax In Space
(Deep FM)
- Jazz´n Funk
(Eberle, Toni)
- Jazz & Dancemusic of The Fifties
- Jazz & The City ... And Me
(Kahr, Michael)
- Jazz and Peace
- Jazzbühne Berlin ´85
(Vienna Art Orchestra)
- Jazz Collaborations EP
- Jazzfest
(Pauls Jets)
- Jazz For Thinkers
- Jazz für Kinder
- Jazz im Alba Palace
(Neubrand, Heinz und seine Freunde)
- Jazz in Austria 1954 - 1998 Volume 1
- Jazz In The House
(Count Basic)
- Jazz In The House
(Count Basic)
- Jazzit CD#4: In Detention
(Present Tension)
- Jazz Mendt Live
(Mendt, Marianne)
- Jazzmussweg!
(Bruckner's Unlimited)
- Jazznights '99 Live
(Pan Tau-X)
- Jazz On Vinyl Volume Four Offbeat
- Jazz Piano Austria Vol. 1
- Jazz Proclamation
(Nordegg, Cécile)
- Jazz Proclamation Vol.2
(Nordegg, Cécile)
- Jazzrock
- Jazzsommer 2002
- Jazzsommer 2003
- Jazzsommer 2004
- Jazzsticks Re-Mixed Part 1
- Jazzsticks X Creative Wax
- Jazzthetics / Live At The Memory Inn
(Zero Gravity)
- Jazz Trio 57 plus
(Jazz Trio 57 plus)
- Jazz Up
- Jazzwa No. 1
(Trans Danube Music Orient Express)
- Jazzwerkstatt Podcast
- JazzWerkstatt Wien 2005
- Jazzwerkstatt Wien New Ensemble
(Jazzwerkstatt Wien New Ensemble)
- Jazzworkshop Ö.K.B.
- Jazzy Dick = Young Krillin
(Young Krillin)
- Jazzy My Ass EP
(Robert Es)
- Jazzypants
(RoyGreen & Protone)
- Jazzypants EP
(RoyGreen & Protone)
- Jazzy Zoetrope
- Jazz zu zweit; It could happen to you
(Hodina, Karl & Gerd Bienert)
- Jealous
- Jealousy
(Kleins, The)
- Jeanne Dark
- Jeanneret (The lost tapes)
(Koller, Hans & Free Sound Quartett)
- Jeanny Part 1
- Jeanny Part 1 / Männer des Westens
- Jeannys Rache
- Jeans & Electronic
(Just, Christopher)
- Jece Valadão / Uepa
- Jece Valadão / Uepa
(Stereotyp feat. Edu K. & Joyce Muniz)
- Jeder (Get Together)
- Jeder für jeden
- Jeder für Jeden
- Jeder gegen jeden
(Little Rosies Kindergarten)
- Jede Richtung 2.0
(Belafonte, Rico)
- Jedermann
(Ensemble 013)
- Jedermann Remixed - The Soundtrack
(Theessink, Hans)
- Jederpop
(Toxic Insanity)
- Jederpop 1999 - Good Vibrations
- Jederpop Edition 2 - 2000
- Jeder Tag ohne dich / Eine kleine Liebelei
(Hubbubs, The)
- Jeder Tag zählt
- Jede Sekunde
(Robin Pirker)
- Jeffrey
(Fräulein Peter)
- Jeg Tan + Zsa Manca
- Jeg Tan + Zsa Manca Maxi
- Jekyll & Hyde
- Jekyll & Hyde
(Salesny / Schabata / Preuschl / Joos)
- Jekz Chaos
- Jeldo/Live
- Jelena Poprzan Quartett
(Jelena Poprzan Quartett)
- Jelenka EP
- Jellyfication
- Jelly Jelly
(Cari Cari)
- Je Meurs
(Gré Maillard)
- Jemset: Fabric
- Jenseits vom Ende der Zeit
- Jenseits von Gut & Böse
(Gregory, Roman)
- Jenseits von Wut und Möse
(Elvis Trickz da Beat)
- Jeriba
- Jericho / Summer Farewell
- Jericho EP
(Niereich & Steve Masterson)
- Jerome Pacman's Family
- Jerry D. - F#ck It / Show My Love
(Jerry D.)
- Jerusalem (engl.)
(Simon, Christina)
- Jerx
- Jessas
(Blau AG)
- Jessas Na / Kontrapunkte
(Vienna Art Orchestra)
- Jesus/ Jesus Instrumental
(Faith, Jeremy)
- Jesus Christ Smokes Holy Gasoline
(Jesus Christ Smokes Holy Gasoline)
- Jesus Christ Superstar
(Etablissement Ronacher & Orchester der Vereinigten Bühnen Wien)
- Jesus Christus
- Jesus Jones
- Jesus Messerschmitt
(Jesus Messerschmitt)
- Jesus Messerschmitt
(Jesus Messerschmitt)
- Jesus Said / Station Nowhere
(Art Boys Collection)
- Jet
(Robert Stahl)
- Jet.Reset
(Merker TV)
- Jet Airliner
(Rohm, Tom & The Screw)
- Jetcorder
- Jet Crash Kills
(Base, The)
- Jet Set EP
(Cash Candy & Parov Stelar)
- Jet Set Lady / Eenie Mienie Minie Monie
- Jetset Suite
(Mallinger Schraml Heinzle)
- Jetstreams EP
- Jetzt
- Jetzt
(Edi Nulz)
- Jetzt
(Liberda, Bruno)
- Jetzt!
(Bill, Maria)
- Jetzt geht's los
(Ilsa Gold)
- Jetzt Geht's Los
(Sons of Ilsa)
- Jetzt geht's los!
- Jetzt ist Sommer
(Antonio, Chris)
- Jetzt ist später
- Jetzt komme ich
(Viele bunte Autos)
- Jetzt kommt Schröder
- Jetzt muß es raus!
(A klana Indiana)
- Jetzt Neu: Alles Wie Fr​ü​her - The Remixes
- Jetzt oder nie
- Jetzt oder nie
(Danzer, Georg)
- Jetzt oder nie
- Jetzt oder Nie
- Jetzt Oder Nie
- Jetzt Oder Nie
(Jürgens, Udo)
- Jetzt oder nie (Instrumental)
- Jetzt Oder Nie 83-84
- Jetzt poschts!
- Jetzt Red Ma Amoi Tacheles
(Wiens No. 1)
- Jetzt weinst du
- Jetzt wird gezockt
- Jetzt zugreifen
(Prokopetz, Joesi)
- Jeu X
(Jeu X)
- Jeux de Nuit
- Jewel of The Day
(MC Sultan)
- Jewels
(Fischer, Julia)
- Jewels Of Electronica
(Erstes Wiener Heimorgelorchester (EWHO))
- Jew Nails
(Pertot, Gino)
- Jiddische Lieder II
(Gebrider Moischele)
- Jiddische Lieder III
(Gebrider Moischele)
- Jigger Screen EP
(61 RUS)
- Jilbod
- Jilli's House Meets Guests
(Jilli's house)
- jilliebean
- Jimmy's Gang EP
(Parov Stelar)
- Jimmy And The Goofballs
(Jimmy and the Goofballs)
- Jim und Pam
- Jiri Malakoff
(Jiri Malakoff)
(Pan Kee-Bois)
- jkwev
- Joanna / Too Late
(Berry, Marc)
- Joanna´s Wedding
- Job: Genius, Diagnose: Madness
(White Miles)
- Jochen Hampl Solo
(Yoshi Hampl)
- Jodler
(Breit, Bert)
- Jodlertrance
(Seer, Die)
- Jodlese
(Theiser, Reinhard)
- Jodulator
(Hotel Palindrone)
- Joe...Dance / All In Love Is Fair
(Arnie´s Friendship Connection)
- Joe´s Garage: Acts 1-3
(Zappa, Frank)
- Joe Jack
(Vasilic Nenad Balkan Band)
- Joe Jack Is Back
(Vasilic Nenad Balkan Band)
- Jogging / I Can´t Stand It
- Jogging In The Club
(Ken Hayakawa)
- Johanna
(Divine Musical Bureau)
- John Arman Organ Trio
(John Arman Organ Trio)
- John Doe
- Johnny
(Four X)
- Johnny
(Petsch Moser)
- Johnny, oooh Johnny
(Johnny Favourit')
- Johnny / Der Strom der Zeit
- Johnny´s Discothek / Singin´ My Own Song
- Johnny & The Devil
(Theessink, Hans & Blue Groove)
- Johnny & The Devil
(Theessink, Hans)
- Johnny & The Devil / Travelling Man
- Johnny Ramone / Schlusslied
(Nino aus Wien, Der)
- Johnny Walker (Hamses Bootleg)
- Johnson
(Kruder & Dorfmeister)
- Joined Ends
(Dorian Concept)
- Joined Ends Remix EP
(Dorian Concept)
- Join The Evil Side Of Life
- Join The Festival Spirit
- Join The Lament
- Join the MBG
- Joints / Big Up
(Zen & Coda)
- Joint Venture
(Sly ´n´ Mo)
- Jojo
- Jolly
(Schottische Prinzip, Das)
- Jones From Nr. 3
(Stuart Matthews)
- Jonesmobile
(Jones, Christine)
- Jonesmobile im Ziegelstadl
- Jonestones
(Jones, Christine)
- Joni
(Peter Herbert)
- Joni Madden
(Madden, Joni)
- Joni Madden
(Madden, Joni)
- Jonny / Driven Out
(Pears, The)
- Jonny goes to Africa
(Media Attack)
- Jordsand
- Joro - 4 To The Floor Vol. 1
- Joruma And The Funky Horns
- Jö schau / Ihr kennt´s mi
(Danzer, Georg)
- Jö schau...
(Danzer, Georg)
- Jö schau - Seine größten Erfolge
(Danzer, Georg)
- Joschi Schneeberger Quintett
(Schneeberger, Joschi Quintett)
- Josefine / Lauf
(Lang, Hansi)
- Josef K. Noyce Sings .....
(Josef K. Noyce (Noyce))
- Josef K. Noyce Sings Shakespeare
(Josef K. Noyce (Noyce))
- Josef Lang - K.u.K Scharfrichter
(Qualtinger, Helmut)
- Josie
- Jo Strauss
(Strauss, Jo)
- Josy, geh' zurück nach Novi Sad / Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So oder so
(Peter's Band)
- Jouissez Sans Entraves
(Now Unit, The)
- Journey
(Rare Friends)
- Journey
- Journey EP
(Space Echo)
- Journey EP
(Dubbing Sun & Digid)
- Journey EP
- Journey Of A Sleepwalker
(Moony Me)
- Journey On
(Theessink, Hans)
- Journey Saturnine
- Journeys Beyond
- Journey Through India
(Mental Spirits)
- Journey Through Time
- Journey To An Imaginary Land
- Journey to the Past EP
- Journey To Your Agony
(Ars Moriendi)
- Joy
(Malischnig, Julia)
- Joy
(At Pavillon)
- Joy
- Joy
(Julian Koerndl)
- Joyride / Gray Jazz
(RoyGreen & Protone)
- Joys and Desires
(Jazz Big Band Graz)
- JR Project
(Second Taboo, The)
- Jubilee
- Jubilee 2004 - A Rattlesnake Vienna / Enemy Collaboration
- Jub Jub
(Broken Sequence)
- Jucks
(Dan Vans & Nash)
- Judgement
(L´Ame Immortelle)
- Judgement Day
(Seeds Of Sorrow)
- Judges EP
(Powernerd x Call Me Sleeper)
- Judy, You're Not Yourself Tonight
(Judy, You're Not Yourself Tonight)
- Jugend
(Binder & Krieglstein)
- Jugend ans Geld verloren
- Jugend forscht
- Jugend - Oh Süsse Jugend
(Karl Gott)
- Jugendverbot
(Herr Bert)
- Juice CD No. 140
- Juice CD Volume 110
- Juice EP
(DJin Darane)
- Juicy Noise Rec.: Best of Progressive Trance 2017
- Juicy Noise Rec.: Best of Psychedelic Trance 2017
- Juicy Noises Vol. 6
- Juicy Noises Vol. 7
- Juicy Noises Vol. 8
- Juicy Noises Vol. 9
- Juicy Worlds EP
(Kids n Cats)
- Jukebox
(Country Swingers)
- Jukebox Junky
(Siggi Fassl's Tribute To Jerry Lee Lewis)
- Juleah EP
- Juli
(Bird of The Year)
- Julian Dream
- julie
- Julie had a brother
(Sex Jams)
- July
(Alpha Tracks)
- Jump! feat. Pat Davis
- Jump'n'Run
(Neufeld, Clemens)
- Jumping Barefoot Over The Grand Canyon
- Jumping Frequencies
(Unreal Sign)
- Jumping Once Too Often into the Ocean That Had Always Been Our Inspiration
(Our Survival Depends On Us)
- Jump Up
(Disorder x Malow x Lfxboi)
- Jump up Injection, Vol. 31
- Jump up Injection, Vol. 32
- Jump Up Injection Vol. 35
- June
(Homme Beige)
- June
(Alpha Tracks)
- June
(Lea's Apartment)
- June Gloom In L.A.
- June Tune
- Jung, Frisch und Schön
(Rooftop Clique)
- Junge Buam spün oide tanz
- Junge Leute Heute
(Boys Beach)
- Junge Musik aus Villach
- Junge Römer
- Junge Römer
- Junge Römer / No Answer
- Jungle Animal EP
- Jungle Ballad EP
- Jungle Cry / Summer Girl
- Jungle Fever
- Jungle Fever
- Jungle Funk / Twin Peakz
- Jungle Gangsta EP
- Junglegrime / Dark Clouds
- Jungle Jazz
(Dan Marshall & Prim8)
- Jungle Techno Club Mates Remix Session
(Control Change)
- Jungletek Mafia Vol. 3
- Jungle Tekno
(NoizeGuerilla & Phat Otiz)
- Jungle Tribe EP
(Funky Dragon)
- Jung sein in NÖ
- Jung sein is ka leichte Hack´n/Wia a Bam
(One Family)
- Jüngste Gerüchte
(Deinboek, Heli)
- Jung und Schön
(Bill, Maria)
- Junior Disco Vol.1-4
(Don Summer)
- Juniper EP
(Claudio Ricci & Megablast)
- Junk
- Junkfood
(Visiteurs du Soir, Les)
- Junkfood Addicts
- Junkman (Loop Doctors Remix)
(Jagger, Chris)
- Junkyard/Out In The Streets
(All Systems Go)
- Junkyard / Queens Club
(Sex Jams)
- Juno Jam
- Jupiter
(Flight of Apollo, The)
- Jupiter
- Jupiter / Ich bin nur ein Mann
(Alpha Romeo & die Winterreifen)
- Jupiter Crush
(Mammoths Nests)
- Jupiter EP
(Nino Sebelic)
- Jura Soyfer - Verdrängte Jahre
(Schmetterlinge, Die)
- Jush-Tush - Musiktheater
(Dézsy, Thomas)
- Jusqu'à l'aurore
(Wally, Thomas)
- Just Above the Hills
(Trent Ivor.)
- Just A Demo
- Just A Dream
(Touch, The)
- Just A Few Minutes...
(Anti Smart)
- Just A Fool
- Just A Jump
(Just A Jump)
- Just A Little Love/Let´s Get Ready
- Just A Little Love / Let Me Come Over
(Gipsy Love)
- Just A Little Talk with Jesus
- Just a Moment
(Bad Sellin' Record)
- Just Another City
(Stoika & Stojka)
- Just Another Trip / By Heart
(Faro & Big Work)
- Just Another Year
(No Fear)
- Just a Part of the System EP
(Marcel Liberte)
- Just As A Family
(Lea Weizman & Gary Lux)
- Just Because / Willow Grain
- Just Because EP
(Air.K & Cephei)
- Just Before It´s Too Late
- Just Before The Nightmare
- Just Before You Cry
(Elastic Skies)
- Just Be Touched
(Chris Colt)
- Just Be You
(Rising Girl)
- Just Blood
- Just Can't Get Enough (feat. Pressyes)
(Gudrun von Laxenburg)
- Just Chill EP
- Just Do It
(Koko Tai)
- Just Fly
(Vasilic Nenad Balkan Band)
- Just Fly
(Vasilic, Nenad)
- Just For Fun
- Just For Fun
- Just For Fun
- Just For Good Friends
(Dun Ringill)
- Just For This
(Harvey Miller & James Jive)
- Just For You And Me
(Project, The feat. Hanke, Patricia)
- Just Fractured Stone... Beneath These Wounded Heels
(Surviving The Sunset)
- Just Frank
(My Sister's Name is Frank)
- Just Friends
(Bürstinger, Herbert Quartett)
- Just Friends and Lovers / Love Is
(Just Friends and Lovers)
- Justice
- Justice in The Night
(Grim Justice)
- Just In Case You Are Bored. So Are We.
(Dieb13 Pure Siewert)
- Just In My Mind EP
(Niereich vs. Shadym)
- Just Kids
(Polo To The Masses)
- Just let me be
- Just Like A River
- Just Like That
(Still a Bud)
- Just Love Me EP
(Denis Yashin)
- Just Mankind EP
(Misses U)
- Just married
(Tötschinger, Reinhard)
- Just Music
- Just Music - Live!
- Just My Kind
- Just My Luck (Shout)
(Posse, DJ)
- Just Right Now
(Purple Bluze)
- Just Some Words For You
(Kubera, Ronnie)
- Just The Two of Us
(Rabitsch, Michaela & Pawlik, Robert Quartet)
- Just The Two Of Us
- Just To Touch Her (Moritz Fritsch & Scheibosan Remix Radio Edit)
- Just to Touch Her (Scheibosan & Moritz Fritsch Remix)
- Just Wanna / Echoes of You
- Just What I Needed / King Solomons Mines
(Doom Roses, The)
- Just With Me
(Cramer, Chris)
- Just You
(Kitzmüller, Werner Trio)
- Juxtaposition