Records für 2020
- Special (1)
- Nummer (35)
- a (76)
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- c (77)
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- s (161)
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- u (22)
- v (34)
- w (59)
- x (4)
- y (6)
- z (11)
- #23 (Wako)
- 000 (Voiler)
- 1,65 (Kerosin95)
- 100 Times (Dives)
- 10 Jahre Zu Spät (Schodl)
- 10 Years (Silent Cubes)
- 12 Inches (Mavi Phoenix)
- 150 KM/H (SLAV)
- 15 In A Row (Ecliptica)
- 15 Years of Jazz & Milk (sampler)
- 1993 - Entering The Kingdom of Darkness (Abigor)
- 1995 (Kruder & Dorfmeister)
- 1k Free EP (Ome)
- 1V0 (Synesthetic Ivo)
- 1 Year Of Districted Noize EP (sampler)
- 2084 (Anderwelt)
- 21 Shot (Pseikomusic)
- 24​/​7 - Vol 1 (sampler)
- 264 Hours of Sleep (264 Hours of Sleep)
- 2nd Anniversary V.A. (Part TWO) (sampler)
- 3/4 Tool (Doesntmatter)
- 3K Follower EP (sampler)
- 3 Years Anniversary (sampler)
- 3 Years Of Abstraction (sampler)
- 4 + 1 EP (Clara Luzia)
- 44problems EP (Lok44)
- 4 Violins Remix (feat. Antonio Vivaldi) (DJ Rasfimillia)
- 50 Jahre Austropop: Gestern & Heute (sampler)
- 5K FOLLOWERS LP (sampler)
- 5K FREE EP (Dotronix & Santa)
- 5 Years of Baikonur Recordings (sampler)
- 6434 (Laut Fragen)
- 808 feat. Tizudemjay (SLAV)
- 84 (Kovacs, Mira Lu)
- 91 (Bernhard Eder feat. Peter Piek)
- (A)live! (Shake Stew)
- #alavida (Mieze Medusa & Julie Anastassiou & Stefan Thaler)
- AAplus (Austrian Apparel)
- Abandonment EP (Septon)
- A Bissl Übertrieben (Gewürztraminer)
- A Boy's Latin (Yakata)
- Absolute Pain (Profuze & Damonize)
- Abusus (Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Accelerate (Niereich vs. Shadym)
- Accelerate EP (Aida Arko)
- A C H R O N I E (Kutin)
- Acid Meltdown (Ling Ling)
- Acid Methods - Chapter 1 (sampler)
- Acid Pirate 10 (sampler)
- Acoustic Postcards (Smiling Buddhas, The)
- Across The Globe EP (Ahilea)
- Acted (Moosiqunt)
- Acting Strange (LOST)
- actio (chuffDRONE)
- Aero (We Blame The Empire)
- Africa Jeff (Peter Czak)
- A Happy Place (Dorit Chrysler)
- A Higher Place (Greyshadow)
- Ahoora Festival Part 1 (sampler)
- Ahoora Festival Part 2 (sampler)
- Al Ge (Al Ge)
- Alkaloid (RUSRUS)
- Allanig Vorm Bam (Schilling)
- Allein sein (Euroteuro)
- Alles bleibt (Parisini, Violetta)
- Alles gut (Kramer, Felix)
- Alles kaputt (vollvirus)
- Alles Tango (Gesangskapelle Hermann)
- Alles weard guat (Herzgluat)
- All I Want Is out (IMA NUORI)
- Almighty Joker (Rajju Baba)
- A Locha (GINO)
- Alpestan (Hotel Palindrone)
- Altbautraum (Wandl)
- AM/PM, Pt. 1 (Nihils)
- Amore mio (Clouds Over Chrysler)
- Amy (Baits)
- An602 (Chaos Inside)
- And The Ants Still March On (Little Hole Filled)
- A Night Out With Cari Cari - Live '19 (Cari Cari)
- Animal (Vulvarine)
- Annette EP (Squalloscope)
- Anthophila EP (PH/SD)
- Anti (Antrue)
- Anytime Soon (Beer, Chris)
- Apinya Colada EP (Hanzo & Yaman)
- Apocalypse Or Revolution (Ja, Panik)
- April (Weltwiener)
- Aqueous (Klehi)
- Are You Ok? (Skore Bootleg) (Daniel Caesar)
- Arroganzla Hypothese (Freezy Trap)
- Artificial Habitat (Ziegler, Felix)
- Asagi EP (alllone x nichi mlebom)
- A Sea Change (Noh1 Remix) (Christopher Chaplin feat. Mira Lu Kovacs)
- A SINE Of Relief (sampler)
- ass bitch bass junkie (TakaTuka)
- Astronomical Forms EP (Jas Rial)
- Asymmetrical Life EP (Joe Traxler)
- A Symphonic Journey To Remember (Visions of Atlantis)
- A Tag wie heut (Hubert von Goisern)
- Atlantis (Alpha Romeo & die Winterreifen)
- Atmik Ritual III - The Healing (sampler)
- Atmospheric (Skydrill)
- Attention! Deficit Disorder (2020 Re​-​Issue) (DeeCracks, The)
- Auf olle 4re (Kreiml & Samurai)
- Augenlieder (Rote Augen)
- August (Princest)
- Aus da Haut (Kristoff)
- Ausnahmezustand (Laut Fragen)
- Automatic Dub 2 (Wolfram)
- Avalanche / Get Physical (Screamarts)
- Babyelefant (Akustixxx)
- Babylon (YUGO)
- Bacherplatz EP (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Back Around (Dolexil)
- Back To You (Dexpleen)
- Bad Breaks Vol. V (Flip)
- Bad Energy EP (Sharktank)
- Badger / Shake Your Booty (ZeroZero)
- Baile Muerto (Bufi)
- balanced entities (nexxor & helica)
- BANG EP (Alonso Bierg & Max Kernmayer)
- Bashcid / Mandela Effect (Niereich vs. Shadym)
- Basic Earth (Ital & Artyficial)
- BASS CITY Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Baulückenkonzert 2019 (Molden, Ernst und das Frauenorchester)
- Baumgartner Höhe (Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Beatnuts (Flip Remix) (Da Staummtisch)
- Beautiful Machine (Boroff, Matt)
- Bedroom Files Vol.1 (alllone)
- Bedroom Files Vol. 2 (alllone)
- Bedroom Files Vol. 3 (alllone)
- Beehive (Modul Kollektiv & Jean Michel Schober)
- Berlin, Pretty City (Lou Asril)
- Bermuda EP (Ome)
- Best of White Line Techno Remixes (sampler)
- Best Wishes (Doesntmatter)
- Between Worlds E.P. (TR Tactics)
- Bewitched (Deumus)
- Bhavani Dayani (Shanti People)
- Bild An Der Wand (Busch, Jakob)
- Bis Dato (Bibiza)
- Bis in der Früh (Wiener Blond)
- Black K (Kaligula)
- Blacklight (Unreal Sign)
- Black Nipple (YATWA)
- Black Rose EP (sampler)
- Blameless (GIVVEN)
- Blast EP (Matapiro)
- Bloodclaat (PhoroptiC)
- Blood Money (Valox Remix) (Jack The Ripper)
- Blue Hour x UTE [Remixes] (sampler)
- Blue Whale EP (Concept One)
- Blurred Lines (No7ice)
- Body Controller EP (Kernmayer, Max)
- Bold Creative Act (Riffwerk)
- Bone Breaks (Tiefseetaucher)
- Born Slippy (Bootleg) (Unreal Sign)
- Bounty Killaz EP (sampler)
- Boys Toys (Mavi Phoenix)
- Brace Yourself (Pizza Emozionale)
- Brass Devil (Parov Stelar)
- Brauner Reiter (Hubert von Goisern)
- Breach (Golgi Apparatus)
- Breach (Instrumental) (Golgi Apparatus)
- Break Free (Alissia Laureen)
- Break The Silence (Two Ways Home)
- Breathe (Firn)
- Breathe (Max Ill)
- Breathe (Senchai)
- Breath Of Resurrection (Rabo & Traumata)
- Bretterbodendisco EP (Mood Shifter)
- Brise Légère (Benno Wohl)
- Bristol x Tokyo (sampler)
- Broken Wings (Adolphobitch)
- Burning Heart (Tekno's23)
- Burning Inside (Fullmax)
- Bycicle Mystery Tour (Elephants Carousel)
- .​.​.​Can't Get It Right EP (DeeCracks, The)
- CADDY EP (Bibiza)
- Caffeine Rush 2 (sampler)
- CALI (Bibiza)
- Calling EP (Wingz)
- Call Of The Black Hearts (sampler)
- Can´t Get You Out Of My Head (Sunshine Daddy & Jas Rial Edit) (Kylie Minogue)
- Can't Control It (Hhanoi)
- Captain Tom Walking (Albanek)
- Capture EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Caramel (Liminal Zone)
- Caramel (Liminal Zone)
- Caramel Reimagined (Liminal Zone)
- Carbon (SIN)
- Carry Each Other (CLOUDELVIS)
- Cars And Flowers (DelaDap)
- Catch This! (Enko vs Ling Ling)
- CATN1P EP (Operator Burstup)
- Caught In A Dream (Palastic)
- Cause I Try EP (Metatrox)
- Cave (Pyrite)
- cavities (forgotten cavities)
- Chakra Gospel (Rajju Baba)
- Chamäleon (Bertram)
- Chaos (10AD Remix) (Profuze)
- Chemical (Dolexil)
- Chemoth EP (Creatures & ZeroZero)
- Chihuahua (YATWA)
- Children Of The Night EP (Enko)
- Chill Withers (Bill Withers - Tribute EP) (Chill Ill)
- Christmas (Kopmajer, Simone)
- Chromanin 1 (sampler)
- Circadian (Live) (Delago, Manu)
- Clarksdale EP (RoyGreen & Protone)
- Close Together (Schick Sisters, The)
- Close to The Abyss (Elizabeth Constance)
- Clouded Sky (EP) (Steaming Satellites)
- Coastal Drive (Like Elephants)
- Codex Angeli (Blonder Engel)
- Cohabiting Species (Abby Lee Tee)
- Cold Turkey (Empty C)
- Collateral EP (RUSRUS)
- Colorado (Lucky Berny & the forest city boys)
- Color TV (FLEKS)
- Color Your Mind: For Moments Like These (sampler)
- Come back Reality (Fat Chester)
- Comedown Primetime (Good Wilson)
- Come Home (OSKA)
- Comes And Goes (SFYA)
- Come With Me EP (Rising Seed)
- Comfort (Please Madame)
- Coming After Me (Baits)
- Complex Signal EP (Ananda & Blanx)
- Comprovisition (Comprovisition Project)
- Concluded Compound (Specific Objects)
- Consequences (Wreckage Machinery)
- Conundrum VIP (Hamses)
- cop3 (Helica)
- Cordon Bleu (Traurig in Europa)
- Core Meltdown (Break Pitt & Tenchu)
- Corona (Mario Ranieri)
- Coronation Chronicles EP (Jotu Jeu)
- Corridor (Elektroschneider)
- CorteXtureS (Syncope)
- Coruscation (Kenji Araki & Windtal)
- Cosmic Conscious (Ronin Saedi)
- cosmic truth (Trent Ivor.)
- Courage (Skydrill)
- C​ö​usins Tape Nr​.​1 (sampler)
- Cradles (Exsense & Profuze Bootleg) (Sub Urban)
- Crime (Anthea)
- Crystals In The Sky (Mother's Cake)
- Cult Survivor (Royer, Sofie)
- Cult Survivor (Sofie)
- Curious Relief (GehLekTek)
- Cyberfunk! (Mother's Cake)
- Da Gitarrist (Reino Glutberg)
- Da Groschn foit (Polifame)
- Dame Shit EP (Olivier Romero)
- Dance Dance Dance EP (Global Tones)
- Dance with The Devil (Nine Lives)
- Danger (Boogie Hammer)
- Dangerous Material (Profuze)
- Darbuka (Psycrain)
- Dare to Scale the Heights, Vol. 2 (sampler)
- Dark (Virus)
- Dark Obsession (Unreal Sign)
- Dark Sun (NeryVice)
- Dark Tides (Creo)
- Dark Tourist (VIP 2) (Metatrox)
- Dark Triads (Powernerd)
- David und der Wolf (David und der Wolf)
- Dawn (Modul Kollektiv)
- daZvaZ EP (vaZdaZ)
- DCC (Profuze)
- DDos Attack EP (Metatrox)
- Dead Heat EP (Aze)
- Dead Or Alive EP (Dolexil)
- Dear Beloved Asshole (Nnella)
- Death Chants (Spiluttini, Dino)
- Deceleration (Shrinkhead)
- Deep Down EP (Alonso Bierg & Gunther Beats)
- Deep Ling (Ling Ling)
- Deep Loving (NoizeGuerilla)
- Deeptrick Vol.9 (sampler)
- Deep Water (Fullmax)
- Deep Within Recordings VA LP (sampler)
- Deer Invasion (Dolexil)
- Deine Gefühle EP (Soundmuffel)
- Delicious Confusion (Rajju Baba)
- Delta (Donauwellenreiter)
- Delusion / Headrush (Skore)
- Delusion EP (Ivoree & Sentic Cycle)
- Demo​(​N​) (Gha'Agsheblah)
- Demo 2020 (Saturnists)
- Demo EP (Brassbeat)
- Demon#1 EP (Mindbomb)
- demoNtape (Discorrected)
- Den Rest konnst da denkn (Gruber, Flo)
- Departure (Lukas Poellauer)
- Der Geistertanz Endete Im Tödlichen Schweigen (Rosa Nebel)
- Der kleine Luxus (Kammerer OrKöster)
- Descent EP (Cranium)
- Deshalb Und Deswegen (Robin Pirker)
- Desolate (Septon)
- Desolate EP (Septon)
- Destroy (TrendR)
- Destruction EP (Profuze)
- Devoid of Light / Rediscovering the Depths of Mortality (Perditus)
- Dialectical Materialism (sampler)
- Diamondring (CLOUDELVIS)
- Die Gier (Neongrau)
- Die Porzellanprinzessin (Mucha, Martin & Martin Gasselsberger)
- Die Stimme aus dem Untergrund (Vinyl​-​Edition) (sampler)
- Die Tore der Uschowa (Ebriach)
- Different (Roboto Loco)
- Digging Deeper Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Digital Alliance EP (RUSRUS & BLVCKTEXTURED)
- Digital Technology (Futurum Sonat)
- Dinge, um die es nicht geht (Moll)
- Dirty Leaks (Sharktank)
- Distant Universe (Live Acoustic Session) (OSKA)
- Distress / Resistance (Wingz)
- Distruction / Endless (Rabo & Traumata)
- Dogmatic (Inter Nubes)
- Don´t waste (Shirin & KeTon)
- Don't Drink Chloroquine EP (sampler)
- Don't know us (DisasZt)
- Don't Mind (Torso)
- Donaustrand (Marten)
- Doom's Den (sampler)
- Double Exposure (Wandl)
- Downpath (Scion of Darkness)
- Down the Rabbit Hole (Johnny and the Rotten)
- Down To Heaven (Schlachthaus Zukunft)
- Drahthaus (Vinyl) (Drahthaus)
- Drawn In (Aze)
- Dreamcatcher (Their Dogs Were Astronauts)
- Dreamcatcher / No Time, No Beats (sampler)
- Dream Come True Flippa (Alex The Flipper)
- Dream Control (IbeX)
- Dreamreality EP (Tony Renaissance)
- Drift (RDG & DubApe)
- Drinking Dry Clouds (Vertigon)
- Drop It Down Low (Beatprozessor)
- Druck (SLAV)
- Druggy Einstein (Rajju Baba)
- Drum In Time (Profuze Remix) (Conrank)
- Dub Agency (Skydrill & Hamses)
- Dubby Old Town (Selecta Bence)
- DUBPACK Vol. 2 (Skydrill)
- Duckedelic (Psycrain & Pendulux)
- Dulce (christoh)
- Durch die Ewigkeit (Amanda)
- Durch meine Adern (Schilling)
- Durch Zeit Und Raum (Ananda)
- Dutch Courage / Booger Sugar (Ancient Radius)
- Duzz Down San Compilation 2020 (sampler)
- Dystopia (Pippa)
- Dystopia EP (Screamarts)
- EA - Autumn / Winter 2020 (sampler)
- Ecco (Mile Me Deaf)
- Ecstatic Magic (Rajju Baba)
- Egal (feat. Nora Mazu) (Pippa)
- Einfach mal so (Picobello)
- Einholtn Ausholtn (Wagner, Verena)
- Electrical Storm (Witchrider)
- ElectricBrazil (Fullmax)
- Electrorchestral (Fullmax)
- Electrosphere (Wingz)
- Elements (Luk Lookas)
- Elements V (sampler)
- Eliway (Eli Preiss)
- El Nimr (sampler)
- Elsa (Elsa)
- Embrace The Fight EP (Fait)
- Emergence EP (sampler)
- Emergency Brake (Tozey)
- Emergent Properties (Jung An Tagen)
- Empty Lane (LOST)
- endless shameless (endless nameless)
- Endlich (Johnny Aitsch)
- Endlos (BoB)
- End of time (Shirin & KeTon)
- Engraine 04 (sampler)
- Enter The Void EP (Dazed System)
- ENV026 - Dubape (DubApe)
- EP 1 (Disconnected)
- EP 2 (sampler)
- Epic (Purple is the Color)
- Episodes (Finely Tuned)
- Erd (sampler)
- Erfolg (Kardinator)
- Error 404 (Dazed System)
- Erzähl Den Scheiss (Jogginghosengang)
- Es könnt oba a ois gaunz aundas sein (Spengler, Martin & die foischn Wiener)
- esteem (Martin Reiter & The Flow)
- Event Horizon (Cali G x Septon)
- Evergreen (Screamarts)
- Evolution (Pizza Emozionale)
- Evolutions, Vol. 9 (sampler)
- Evolutions Vol. 8 (sampler)
- Example (Fantast)
- Exclusives (Spinelly)
- Exo EP (Wingz)
- Experiences (Flip)
- Explorations in Generative Music Pt. 1 - Space (Diem, Philipp)
- Extinction Dub Pack (TrendR)
- Eye in the sky (MP cover) (Mme Psychosis)
- F.E.I.D.L. (F.E.I.D.L.)
- Facetten (Emma-Mo)
- Facetten des Widerstands (Laut Fragen)
- Fake Songs (Devil's Rejects, The)
- Fall In Fall (Good Wilson)
- Family Ties EP (sampler)
- Fantast EP (Fantast)
- Fatality EP (Skore & Logan D)
- Fata Morgana (Their Dogs Were Astronauts)
- Fault (Helica)
- Faunistic Daydreams (High Transition)
- Fck It Up (Mavi Phoenix)
- Fensterlos (MDK)
- Ferrum (Electric Indigo)
- Feuerfest (Dorn, Chantal)
- Fighting Fire: Relief for Australia (sampler)
- Final (Funk Freakz)
- Finding Utopia (Jiri Malakoff)
- Fire (Single) (Little Element)
- Fire Deva (Rajju Baba)
- Fire LP (Little Element)
- First Dude on Moon (Benno Wohl)
- Flex (Envy & Hamses)
- Flicker EP (Mofes)
- Flightbox EP (Sentic Cycle)
- Floating Mental EP (Logic Psycho & Gunatama)
- Flood EP (Can I Say)
- Florida Man (Omni Express)
- Floripa Songs (Erhart, Roland)
- Flow 2020 (sampler)
- Flowers on The Moon (SodL)
- Foggy Bog Eyes (Hypnotic Floor)
- For Dread Shall Reign (Deathstorm)
- Foreshadow EP (Double Helix)
- Fornever Ep (Doesntmatter)
- For The Heads Compilation Vol. 3 (sampler)
- Fortunea Cookies Vol. 3 (sampler)
- Forward Dub (DJ Rasfimillia)
- For You to Hide (Earl Mobley)
- Found Sounds (Gottschilch, Markus)
- Fox and Other Stories, The (Machines Molles, Les)
- Fracture / Break (Division & Mofes)
- Fragile Findings #1 (Schneider, Markus W.)
- FREAKADELLEN & FRIENDS RE&MIXes of Little Grande (Gerald Peklar ft. INDIA)
- FREEX (Basey, Pia)
- Frequency shifter (TakaTuka)
- Fresh Blood #4 Mad Cook (sampler)
- Fresh Drum And Bass: Summer 2020 (sampler)
- Freunde ... (das Leben ist lebenswert) (Hubert von Goisern)
- friction | ribbon | fiction (WarHoles)
- Friction EP (Mood Shifter)
- Frieden (ein Weihnachtslied) (Neongrau)
- From A to Be (Shirin, Elena)
- From The Streets Vol. 4 (sampler)
- frozen broken clouds (Empty C)
- Fuck Afraid EP (sampler)
- Fuckin´ Heavy (PhoroptiC)
- Funky Junkie (Omega Zwa)
- Funny Faces (Timo Lissy Remix) (Electrypnose)
- Fuserrrr (Mary-Ann Kiefer)
- Fusion (Subl!ne)
- Future Crimes (Boroff, Matt)
- Future Frequencies 10 (Van Der Wiese)
- Future Part 2 (sampler)
- G.I.N.O. (GINO)
- G'schichtldrucker (Metternich)
- Gain Series Volume 17 - #DreamTechno (sampler)
- Gamble (Yakata)
- Gang Shit (Metatrox)
- Garnet Tales (PRIM)
- Gate 7 (Scooped)
- Gegenwind (Koko Tai)
- Gemeinsam (Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen)
- Genesis (sampler)
- GenSys Lab (InSaNe TekNoLogY & Ling Ling)
- Geschenke (sampler)
- Get Schwifty (Gendefekt)
- Get Well Dressed For Doomsday (Devil's Rejects, The)
- Ghostkeeper (Klangkarussell & GIVVEN)
- Girei (GehLekTek)
- Give Nothing Remixed (Kolectiv)
- Glasshouse Effect (Kobermann)
- Glass Mistress (Joyce Muniz)
- Glissando (Ling Ling)
- Global Change (Artyficial)
- GLOW​/​5 (sampler)
- Glück (Elsa)
- Glücksdrache (NoizeGuerilla)
- Glue (GIVVEN)
- Go (Luna)
- God Damn Hippies! (PsySon)
- Gönn' Dir (Club der Menschen)
- Goodbye (Katya)
- Good Vids, Vile Times (Ant Antic)
- Good Wilson (Good Wilson)
- Gorn EP (Purple Sticky Sponge)
- Gotta Get More (Potato Beach)
- Grand Casino Hotel (Waldeck)
- Grau (Ms Def)
- Gravity (Profuze)
- Gravity (Trent Ivor.)
- Greatest Hits Vol. 2 (Back To Felicity)
- GreyNoteCompilation #1 (sampler)
- Grinder (Schakong)
- Groove Cuts 02 (sampler)
- Groove Inspection EP (Luke Wackelkopf)
- Großmutter Wolf (Werckmeister)
- Grüße aus der Kernzone 100 (sampler)
- Guest EP (sampler)
- Gunst (Trojanische Pferd, Das)
- G’schichtn aus’m Wiener (Sophia Hagen & Fabian Bachleitner)
- Hades (RUSRUS)
- Hangover (alllone)
- Hannibal (Inessa)
- Hanzom Artists - Best Of 2020 LP (sampler)
- Happy End (Maraskino)
- Happy Fxxxing Life (5K HD)
- Happy House Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Happy House Vol. 2 (sampler)
- Hardtrance X​-​Perience (Unreal Sign)
- Haunt (Weddings)
- Hazelmouse (Rauch, Patrick)
- Hearts Burn For Many Reasons (Ghost And The Machine, The)
- Heast! (Wödmasta, Die)
- Heast du mi (Wagner, Verena)
- Heat The Sun (Yakata)
- Heid dengan ma drau (Anstaltskinda)
- Hello Hurry (DelaDap)
- Help Other Humans (Luk Lookas)
- Hidden Realms (Waxamilion)
- Hideaway (Elis Noa)
- Highlights zum Einschlafen (Pauls Jets)
- High Road (Gazelle & the Bear)
- Hills Like White Lions (Hills Like White Lions)
- Hitstorm (Äffchen und Craigs)
- H​ö​henangst (19hundertSchnee)
- Holdin'On (Clone Me Twice)
- Hold Me (Dominique Jardin)
- Hold On (Mr. Freed)
- Holst Gate II (Convertible)
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Squalloscope)
- Homesick (AVEC)
- Honesty Clarity Wisdom Truth (Psycrain)
- Honeybear (Frank Lemon)
- Honeymoon Phase / Wide Awake & Dreaming (OSKA x Stu Larsen)
- Hood War (Metatrox)
- Hope (Call The Mothership)
- Hopeful Tears (Sigmun)
- Horse Armor (Spiluttini, Dino)
- Host Das? (Omega Zwa)
- How (Fourward)
- How Deep EP (BlckHry)
- HSHSW (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Hüah (FTS & Brixton)
- Human (Johnny Geiger)
- Human (FLUT)
- Hunch (Syntolix)
- Hunger (Nichi Mledom)
- Hunting Grounds (Mothers of the Land)
- Hustler (Metatrox)
- Hydrophonic 35 (Knisda Kanisda)
- Hyperion (sampler)
- Hyperspace / You Never Know (IamDoomed)
- I am falling tonight (Facelift)
- I Bleib Do (Horn, Sigrid)
- I Care (feat. Youkii) (Palastic)
- Ich weiß, wo du wohnst (Trojanische Pferd, Das)
- I Didn't Do Anything (Timo Lissy)
- Idiotenparadies (Pippa)
- I Don't Miss You (Lysah)
- I Don't Wanna Cry (INDIA & The RefIex Artists)
- IDW / Rearranged (Wingz)
- Iguana Love (Inessa)
- I Haven't Changed (Psycrain)
- II (Elsa Tootsie & The Mini Band)
- II (Plattner, Max Trio)
- III (Kaiser Franz Josef)
- Illuminatus (Subl!ne)
- Illusion (Metatrox)
- I Love Techo, Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Imaginary Friends II (Abby Lee Tee)
- Im Kreis (Eli Preiss)
- Im Leo (Prater WG)
- Imminue (Fading Synergy)
- I N (sampler)
- In a Dream World (Trent Ivor.)
- In a World that Always Shouts (Trent Ivor.)
- In Control (Weight, The)
- Indication (Wingz)
- Infinite Funk (MVRK & Screamarts)
- Influtech (Geostatic)
- Informal VA 2 (sampler)
- In my Mind (Wallners)
- Inner Sphere (Voyage Futur)
- In Quarantäne (Luger, Constantin)
- In Salt Me (Mary-Ann Kiefer)
- Insomnia (Naked Cameo)
- Int (Kreiml & Samurai)
- Intangible Society EP (Specific Objects)
- Interna Oscuridad (sampler)
- Intruderz (Damonize)
- Intrusion (Wingz)
- Investments / Insults (Squalloscope)
- I Pock Des Nimma (Omega Zwa)
- Iron Lasts Forever (Wings of Glory)
- Irrglaube der Wiederkunft (Perditus)
- Is Enough (feat. Sarah Frazier) (NoizeGuerilla)
- I Should / Ethereal (Sequent & Skruff)
- Is It Real (Artrik)
- Isolation Run EP (FlowwolF)
- I-Soul-Ation (Selecta Bence)
- Istanbul Remixes (sampler)
- It's Ur Birthday (Dacid Go8lin)
- It’s Not Over Till You’re Under​/​/​Ground EP (Bydl)
- Ivy, Meet Me In Your Dreams (Mynth)
- Jaune (Monophobe & Sixtus Preiss)
- Jazz On Vinyl Volume Four Offbeat (sampler)
- Jazzy Zoetrope (7Ray)
- Jealous (LOST)
- Jeder gegen jeden (Little Rosies Kindergarten)
- Jede Sekunde (Robin Pirker)
- Jeriba (Inessa)
- Jetzt oder Nie (Traumwerk)
- Johnson (Kruder & Dorfmeister)
- Joy (At Pavillon)
- Jugend ans Geld verloren (Dreimalumalpha)
- Jusqu'à l'aurore (Wally, Thomas)
- Just Above the Hills (Trent Ivor.)
- Kaiju (Screamarts)
- Kapital Egal (Gran Bankrott)
- K A R A F I A T (Karafiat)
- Kaskstar EP (Andy Catana & Daniel Kovac)
- Katana EP (alllone & B.Visible)
- Kater Unser (GehLekTek)
- Kaviar Film Musik (Huber, Alois)
- Keep On Anything / Closer (Snowtek & Ferice)
- Kentertainment (Tombadour)
- Kerker, Todt und Teyfl (Varulv)
- Kernzone 100 (sampler)
- kevin - 19 (endless nameless)
- Khayef Marra Aheb (Restless Leg Syndrome Edit) (Abdel Halim Hafez)
- Kids (Dead Cancer)
- KillDozer (Rotten Halo)
- Killer (TrendR X Zoom)
- Killer Dub Pack (TrendR)
- Killers in my mind (LOST)
- killussions (endless nameless)
- Kind (Piller, Philip)
- Kingstown Dub EP (Mantsche)
- Kira's New Sweater (YATWA)
- Klezmer Explosion (Moritz Weiss Klezmer Trio)
- KlickKlack (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Klopapier (BumBumKunst & Skero)
- Koan Sinn (Pirmin & Mo Cess)
- Kodak Dream (BulBul)
- Kohlhaas / I Surrender 7'' (Bruch)
- Koide Pizza, Warms Bier (Blau AG)
- Kometen (Fink, Daniel)
- Konstruktive Kontinuum (Konstruktivists)
- Kontakt (Sonde44)
- Konzeptlos EP (PsySon)
- Kreis (Rote Augen)
- Kuchlsitzn (Dritte Hand)
- Kudara (GehLekTek)
- Kuhle Wampe! (Ensemble Kuhle Wampe)
- Kultstatus: Es ist kompliziert. (GnaWa Kult)
- Kunst an die Macht EP (Aron & Glowing Eyes)
- Kurzarbeit EP (Kreiml & Samurai x Digga Mindz x DRK)
- L.O.V.E. (Tom & Jenny)
- Labyrinth (sampler)
- Ladies / Kinda Cute (2 Track) (KeKe)
- La Folia (Poprzan, Jelena)
- LA Jack (Dubesque)
- Landing Site (Trent Ivor.)
- Langsam wiads wos (SarahBernhardt)
- Laser Raptor (Disaszt & Manta)
- Laurel (Mynth)
- Lazy Little Secrets (Benno Wohl)
- Lazy Suit (Cesar Sampson)
- Leben (Rockenschaub)
- Leidensweg (Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Leiwand (Edmund)
- Let it Come Down (Boroff, Matt)
- Let It Go (Wingz)
- Let Things Happen (Ft. Kerstin Türtscher) (Timo Lissy)
- Levels EP (Skore)
- Leviathan (Division Remix) (Screamarts)
- Lexicon of Untold Stories (New Wellness)
- Libellen (Mayerin, Die)
- Libido (Helica)
- Lick Lick (Psycrain)
- Liebe und Hass (sampler)
- Lifestyle (SLAV)
- Lift LP (P.tah & Kinetical)
- Light Fair EP (Crazy Sonic)
- Lightmare (Creo)
- Like It (Low Potion)
- Little Grande (Weird Trip) (Gerald Peklar ft. INDIA)
- Little Grande - REs (Gerald Peklar ft. INDIA)
- Little Wonders (Moon In June)
- Live: Volkstheater Vienna (Mary Broadcast)
- Live from Porgy & Bess (Schneeberger, Diknu Trio)
- Live in the Park VII (Mo Nahold)
- Livewire (sampler)
- Lobotomie (Def Ill)
- Lockdown EP (T Raum)
- Lockdown LP (sampler)
- Locked EP (Jakobin)
- Locked In (Zirbs, Peter)
- Locker (TENTS)
- Locura Oscura 3 (sampler)
- Logistic Regression (Mstep)
- Lollipop Man (Dolexil)
- Lonely (Eli Preiss)
- Lose Control LP (Fourward)
- Lose It (Misses U)
- Lost in The Dust (Facelift)
- Lost On The Ride (GehLekTek)
- Lost Signal (A.K.O.R. Broken Ice Remix) (Van Der Wiese)
- Lost to You (Lex Audrey)
- Lost Transmissions: 005 (Sentic Cycle)
- louasril (Lou Asril)
- Love 2020 (LOUDER)
- Love And Other Nightmares (Exit To Eden)
- Love Birds (Inessa)
- Love Hate Fear Fate (Spitting Ibex)
- Love Revenge Obedience (Heavy Preachers Club)
- Lovers EP (Kariyan)
- Love Your Smell (Mother's Cake)
- low based human polygon (Empty C)
- LP1 (Jansky)
- Luna (Amanda)
- Luna Park (Tiefenthaler, Ernst)
- Luv (aNNika)
- M (Mathea)
- M (Christopher Chaplin feat. Mira Lu Kovacs)
- M'Zungo Blues (Nabil feat. Primus Sitter)
- M1 Ridey (DAVE & Young Krillin)
- Maasnbriada 2 (BumBumKunst & Skero)
- Made For Me (Hvrlyn x Metatrox)
- Makava 00 (sampler)
- Make It Easy Remixes (Let's Play!)
- Make It On My Own (Marie)
- Make Swing Great Again (DelaDap & Wolfgang Lohr feat. Melinda Stoika)
- Makkadamia (Timo Lissy)
- Malfunction Machinery EP (Hardez)
- Mama (Gazelle & the Bear)
- Mama (wienerzucker)
- Manimalistische EP (Olgas Boris)
- Man Of The Match LP (Moff & Tarkin)
- Mantra (VIP) (AKOV)
- Marie (Alle Achtung)
- Marrakesch (Rote Augen)
- Martyr EP (Gerald VDH)
- Maskenmarie (Schattenmusik)
- Massenlethargie (Müßig Gang)
- Maze Of Madness (Highko, Agressive Mood & Twisted Psychology)
- Megawave (Dana Jean Phoenix & Powernerd)
- Mein Drittes (Damion Lee)
- Mei Wölt (Popwal)
- Mei Zeit (Herzgluat)
- Melancholia (Fox Shadows)
- Melting Apart (Sun State Of Mind)
- melting carcass possessions (endless nameless)
- Memories / In The Sky (Halflow & Screamarts)
- Memory Lane (Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Meraki (sampler)
- Merk-Würdige Lieder (Nette Eltere Herren)
- Messing (Koenig)
- Metadata - Dub LP Part 1 (Metatrox)
- Metadata - Dub LP Part 2 (Metatrox)
- Metallyticus Mantodea (Trip To Venice & Distcovery)
- Mia san Österreich (sampler)
- MIB Crew VA Volume 3 (sampler)
- Midnight Stranger (Benno Wohl)
- Mila (Lagger, Michael)
- Mile High Club Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Mind & Soul / Found You (Alibi)
- Mind Changer EP (Fait)
- Mind Connection (IbeX X Cotrax)
- Mindgame / Beyond The Mass (TR Tactics)
- Miniaturen (Fabjančič, Tjasa)
- Minor Majority EP (Samplissimo)
- Mint Condition (Oxyjane)
- Mirrors EP (Spinelly)
- Missgeburt. Macht eine Messe! (gebenedeit)
- Miss Me? (Mario Ranieri)
- Miss You (TrendR)
- Mistakes Were Made (A Few Mistakes Ago)
- Mixed Feelings (NENDA)
- Mizadisk 04 (sampler)
- M Limited Collectors Edition (Fanbox) (Mathea)
- MMR VA005 (sampler)
- Modify EP (Wingz)
- Monkey Years #2 (Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Monolith (Dead Cancer)
- Mononoke (Pech+Schwefel)
- Monsta (Dorian)
- Moods II (sampler)
- Moodswings (Eli Preiss)
- Moonlight (Trent Ivor.)
- Moped (Max Nagl Trio)
- More Attention EP (Luca Secco & Craftkind)
- Morgenrot EP (RUSRUS & DCHS)
- Moria (Six, David)
- Motions (Yakata)
- Mountain EP (Aux Portes)
- Move On (At Pavillon)
- Movimiento (Chra)
- Multiplan 01 (sampler)
- Multiplayer (DelaDap)
- Mundort EP (RealTastic x Klangbauer)
- Music To Shower To (Kleebauer, Marco)
- Musik (Moll)
- My Bee - Heim (Boris Fab)
- My Body Is My Capital (I'm a Sloth)
- My Idea of Fun (Protestant Work Ethic)
- My Inner Hollow (Isaac)
- My Path (Gracious in Defeat)
- Mysteries #3 (sampler)
- Mysteries #4 (sampler)
- Mystique (Screamarts)
- My Wonderland (Kopmajer, Simone)
- My World Remixes (Klangkarussell)
- [night shifts] (Pichler, Niklas)
- Nachtlieder (Klein, Martin)
- Nasser Asphalt (Belle Fin)
- Natascha (Euroteuro)
- National Emergency (Soft Kill Option)
- Nebü EP (DJ Odd)
- Need For Speed (Roberto C)
- Neighborhood (christoh)
- NeutronBlast EP (MEiBLix)
- Never Alone / So Sweet (Phonetic)
- Never Stop (TrendR)
- New (Raffetseder Wildfellner Raffetseder)
- New Gen (Lenfred)
- New Horizon Shines LP (Screamarts)
- New Talents & Friends, Vol. 1 VA (sampler)
- New York Rain (thanX)
- Nichts mehr fühlen (Yung Hurn)
- Nie Wieder Gastro (Kerosin95)
- night flight (EP) (Plastic Papertiger)
- Nirgendwohin (Wagner, Verena)
- Niwache EP (Max Doblhoff, Andreas Weisz, Alai K)
- Nix Ungwendlichs Net (Andyman)
- No Better ft. Ericson (Soulcat E-Phife)
- Noch Down? (Eli Preiss)
- nocturnal (Trent Ivor.)
- No Future (Helica)
- NOK 2020 (Troyer, Ulrich)
- No Love Without Justice (Zeiner, Verena)
- No More / Lights Out (AKOV)
- no one's out of time (sampler)
- No One Moves (Toby Whyle)
- Norma (Average, MC)
- No Tomorrow (Ft Sophie Lindinger) (Camo & Krooked & Mefjus)
- Now! (SWANtje)
- Nowhere To Be Found (Sustain)
- Nüchtern (Egal EP) (Bacon Brothers)
- Numb (TakaTuka)
- Observatory EP (Silent Cubes)
- Obstacle Course (Mansch & Skyfade)
- Occult EP (Division)
- Occult Paranormal Horror (Silence After Carnage)
- Ocker Mond (Nino aus Wien, Der)
- Octane EP (Creo)
- odd times (EP) (Plastic Papertiger)
- Of Coming Home (Instrumental) (Call The Mothership)
- Of Coming Home EP (Call The Mothership)
- Of Passionate Nature (Samura Loré & Devaloop)
- Oiss wird guat feat. Testa (Polifame)
- Old Songs EP (Squalloscope)
- Olympian 14 (Specific Objects)
- On A Beautiful Day (Zirbs, Peter)
- One (Klinger, Florian)
- One More Step (sampler)
- One Way (Bibiza)
- On Reels (sampler)
- On the Tip EP (Max Kernmayer & Louis Lennon)
- on The Walk (Osanna, Bernhard)
- On Top (TrendR)
- Oparettet den Jazz (Saxofour)
- Operation Blade EP (Pseikomusic)
- Operation Weasel (Pseikomusic)
- Opioid Boogie (Rumperts, The)
- OPSMMIX04 (Warzone, DJ)
- Opus Magnum (Opus)
- Orbital (Modul Kollektiv & Jean Michel Schober)
- Orbital Velocity (Fele)
- Orchesterstücke (Ablinger, Peter)
- Oscurum Vocum 2 (sampler)
- Ouate (Lepenik, Robert)
- Outlander / No Needs (TR Tactics)
- Out Of Control / Adventure (Frank Lemon)
- Out Of The Gutter (Metatrox)
- Overload (Blasser Kyren)
- Overview Part. 3 (sampler)
- Overview USB Dub Pack (sampler)
- Own the Gold (XING)
- Palmen 808 (B.Visible)
- Panik EP (Romi)
- Panik EP (ADHDJ)
- Panjim (RUSRUS)
- Pannonica (Schwarz, Gina)
- Parameter EP (DubApe)
- Params (Mieux)
- Paranoia EP (Division)
- Paranoid (Fourtex, Septon & Splat)
- Paris (Mynth)
- Particles EP (Mefjus)
- Passagen (EP) (Fate & Rice Master Yen)
- Pass Me On (Friedberg)
- Patched in Visions EP (Sentic Cycle)
- Pdorvk (MN5)
- Peanut Butter EP (ZeroZero)
- Peeled (Acoustic Version) (My Ugly Clementine)
- Pentagramm EP (Seha Eks & Rice Master Yen)
- People (Fantast)
- Pepe - A Tale of Love & Passion (Balu & Die Surfgrammeln)
- Personal Space (MononoTech)
- Persuasion (Mantha Remix) (Neon Neet)
- Persuasion EP (Neon Neet)
- Peshk (Orges & The Ockus Rockus Band)
- Pfau EP (Von Seiten der Gemeinde x Da Kessl)
- Phobophobia/Audioliced Nightmare (Aux Portes)
- Phoenix (sampler)
- Physics of Beauty (Wenger, Clemens)
- Picx (feat. Mr. J. Medeiros) (Palastic)
- Pieces in Relation (Slingshot)
- Pitch Black (Profuze)
- Pizza & Trumpets EP (Roman Rauch)
- Platz (Fräulein Peter)
- Play (DJ Buzz & Mono:Massive)
- Playa (Metatrox)
- Play It Again (Trent Ivor.)
- PNM Allstars LP (sampler)
- Point of View EP (A Memory Misread)
- poison / untitled (Pharma)
- Polar Lows (Burr Oak & TR Tactics)
- Politician (Dubbing Sun ft. Echo Ranks)
- Pondi EP (Pharma)
- Popcorn Machine (Disaszt & The Clamps)
- Portrait (Gazelle & the Bear)
- Possessed (Screamarts)
- Postcard from Reno (Origami Wave)
- Prattle (Hamses)
- Primetime (Strandhase)
- Principle V2 (Peter Czak, Klaus Benedek)
- Prisma 4 (Sedax)
- Prismatic Waves 2​/​2 (sampler)
- product (M185)
- ProgRAM 100 Remixes (sampler)
- ProgRAM 100 Software (sampler)
- Prototype EP (Dreaded Presence)
- Prvo Lice Množine / J​.​R​.​K. (Iv/An)
- Psychotoaster (Psycho Toaster)
- PTSD (Skydrill X Master Error X Hamses Bootleg) (Pop Smoke)
- Pulsar Acid (Jung / Frye)
- Purple Susi (Euroteuro)
- Push Through EP (En:vy)
- Putz die Fenster deiner Seele sauber (Mieze Medusa & Tenderboy)
- qöbdöb (vaZdaZ & TakaTuka)
- Qualifying (Demo) (Death Racer)
- Quarantäne (Bibiza)
- Quarantine (sampler)
- Quarterlife (Onk Lou)
- Quetschnroots (Beda mit Palme)
- Radfahren (Mr. Rose)
- Radiate (Thies)
- Radical Frequency Records Volume 1 (sampler)
- Radiogsicht (wienerzucker)
- Rain Songs (Fullsteam & Eastwood)
- Ramp Up the NHS: The Album Volume 2 (sampler)
- Rams Rebels Goats & Girls (Paddy Murphy)
- Rappertante (Mieze Medusa & Tenderboy)
- Rauhnacht (Herzgluat)
- Raum und Zeit, ein Irrtum in dir (Vergeblichkeit)
- Raumzeit (Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Rave Instructor EP (DLV)
- Rave On (RUSRUS & DCHS)
- RAW CUTS SUMMER (sampler)
- Raw Cuts Vol​.​3 (sampler)
- Rayos X (Pozek vs Ling Ling)
- re:actio (chuffDRONE)
- Rearward Bounce EP (Echion)
- Rebel 0.1 (Helica)
- Rebellen des Morgen (Laut Fragen)
- Rebirth EP (AKOV)
- Reboot (Skore feat. MC Spyda)
- Receptive State (Benno Wohl)
- Recordings 94 - 95 EP (Canterro)
- Red Bull Symphonic (Camo & Krooked x Kolonovits & Orchestra)
- Redemption EP (Alibi & Phentix)
- Regulierung (Von Seiten der Gemeinde)
- Reino Glutberg sp​ü​d 7 Numman aus seim bluesigen Repertoire EP (Reino Glutberg)
- Relax EP (Carl Haze)
- Remixes EP (Prosper & Stabfinger)
- Renee's Lullaby (ROQ)
- Resilience (Black Inhale)
- Resonate EP (Kernmayer, Max)
- Return of the Bees (Schnur, Bernhard)
- Reunion (Kayo)
- Revearz (Vearz)
- Revelation / Enter The Void (Geostatic)
- Revelation 69 - Richard Ewood Remix (Devil and the Universe, The)
- Rhythm Of Life (sampler)
- Rich & Poor (Dub Soldier & Metatrox)
- Richtig Falsch (Naderer, Tina)
- Rise (Dotronix & F4tr4xX)
- Rising - Armageddon (Skyfade)
- Rising High Riddim (Gold Edition) EP (Cloud Tissa)
- Rising Storm EP (Winter's Breath)
- Rite EP (Drahthaus)
- Road (Color the Night)
- Robby M (Musenbichler, Robby)
- Rock & Roll Resistance (Knisda Kanisda)
- Rock EP (Dame)
- Roller Coaster (Phyz Drop)
- Rooibos (sampler)
- Roots (Alissia Laureen)
- Roots The Jewels / Rocksteady Business (Smile Davis)
- Roter Himmel (Sinn)
- Rough (Senchai)
- Rough & Ready (Musenbichler, Robby)
- Run (Demo) (Potato Beach)
- RUN (feat. Jill Possible) (Haering)
- Rundherum (Texta)
- Runner's High (Distance Project)
- Ryte (Ryte)
- Sabulturo 1920 (sampler)
- Sag alles ab (Euroteuro)
- Sags mir (Elsa)
- Sag warum (SLAV)
- Sail (Lysah)
- Saliendo (Spag)
- Salty (XING)
- SALVATION (sampler)
- Samadhi (Flash Jack & Jumpix)
- Same Again (Please Madame)
- Sample Pack Series #1 (Metatrox)
- Samsara (Tom & Jenny Remix) (4Weekend)
- Sassy (DelaDap)
- Sauced Up / Ricochet (Skore)
- SCALARIS (sampler)
- Scatter (Concept One)
- Scenic Route (Mosch & Carlo Valentino)
- Schanigarten-Held (Der Timpel)
- Schlagzeilen (Eder, Alexander)
- Schlepper (Massive Zebra)
- Schnitzelbilly #6 Rockabilly Made in Austria (sampler)
- Schnuppenlicht (Schattenmusik)
- Schwarze Rose EP (Gutenberg)
- Schwarze Rose EP [Remix Edition] (Gutenberg)
- Schwarze Wolken (Lemo)
- Scirocco (Chromatico)
- Second November (Fabiano José)
- Secret Ballroom Gems Vol.VIII (sampler)
- Secret Escape EP (Peletronic)
- See You In A Bit (Steaming Satellites)
- Selecta (Profuze)
- Seltene Elemente (Kommando Elefant)
- Sendet Affen (FLUT)
- Sensitive (Division)
- Seriously? - a​.​k​.​a. prolo scheim (TakaTuka)
- Serpentine EP (Slicky Nerves)
- Sex, Drugs & Depressions EP (PsySon)
- Sexophobic (Steve Iron & Carl Haze)
- Shade of Blue (Albanek)
- Shades (Mynth)
- Shadows (Street to The Ocean)
- Shadows / Equalizer (MashoX & Cyke)
- Shaman Spirit (Niereich, Shadym, Sven Wittekind)
- Shareholder Of Shit EP (Desolat)
- Shed Your Skin (Baits)
- Shift (Mofes)
- Shifu & Friends EP (Shifu & Skydrill)
- Shiko (TakaTuka & GehLekTek)
- Shine (remixes) (Teddy Killerz)
- Shine EP (A:lex)
- Shinobi Wobble (Screamarts)
- Shipwreck / My World (Klangkarussell)
- Shiva Robot (sampler)
- SHLSHK: BEST OF 2020 (sampler)
- Shoot Me Down (feat. My Parade) (Palastic)
- Short Stories (Yunger)
- Showdown EP (Global Tones)
- Shutdown (Wingz)
- Siena (Modest Oda)
- Silk Mob (Silk Mob)
- Simplicity (Konski)
- SINE03 (Alpha Tracks)
- Sir Eglamore (Ranzinger, Maximilian)
- Sirius EP (Fischmehl)
- Skankin' EP Remixes (Mystic Fyah)
- Skillsandpills (Bono Goldbaum)
- Skip (GehLekTek)
- Skull Breakers (sampler)
- Skulls, Fuzz, and Blues EP (Cellar Bones)
- SKxANGELITE (SKxAngelite)
- SLEBEN (Edwin)
- Sleepless EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Sleepwalking (Land of Ooo)
- Slice of Life (Illegal Jazz Brunch)
- Slow Circle EP (Wirth, Alexander)
- Slow Circle EP (A:lex)
- slow​-​mo (TakaTuka)
- Slow Skies (Ghost And The Machine, The)
- slow studies (Trent Ivor.)
- Smaller Sad (Gartmayer, Susanna / Kurzmann, Christof)
- Smoke EP (Metatrox)
- Social Distancing (Screamarts)
- Sofa King Sick Chapter 2 (sampler)
- So Far (knuRRhahn)
- So Glaub Ma (Omega Zwa)
- Sog wosd da denkst (GINO)
- So ist das Leben EP (Amiro)
- Solarfrost (Mary-Ann Kiefer)
- solitary nightwalks (Trent Ivor.)
- So Lonely (Spag)
- So Many Personalities Ago (Boroff, Matt)
- Something About You (King of The Clowns)
- Somewhere Down the Line (Catastrophe & Cure)
- Sonar EP (Septon)
- Songs of Love in the Age of Anarchy (Desolat)
- Song To Say Goodbye (Manta Remix) (Placebo)
- Sonic Sources (Nero Effecta & Rematic)
- Sonnenallee (Naderer, Tina)
- Sophistic Disco (Rodney Hunter)
- Soul Music 2020 (sampler)
- Soul Music 2020 (sampler)
- Souls never die (Shirin & KeTon)
- Soundkistn Style (TakaTuka)
- Soundman a Play EP (Small Town Dubz)
- Speak (My Friend Peter)
- Spearhead Presents: The Soundtrack 2020 (sampler)
- Spectre EP (Manta)
- Speed LP (PH/SD)
- Spinnerin (A Female Narrative) (Lacherstorfer, Julia)
- Splinter I (Zirbs, Peter)
- Split (Between the Beasts)
- Split-LP (sampler)
- Split Mind EP (DubApe)
- Sprouting Beings / Verve (Windtal)
- Stage Killer (Dub Soldier & Metatrox)
- Stardust Elixir (sampler)
- Static Flow EP (Awo Ojiji)
- Status Quo (Kerosin95)
- Stay a Little Longer (Lysah)
- Stay in Memory (Hope Lights Fire)
- Steeper Ground (Laikka)
- Stereotypes (Soulcat E-Phife)
- Sternentreiben (Ricci, Claudio)
- Stigmata EP (Flo Monghy)
- Stimulus EP (sampler)
- Stomper (Phyz Drop)
- Stone Siren (Mountain Howl)
- Storm EP (RDG & DubApe)
- Stormshrieker (Ilathar)
- Story Of My Maker (Aida Arko)
- Stratosphere EP (Luke Wackelkopf)
- Stray EP (Pharma)
- Streiten (feat. Martina Poel) (Karli Braun)
- Stressed / Do Me Wrong (Skore)
- Stronger (Lysah)
- Stumble & Grow EP (Sun People)
- Stupidity (TrendR)
- Sturm und Drang (Crack Ignaz)
- Stylin' (Futurum Sonat Remix) (Purple Hayes)
- Sudden / Fragment (Phentix)
- Sudo EP (Pharma)
- Suicide Bassline VIP (City Arkham EDIT) (Mefjus)
- Sultans of Salt (Clouds Over Chrysler)
- SUNDL (Sundl)
- Sundown (Crush)
- Sunkeeper (Kirchmair, Achim Trio)
- Sunny Days (Illegal Jazz Brunch)
- SUPERANDOME - SUPER RANDOM ME (Natascha Gang & Rdeča Raketa)
- Superego (Downers & Milk)
- Supersonication (Supersonics)
- Surface! (Petra Und Der Wolf)
- Surveillance (Hillside Music)
- Süßes Gift (Amiro)
- Sweetface EP (Fourward)
- Swim (Please Madame)
- Swipe Right (Ms Def)
- Symbiosis Remixed Part 2 (Droptek)
- Symbiotic Link EP (Pharma & Sedan)
- Syncronia (Fauna)
- Synthetik Athletik (Heckspoiler)
- System Fail 2020 Refix VIP (Hamses)
- Tactical Error (Helica)
- Tagada (Pippa)
- Tagrausch (Anna Absolut)
- Take It Back (Dennes Deen)
- Take My Hand (Aygyul)
- Talewip (No7ice)
- Tandem (Julian le Play)
- Taschenbillard (Haering)
- Taste A Bit (Rodney Hunter)
- Tatra (Piano Works) (Fullmax)
- Tear Drops from the Sky (Ling Ling)
- Tear Off (Hamses x Fourtex)
- Tech EP (Profuze)
- Technikolor Black (cultRa)
- Techno Summer Vibes Vol 1 (sampler)
- Tekalot 04 (Tekno's23)
- Tekno Trip 04 (sampler)
- Telepathy EP (Division)
- Teufelskralle (Mstep)
- Teufelsmusik (Liquid Earth)
- Texcoco De Mora (Mr Vert feat. Pseikomusic)
- Thanatos (Reimagined) (Call The Mothership)
- Thanatos (reimagined) (Instrumental) (Call The Mothership)
- Thank GOAT, it's Christmas! (Devil and the Universe, The)
- The Architect (Xenrox)
- The Art of Resistance (Sirens Harbor)
- The Bill We Pay (Omaggio)
- The Cage / Torture Chamber (Hamses)
- The Clock (Eli Preiss)
- The Curse LP (sampler)
- The Dancing Ant (Timo Lissy)
- The Dark Side (Skydrill & Envy)
- The Devil's Cure EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- The Eden Project (Clone Me Twice)
- The Escape (Shirin & KeTon)
- The Fool (Bruch)
- The Garden (Napoleon Hairfashion)
- The Gong (Concept One & Master Error)
- The Grimm (Dazed System)
- The Jester knows EP (Mwanga & Gleinkaa)
- The Jitters (Dorian Concept)
- The Juju Men (Juju Men, The)
- The Landing (Flamyyy)
- The Last Knight (Serenity)
- The Long Night (Illegal Jazz Brunch)
- The Lost Art of Questioning Everything (Sleep Sleep)
- The Magical Misery Tour (Maier, Lukas)
- The Melodies of My Memories (Ischia)
- The Mind (Andrew Savich, Vitaiu)
- The Other (EP) (RyuX)
- The Paper (Leyya)
- The Prime Same (Asfast)
- The Purge (Skydrill & Hamses)
- The Reef (Klehi)
- The Right Fight (Chris Colt)
- The Thelema Tales (Institution D.O.L.)
- The Urge (Dont Ask)
- The Walls EP (Sun People)
- The Way It Is (Ling Ling)
- The Witness EP (Concept One)
- The Year of the Rat (sampler)
- Thinker Try to Dance (AHL6)
- Three To The Floor (Doesntmatter)
- Through Empty Spaces (Sustain)
- Through The Night (CueStack)
- Through the Rain (Alissia Laureen)
- Thunderclouds (Palastic)
- Tigerlilly / Synco (DisasZt)
- Tiktak (DelaDap)
- Till We Meet Again (Good Wilson)
- Time Lapse - 15 Years of Psychedelic Trance (sampler)
- Time Shift EP (Thies)
- Too Big to Fail (Curbs)
- Too Much Home (Dorninger)
- Tormentum Volume I (sampler)
- To the Sky (No7ice)
- Totschläger (A Saintslayer's Songbook) (Abigor)
- Touch (Glanz, Lukas)
- Tourbus EP (Bibiza)
- Toxic Brother (Mother's Cake)
- Toxic Jungle Vol. 2 (sampler)
- Traktat (Karg)
- Traktat (Karg)
- Tränen zu Wein (SALÒ)
- TRANS012 (Pharma & Ome)
- Transcript (Pharma)
- Transhuman Generation (CueStack)
- Transit (Mr. Freed)
- Trauma Bounce (Farce)
- Traumatised / Genetic Drift (D.Kay)
- Träume (Sinn)
- Träume Von Dir (Omega Zwa)
- Tribute (Renato Chicco Trio)
- True Colours EP (Puzzle)
- Trümmerlotte (Sauermann, Ansa)
- Trust (Firn)
- Trust (Geostatic)
- Trust (Boroff, Matt)
- TRUST XX - Silver Future (sampler)
- Trying Not To Think About You (Filous)
- Tsonkati Splosion (Mary-Ann Kiefer)
- Tukan EP (Polifame)
- Turn it on (Organ Champs, The)
- Twentytwo (sampler)
- Twilight Tumbling (Két Idegen)
- Two, One (Gazelle & the Bear)
- TwoFaced (AKOV)
- Two Ways (Oxyjane)
- (Un)ease (Taris)
- Über Nacht (Oehl)
- U Girl EP (Anthropic)
- ultra_chromaticism (Mantikora Gio)
- Uluru 001 (Smile Davis)
- Umwege (Bernhard Pribitzer)
- Unfold Your Brain (TuXedoo)
- Universe (Dolexil)
- Unknown (Splat)
- Unleashed (Vulvarine)
- Unlight EP (Irityll)
- Unreleased Stories (A:lex)
- Uns2 (Rote Augen)
- Unseen (Polwechsel & Klaus Lang)
- Unspoken (En:vy)
- Untitled (sampler)
- Untitled (Warzone, DJ)
- Up In Smoke (sampler)
- Upressions (endless nameless)
- Up There (MoonDark & Lujan Fernandez)
- Uroplatus Phantasticus Chapter - 1 (sampler)
- Use me (Haering)
- [Vintage Breaks] (Hillside Music)
- VA EP (sampler)
- Value of Freedom (Throwback)
- Vandalism Musique 7 Years Groove Anniversary - Various Artists Part I (sampler)
- Variations for Computer Ashtray (Jung / Frye)
- Various Artists - Part 001 (sampler)
- Velvet (Roman Weber)
- Vengeance (sampler)
- Venom (Profuze)
- Venom VIP (Profuze)
- Vergessen (Laut Fragen)
- Verwoben (Claussen, Martina)
- vessel 1.2 / suite pour une femme seule (Klement, Katharina)
- Vibez & Flow EP (Metatrox)
- Viel mehr als Freundschaft (Busch, Jakob)
- Vienna (Spiegl, Philipp)
- Vienna (Trent Ivor.)
- VIP Dubpack (TrendR)
- Virus (Siliconbrothers)
- Vision (sampler)
- Visitors Mofes Visitors (Mofes)
- Vitamin C (My Ugly Clementine)
- Voices EP (sampler)
- Void (Dolexil)
- Voidzap (GehLekTek)
- Voigas (feat. Marco Pogo) (Der Timpel)
- Vom Ewechn Lem (Molden / Resetarits / Soyka / Wirth)
- Von den Subwoofern taub feat. Faun (Mieze Medusa & Tenderboy)
- Voodoo Sonic (Parov Stelar)
- Voodoo Sonic 2 (Parov Stelar)
- Voodoo Sonic 3 (Parov Stelar)
- Votive (Rosa Anschütz)
- Vuan dabei (Pendl)
- Vulcania EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Wait A Minute (Mr. Freed)
- Wait For Me (Fourtex & Sublime)
- Warrior (Robert Furrier)
- Was Guats (wienerzucker)
- Was hast du getaaan? (Rote Augen)
- Washed Up (Sharktank)
- Wasteland (Envy & Licid)
- was wir sind (Picobello)
- Waterfall EP (Modul Kollektiv & Jean Michel Schober)
- Waters (Vague)
- Waves (Xenrox)
- Waves 1 (Duca, Curd)
- Waves Festival 2020 (sampler)
- We Aimed for The Stars (Tobien, Amelie)
- We Are Incurzion Vol. 1 (sampler)
- We Are Not Alone Pt. 1 (sampler)
- Wechselwirkung EP (Flo Monghy)
- Weisse Pferde (Danzer, Georg)
- weit weg (Cobario)
- Welcome To Dystopia (Enko vs Ling Ling)
- welTraumkaTzen (pauT & the greaT kellys)
- What Am I Waiting For (KØLEEN)
- What Are My Options? (Cloud Cloud)
- What Do You Desire? (Elis Noa)
- What Do You Want Me To Say? (Batard, Johnny)
- What Is on Your Mind? (Baits)
- When I'm Around You (M:FX)
- Where is your Key (Spag)
- Whispers In My Ear / Dog's Dinner (Break & Total Science)
- White Box (sampler)
- White Fluff (Futurum Sonat)
- White Keys Vol.1 (Alpha Tracks)
- White Keys Vol.2 (Alpha Tracks)
- White Noise (Sakura)
- White Noise Everywhere (Le_Mol)
- Who Are We (Ling Ling)
- Who Are You To Shout (Patrick Pulsinger Voodoo Acid Re&Mix) (Gerald Peklar ft. INDIA)
- Who Is Coming (projectvime)
- Wien Musik 2020 (sampler)
- Wien Oida (Gazal feat. Kid Pex)
- WilCo (Luke Stringwalker)
- Wildfire (Their Dogs Were Astronauts)
- Will It Be You (Lysah)
- Winter Is Coming (DisasZt)
- Winterreise (Neuwirth, Roland & Krumpöck, Florian)
- Wishing On a Star (Remix) (A:lex)
- Witch EP (Gydah)
- Woanders (Gran Bankrott)
- Wolly (Dolexil)
- Womb (Wandl)
- Words Of Zeus (Jaden Raxel & Severin Su)
- World Of Echoes EP (Roman Weber)
- World Piss (Good Cop)
- Wormhole (Bou & Mefjus)
- Wos gestan woa (Lindenthaler)
- Wüdnis (Strauss, Ursula/ Ernst Molden)
- Wumpa / Losing Time (AKOV)
- Wunderland (Fleisch, Nina)
- X (Zsa Zsa Gabor's, The)
- Xeno EP (Hightauer)
- X-Mas Songs & Anthems (Musenbichler, Robby)
- Xtra Ordinary Vol. 23 (sampler)
- Y'all Workin Out? (Mister Bellini)
- Yea (Mansch)
- Yeah Yeah Yeah (5/8erl In Ehr'n)
- Yes Yeah (Bergmann, Ro)
- Yo Bro LP (sampler)
- Yūgen (Scalio)
- ...Zeit Zu Gehen... (Yawp Sonata)
- Zeiten & Zeichen (Hubert von Goisern)
- Zelt (Ralph Mothwurf Orchestra)
- Zerstreuen über euch (Culk)
- Zerzauste Zebras (Anna Absolut)
- Zig Zag In Chinatown (Jotu Jeu)
- Zoin, bitte! (Schnitzelwirt)
- Zucker (Da Staummtisch)
- zu Hause (Stürmer, Christina)
- Zwischen Chemie und Wahnsinn (sampler)
- Zwischen Spittelberg und Handelskai (Prater WG)