Records für 2021
- Nummer (21)
- a (87)
- b (56)
- c (54)
- d (73)
- e (62)
- f (62)
- g (44)
- h (52)
- i (47)
- j (18)
- k (15)
- l (67)
- m (58)
- n (45)
- o (25)
- p (48)
- q (6)
- r (58)
- s (131)
- t (81)
- u (25)
- v (25)
- w (56)
- x (6)
- y (6)
- z (14)
- 100% Wonka (Wonka)
- 1000 Mal Glück / Stillerstrånd (FLUT)
- 10 dag Extra (mehrYEAH)
- 11 Years of Do Easy Records (sampler)
- 1K Free Download EP (Senchai)
- 1K FREE EP (sampler)
- 1 Year of STRND1 (sampler)
- 2020 (WeinHara)
- 2021 (Musenbichler, Robby)
- 21 8 21 (Plastic Papertiger)
- 2x3 (Anna Absolut)
- 2 years of Districted Noize EP (sampler)
- 35 Degrees (Futurum Sonat / Virtuality)
- 40100 (Verifiziert)
- 4 Tage feat. LIEBCOZY (Bibiza)
- 50S 100S (Money Boy)
- 5 a​.​m. (TakaTuka)
- 5 Year Anniversatea (sampler)
- 808 Herzschmerz (Schönbrunner Gloriettenstürmer)
- 909 (GLT)
- 9 Circles 01 - Les Limbes (sampler)
- (Am) Himmelreich - Love, Victory & Revenge (Boris Fab)
- A​/​B (A/B)
- A.M. Forever (ÄNN)
- Aba Warum (Eli Preiss)
- Abgebrannt (Verrat)
- Abgründig (Withdraw)
- About The Void (Peletronic)
- Absatz 1 (Lan Rex)
- Absent (Tape Moon)
- Absolute Zero (Yngace X Anulix X Hamses)
- Abstruse Gestalten (Landl, Willi & Michael Hornek)
- A Call To Love (Chorosia)
- Acid Bubbles (KanFun)
- Acid Pirate 13 (sampler)
- Acid Pirate 14 (sampler)
- A Darling​´​s Kiss (Rocksteady Conspiracy, The)
- A Day At The Beach (James Jive)
- Affection EP (Wingz)
- Afghanistan Mon Amour (Afghanistan Mon Amour)
- After the Line (Tekno's23)
- Age Of Ancients EP (Squarebadger)
- Agility (Wirth, Alexander)
- A Grave Mistake (Li)
- Ain't No Saint (Ewig Frost)
- Akihi (Takeshi's Cashew)
- Aladdin Bakery (Rajju Baba)
- Album 1 (Zack Zack Zack)
- ALF LAILA WA LAILA (sampler)
- Alien Vs Deer (Dolexil)
- Alive (Skydrill)
- Alive Again (Raven Red)
- Alles brennt (Beck, Thomas Andreas)
- Alles Nichts (Beck, Wenzel)
- Alles was du mir gibst (sind leere Versprechen) (Aze)
- All Hers (Attic, The)
- Allies (Call The Mothership)
- Allies [Instrumental] (Call The Mothership)
- alltagsgrausligkeiten (Gfeanzt & Zwida)
- All Time High (Carl Haze)
- Almanac (Luef, Berndt)
- Alone at the Dancefloor (cdjtigersnake x Formlos)
- Alternative Documents EP (Yawanawa)
- Altruism (Luk Lookas)
- Am Arsch (Tekno's23)
- Ambers & Echoes EP (sampler)
- Ambivalent (Mindmatrix)
- American Standards (Fisher, Ian)
- A Mood of Its Own EP (Toby Whyle)
- A Motion Picture (Kontrapunk)
- Analog (SALÒ)
- Angry Boys, Angry Girls (Please Madame)
- Animal (Bergmann, Ro)
- Animals & Beasts (Hannelunder)
- Anker (AlpsCore)
- Annihialate Dub Pack (TrendR)
- Anomalie EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Another Love Poem (Death Rising)
- Antagonize (Ling Ling)
- Apathie (Stromtod)
- Apex (Naplava)
- Aquarius (sampler)
- Archives (SimOn/Off)
- A Room for Her Own (CHRISTL)
- Around The Bend (Cari Cari)
- Artist (EsRAP)
- Ascension / ​Equilibrium (AKOV & Pluvio)
- A schenes Lem! (Votava, Gerald (feat. Walther Soyka))
- ASD01 (sampler)
- ASD02 (sampler)
- A Single Point (Luk Lookas)
- A So Fluffy Record (sampler)
- Astral Awakening (Transki)
- Atlantis (Tekno's23)
- Atlantis (Kreisky)
- Atom (TOMÁ)
- Atomic Dreams (Transki)
- Atomic Waste (Stromtod)
- Atterseezeit feat. Dynomite (Stüngö)
- At The Beaver Lodge I (Abby Lee Tee)
- At The Beaver Lodge II (Abby Lee Tee)
- Attraktor - Collaborations (sampler)
- Auf der Seidenstraße (Schattenmusik)
- Austrian Metal News Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Auszeit (FIX19)
- Autofocus (Thies)
- A Walk Through The Jungle (foatwenty3)
- A World Worth Dying For (Rotten Halo)
- Baby Knows (Vienna Scientists Remixes) (Horny Funk Brothers)
- Bad Prophecy EP (Geostatic)
- Bait (Wingz)
- Balter (GehLekTek)
- Bam​.​Oida (vaZdaZ & TakaTuka)
- Banana Island (Adaolisa)
- Banane (Äffchen und Craigs)
- Bass Addict 20 (sampler)
- Bass Prophet (Enko)
- Battlefield Rock 'n' Roll From Hell (Iron Overkill)
- Beans (Surge)
- Beautiful Machine (Boroff, Matt)
- Because Why (Zanshin)
- Behind you (LFXBOI)
- Behind You VIP (LFXBOI)
- Belo Horizonte (Cari Cari)
- Be My Redeemer (Spiegl, Philipp)
- Besserwisser (Familie Lässig)
- Best of Bär (Matthäus Bär)
- Better Times (Olga)
- Bi Bubu Ba (Unreal Sign)
- Bittersweet Crime (Jungle Jade)
- Black Anthem EP (Black Anthem)
- Black Magic (Ital Remix) (Double Helix)
- Blindflug EP (Texta)
- Blurred (Coma System)
- Blutwiese (Donna Savage)
- Boa Boa (Znap)
- Body Bags (Devaloop & Ryler Smith)
- bodylanguage (Maggie)
- Body Shaper (IbeX)
- Boid Is Aus (S. Jauk Earl)
- Boom Boom Boom (Kenji Araki)
- Boredome (FX666)
- Boss Spieler University (Brenk)
- Boulevard (BYRTH)
- Braindamage (Tekno's23)
- Brainfreeze (Squarebadger)
- Brainshaked (Tekno's23)
- Bratan EP (Georgiev, Dimitar)
- Brazilian World Music Project (Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra, The)
- Break The Machine (Alibi & Sl8r)
- Bright side tribe (Phat Otiz)
- Broadlahn & Amit Chaterjee (Broadlahn)
- Broken Deck (Tunakan, Erdem)
- Brother (T Raum)
- BSV (Mme Psychosis)
- Bumm Boom Doom (Seha Eks)
- Burger (Dives)
- Burning Clouds (FX666)
- Butter (Gran Bankrott)
- Buzz (GehLekTek)
- BxRxN EP (Blood Runs Nose)
- Bye Bye (Fink, Daniel)
- Bye Bye Sky High (Alpha Tracks)
- Cala Boca Menino (Moritz Fritsch & Scheibosan Acid Remix) (Joao Donato)
- California Sunshine EP (Pseikomusic)
- Calligraphy (Detect Theory Remix) (Tenchu & Ella Sopp)
- Calling (Tekno's23)
- Call of Night (Deeper You)
- Call of the Entity (Rotten Halo)
- Can't Breathe (Li)
- Can't See Myself / Mo' Gems (Woxow)
- Canale Grande (Äffchen und Craigs)
- Candy Places (Nick Hanzo)
- Ça Plane Pour Moi (Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Carapace Alpha 06 (sampler)
- Car Full (Derryl Danston, Scetta, Moosiqunt)
- Carousel Creatures (Enko)
- Celebrating The Joy of Life! (Saxofour)
- Chacha's Groove (Inessa)
- Cha-Ha EP (Space Echo)
- Champion (TrendR)
- Changes / Glitch (Syren Rivers x M:FX)
- Changes / Glitch Remixes (Syren Rivers x M:FX)
- Chanson de Helene (Butt, Katrin)
- Charmander (Low Key x Niduz x Healthy)
- Cheval Et Lapin (Remastered) (Scalio)
- Childrenplanet (sampler)
- Choppy (vaZdaZ)
- Christmas White Green Rocking (Daucher, Roland)
- Chrome (Liminal Zone)
- Circle Of Life (Gipsy Soul)
- Circus Maximus (Werckmeister)
- City Scapes (2Late X Devaloop)
- Cliff In The Skies (SirLENSaLot)
- CLOUDS (Low Key x Healthy)
- Cloudy Flow (Markus Quittner)
- Coda - Orchestra Suites (Mantler, Michael)
- Coffee Table (Plastic Papertiger)
- Collateral (Mosaik)
- Collective Process Vol. 3 (sampler)
- Colosseo EP (Carl Haze)
- Come on (hold in now) (Tekno's23)
- Concussion (Massive Zebra & subcurrent)
- Control EP (Roman Weber)
- Control EP (Wirth, Alexander)
- Conviction (Geostatic)
- Corner Of My Block (Devaloop & Phil Tyler)
- Cosmic Wanderer (Wreckage Machinery)
- Country Home (Hillside Music)
- Creation Eats Creator (5K HD)
- Creeper EP (Bou & Mefjus)
- Critical Presents: Binary Vol​.​24 (En:vy)
- Crystalline (Joyce Muniz)
- Crystal Mess (Manic Youth)
- Cursed (Single) (Winter's Breath)
- Cyberdyne Systems (Ling Ling)
- Daily (Bibiza)
- Dance Inside (Carl Haze)
- Dancing (Butt, Katrin)
- Danke Mami (Eli Preiss)
- Daring Attempt (LFXBOI & Hamses)
- Dark Energy EP (Flo Monghy)
- Das deutsche Album (Sweet Janes, The)
- Das Haus des Teufels (Nadeshda)
- Das sind die Nächte (Julian le Play)
- Das Virus (Sinuswelle)
- data flow (Delta Concept)
- DDLG EP (Stromtod)
- Deaf World (Coma System)
- Decadance EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Deceit (Modecenter)
- Decision (Palastic)
- Deep Waters (Aygyul)
- Deine Richtung (Ness)
- Delle (Bibiza)
- Delorean (Rebell Bagatell)
- Delusion (Timix)
- Demos (Koko Tai)
- Demo Tape (Salami Sux)
- Deprived of the Power of Sensation (Dabit Vocem Austria)
- Der Kommissar (Strauss, Jo)
- Desperate Soul (Winter's Breath)
- Destined To Return (Lenson Piquet)
- Destroy (LFXBOI)
- Detached EP (Geostatic)
- Detachments (Schtum)
- Devoured Hope (Rotten Halo)
- Dewdrops of Parvati (Rajju Baba)
- DFC 003 (sampler)
- Dia Cero V (sampler)
- Die Almosen der Wunde (Vergeblichkeit)
- Die Drift (Frischauf, Conny)
- Die Gruppe (Ja, Panik)
- Die Schönen Tage (Pippa)
- Diesel (Kantig)
- Die Siedler (FX666)
- Different (Marina & The Kats)
- Different (Single) (Marina & The Kats)
- Dispatched 2021 (sampler)
- Displaced (FX666)
- Dissent (Massive Zebra & subcurrent)
- Dissolving (Laikka)
- Distance (RUSRUS)
- Dito (Bibiza)
- Dogs (Forenbacher)
- Don't Turn Your Heart Off (DeeCracks, The)
- Don't You Ever / Falling (Ferice)
- Dopamin (Graf Hadik (und die Flughunde))
- Dopamine feat. Aunty (Drahthaus)
- Dots / Move Like This (Frank Lemon x M:FX)
- Double Dutch (Dossa & Locuzzed Remix) (Murdock & Roni Size)
- Dreamkitchen (Tekno's23)
- Dream Machine RMX (MononoTech)
- Dreams, Always (Terz Nervosa)
- Dream To Me (Li)
- Dreck (Alicia Edelweiss)
- Drop It EP (Profuze & Inaudible)
- Drum (Attwenger)
- Duality (Yin Yang Mix) (Cohuna Beatz)
- Dubbed (Firn)
- DUBPACK Vol. 3 (sampler)
- Dub Tape No2 (Van Der Wiese)
- Dungeon Demo (Spauldings, The)
- Dünn (Hari Viderci)
- Dürft i bitte kassieren? (Schnitzelwirt)
- Du trägst keine Liebe in dir (SALÒ)
- Dutty Drops & Friends LP (sampler)
- Du und Ich (Damion Lee)
- Earscratcher (Harnik, Elsiabeth)
- Earth Machine (Tekno's23)
- Earth Walk With Me (Asfast)
- Ease (Buchegger, Anna)
- Eat It (Funk Freakz)
- EAVliche Weihnachten - Ihr Sünderlein kommet (Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV))
- Echoes (Nero Effecta)
- Echoes of Tarab I. (sampler)
- Echolocate (GehLekTek)
- Ego System (Staudinger & Schreder)
- Eigentlich (Fink, Daniel)
- Einsicht (Aussichtslos)
- Ein Star (Butt, Katrin)
- Eis (Eli Preiss)
- Elapetsch (Resetarits, Willi und der Stubnblues)
- Electric Cars and Electric Guitars (Nerve Theory)
- Electric Storm (Dorit Chrysler)
- Electrophant (FlowwolF)
- Electropoeisis (Bernhard Loibner)
- Elektrische Tage (Vague)
- Elektrozität (Prohaska)
- El Sonidito (Audible Illusions Bootleg) (Hechizeros Band)
- Emotions EP (Global Tones)
- ENC056D - Dubape & Friends (DubApe & Scooped)
- Encounter002 (Surge)
- Endgame EP (Wreckage Machinery)
- Endless Journey Inwards EP (Screamarts)
- Endlich Vernunft (Fuzzman)
- End The Silence VA EP (sampler)
- ENEO EP (Index)
- Engel (Butt, Katrin)
- Ensemble / Panopticon (Moekel)
- Ensnared EP (AKOV)
- Enter EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Environ Me (Delago, Manu)
- EP 1 (Zack Zack Zack)
- Epoch (Nàire)
- Era Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Erdbeeren und Musik (sampler)
- Ergo LP (sampler)
- Erstkontakt EP (Sinuswelle)
- Es Brodelt in der Kernzone 100 (sampler)
- Escape From Hell (Vortex)
- Eternal Dreams (Devaloop & Ryler Smith)
- Eternal Fiction (Mario Rom's Interzone)
- Ethereal Jazz for a New Generation (sampler)
- Even If We Break (Oliver Mittag)
- Event Horizon EP (sampler)
- Event Horizon EP (Delusion Works)
- Everytime EP (Ferice & Heft)
- Evil Time (Tekno's23)
- Evolver TDESSIT (Tekno's23)
- Exodus. The Man Who Shaped Hollywood (Fleischmann, Johannes)
- Expected (Probst, Titus)
- Experience Machine (Tanz Franz)
- Exploration Space (Tekno's23)
- Explosive (Unreal Sign)
- Extatic EP (Meinke, Julian)
- Extended (Ensemble Kuhle Wampe)
- Extremliab (Äffchen und Craigs)
- F​!​ck D​!​ch (Subl!ne)
- F.E.L.T. (Eli Preiss)
- F**K (Junior Freak)
- Fake Love (Ivan Moser)
- Falcon EP (Restless Leg Syndrom)
- Falling (DOS)
- Falling (Baltra Remix) (DOS)
- Falling Into Dark Hands (Horwath, Florian)
- Falsche Zeit (Withdraw)
- Farfa​-​D Houbatik Digital Ep Hs06 (sampler)
- Far Gone / Saturday (Secula)
- Far Off (Smiling Buddhas, The)
- Fast (Greyshadow)
- Fat Bird Don't Fly (Tare)
- Feiyah (Kardinator)
- Fetohelo (Synesthetic Ivo)
- Fidelity EP (Flo Monghy)
- Fight Club Vol. 1 (sampler)
- fiisability (Fii)
- Finger Weg (Bibiza)
- Flash Forward (Mindmapper & Silvahfonk)
- Flatbush (Ischia & Doeke)
- Flava (Default Noise Remix) (Zombie Cats)
- Flint 001 (Enko)
- Floating (Bilgeri, Laura)
- Floating Forces (sampler)
- Floating for Security (Elettrotape)
- Floppy Disc / All The Massive (Pandora)
- FM Stereo (Shades of Thunder)
- Foam Party EP (Johnny and the Rotten)
- Foin (Woschdog)
- Force Strike (Anticeptik & Pseikomusic)
- Forensicore EP (Yawanawa & PrestigiMo)
- Forest Medicine 2 (sampler)
- Forever (Jend)
- Forget Facts (Default Noise)
- Forgive Forget EP (Theo Meier)
- Formlos (Formlos)
- Formula Remix (Pharma)
- For the people EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Forum 2 (FX666)
- Forward (Lizki)
- Foundations (sampler)
- Frann (Fainschmitz)
- Franzi (Euroteuro)
- Franziska (Sinn)
- fraufeld vol.3 (sampler)
- Freaky Birthday Boy EP (Schreder)
- Freibad (Sinn)
- French Love (Janefondas)
- Friek (Jon Gravy Remix) (Lou Asril)
- Friend Hazelnut (Tape Moon)
- From Sentinel Island With Love (Transki Remix) (Reinhaudt)
- Fucking Tekno (foatwenty3)
- Fuck the Virus (Tekno's23)
- Funambule (Sajdik, Valerie)
- Fun In Funeral (Wolfram and The Funeral Orchestra)
- Funky Is The Way We Roll (Horny Funk Brothers)
- Funland (Manic Youth)
- Future (Recon)
- Future Source (sampler)
- Future Tree (Gilewicz)
- Gagarin 2 (Kobermann)
- Gambling Girl (DelaDap)
- Gastarbeiter der Liebe (vollvirus)
- gather / oh soleil (Zew, The)
- Gaza / The Curse (Pharma)
- Gedankenland (Busch, Jakob)
- Gefährliche Brandung (mehrYEAH)
- Gefangen zwischen Wänden (feat. Disorder) (Kid Pex)
- Geisterbahn (Buben im Pelz, Die)
- Genne (Bydl)
- Geschichten, die das Leben schrieb (Froasli's Genialitäten)
- Gestrandet am Ufer der Glückseligkeit (Aron & Glowing Eyes)
- Get a Feeling (Phat Otiz)
- Get Down and Boogie (DelaDap)
- Get It Done (Sharktank)
- Get Out Of My Head (DeeCracks, The)
- Get The Party On (Scheibosan & Moritz Fritsch)
- Get Your X (Tekno's23)
- GG (Dacid Go8lin)
- Gini Tonic (Gini)
- Girl (Jaeyn)
- Glass Cannon (Raptor & LFXBOI)
- Glatteis (Fräulein Peter)
- Gloom (Pirmin)
- GoaTrance PsyStoned v11 (sampler)
- Gold (Jones, Stella)
- Gold (Gilewicz)
- Gold (Wingz Remix) (Koven)
- Gonzo Transmission EP (Creatures & Wingz)
- Goosebumps (Stereo Bullets)
- Gourouni (Tutti Dilemma)
- Grass And The Sun (Mavi Phoenix)
- Graveyard Symphonies (Winter's Breath)
- Gravity (Thomas Mayr & Knochen Hartmann)
- Greenery (rough cut) (altona)
- GreyNote Compilation #2 (sampler)
- Groove Cuts 03 (Ohrganic)
- Groove With It (Wingz)
- großartig unartig (Ameliy)
- Grössenwahn (Grant)
- Gruntler (GehLekTek)
- Guter Wind Remix (Son of Kurt)
- Gwop (Mofes Bootleg) (Jay1)
- Gym Stabs (Spiluttini, Dino)
- Had Me At Hello (Leelah Sky)
- Hahnenkamm (Kahlenberg)
- Halb So Wild (X-Eption)
- Halt mich fest (Busch, Jakob)
- Hands On (le_mol & Pencil&Cherries)
- Hangar 10 (sampler)
- Hang In Motion (Futurum Sonat)
- Haptik (TakaTuka)
- Hard Drive Detox EP (per.du)
- Hardfloor Killa (Unreal Sign)
- Hausberg IV-V (Abby Lee Tee)
- Havoc (Concept One)
- Headache EP (Pandora)
- HEAD KNOCK (Fritsch, Moritz)
- Hear Me / Without Them (Mefjus)
- Heartbeat (Another Vision)
- Heart Eater (We Blame The Empire)
- Heartstrings (Fabiano José & Alexander Wirth)
- Heavyweight (sampler)
- Heißes Blei (Eli Preiss)
- Held​*​innenplatz (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Hendsup EP (Dubesque)
- Her heart as a souvenir (Afghanistan Mon Amour)
- Hibernation (Bosna)
- Hibernation Pt. 1 EP (sampler)
- Hidden Impact (Benno Wohl)
- Higher Game (Tom & Jenny)
- Higher Universe (AlpsCore)
- HI-LO EP (Bergmann, Ro)
- Hinterhut EP (Spiegl, Philipp)
- Hiroyo's Dreamscape (Sentic Cycle)
- Hit Me (Ling Ling Remix) (Pogo Frequency)
- HOHNOR (chfs)
- Holding On (Meinke, Julian)
- Holding On (Cranium & Sammie Hall)
- Holding On (Remix EP) (Cranium & Sammie Hall)
- Hold Sand (Jelka)
- Homegrown EP (Kovacki, Raisa)
- Honeymoon Phase EP (OSKA)
- Horizont (Poxrucker Sisters)
- Horror Path (Volain)
- Hospital (Mossadeq)
- Host du a Feia?! (Sankt Krinzinger)
- How Loud Is Your Love (Shades of Thunder)
- HUIA (Vermont, Marie)
- Human Robot (Default Noise)
- Humans in A Pool (Takeshi's Cashew)
- Hunt (Ultima Radio & Cadû)
- Hunters & Collectors (FX666)
- Hurting Me (Division Remix) (Visages)
- Hurting Me - Senchai Remix (Visages)
- Hysteria (Bertram)
- I (Von Seiten der Gemeinde)
- I.M.V.R (Futurum Sonat)
- I'll Be Alright (Aygyul)
- I'm Coming Home (Aygyul)
- I'm Falling (Li)
- I've Been Away (Pale Male)
- I bin net do (Reino Glutberg)
- Ich Hab Heut Nacht Geträumt... (Lilly Naneen & Die Gigolos)
- Ich mache mir die Welt (Sinuswelle)
- Ich steige aus der Dusche fühl mich frisch (Bibiza)
- Ich Tanze Nur Aus Höflichkeit (Ein Gespenst)
- Ich will nach Italien (Reiner, Resi)
- Ideal (feat. Christelle Constantin) (Zirbs, Peter)
- I Don't Care (Lukas Poellauer)
- III (Melt Downer)
- i lieb dieses land (wienerzucker)
- Immer so (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Immer wieder neu (Und de scheenen Hoa)
- Immune System (sampler)
- Impendulum (GehLekTek)
- In Between (Timo Lissy)
- In Between Places (B.Visible)
- In Death I Am Caressing You (Schauer, Jakob)
- Infinity Series 01: Focus Forward (Olorr x Specific Objects)
- In Finstan (Palmisano, Agnes)
- Ink on Dr. James EP (Franky Fitz' Psycho Kidz)
- In My Prime ft. Cadell (Mieux)
- Inner Source (Lenson Piquet)
- Inner Visions EP (Environmental)
- In Presence of Kenny Wheeler (Weinberger, Manfred Paul Nonet)
- In Process (Duolia.)
- Inside The Matrix (Tom & Jenny)
- InstruMENTAL EP (Futurum Sonat)
- INTER:MISSIONS (sampler)
- InterWave 012 (sampler)
- In The Bleak Midwinter (OSKA)
- IN THE LAB 04 (sampler)
- Invasion Alert EP (sampler)
- In Your Eyes In Your Eyes EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- In Zeiten Wie Diesen (Koko Tai)
- I Often Feel Empty (DEATHDEATHDEATH)
- Isso (Ness)
- It's More (Aygyul)
- It went on (FX666)
- Iwan Schnee (Buchegger, Anna)
- I wär so gern blind und naiv (Wagner, Verena)
- I Would Say No​/​Today (Rocksteady Conspiracy, The)
- Jägermeister (Subl!ne & San Datino)
- JaJa (Donna Savage)
- Ja Ja Ja (Euroteuro)
- Jasmine (Don_t Go)
- Jazzypants EP (RoyGreen & Protone)
- Jeanne Dark (Pippa)
- Jeffrey (Fräulein Peter)
- Jelly Jelly (Cari Cari)
- jilliebean (Maggie)
- jkwev (SLAV X BIBIZA)
- Johnny Walker (Hamses Bootleg) (Kasimir1441)
- Join The Festival Spirit (Tekno's23)
- Joy (Julian Koerndl)
- Jungle Fever (sampler)
- Jungle Tekno (NoizeGuerilla & Phat Otiz)
- Jupiter Crush (Mammoths Nests)
- Just To Touch Her (Moritz Fritsch & Scheibosan Remix Radio Edit) (Discoscuro)
- Just to Touch Her (Scheibosan & Moritz Fritsch Remix) (Discoscuro)
- Kaffee (Neongrau)
- Ka Hoibe Soch (Texta)
- Kapitel 1: Der Seelische Tod Eines Kindes (Vnzvcht)
- Kartenhaus (Ms Def)
- Katauna Kana (YATWA)
- Kayomi (Kayomi)
- Keep Moving (vaZdaZ)
- Kids (Magic Delphin)
- King and Queen (Stereo Bullets)
- King of Flies (My wicked wicked ways)
- Klang-Kakao. 15 köstliche Lieder für Kinder (Zentrum für Musikvermittlung)
- Klarsicht feat. Lela (Chill Ill)
- Kosmonauten (Bibiza)
- Künstlerin (Freunde Schöner)
- L'Assimilation (Akali Akali)
- La Curiosité (Akali Akali)
- lada (a little sunday jam) (Bono Goldbaum)
- Ladybird (BYRTH)
- Laidback Lane (Shades of Thunder)
- Lakes & Screens (White Pink Brown)
- Lamo EP (Mo Cess & Testa)
- Landbewohner (Rote Augen)
- Langsam wea i miad (Werger, Stefanie)
- Lardar EP (BassDubbers)
- La Soledad Es Mi Palacio (Matte/Glossy)
- Lass los (Freunde Schöner)
- Lately (Leyya)
- La Tentative d'une Expérience (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (Akali Akali)
- Lauter als die Stimme im Kopf (Loeweloewe)
- La Violencia EP (Wasner, Sebastian)
- Leave Me Something Stupid (Anderluh, Anna)
- Leb’ begeistert und g’winn (Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen)
- Lederjackn (Reino Glutberg)
- Left Alone ft. Chet Faker (Manta Remix) (Flume)
- Legacy #132 (sampler)
- Legenden (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Legends Never Die (SirLENSaLot)
- Le Temps - A Solo for Drums And Metal Instruments in Five States (Ernst, Katharina)
- Let Me Go EP (Snowtek & Ferice)
- Levigate (Default Noise)
- Liebe Dascha (Mr. Rose)
- Lies feat. Steven Jones (Megablast)
- Life (Ivan Moser)
- Life Is What You Make It (Fiesta Forever)
- Lifestream (Pippa)
- Light (Flo Monghy)
- Lighter (Baiba)
- Light Signals (sampler)
- Limbo (TENTS)
- Lion Heights / Soundman a Play Remix (Small Town Dubz)
- Little Tales Of Light And Sorrow (Duo Fuss / Leichtfried)
- Live: A Friendly Reminder (FX666)
- Live and Sad at The Record Store (Wolfram and The Funeral Orchestra)
- Live At Deer In The Headlights Studio (Mothers of the Land)
- Live at KallmanBoom (Synesthetic Ivo)
- Live At Nikolaisaal Potsdam (Cari Cari)
- Live at Porgy & Bess Vol. 4 (Nagl, Max Ensemble)
- Live At Wienstation Vienna Dear Mama #Vol​.​1 (Power & Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt)
- Livestream (Pippa)
- Lizard (Chromatico)
- Lizzy (Friedberg)
- Lockdown (Pseikomusic)
- Lockdown Breaker (Unreal Sign)
- Locust​ / ​Geek (AKOV)
- Lollipop (Mosaik)
- Lonely Ballads. Reduced Songs to Step Back (Aktionstheater Ensemble)
- Longest Day of My Life EP (Leyya)
- Lost Islands (Mataya Waldenberg Remix) (Tony Renaissance)
- Lost Memories EP (Jakobin & Domino)
- Lost Projects Part 1 (Wingz)
- Lost Projects Part 2 (Wingz)
- Lost Souls (Disrupta & Mofes)
- Love Club Members (Hearts Hearts)
- Love Is A Thief (Eastwood Haze)
- Lovepoems & Hatetirades (Death Rising)
- Love Song EP (SOVIE)
- Luke Andrews Band (Andrews, Luke Band)
- Luminate EP (alllone)
- Lunae defectio​ /​ Rain Dub (Scetta)
- Lysergic Ceremony (Ling Ling & Vikkei)
- Machinery Vol.1 (sampler)
- Machine Spirit (Astral Mix) (Transki)
- Mackitek Records 38 (sampler)
- Magic Potion EP (FTC & VDW)
- Magic Wall (Zeiner / I-Wolf)
- Maieutics I (sampler)
- Malana Dream (Rajju Baba)
- Mamma Fatale (Mamma Fatale)
- Manta (Transki)
- Map Expansion (Vertigon)
- Mehr als Meer (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Mehr oder weniger (Texta)
- Mein Altes (Damion Lee)
- Mein Bestes - Best of 2007-2020 (Damion Lee)
- Meine erste Langspielplatte (Freunde Schöner)
- Meine Kreise (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Meine Schreie (Ingeborg Bachmann​-​Tracks) (Laut Fragen)
- Mental Machine (sampler)
- Mental Misery (Stan Christ & Oryma)
- Merror (FX666)
- MetaSun (Xenrox)
- MG003 (Elmucho 23)
- Midi 8 (Friedberg)
- Midsummer (Quadriga Consort)
- Milch für die Fliegen (Fate)
- Mind Glitches (sampler)
- Mindtrippin EP (Zenflow)
- Mi Palacio (Matte/Glossy)
- Mirai No Fanku (Shades of Thunder)
- Mistrust (Wingz)
- mitra mitra; Reconstruction Works. (sampler)
- Modecenter (Modecenter)
- Moment (Ms Def)
- Monochrome Vol​.​1 (Kobermann)
- MoonLight Drive (sampler)
- Moonstory (Wagner, Verena)
- More Bass (Fritsch, Moritz)
- Morning Glow (Laikka)
- Mosiak Selections 1 (sampler)
- Mountains Of Madness (Liquid Steel)
- mousse de pus (mousse de pus)
- Move in the House EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- MRT (Phat Otiz)
- Multiplan 02 (Van der Wiese & Enko)
- Mundartpunk Forever (Glue Crew)
- Murder (LFXBOI X Malow)
- Murder Style (Hamses)
- Music In My Head (Strasser, Gerald)
- musik.stp - Ausgabe Eins (sampler)
- Mute (Firn)
- My Feet on Solid Ground (June in October)
- My First EP (Alaba, Rose May)
- MYGRL (Geostatic)
- My Issues (EP) (Paenda)
- Mysteries #8 (sampler)
- Mystic (Healthy VIP) (Low Key x Healthy)
- Mystical Story (DJ Rasfimillia)
- Mӕre (Harakiri for the Sky)
- Nachtvogel (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Nago (MononoTech)
- Nahuel Huapi / Daydrinking (Bilderbuch)
- Nameless / Screwed Up (Secula)
- Narben (Yokohomo)
- Nature Sessions (Primus Sitter)
- Nebelfelder (Dea Artio)
- Ned echt (Der traurige Gärtner & Sigrid Horn)
- Negative Space (Lehnen)
- Neiche Zeid (Molden, Ernst und das Frauenorchester)
- Nektar (Werckmeister)
- Neon (SIN)
- Neon (Theo Meier Remix) (SIN)
- Netzwerk (FLUT)
- Neue Kleider (Schaller und Rausch)
- Never Enough (Baits)
- New Age Trance (Transki)
- New Brain (Primitive Egg)
- Newcomer EP (sampler)
- New Dimension EP (sampler)
- Nightwalker (En:vy X Hyroglifics)
- Nimmasatt (Eli Preiss)
- Nirgendwohin (Wagner, Verena)
- Nitrogen (SIN)
- No (Fainschmitz)
- nofind EP (Walter, Paul)
- Noir EP (Plexus Solaire)
- No Issue (Tekno's23)
- No One Will Survive (Julius)
- No Pain No Gain (Sun State Of Mind)
- No Past no regrets (soulparlez)
- NO REST feat. SLAV & Tizudemjay (Hardy X)
- Northern Lights EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- Northern Line 001 (sampler)
- No Shirt - No Service (Bronco Jedson)
- No Spikes (FX666)
- Not Alone (Steve Michael)
- Not in the Slightest (Toby Whyle)
- Notre Dame (Mabo, Anna)
- Now (Doctors On Decks)
- nua a rock ’n’ roller (Lindenthaler)
- Nucleus Accumbens EP (Awo Ojiji)
- Nur die Sterne über dir (Dea Artio)
- Nur wegen dir (Busch, Jakob)
- NYAYSA 4 (sampler)
- Öadcontrol (Super Sonic Silver Haze)
- Octopus's Garden (Pippa)
- Odd Conjectures (Hypnotic Floor)
- Odin's Curtains (Plastic Papertiger)
- Odyssee (Kizmet & MDK)
- Of Passionate Nature Instrumentals (Samura Loré & Devaloop)
- Ohne Filter (Naderer, Tina)
- Ois OK feat. BumBumKunst (Kreiml & Samurai)
- Ollas ziagt si zam EP (Belle Fin)
- One in a Million (Romc)
- One In A Million (Leelah Sky)
- On Hills (FX666)
- On Vacation (Hillside Music)
- Opium Dreams (Transki Mixes) (dj break da law)
- Opportunity Lover (Rendl, Rosa)
- Oracle VIP (Bowsar)
- Orange Silver (Enko)
- Orbit (vaZdaZ)
- Ordentlich (wienerzucker)
- Orginal Murder / Encore (Geostatic)
- Out Of The Woods (Sister Son)
- Overload (Tekno's23)
- Overview: The Remixes (sampler)
- Oxygen LP (sampler)
- Oxytocin (SALÒ)
- Paean (Ling Ling)
- Pancakes (B.Visible)
- Paradise Island (DJ Rasfimillia)
- Paradiso Infernal (Paradiso Infernal)
- Parallel Conection (eFly & Syntolix)
- Pathfinder / ​Asgard (Derryl Danston)
- Path of Destruction EP (Artheist)
- Perception EP (Wirth, Alexander)
- Peruggia (Devaloop & Ryler Smith)
- Pervitin (Death Rising)
- Perv Plague Penetration (Withdraw)
- Phantom Pain (Sustain)
- Phenom (Helica)
- Phia (Michael High)
- Phisdephis / Give It (TrendR)
- Phrasemongering (Dorninger)
- Pilgramgasse feat. LIEBCOZY (BIBIZA & LIEBCOZY)
- Pizza Margherita (Fainschmitz)
- Plastic Grave (Hope Lights Fire)
- Platzwunden & Fieber (Elfriede Blut)
- Plays the Music of Ed Puddic: Crazy Days (Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra, The)
- play the game (nexxor & helica)
- Pop is Shit (Tekno's23)
- Possession (Mephobia)
- Presentism (Cam Deas, Jung An Tagen)
- Press Enter EP (Nino Sebelic)
- Pressure (Marina & The Kats)
- Primer (Interstellar Bungalow)
- Primitive Darkness (sampler)
- Prodigy EP (Screamarts)
- Projections (sampler)
- Project One (Tekno's23)
- Project TWO (Tekno's23)
- Project Zero (Tekno's23)
- Proletn-Raketn (Legits, The)
- Prolog I (Wallners)
- Promises (Meinke, Julian)
- Prototyp (Elektro Guzzi)
- Pst!Sei ruhig! (Butt, Katrin)
- Psychedelic Queen (Fele)
- Psychonic (Skydrill & Hamses)
- Public Pump 01 (Tekno's23)
- Public Pump 02 (Tekno's23)
- Public Pump03 (Tekno's23)
- Public Pump 05 (Tekno's23)
- Punschkrapferleis (Marty Pi)
- Putiservant (Withdraw)
- Put the Lights Out (June in October)
- Quadratschädel (Chill Ill)
- Quake / Warman Remix (RoyGreen & Protone)
- Quarantine Files (Albanek)
- Quarantine Files (Albanek)
- Quiet the Silence (Toby Whyle)
- Quit (Miss Lead)
- Rabelasian Irony (Forciniti, Isabella)
- Radical Manual (Blackening)
- Radical Nopinion (Aiko Aiko)
- Rain (XING)
- Ramsau am Dachstein nach der Apokalypse (Plut, Paul)
- Random Forest (Mstep)
- Rasam​ä​her (Rosi Spezial)
- Rasenmäher (Kardinator)
- Ready To Rumble VIP (Tozey)
- Reality EP (Fourtex & Erratik)
- Reanimate (sampler)
- Rebirth (AlpsCore)
- Recalibrate EP (Gleinkaa)
- Red Dawn (Screamarts)
- Red Dragon EP (Highwar)
- Red Ink (Marinski Rio)
- Refraction Vol. 001 (sampler)
- Reign of the Degenerates (Mephobia)
- Religion (Intimspray)
- Religion EP (Intimspray)
- Remember When (Unison)
- Reminiscence Of Better Times (Transki Remix) (dj break da law)
- REMIXED: It's Not Over Till You're Under​​/​​​/​​Ground (Bydl)
- Remixes Vol. 2 (Waeys)
- Request (Dead Cancer)
- Reserviert (Denk, Clemens)
- Reset (Pan Kee-Bois)
- Resistance (Jakob Zimmermann Trio)
- Responsibility (OSKA)
- Restless Soul (Jon Gravy)
- Retribution VIP (AKOV)
- Retrospection (Raphael Käfers Constellation Project)
- Rettungsboot (mehrYEAH)
- Revival (Division)
- Reworks I (Sub Focus)
- Rhapsody (Colourblind)
- Rhythm of Space (Basic Reaction)
- Ride Or Die (Dexpleen)
- Ripped (For Your Pleasure) (Wingz)
- Rise of Shenron Vol. 6 (sampler)
- Risiko (Alpha Romeo & die Winterreifen)
- Risk (TrendR X Netrek)
- Rite (Screamarts)
- Ritual EP (Cruciatus Infernalis)
- Road To Everything (IbeX)
- Robotek Blaster (Unreal Sign)
- Rolling On (Ling Ling)
- Rolltreppe (Rolltreppe)
- Roots (Sustain)
- ROS 1 - Fanfare III (sampler)
- ROS 2 - Hohnor (Studio Dan)
- ROS 3 - Rocket Science #1 #5 #8 (Studio Dan)
- Rot (Regen, Ina)
- Rote Wangen EP (Schattenmusik)
- RR009 (sampler)
- Ruck Me (Lowa)
- Rulers (Mieux)
- Rusty Diamonds (Rüsty Diamönds)
- S​.​A​.​D. - Still Afraid of the Darkness (Wolfram and The Funeral Orchestra)
- Sag Wer (Donna Savage)
- Salami Sux (Salami Sux)
- Salami Sux & Roll Vol. 1 (Salami Sux)
- Sana Ex Vitro (Sinha vs Perpetuum)
- Satori (Black Yen)
- Scalio (Scalio)
- Schau di an (Strottern, Die)
- Schdean (Molden / Resetarits / Soyka / Wirth)
- Scheiss di ned on (GüMix & Kolbeck)
- Schembrun (Granada)
- Schlaflos (Mieze Medusa & Tenderboy)
- schlaraffenland (quaksalber)
- Sch​ö​nbrunner Zoo (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Schuhe (Ness)
- Schwarzes Kapitel (FLUT)
- Schwarzflug EP (Stromtod)
- Scious Records 001 (sampler)
- Screens (Parental)
- Scuffed Presents: Volume 5 (sampler)
- Seadoo (B.Visible)
- Seeds of Hate (Chorosia)
- See Me (Muzo X Skydrill)
- Sekund EP (Pharma)
- Selecta VIP (Profuze)
- Selections V.2. (sampler)
- Sentinel (FX666)
- Serious Issues (DeeCracks, The)
- Shaam Shaandaar (Pseikomusic)
- Shadows (Please Madame)
- Shadows (Franky Fitz' Psycho Kidz)
- Shake Shake (Cohuna Beatz ODC Mix) (Franz Johann)
- Shamane (Wingz Remix) (SubMarine)
- Share My Love (XING)
- Sharrakan (Secula)
- She'll Bleed Again (Deeper You)
- Sheeps On Trees (MoodMode)
- Shifting Frames EP (alllone)
- Shinobi EP (Paularner aka Paul Walter & Arno)
- Shiver (Kerosin95 x Mira Lu Kovacs)
- Shokubō (Operator Burstup)
- Shush!Be quiet! (Butt, Katrin)
- Sientelo (Camo & Krooked & Mefjus)
- Silencebuster 01 (Flow_)
- Silent Flight (Peter Temnitzer)
- Silver Dollar EP (Syncline)
- Sing Sang Song 2 (sampler)
- Sinope EP (Flo Monghy & RUSRUS)
- SK001 (sampler)
- SKAdaladalälla (sampler)
- SKG (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Skopelos (Wagner, Verena)
- Slingshot (Momo Taro)
- Sloppy Tape EP (Pech+Schwefel)
- Smoking (Fritsch, Moritz)
- Snacks on a plate (Kurt Flock)
- Snake Jazz (Liquid Maze)
- Snowfall in February (Trent Ivor.)
- Soap Opera EP (Spiegl, Philipp)
- So bei mir (Bibiza)
- So jung (Seelomat)
- So Lala EP (BonjourTropfen)
- Soldatna (Freunde Schöner)
- Solitary Company (Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Solitary Party Mode (FIX19)
- Solitude Diaries (Rüegg Mathias)
- Solo (sampler)
- Something Different (Ten Eleven XII Bluesband)
- Something It Ain't (Lenson Piquet)
- Something Wrong EP (alllone)
- Somewhere over the rainbow (Butt, Katrin)
- Sommernacht (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Sonderling (B.Visible)
- Songs of Fear & Flight (Downers & Milk)
- Songs of Vienna (Cid Rim)
- Sonnentage (Moglee)
- Sono il Destino (Alle Achtung)
- Sons ov 200 (Gha'Agsheblah)
- Soul / Bleu (TrendR)
- Soulmates (Devaloop)
- Soundless Voice (Triptonus)
- Space Police (Tekno's23)
- Speak Softly (Marina & The Kats)
- Speed Kills (sampler)
- Spellbound (FX666)
- Spirit Fever02 (Tekno's23)
- Spit (vaZdaZ)
- Spleen Cockaigne (Devil and the Universe, The)
- Splinter EP (Manta)
- Sprech Funk Remixes (Neonlight)
- Spring bevor du fällst (Buntspecht)
- SPT005 (sampler)
- Spülmaschine/Telegen (Wrack, Das)
- Stand Alone (T Raum)
- Star EP (Butt, Katrin)
- State I'm In (Slooga)
- Static Dirt (m0h & TakaTuka)
- Steckbrief Vaccine (Siebzig Prozent)
- Stern (Wolfram and The Funeral Orchestra)
- Stoked on Planet Summer (Juleah)
- Stormbringer (Death Rising)
- Story (Plastic Papertiger)
- Strahlenkanone (Tekno's23)
- Strangers Blood EP (sampler)
- Streets Of Vienna (Moon In June)
- Strictly Jub (Stick A Bush)
- String Theory (Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Stunde Max (Pan Kee-Bois & BIBIZA)
- Sub​-​object (Iv/An)
- Subsoil (Helica)
- substantial grounds (nexxor & helica)
- Subterranean Echoes (Eder, Bernhard)
- sunday avenue (Bono Goldbaum)
- Sunday Morning (Plastic Papertiger)
- Sünder (Mephistos)
- SUNDL II (Sundl)
- Sunken City (Ananda & Serenity Flux)
- Sunless (Naplava)
- Supernatural (Odyo)
- Suspension Of Disbelief (Lenson Piquet)
- Süsse Stille (Jütz)
- Süß Lächelnd (Bipolar Feminin)
- Süß und bitter (Merhaut, Ethel)
- Swallow You (XING)
- swarma (Bono Goldbaum)
- Sway (Greyshadow)
- Swing me up Scotty (James Jive)
- Switch It Up (Healthy X Filthy K)
- Symbiosis (Lenfred)
- Symbiosis (Geostatic & Anthropic)
- Syn (Innode)
- t5080s (Ling Ling)
- tai sabaki (keeep6 & cdjtigersnake)
- Take A Trip EP (Scheibosan & Moritz Fritsch)
- Take It East (Trio SMS)
- Take-off (Niereich, Dominik Saltevski)
- Take One (Plastic Papertiger)
- Tamed By The Machine (Tamed By The Machine)
- Tanz' von innen (Divinerinnen)
- Tanz an der Kante (Bibiza)
- Tanzbein (Gran Bankrott)
- Tartarus​ ​/ ​Biogenesis (AKOV & Screamarts)
- TAXI 01 (Taxi)
- Tearing at the Edges of all Restraint (Blacklight Chameleon)
- Teilzeitromantik (Josh.)
- Tekiteazy 08 (sampler)
- Tekno Trip 05 (sampler)
- Ten EP (Pharma)
- Terms (Muscle Tomcat Machine)
- Terror in Klein-Babylon (Chuzpe)
- The Ambassador Of Madness EP (PsySon)
- The Answer (Laikka)
- The Beginning EP (Memory of Tomorrow)
- The Birds are Talking (Tekno's23)
- The Boomstick (Tekno's23)
- The Cave (Stromtod)
- The Chronicles of Eden Part 2 (Edenbridge)
- The Deep State (Tekno's23)
- The Doom Slayer (Specture Remix) (The Carnage Corps)
- The Early Byrd Special (BYRD)
- The Essence EP (Chainreactor)
- The Fainschmitz Rises (Fainschmitz)
- The Fall (Jungle Jade)
- The Flesh is weak (Mephobia)
- The Great God Pan Is Dead (Long Live The Great God Pan) (Devil and the Universe, The)
- The Hunt (Bytecode)
- The Internet (Phat Otiz)
- The irrational abduction of Jane Doe (AntiKosmos)
- The Light And Shadow Session (Bird Connection)
- The Lost Tapes (Woody Black 4)
- The New (Monsterheart)
- The One (Wedding Version) (Saby Cheek)
- The Perfect Crime (Claus Trophobia)
- The Plane of Now & Then EP (Blacklight Chameleon)
- The Raver (Screamarts)
- The Rift (Bowsar)
- The Road (Holm)
- The Televangelists (Mario Ranieri)
- The Voice of Ekou - VA Remixes Compilation (sampler)
- The Voice of the Galaxy (Senang)
- The Weight (Greyshadow)
- The World Is Oasch (Kardinator)
- This Is Tekno (Tekno's23)
- This Side​ / ​That Side (Scooped)
- Thrashing Death Squad - Split (Darkfall)
- Thriller EP (Roman Weber)
- Till The Bitter End EP (Sutter Cane)
- Time Travelers (Artyficial & Futurum Sonat)
- TMOPANR (Scalio)
- TNI-001 (sampler)
- Tonics: Batch 3 (sampler)
- Ton in Ton (Sinn)
- Too Many Tomorrows (Niduz & Low Key)
- Totem (Restless Leg Syndrom)
- To The World (Default Noise)
- Transitions EP (Sun People)
- Transmission (Thies)
- Transmitted Codes (sampler)
- Trapped (My wicked wicked ways)
- Trip (Elektro Guzzi)
- Tripbeat (Tekno's23)
- Triple (Cécile Nordegg / No-Ce & Band)
- Trips (FX666)
- Trip To Infinity EP (IbeX)
- Trouble (Damion Lee)
- Tryin' to get by (Sir Oliver Mally Group)
- Tuesday Midnight (RoyGreen & Protone & Boka Boka)
- Turning Of The Darkness (Vertigon)
- Twice Infinity EP (Specific Objects)
- Twilight Tones (Rizzle & Wingz)
- Twisted Sulfur EP (Vertigon)
- Two Worlds (sampler)
- U (Camo & Krooked & Mefjus)
- U6 (Gaminer)
- Ultra Violet EP (Offline & En:vy)
- Uluru 004 (Smile Davis)
- Uluru 005 (Smile Davis)
- UMPteeeeeee (Hella Comet)
- Uncharted LP (Concept One)
- Undefined / Power Portal (Enko & L'Art Cène)
- Under the Sun (Remix) (Ling Ling)
- Underwater EP (Snowtek & Ferice)
- Undying (Autumn Bride)
- Unholy EP (Aida Arko)
- Unkraut (Speck)
- Unsolved EP (Division)
- Unspoken (Senchai Remix) (En:vy)
- Unspoken (VISLA Remix) (En:vy)
- Unter Umständen (Granada)
- Until I Can No Longer Dream Of A Better Place (Transki Remix) (Mr. Harmless)
- Unusual (Default Noise)
- Uppercut (Niduz & Erazor x Fida)
- Upward Ultimate Box Vol. 1 (sampler)
- Up Yours - The Remixes (Toxinate)
- Urlaub wie früher (Metternich)
- Utopia EP (Storm Lily)
- Uya (Synesthetic Octet)
- Valhalla (Fischmehl & FlowwolF)
- Venom EP (Restless Leg Syndrom)
- Verein der Idioten (Jogginghosengang)
- Vibin' out (Skyfade x Novy)
- Viebar (Modul Kollektiv X Gespona)
- Vielleicht (Fainschmitz)
- Vienna (Artyficial)
- Vienna Hood EP (Peter Czak)
- Vienna Wildstyle EP (Nino Sebelic)
- Violet (Manta Remix) (Ripple)
- Virtual Moonlight (Voyage Futur)
- virtual self EP (D:enigma)
- Vista (sampler)
- Visuals (Dan Lee & blvck crowz)
- Völlig Aussichtslos (Aussichtslos)
- Volt EP (Rob van Hell)
- Volume 1 (Kerosin95)
- Volume II (Euroteuro)
- Vom Aufstoßen der Fenster (HEYM - Deutschmann, Moheit, Stadlober)
- Vom Falln und Fliagn (das Album) (K.Wiena)
- Voodoo Man (Voodoo Smurfs)
- Voodoo Smurfs (Voodoo Smurfs)
- Vorfall13102021 (Withdraw)
- Vorhang auf (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- V-Town feat. T-Ser (SLAV)
- Waldwacht (Dea Artio)
- Walk On (Reinhart Sellner Duo)
- Wallas EP (PAAX (Tulum))
- Walpurgisnacht (FTS & OtolOgist)
- Wanderlust ft. Dan Lee (Biased)
- Wanting Machine (Rom, Peter)
- Warcraft (Fait)
- Warning Sign / Between Us (Ferice)
- Was It? (XING)
- Waste My Time (Pandora)
- Watching Waves EP (Manta)
- Waterfall (sampler)
- Water Falls Like Tears From The Sky (Klehi)
- Wave Function (Default Noise)
- Way To Blue (Ghost And The Machine, The)
- We Are All Bruce Lee (Urban Sprawl)
- We Are So Busy Doing Things (Starpilots)
- We Can't Help It (DeeCracks, The)
- We Crossed Our Way (Spechtl, Claus Trio)
- Weird Shaped Clouds (Gazelle & the Bear)
- Weit Weg (Fräulein Peter)
- Weltbekannt im Burgenland (Coitus Interius)
- Wenn die Wilden Pflanzen Tanzen (Waldfee)
- What Else Can Break (Kovacs, Mira Lu)
- Whatever (Dead End Friends)
- What happened at the Social Club? (Siamese Elephants)
- What If..?! (Pac, Lisa)
- What I Need EP (Rabo & Traumata)
- What It’s Like (Olga)
- What You've Done / Tides (Ferice)
- When You're Around feat. Stimulus (Gazelle & the Bear)
- Where Is My Mind (Screamarts Bootleg) (The Pixies X Safari Riot)
- Wia a rode Rosn (Kainrath, Tini / Havlicek, Peter)
- Wiedergänger (Cruciatus Infernalis)
- Wiedergänger (Distaste)
- Wiegenlied für den Nachtmahr (Karlbauer, Klaus)
- Wie ich Bleib (sampler)
- Wie krass du bist (Naderer, Tina)
- Wien du machst mich verrückt (Pippa)
- Wiener Zucker (Kahlenberg)
- Wien Musik 2021 (sampler)
- Windm​ü​hlen (Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Window To An Outside World (Trent Ivor.)
- Winter / Armonia (Windtal)
- Wir Bleiben Wach (Stadtlicht)
- Wir kennen Wege (Mieze Medusa & Tenderboy)
- Witches Blood (Glanz, Lukas)
- Withered Dream (Lamila)
- Wolffreie Zone (Von Seiten der Gemeinde)
- Woman Woman Woman (Buchegger, Anna)
- Woods (Acoustic Demo) (Hypnotic Floor)
- World Garden (Transki)
- World Wide Worries (Sluff)
- Worm EP (Squarebadger)
- Wounds (Chorosia)
- Wrath Of The Megabird (GehLekTek)
- X (Holzklotz x Firn)
- X1 (Data 3)
- X2 (sampler)
- X3 (sampler)
- Xantico (Schaller und Rausch)
- Yakamoz Benzin Tape I (sampler)
- Ya Nass // Hammasichanimmada (Restless Leg Syndrom)
- Yeah Yeah Yeah EP (Friedberg)
- You're The One (Steve Michael)
- You Gotta Change (Bad Ida)
- Yuimaru (sampler)
- #Zua (Fluadan)
- Zdeppat (Texta)
- Zefix (Steger, Chris)
- Zeitenwende EP (Flammenkvlt)
- Zeit vergessen (Bibiza)
- Ziemlich Alla (wienerzucker)
- Zinn (Zinn)
- Zirkus (Molden, Ernst & Der Nino Aus Wien)
- Zitrone (Moritz Fritsch& Herman Glasses)
- Znaki (Mme Psychosis)
- Zone 2 (sampler)
- Zukunft (RAF Camora)
- Zwei Zöpfe auf dem Kopf (Bibiza)
- Zwischen den Schatten (Elsa)