- Index
- Cover
Records für l
- ...Live At St. Eyr...
- "Live Is Life" 2008 Rockversion
- (Like I'm Falling In) LOVE
(Tom Novy & Christopher Groove)
- [Life Is Just A] Yoyo
(Juicy Lucy)
- $$ Life / The Way
(Machine Drum)
- $ Life
- L
(Moshammer, Bernhard)
- L. A.
(LA Big Band)
- L.A. Women
- L.A.X. / Flash
(Dan Vans)
- L.M.T.Y.O.
(Latimore Lohinsky & The Greg Michael Band)
- L.O.V.E.
(Tom & Jenny)
- L.S.C. Mission Big O / Laguna Surfing
(Je & Ill)
- L´Era / Musica
(Scollo, Etta)
- L´Heure Bleue
(Koglmann, Franz)
- L´oops
(Puntigam, Werner & Gert-Jan Prins)
- L'America
(Sandmann, Der)
- L'Assimilation
(Akali Akali)
- L'Elephant Cruel
- L 5
(Luef, Berndt & Jazztett Forum Graz)
- LA 2 LA - EP
(Antrue & ChiLL iLL)
- La Banana
(Los Bananas)
- La belle Captive
- La Belle et la Bête
(Vienna Art Special)
- Labels EP
(MC Kryptomedic feat. Emphasis, Phlage & Kaiza)
- La Bomba
(Nothing to Lose)
- La Boom!
- Lab Rats, Escape!
(Aiko Aiko)
- Lab Rats, Escape! (Remixed)
(Aiko Aiko)
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinthe
(Luef, Berndt & Jazztett Forum Graz)
- Labyrinth Of Your Mind Vol. II
- Lacador
(Corrêa, Alegre)
- Lacador
(Correa, Alegre/Kramer, Alessandro/Ramires, Guinha)
- Lachesis
- LachsErsatz
- La Colecci​ó​n
- La Colegiala
(Lenis, David)
- La Colegiala
(7th District Inc. Presents David Lenis)
- La Concubine
(Concubine, La)
- La Cucaracha
(Tres Monos)
- La Curiosité
(Akali Akali)
- lada (a little sunday jam)
(Bono Goldbaum)
- Ladadidada (Worte der Liebe)
- Ladder EP
- Ladie´s Dance/Isnoana
(Radovan, Andy)
- Ladies
(Frank Lemon)
- Ladies / Kinda Cute (2 Track)
- La Diosa feat. Eribertho Cruz
(Megablast / Cheikna)
- La Double Absence
- Ladybird
- Lady Bump / The Lady Bumps On
(McLean, Penny)
- Lady In The Mirror
(Private Eyes)
- Lady Lady Lady
- Lady Lynch
(Lady Lynch)
- Lady Lynch
(Lady Lynch)
- Lady Macbeth
- Lady Mechanic
(Kristall, Hanna)
- Lady Of My Heart/Woman
(Turning Point)
- Lady of My Heart / Woman
(Turning Point)
- Lady of The Tower
(No Bros)
- La Fete EP
(Parov Stelar)
- La Fête EP
(Parov Stelar Feat. Max The Sax & Jerry Di Monza)
- La Folia
(Poprzan, Jelena)
- La Folie
(Liberman & Paul)
- Laidback Lane
(Shades of Thunder)
- LA Jack
- La Justice, Les filles Et L'Éternité
(Hypnotic Zone)
- Lakes & Screens
(White Pink Brown)
- La Lampe Philosophique
(Upper Austrian Jazz Orchestra, The)
- La Madrugada
(Banda Pacheco)
- Lamar
(Jakobin & Domino)
- Lamentation of The Chaos Omega
(Negative Bias, The)
- Lametta
(Clouds Over Chrysler)
- Lamo EP
(Mo Cess & Testa)
- Lampe EP
- Lampenfieber
(Werger, Stefanie)
- Lampenfieber
- La Mur- Auf und Abgesänge an einen Fluß
- La Musa
(Dennes Deen)
- La Musa Remixes
(Dennes Deen)
- La Musica
- Lance the Ensemble
- Land
- Landbewohner
(Rote Augen)
- Land der Berge
(Pastel, Fred)
- Land der Träume
(Prünster, Klaus)
- Landesbahnlied
(Club Valat)
- Landing
- Landing Site
(Trent Ivor.)
- Landluft
(Hirsch, Ludwig)
- Landluft "sterisch+modern"
- Land Of 1000 Dances
(Nasko, Nazz)
- Land of dreams
(Davis, Eddie "Lockjaw" & Michael Starch Trio featuring Karl Ratzer)
- Land Of Fantasy / (instr.)
(Gigele Freddy)
- Land of Freedom/When The Legends Die
- Land of Mystery
(Form, The)
- Land Of My Youth
(Angels Company)
- Land Of Silence
- Land Of The Free
(Zobel, Martin & Soulrise Band)
- Landscapes
(Out of the Vulcano)
- Landscapes 01
- Landscapes 02
- Landscapes 03
- Landsleute Remixe
- Landslide
- Lang_auf
(Konsorten TM)
- Lange Nacht der Musik
- Langläufer / Der Rennläufer
(Grill, Alexander)
- Langsam san wir erwachsn wordn
(Schmidauer, Hannes & Band)
- Langsam wea i miad
(Werger, Stefanie)
- Langsam wiads wos
- Langsam wochs ma zamm
(Ambros, Wolfgang)
- Langsam wochs ma zamm
(Ambros, Wolfgang)
- Lang schon weg
(Kosik, Christina)
- La Noche
(2 Colors)
- La Nuit
(Meindl, Florian)
- La Nuit du chasseur
(Mantikora Gio)
- La Ola (Für die Tirola)
- Laowai
(Staudinger, Gerhard)
- Lap.AM
(Lodig / Dibek)
- La Politique
(Menheads, The)
- La Prophétie de Samarra
- Laramy Silver
(Zen Rodeo)
- Lardar EP
- La Reve
(di Re, Albana)
- La Revolution
(Van Der Wiese)
- Larifari
(P., Peter)
- Lärm, Tumult und Trubel
(T.B.C. What?)
- Lärm Aus Der Vorstadt '98
- La Sangre del Ritmo
(Jaritz, Nicos)
- Laser Raptor
(Disaszt & Manta)
- La Setima Realidad
(Quintetto Accento)
- La Soledad Es Mi Palacio
- Laß´ di fall´n
(Ess, Markus)
- Laß den Kopf net hängen
(Chmela, Horst)
- Lass Dich
(FON (FO-N))
- Lass dich...
(FON (FO-N))
- Lass es aussa - gemma's an
(Silent Sides)
- Lass es polstern
- Lässig sein
(Heinz aus Wien)
- Lassiter beißt in sein Pferd
- Lass los
(Freunde Schöner)
- Lass Los
- Lass mi bei Dir sein / ABC-XYZ
- Lass mich los
- Laß mich los
(Josh & Die Emotionen)
- Laß mi net los / I ko net wana
(Znidar, Wolf)
- Lass sie leba
- Lass Sie Reden feat. KEINPLAN
- Lasst uns froho und munter sein
- Lass uns bleiben
(Klein, Martin)
- Lass uns Freiheit
(Sorgt für Spaß)
- Lass Uns Realität
(Kommando Elefant)
- Last's Happy Music
(Gert Last)
- Last And Only
- Last Chance
- Last Chance Blvd.
(Delicious Red)
- Last Chance EP
- Last Day, Miracle! EP
- Last Days of Ancient Rome
(Adrenaline Kings)
- Last Days of Happiness
(Brooke's Bedroom)
- Lasterlieder
(Billisich & Band)
- Last Flight from Rwanda
(Kilimandscharo dub & Riddim society, The)
- Last Freak Standing EP
(Fresh Otis)
- Last Friends
(Hollik, Roland Quartett)
- Last Man Crooning / Electrotraining You!
(Louie Austen)
- Last Monarcho Punk Austria
- Last Night A Dj Shaped My Life
(Lenson Piquet)
- Last Night A Dj Shaped My Life (Study I)
(Lenson Piquet)
- Last Night In London
(Chamber Groove)
- Last Slave
- Last Summer Forever EP
(Black Palms Orchestra)
- Lastwagen
(Minor Sick)
- Last Waltz
(Miklin, Karlheinz Quartet)
- Last Worldly Bond
(Primordial Undermind)
- Last Years' Diary
(Carla's Cafe)
- La Tâche
(Alea Quartett)
- Late Again / Bad Lies
- Late Bird
(Erik Trigger)
- Late Check Out at Café Drechsler
- Late In The Evening
("Sir" Oliver Mally, Ripoff Raskolnikov, Hans Irsic)
- Late Last Night
(Theessink, Hans)
- Lately
- Latency Fiber
- Late Night Exercice
(Voltmer, Klaus/Nestor Pridun/Stefan Holek)
- Late Nights EP
(Benno Wohl)
- Late Night Shows - Part I&II
(Puschnig & Sharrock)
- La Tentative d'une Expérience (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
(Akali Akali)
- Late Reaction EP
- Latest New EP
- Latin Fever
- Latin Hearts
(Berger, Mario)
- Latin Passion / Au Paire
(Loop Doctors)
- Latin Street
(Jose Feliciano)
- Latium
(Smiling Buddhas, The)
- Laton: Culmination
- Laton Compilation
- La Tristesse / Ali Baba
(Gillespie, Dana)
- Latter Day
- Latzzrock Promo
(Latzzrock & Art)
- Lau
(Auf Pomali)
- Laub
(Schuberth, Paul)
- Laubwald
(Modern Shape Quartet)
- Laudanum
(Whispers In The Shadow)
- Laudanum ins Ohr
(Turm & Strang)
- Lauf
- Lauf
- Läuft feat. YUGO
- Laughing Our Way To The Grave
- Launched In Berlin
(Neufeld, Clemens)
- Laund
(Stoahoat & Bazwoach)
- Laundromat
- Laundromat / Dorsia
(Strich Acht)
- Laurel
- Lauschen
- Laut
- Laut & leise
(Maron, Sigi)
- Laut & Stark
- Lauter
- Lauter als die Stimme im Kopf
- Lauter Freunde 3, Part 2
- Lautlos
- Laut-Los
(Stürmer, Christina)
- Lautstoak und Deppat
- Laut und lästig
- Laut und Lost
(Yasmo & die Klangkantine)
- Lava
(Gstättner, Maria)
- Lava EP
- La Vida Vol. 3-A
- La Violencia EP
(Wasner, Sebastian)
- La Vita / Martin´s Bow-Tie
(Domino Blue One)
- Law / Pryamid
(Altai Chamber Orchestra, The)
- Law & Order
(Blind Petition)
- Law & Order Unplugged Live
(Blind Petition)
- Law and order since 1974
(Blind Petition)
- Lawn of Love
- Lay Down The Arms
- Lay Down To Die
(Seeds Of Sorrow)
- Layers / In Formatie
(Dirty Culture)
- Layers of Time
- Lay It Down
- Lazed & Confused
- Lazerlight
(Still a Bud)
- Lazermusik
- Lazy, Long Hot Summer´s Day
(Theessink, Hans)
- Lazy Guy/The Fatest One
(One Family)
- Lazy Little Secrets
(Benno Wohl)
- Lazy Suit
(Cesar Sampson)
- LCD Soundsystem spielt nicht in meinem Haus
(Kommando Elefant)
- LE
- Leaf
(Tupinambá, Dana)
- Lean Back
- Lean over me
(Heavenly Creatures)
- Leap 001
- Leap 003
- Leap 005
- Leap 006
- Learning How To Love You
(Tschuggnall, Michael)
- Leave A Little Love For Me
(Twist of Fate)
- Leave A Trace
(Andrews, Luke)
- Leave It All Behind
- Leave Me Alone / D-Mona Theme
(D-Mona (DeeMona))
- Leave Me EP
(Johan Johanson & Johannes Semf)
- Leave Me Something Stupid
(Anderluh, Anna)
- Leave Me to The Future
- Leave Songs
(Delay Lama Band)
- Leaving EP
(Steve Hope)
- Leaving Home Rmxes
(Meindl, Florian)
- Leaving the Scene
- Leaving These Days
- Leaving The Swamps
- Leaving The Town To Buy A Special Instrument
(Mile Me Deaf)
- Leaving Today
- Leaving Without You
(Peklar 'n' Brauns)
- Leaving You With This
(Planet E)
- Leaving You With This
(Planet E)
- Leb´nsg´füh
(P., Peter)
- Lebe lauter
(Stürmer, Christina)
- Leben
(Stricker, Toni)
- Leben
(Tatjana und Birdy´s Kleinkunst)
- Leben
(Harry & Harry)
- Leben
(Seida, Michael & Sessions Band)
- Leben
- Leben, Liebe, Lust
(Aton, Tatjana & Fandl Arthur)
- Leben, Lieben, Leichen
- Leben am Mars
(Magic Delphin)
- Lebendig
(Werger, Stefanie)
- Lebendig Begraben
- Lebendig und echt
(Schakale, Die)
- Lebendig und Nackt
(Kugel i)
- Leben frisst rohes Fleisch
- Leben im Dunkeln - Homerecordings
(Jagersberger, Holger)
- Leben ist Blut / Illusionen
- Lebensbaum
(Seer, Die)
- Lebensfrische
- Lebenslang
(Bock & Leiermusik)
- Lebenslang
(Linder, Markus)
- Lebenslieder
(Alexander, Peter)
- Lebensnehmer
- Lebenszeichen
(Werger, Stefanie)
- Lebenszeichen
(Cornelius, Peter)
- Lebenszeichen aus der Provinz
- Lebertape #2
- Lebertape 6
- Lebe wie ein Hippie
- Leb los!
- Leb schnö und stirb longsom EP
- Leb’ begeistert und g’winn
(Meister Grössing & seine Homöopathen)
- Le Cabaret des Marionnettes
(Lolita KompleX)
- Le cercle Bizarre
- Le chemin
- Lechufer
- Leckerbissen
(Patricia & Janus)
- Leck Fett'n!
(Müllionäre, Die)
- Leck Mich
(Danzer, Georg)
- Leckts mi aum Oasch - Seine Bösesten Lieder 1976 - 2014
(Maron, Sigi)
- Lecons
- Led Astray / Stand Up (Sigma Rmx)
(Friction vs Camo & Krooked feat. Dynamite MC)
- Lederhosenpunk
(Forum Walters, The)
- Lederjackn
(Reino Glutberg)
- Le Desir / Water To Our Ankles
(B. Fleischmann)
- Le Digue
- Leeches (ft. Anthea)
- Leechy Ways To Leave Your Lover
- Lee Disco
(Cash Candy)
- Lee Foss - RA.291
- Lee Konitz & Lars Gullin With Hans Koller New Stars
(Koller, Hans New Jazz Stars)
- Leelah
(Jazzorchester Vorarlberg)
- leerlauf
- Left
- Left Alone ft. Chet Faker (Manta Remix)
- Left Behind In Sadness / Found Love
(RoyGreen & Protone)
- Left Hand Roller
(Pewny, Michael)
- Leftovers
(Sigis Bruder)
- Left To Listen
(Schellhorn, Christoph)
- Legacy #132
- Legacy Compilation # 11
- Legacy Compilation # 13
- Legacy Compilation # 14
- Legacy Compilation # 17
- Legacy Compilation # 18
- Legacy of Hate
(Legacy of Hate)
- Legacy Vol. 15
- Legal Compilation Volume 1
- Legalize Brain
- Legalize Hits
- Legema
- Legend
(Godwin, Anthony)
- Legenden
(Philiam Shakesbeat)
- Legends
- Legends And Visions
- Legends Never Die
- Legion Of Bokor
(Legion Of Bokor)
- Legless Dancer
- Legoland
(Lego Soundsystem)
- Legrand / Off The Beaten Track
- Le Grand Baheux
(Janoska, Albin)
- Lehrer Lempel / Der Spießbürger
- Lei Ans (One Love)
- Leib & Seel
- Leibaltauschn
(Manuel Normal vs. Netnakisum)
- Leibhaftig
- Leichenschmaus
- Leichenstarre Extrageil
(Grentzfurten Combo)
- Leicht
- Leicht
- Leicht & unbeschwert
- Leichte Beute
(Iris T.)
- Leichter Irrsinn
(Club Valat)
- Leichtmatrosenlied
(Vienna Rest In Peace)
- Leidenschaft
(Nachtstrom, Dr.)
- Leidenschaft und Produktion
(M, Das)
- Leidensweg
(Fairytale Soundsystem)
- Leidenzwang
(Kenji Araki)
- Leider
(Denk, Clemens)
- Leider Keine Millionäre-Ist gut - Ernste Jugend-Fühlen sie die Macht
- Leider nur im Wohnzimmer / Die Industrie oo1
- Leif
- Leihtöne
(Zemmler, Jörg)
- Leise im Kreise
(Sterzinger V)
- Leise kommt der Abschied
(Chmela, Horst)
- Leise rieselt Geld wie Schnee
(Bingle Jells)
- Leit'n
- Leiwand
- Leiwandizer Vol. 1
- Le Jazz EP
(RoyGreen & Protone)
- Le Jour ou Sasha est Revenue
(Lonesome Andi Haller Band)
- Le Mans EP
- Lembranca
(Corrêa, Alegre)
- Lem EP
(Petit Beurre)
- Le Metro
- Lemmings
(Machinists, The)
- Lemon
- Le Monde Diplomatique
- LeMonds
(LeMonds, Chuck)
- Lemongrass
- Lemons
- Lemontree / A Walk In The Rain
(Art Boys Collection)
- Lemov
(Squeeze My Lemon)
- Lend An Ear
- Leng EP
- Leng Remixes
- Lenin EP
(Tom Unterweger und die tanzenden Leichen)
- Lenin Street
(Raskolnikov, Ripoff)
- Lennon's Flat
(Vienna DC)
- Lennox
(Be One)
- Lenny Carlson EP
- Lenscapes #02
- Lent Jewels
- Lenz
- Leopold
- Lepschi feat. Edwin
- Leroy
- Lesen
- Lesen am WC ist schön / AKH Song
(Jedermann, Josef)
- LeSexe / Symphony
- Les fleurs du Mal
(Fleurs du mal, Les)
- Les Nuits Blanches
(Sajdik, Valerie)
- Les Plaisirs
- Lessness
(Sharp Dressed Men)
- Lessons
- Lessons For Your Life
- Lessons from Defeat
(Contact High)
- Lessons in Darkness - Live in Vienna
- Lessons In Luv
- Less Than the Half Price
(One Two Three Cheers And A Tiger)
- Les Tembres Du Dehors
- Les Trucs
(Les Trucs)
- Let´s Dance / Disco Dance
(Coxx, Paul)
- Let´s Dance / Pips Pips Brumm
(Fröhliche Wohnzimmer, Das)
- Let´s Hop - Das Allerbeste aber feste
(Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV))
- Let´s Take The Time
(Duke, Peter)
- Let`s Make Love - An Imaginary Play in 12 Scenes
(Koglmann, Franz Pipetet)
- Let's Call it a Day
(Law Found Guilt)
- Let's Call It EDM - vol.1
- Let's Communicate
- Let's Get It On
(Henry OK)
- Let's Go Right Now
(Wild Evel & The Trashbones)
- Let's Roll / The Catgroove / Ragtime Cat / The Mojo Radio Gang
(Parov Stelar)
(Le Tamtam)
- Le Temps - A Solo for Drums And Metal Instruments in Five States
(Ernst, Katharina)
- Le Temps Et Les Idèes
(Cinque, Patrick)
- Let Go
(Chris And The Other Girls)
- Let Go
- Let Go
- Let Go (Piano Acoustic)
- Let God Be Praised And Glorified, ...
(Brokesch, Susanne)
- Lethal Sides Vol 1
- Lethargie
- Let Him Go
(Sarich, Drew)
- Let It Change
(Holter & Mogyoro)
- Let it Come Down
(Boroff, Matt)
- Let It Go
- Let It Go
- Let it go EP
- Let It Happen
(Akali Akali)
- Let It Roll, Vol. 1
- Let it Shine
(Ernst, Virginia)
- Let It Show
(Betty Semper & The Surfing Zebras)
- Let It Snow
- Let It Speak
(Akali Akali)
- Let It Touch You
(Café Drechsler)
- Let Jah Be Praise
- Let Loose And Dance The Sea, Vol. 1
- Let Luv ++ (Jeremiah Remix)
(BTO Spider)
- Let Me
(Spaced Out)
- Let Me / Don't Stop
- Let Me (Remixes)
- Let Me Be Your Underwear
(Club 69)
- Let Me Be Your Underwear
(Club 69)
- Let Me Be Your Underwear/ Always Unique
(Club 69)
- Let Me Glow EP
(T Raum)
- Let Me Go
- Let Me Go EP
(Snowtek & Ferice)
- Let Me In EP
- Let Me Roll
- Let Me See EP
- Let mortal heroes sing your fame
- Let My Heart Beat
(Savoys, Les)
- Let My Words Protect You
(End Band, The)
- Lets Start A War Demo
(Flower Violence)
- Letter For You EP
(Ken Hayakawa)
- Letters to You/ Cry Cry Baby
(Counts, The)
- Let The Good Times Roll
(Präsidenten, Die)
- Let The Light In
- Let The Light In
- Let Them Grow
(Osojnik, Maja)
- Let The Music Play
- Let The Music Say Goodbye
(Will And The Power)
- Let There Be Christmas 7"
- Let The Sun Shine
- Let Things Happen (Ft. Kerstin Türtscher)
(Timo Lissy)
- Let Us Be One
(Frizzey Greif)
- Let Yourself Go
(Echt Andere, Das)
- Let Your Sorrow Sleep
(Lorry Box)
- Letzte Ausfahrt Simmering
(Dead Nittels)
- Letzter Arbeitstag
(Gran Bankrott)
- Leuchtturm
(Angelini, Marco)
- Le Vacanze / Sonnenbrand
- Level 7
- Level II
(Unique II)
- Levels EP
- Leviathan
(Lost Vital Spark)
- Leviathan / Microgravity
(Double Helix)
- Leviathan (Division Remix)
- Levie
- Levigate
(Default Noise)
- Levitation
(Living F/X)
- Levitation
(Lovely Rita)
- Levitation
- Levitation EP
- Le voyage abstrait
- Lexicon of Untold Stories
(New Wellness)
- Leya (Die Grosse Chance)
(Einarsson, Thorsteinn)
- Leytmotif Luzifer (The 7 Temptations of Man)
- LFO / Ill Teqniqe
- Lg
- LG
(Pan Kee-Bois)
- LI$037
(Esmeraldas Taxi)
- Liacht/Phos
- Liacht & Schatta
- Liacht Svjetlo
(Aniada a Noar & Prijajetelki)
- Liagn und lochn
(Ostbahn-Kurti & Die Chefpartie)
- Lialoon/Sese
(Cassida Pax & Stigmata Hari)
- Liam
(Satellite Footprintshop)
- Libation
(Ellipsis Quintet)
- Libella Swing
(Parov Stelar)
- Libellen
(Mayerin, Die)
- Liberal Bullshit
- Liberta
- Libertatia
(Ja, Panik)
- Liberty City Blues / Autumn Drops
(Incident & Paul SG)
- Libido
- Libido
- Libido
- Libra EP
- Libro Journal - Abo Plus Compilation
- License To Skank
(Generation Gap)
- Licht
(Shampoo Boy)
- Licht (feat. Hicran Taptik)
- Licht am Ende des Tunnels
(Afghanistan Mon Amour)
- Lichtblicke EP
(Ms Def)
- Lichtbringer EP
- Lichtbuch
- Lichtenberg
- Lichter der Stadt
(Josh & Die Emotionen)
- Lichtermeer
- Licht feat. Peter Ahorner
(Stirner & Seidl)
- Lichtfleck
(Philadelphy, Martin)
- Licht ins Dunkel 2013
- Licht ins Dunkel 2016/2017
- Lichtpest
(Privilege of Approval)
- Licht und Schatten
- Licht und Schatten
(Mair, Angela)
- Lichtungen
(Loibner, Matthias)
- Lichtwärts
- Lichtwärts Live
- Licht Zeit
(Liebhart, Wolfgang)
- Lick' Em All...
- Lick A Stone Kill A Fly
(Base, The)
- Lick Lick
- Lick The Alphabet
- Lick The Alphabet
(Diskokaines, The)
- Lick The Red Panel
(Sentic Cycle)
- Lie Baby Lie
(3 Feet Smaller)
- Liebe
(Tanz Baby!)
- Liebe
(Parkwächter Harlekin)
- Liebe
(Mayerin, Die)
- Liebe, Brot und tausend Küsse / Lady
(Mo & The Gangsters in Love)
- Liebe, Luxus, Anarchie
(Flowers In Concrete)
- Liebe, Tod & Teufel
(Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV))
- Liebe, Tod & Teufel
(Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV))
- Liebe, Träume und Musik
(Nockalm Quintett)
- Liebe, was ist das eigentlich/Alles nur
(Blue Box)
- Liebe, Zombies und andere Obskuritäten
- Liebe & Wut
- Liebe 1000 Mal
(Zett, Dora)
- Liebe auf den ersten Blick / (Sittin´ On) The Dock of The Bay
(Roth, Thomas)
- Liebe beginnt zuhause
- Liebe Dascha
(Mr. Rose)
- Liebe ist / Stumme Königin
- Liebe ist anders
(Lampe, Katrin)
- Liebe Kann Man So Nicht Schreiben
(Anna Absolut)
- Liebe kommt, Liebe geht..!
(White Stars)
- Liebelei/Die Intelektuellen
(Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV))
- Liebe Liebe / Ich gehe aus mit dir
(Mollies, Die)
- Liebe Liebe Liebe
(Treiber, Rudi)
- Liebe Menschen
(Hektiker, Die)
- Liebe mich wie ich bin / Klangfantasie
(Prünster, Klaus)
- Liebenau
- Liebende
(Pluhar, Erika)
- Liebende Arme
(8 ODER 9)
- lieber ein saxophon
(Jandl, Ernst und Band)
- Lieber ein Verlierer sein...
- Lieber ein Verlierer sein 2
- Lieber heut als morgen
(Cornelius, Peter)
- Liebesappell
- Liebesfarben
(Sabina Hank)
- Liebesgrüße aus Österreich
- Liebesgrüße aus Wien - Die größten Hits
(Herberts Rache)
- Liebeskind
- Liebeslaube
- Liebeslieder
(Hirsch, Ludwig)
- Liebeslieder
(Cornelius, Peter)
- Liebeslieder & Chansons
(Reider, Bernhard)
- Liebeslieder Am Ultimo
(Kreisler, Georg)
- Liebeslieder aus zwanzig Jahren
(Heller, Andre)
- Liebestoll
(Hirsch, Ludwig)
- Liebestoll-EP
- Liebe und Hass
- Lieb im Prinzip
(Heinz aus Wien)
- Lieble
(HMBC - Holstuonarmusigbigbandclub)
- Lieblingsplanet
(Jimmy and the Goofballs)
- Liebst du noch
- Liebt sie dich so wie ich?
(Stürmer, Christina)
- Liechtenstein
- Lieder
(Maly, Gust)
- Lieder
(Denk, Clemens)
- Lieder, die auf Reisen gehen
(Jürgens, Udo)
- Lieder, die lustig sind und manchmal ein bisserl traurig, aber das ist okay
(Blonder Engel)
- Lieder, die mein Leben schreibt
(Mair, Angela)
- Lieder, die wie Wunden bluten
(L´Ame Immortelle)
- Lieder 1975-1980
(Maron, Sigi)
- Lieder 1981-1986
(Maron, Sigi)
- Lieder am Kamin
- Lieder an die fruchtbare Welt
(Sup, Gerhard)
- Lieder an die heilende Welt
(Sup, Gerhard)
- Lieder An Die Unsichtbare Welt
(Sup, Gerhard)
- Lieder an die unvergängliche Welt
(Sup, Gerhard)
- Lieder aus 10 Jahren Trio
(Marinoff -Pluhar - D'Almeida)
- Lieder aus Frankreich
(La Viennaise)
- Liederbuch
(Danzer, Georg)
- Liederbuch
(Hirsch, Ludwig)
- Liederbuch
(Brauer, Arik)
- Lieder der Arbeit im Lied
- Liederfundkiste - Eine Schule für Coole
(Raber, Thomas)
- Liederfundkiste - In Kinderstadt
(Raber, Thomas)
- Liederfundkiste - Jetzt gehen wir's an
(Raber, Thomas)
- Liederfundkiste - Juchhe, Der Erste Schnee
- Liederfundkiste - Lustige Traditionals
(Raber, Thomas)
- Lieder für´s Leben
(Schmetterlinge, Die)
- Lieder für Verwirrte
(Olesko, Benjamin & the Cancel Creation Allstars)
- Lieder ins Dunkel
- Liederlich Spielleut im Ungarischen Resteraunt
(Liederlich Spielleut)
- Liedermacher
- Lieder mit Gefühl
(Fendrich, Rainhard)
- Lieder Nahe Am Wasser
(Hölbling, Christian)
- Lieder Songs Schlager
(Mendt, Marianne)
- Lieder voller Poesie
(Jürgens, Udo)
- Lieder Vom Tanzen Und Sterben
(Plut, Paul)
- Lieder von Arik Brauer begleitet von Toni Stricker
(Brauer, Arik)
- Lieder zum Fürchten
(Kreisler, Georg)
- Lieder zum Lachen und Weinen
(Zeus (Zäus))
- Lieder zum Nachdenken
(Kaplan Manfred Schwarz & seine Freunde)
- Lied von der Birke / Abraham
- Lied Wien Wir
(Pluhar, Erika)
- Lies
- Lies!
- Lies feat. Steven Jones
- Lies in Layers
- Lie to Me
(Tom Distortion)
- Life
(Ivan Moser)
- Life, The Universe And Something Completely Different
(Dun Ringill)
- Life!
(Open The Barngates)
- Life / Jane
(Roletts, The)
- Life´s Too Short
(Red Socks)
- Life's A Glitch
(Dave Tarrida)
- Life & Soul
(Valentin, Joe)
- Life After Death
(Weasel Walter plays Slobodan Kajkut)
- Life Ain´t Funny
(Bunny Situation, The)
- Life At First Sight
(Phillips, Michael)
- Life At The Arcadium
(Feinkost Hofer)
- Life Changes
- Life EP
- Life Has Zwa Seitn
(Broucek, Heinz)
- Life in Colored Squares
(Worlds Between Us)
- Life In Malmö
(Sofa Surfers)
- Life In Malmö
(Sofa Surfers)
- Life In Motion
- Life In Stereo
(Geezers, The)
- Life Is 2 Short 2 Be Happy EP
(Mario Ranieri)
- Life Is A Circus
(Daisy O'Hara)
- Life Is A Dream / United Blues Generation
(Art Boys Collection)
- Life is a longplayer
- Life is Beautiful
(Mary Broadcast)
- Life is Decay
(Days of Loss)
- Life Is Dog Food
(Simple Service)
- Life Is Easier
- Life Is For Living #1
(Roman Rauch)
- Life Is For Living #2
- Life Is Going On
(Turning Point)
- Life Is Just A Carnival
(Kolonovits, Christian)
- Life is Laff
(Austrofred & Kurt Razelli)
- Life Is My Hobby
- Life is Still Beautiful
(Mary Broadcast)
- Life is such a gift
(Favela Gold)
- Life Is What You Make It
(Fiesta Forever)
- Life Is Worth Dying For
(Nowise Nice)
- Life Kills
(Zsa Zsa Gabor's, The)
- Life Kills / Ich möcht so gern auf Seite 1
- Lifeless
- Lifeline
(Theessink, Hans)
- Lifeline
(Heckel, Stefan Group)
- Lifelines EP
(Wreckage Machinery & MJT)
- Life Love And The Devil
(Lettners, The)
- Life On The Rocks
(Riot Act)
- Lifestream
- Lifestyle
- Lifestyle Annual 2017
- Lifestyle Annual 2017: Sampler Part 1
- Lifestyle Remixed Part 3
- Life Think It Over
(Count Basic)
- Lifetime
(Hot Pants Road Club, The)
- Lifetime EP
- Life Traks
- Life Under Construction / Bethnal Green
(RoyGreen & Protone)
- Life Vest
(Forenbacher & The Bisons)
- Lift LP
(P.tah & Kinetical)
- Lift You up Higher
- Lifve Trance
(E. T. Sound)
- Light
(Blind Petition)
- Light
(Like Elliot)
- Light
(Flo Monghy)
- Light Blues
- Light EP
- Lighter
- Light Fair EP
(Crazy Sonic)
- Lightfield (Official Game Soundtrack)
- Lighthouse
(Naked Fish)
- Lighthouse
- Lighthouse Festival Compilation 2013
- Light It Up
- Lightmare
- Lightmare EP
- Lightmares
- Lightning Trails
(Laundromat Chicks)
- Lights
(Why Goats Why)
- Lights: Out
(Call The Mothership)
- Lights Go Out
- Lights Go Out
- Light Shapes EP
- Lightsignals
(Polyphone X)
- Light Signals
- Lights On The Danube
(Fissore, Andrea)
- Lightspeed / Rumours
(Disaszt & Coppa & Shimon)
- Lights Spill Like Ocean
(Shaun Berkovits)
- Light Up / Can't See
- Light Up The Night
- Light Us Up (feat. Calum Scott) [Remixes]
- Light Years / Augmentation
(Bowsar & Wintermute)
- Light Years Vol. 1
- Liib Haimadland adee
(Maron, Sigi)
- Liib Haimadland adee
(Maron, Sigi)
- Like A Bird
(Lexy & K-Paul)
- Like A Bird Which Learns To Fly
- Like A Chameleon
- Like A Dream
(Two In One)
- Like A Kid Who Follows The Rain
- Like Animals (The Remix - EP)
(Good Looking Boy)
- Like A Pharao
- Like A River
(Sharrock, Linda)
- Like A Robot
(Gipsy Soul & Artyficial)
- Like A Rocket / Kunuaka
(Makossa & Megablast)
- Like a Rockstar (Radio Edit)
- Like A Shadow / In The Night
(Baby Dolls)
- Like A Shot
(Mash. Ricky)
- Like A Waterdrop
(Brezina, Sabine)
- Like Big Black Clouds Through Burning Eyes
(A Thousand Fuegos)
- Like Crazy Doves
(Catastrophe & Cure)
- Like Crazy Doves
(Catastrophe & Cure)
- Like Daisy on a Red Balloon
(Misses Doe)
- Like I Love You
(Saby Cheek)
- Like It
(Low Potion)
- Like TLC
- Lil & Addict
- Lila
(Shake Stew)
- Lila / Too Beautiful
(Low Potion)
- Lilacs out of the Dead Ground
- Lila Lotus
(Pan Tau-X)
- Lilith
- Lilo
- Lima
- Limbo
- Limbo
- Limbo- Bimbo
- Limbs
- Lime Crush
(Lime Crush)
- Limerence
- Liminal Scapes
- Limited Edition
- Limited Edition
(Tribal Soul)
- Limited Edition
- Limitierte Wolfgang Ambros Goldedition
(Ambros, Wolfgang)
- Limit Sequences
- Limits of Control
(William S. Burroughs Hurts)
- Linda
(Miklin, Karlheinz & Quinteto Argentina & KUG Big Band)
- Linda's Blues
(Kaseh, Hannes)
- Linda Babe/ Gonna Love You
(Treiber, Rudi)
- Line Of Sight
(Oppenheimer MKII)
- Lines to Erin
- Line Up Arrows
(Open Art Band)
- Ling Ling
(Missing Dog Head)
- Linien II
(Stankovski, Alexander)
- Linked 01
(Mefjus & Phace)
- Link Pins
- Linving on a lake
(Raven Rec.)
(Kern, Didi & Quehenberger, Philipp)
- Linz EP
(Hillberg & D-Tex)
- Linzer Szene für ein Rockhaus
- Linz-Musik
(Pernes, Thomas)
- Linz Rock
- Linz schlägt zurück
- Lion
(Calvo & Noize Generation)
- Lion Dub / In My Soul
- Lion EP
- Lionheart
(Frisch, Wolfgang)
- Lionheart
- Lion Heights / Soundman a Play Remix
(Small Town Dubz)
- Lion In The Sun
(Beer, Chris)
- Lions
(At Pavillon)
- Lions - Remixed
(At Pavillon)
- Lipkillers
(Juvavum Brass)
- Lippenlos
- Liquid
- Liquid (R)evolution
- Liquid Colors
- Liquid Drops 1 Year
- Liquid Evolution
- LiquiDNAtion EP Vol.lll
- LiquiDNAtion EP Vol IV
- Liquid Radio EP
(Mikka Blank)
- Liquid Structure
- Liquid V Club Sessions Vol 5
- Liron / Treble Agency
- Liron EP
- Lisa 94
(Sluta Leta)
- Lisa Mona Lisa
- Lisbon
- Listen
(MC Sultan)
- Listen
- Listen
- Listen
(Michael Langer / Lisa Stern)
- Listen (To My Voice)
(Whatz Up)
- Listen For A While
(La Cappella)
- Listen In Solitude
- Listen Or Speak
- Listen To... Orchester Ernst Lamprecht
(Lamprecht, Ernst Band)
- Listen To A Life In Motion
(Quintetto Accento)
- Listen To My Plea
(Wright, Elly)
- Listen To The Bad Boy
(Baum, Andy & The Band)
- Listen To The Colours
(Domino Blue One)
- Listen To The Pouring Rain
(Mama Oliver)
- Listen To Your Heart / Wir wollen fliegen
(Lux, Gary & Shirley Giha)
- Lithium
(Lenz, Peter)
- Little Barbara / Fill In
(Turner, Gery Quartett)
- Little Boat
- Little Brother
- Little Circus Girl
(de Rooij, Caroline)
- Little Drummer Boy
- Little Fast
- Little Fishermen
- Little Fluffy Pump
(Cohuna Beatz)
- Little Grande (Weird Trip)
(Gerald Peklar ft. INDIA)
- Little Grande - REs
(Gerald Peklar ft. INDIA)
- Little Latin Lupe Lu /Where You Gonna Go?
- Little Lucy
(Gasmac Gilmore)
- Little Peace Lullaby
- Little Prophet
- Little Rosies Kindergarten
(Little Rosies Kindergarten)
- Little Tales Of Light And Sorrow
(Duo Fuss / Leichtfried)
- Little Terror Creek
- Little Things
- Little Things in Life
- Little Warrior EP
(Konea Ra)
- Little Wonders
(Moon In June)
- live
(Wegscheider, Christian Trio)
- Live
(Tschako & Der Kleine Prinz)
- Live
(Count Basic)
- Live
(Ostbahn-Kurti & Die Chefpartie)
- Live
(Hot Pants Road Club, The)
- Live
- Live
(Stojka, Harri Express)
- Live
(Strange Brew)
- Live
(Austria 3)
- Live
(Stojka, Harri Express)
- Live
(Funkmothers, The)
- Live
- Live
(Theessink, Hans & Blue Groove)
- Live
- Live
(Electro Pathological Consort)
- Live
(Gerda & Bongo)
- Live
(Freak Weber & Friends)
- Live
- Live
- Live
(Missing Link)
- Live
- Live
(Junk Food)
- Live
(Mastic Scum)
- Live
(Seemann, Gus Quartet)
- Live
- Live
(Yeast Dough)
- Live
(Fancy Free)
- Live
(Fennesz / Rosy Parlane)
- Live
- Live
(STS & Band)
- Live
(Kysela, Leo)
- Live
(Jazz Detroit & Lee Harper)
- Live
(Incredible Staggers, The)
- Live
- Live
(Living Lache)
- Live
(Resetarits, Willi & Perwer, Sivan)
- Live
(Spinning Wheels)
- Live
(Sold My Soul)
- Live
(Auer, Christoph Pepe Quartet)
- Live
- Live
- Live
(Marios & Julie)
- Live
- Live
(Frank, Michael)
- Live
(Schneeberger, Joschi Quintett)
- Live
(Buccaneers, The)
- Live
(Salesny / Schabata / Preuschl / Joos)
(Ray & Mick)
- Live, Glatt und Verkehrt
(Zur Wachauerin & Die Strottern)
- Live: A Friendly Reminder
- Live: Volkstheater Vienna
(Mary Broadcast)
- Live!
(Jason & die Argonauten)
- Live!!!
(Lopicic, Sandy Orkestar)
- Live! Live!
(Pingitzer, Jürgen Trio)
- Live / Talk
(Splitting - Spank)
- Live...Auf ana langen finster'n Stross'n
(Ambros, Wolfgang)
- Live...Auf ana langen finster'n Stross'n
(Ambros, Wolfgang)
- Live ... ohne Fallschirm
(Sugar Smash)
- Live '85
- Live -"The Wolfpack Tapes
- Live (2011)
(Our Ceasing Voice)
- live @ "Reigen"
(Mama Oliver feat. LCB)
- Live @Home 1: Holz
(Station Rose)
- Live @Home 2: Subversion
(Station Rose)
- Live @Home 3: Webcast Day 92
(Station Rose)
- live @ kapu '15
(Wet Spinach)
- Live @ Rohrbach Mosh-Fest
(Heaven Rise)
- Live @ The Gallery Keller
- Live @ These / Spät Fridge
- Live & Acoustic EP
- Live & Lost At The Labyrinth
(Mally´s, Oliver Sir Blues Distillery)
- Live & Studio
(Della Street)
- Live & Unplugged
(Stone & the Age)
- live | vol.1
(Paier, Klaus Trio)
- live | vol.2
(Paier, Klaus Trio)
- Live 1970-1971
(Fatty George Crew)
- Live 1974
- live2
- Live 24. 11. 1998
- Live 30.09.02 Wasserturmfavoriten
- Live 6/87
(Instant Karma)
- Liveachtundneunzig
- Live - Alle Zeit der Welt
(Fendrich, Rainhard)
- Live am Donauinselfest
(Ambros, Wolfgang)
- Live am Donauinselfest 2013
(Wiener Tschuschenkapelle)
- Live am Karlsplatz
(Legendäre Stadtbahnquartett, Das)
- Live And Feel Free
(Lux, Gary)
- Live And Final Fridge
(General Magic & Pita)
- Live and Sad at The Record Store
(Wolfram and The Funeral Orchestra)
- Live As We See It By Now
- Live at: 4. Austrian Soundcheck
(Gruppe 01)
- live at "dasBach"
(A Guy Named Lou)
- Live At 50!
(Harper, Lee)
- Live At Acoustic Lakeside 2018
(Farewell Dear Ghost)
- Live At Antone's
(Ellison, Ulrich and Tribe)
- Live At Arena 20.6.87
(Losers, The)
- Live at Arena Wien
- Live at Beatmaker Sessions
- Live at Bergisel
(Mother's Cake)
- Live at Billa
(Billa Ensemble)
- Live At Café
(Kysela, Leo & Stuetzle Robert)
- Live At Club Art & Music
(Pfeiler, T.C.)
- Live At Davis
- Live At Deer In The Headlights Studio
(Mothers of the Land)
- Live at Explosiv Graz
- Live at Flex
- Live At Furx
(Brothers of Mercy)
- Live at Gartenbaukino 1978
(Fatty George Jazzband)
- Live at Generalihof Graz
(Trio de Janeiro)
- Live at Hopfenstange
(Kurstin, Pamelia)
- Live at Jazzfestival Saalfelden 06
(Raab - Zoé, Lorenz)
- Live at Jazzga
(Ryo Sketch)
- Live at Jazzit
(Resonanz (Stanonczi), Die)
- Live At Jazzland
(Original Storyville Jazzband Vienna)
- Live At Jazzland Vienna
(Worry Later)
- Live at Jazzwerkstatt
(Salesny, Clemens Electric Band)
- Live at KallmanBoom
(Synesthetic Ivo)
- Live at KAPU
(Borderline Syndrome)
- Live at Klanggalerie
(Möbius, Werner)
- Live At Klanggalerie
(Fax Mattinger, Das)
- Live At Klanggalerie
(Toxic Frequency)
- Live At Klanggalerie
- Live At Klub Moozak
(Blechmann & Knapp)
- Live at Konzerthaus Wien
(Klangforum Wien)
- Live At Labrador
(Twist of Fate)
- Live At Metropol
(Untouchables, The)
- Live At Montreux
(Stojka, Harri)
- Live At Motorship Stubnitz
- Live at Nickelsdorfer Konfrotationen
(Trio Now!)
- Live At Nikolaisaal Potsdam
(Cari Cari)
- Live at ORF Radiokulturhaus
(Parasol Caravan)
- live at ORF Steiermark
- Live At Orpheum
(Quintetto Accento)
- Live at Outreach Festival - Demo CD
(Flow, The)
- Live at Oval/Europark Salzburg
- Live at Porgy & Bess
- Live at Porgy & Bess
(Nouvelle Cuisine Big Band)
- Live at Porgy & Bess
(Jubilo Elf)
- Live at Porgy & Bess Vienna
(Nagl, Max Ensemble)
- Live at Porgy & Bess Vol.2
(Nagl, Max Ensemble)
- Live at Porgy & Bess Vol. 4
(Nagl, Max Ensemble)
- Live at Postgarage 2017
(Space Divers)
- Live at Posthof
- Live At Posthof
(Austria Knochenschau)
- Live At PPC - Sonntags Abstrakt
- live at Radiokulturhaus
(Clara Luzia)
- Live at Ragnarhof
- Live at Rockcorporation
(Gerhard Helmut & The Ripper)
- LIVE at Rockhouse
(Straight Ahead)
- Live at Roeda Steyr 9/03
(Rebel Muffin)
- Live At Schl8hof Wels
(Gigi's Gogos)
- Live At Schl8hof Wels 2001/2002
- Live at Step
(Fine Noise)
- Live At Sternwartestr.
(Platzgumer, Hans)
- Live at The Albany
(Michael Dey)
- Live at Theatre Oriental
(Michel, Matthieu)
- Live At The Brucknerhaus
(Still Experienced)
- Live At The City Hall Of Vienna
(Dun Ringill)
- Live At The Garage
(Honk Rock Project, The)
- Live At The Jazzspelunke Vienna Vol. 1 - City Blues
(Pauer, Fritz Trio)
- Live At The Jazzspelunke Vienna Vol. 2 - Peruvian Impressions
(Pauer, Fritz Trio)
- Live at the Jazz Standard
(Muthspiel, Wolfgang & Mick Goodrick)
- Live at the Lovelite
(Incredible Staggers, The)
- Live At The LU
(Keith Rowe / Christian Fennesz)
- Live At The Musichouse
- Live at the Nachtcaté Munich
(Schwaller, Roman Jazzquartet)
- Live At The Off Festival
- Live At The Off Festival
(Wressnig, Raphael & Enrico Crivellaro Organ Trio)
- Live At The Party
(Begnadigten Pädagogen, Die)
- Live At The Porgy&Bess
(Wheeler Kenny & Maurer Christian Quintet)
- Live At The Prince Albert Hall
Live At The Prince Albert Hall
(Her Royal Deepness)
- Live At The Roma Wedding
(Stojka, Harri)
- Live At The Tunnel
(Dun Ringill)
- Live At The Ulrichsberg Kaleidophon
(Joëlle Léandre Tentet & Joëlle Léandre Trio)
- Live at the Zodiak - Berlin 1968
(Human Being)
- Live At Ulrichsberger Kaleidophon 2006
- Live At Utopia
- Live At Vila Nova De Foz Côa, May 29th 1999
(Fennesz / Rehberg / Toral / Feliciano)
- Live at Walter & Katja's
(Lebel, Frenk)
- Live At Wienstation Vienna Dear Mama #Vol​.​1
(Power & Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt)
- Live at Wirr
- Live At Xi Bar
(Dust Orchestra)
- Live Auf Den Kasematten
- Live auf der Kaiserwiese 2014 - Die Fremdkompositionen
(Ostbahn, Kurt und die Musiker seines Vertrauens)
- Live auf der Kaiserwiese Vol. 3+4
(Ostbahn, Kurti)
- Live aus dem Existenzstüberl
- Live aus dem Hasnstall
(Reino Glutberg)
- Live aus dem Wiener Konzerthaus
(Cornelius, Peter)
- Live Cselley Mühle 2005
(Präsidenten, Die)
- Live Cuts I EP
- Live Demo
- Live Demo 4th March 1999
(Circle Creek)
- Live E.P.
(A Noise Fragment)
- LiveEarthDream
- Live - EP
(Far Away Town)
- Live - Extra Strong
(Lakis & Achwach)
- Live Feat. Bob Berg
- Live Forever
- Live From Austin, TX
(Ellison, Ulrich)
- Live From Meteor Street
(Holmes, Jack)
- Live From New York City
(Ron(ni) Urini)
- Live from Porgy & Bess
(Schneeberger, Diknu Trio)
- Live from The Mushroom
(Anna F.)
- Live - Gottlieb
(Hirsch, Ludwig)
- Live Hits Harder Than The Rest
(Dynamo Urfahr)
- Live im Bad zur Sonne
(Kysela, Leo)
- Live im Café Saitensprung
(Raskolnikov, Ripoff & The 20th Century Blues Band)
- Live im Casino
(Four 4 Swing)
- Live im Chelsea
- Live im Keller
(Stoned Angelina)
- Live im Musichouse
(Vögel, Die)
- Live im Orpheum
- Live im Oval
(Herbert Berger Bigband)
- Live im Prater
(1. Meidlinger Dampfkapelle)
- Live im Stadtsaal
(Berger Havlicek Orchester)
- Live im Stadtsaal
(Molden / Resetarits / Soyka / Wirth)
- Live im Stockwerk
- Live Im Theater Am Spittelberg
(5/8erl In Ehr'n)
- Live im Tunnel
(Spontan Music Trio)
- Live im Tüwi
(Joy Recipe)
- Live in Altenberg
(Ecker, Hans Trio)
- Live in Bad Ischl, 1983
(Maron, Sigi)
- Live in Berlin
(Judith S. & Soulfood Project)
- Live In Berlin
(Platzgumer, Hans)
- Live in Berlin 1975
(Weather Report)
- Live in Bohemia 1990
(Immolation By Scum)
- Live Incidents
(Mally, Sir Oliver & Moro, Martin)
- Live In Cologne
(Strelka, Alex)
- Live in Cologne 1983
(Weather Report)
- Live in Concert
(Ausseer Hardbradler)
- Live In Concert
- Live In Concert
(Rebel Muffin)
- Live in Concert Franzensdorf 2007
(MonaLisa Twins)
- Live in der Bierstub´n
(Aliens Birthday)
- Live in der Wachau
(5/8erl in Ehr'n & Jazzorchester Vorarlberg)
- Live in Germany
(Felsberger, Bernd)
- Live in Helsinki
- Live in Italy
(Pastorius, Jaco)
- Live In Japan
(Porn To Hula)
- Live In Japan
- Live In L.E.
(Hermann, Heinz von Quintett)
- Live In Las Vegas
(Wo die grünen Nudeln fliegen)
- Live in Liege
- Live in Meidling
(1. Meidlinger Dampfkapelle)
- Live In Mexico
(Heinz aus Wien)
- Live In Minsk
(King Size)
- Live in Moscow
(Blue Monday Blues Band)
- Live in Mumbai
- Live In Nicaragua
(Fische, Die)
- Live In Novosibirsk
- Live in Oberpullendorf
(Klein, Oscar Quartett)
- Live in Offenbach 1978
(Weather Report)
- Live in Sevilla
(Huber, Rupert)
- Live In Shanghai
(Neufeld, Clemens)
- Live in Texas
(Graf Hadik (und die Flughunde))
- Live in Theater Akzent
(Vasilic, Nenad)
- Live in the Park VII
(Mo Nahold)
- Live In Tokyo
(Weather Report)
- Live In Town
(Big Easy, The)
- Live in Vienna
(dZihan & Kamien Orchestra, The)
- Live In Vienna
- Live in Wien (rec @ WUK 21.12.2003)
(Kugel i)
- Live In Wist
(Vasilic Nenad Balkan Band)
- Live In Zürich
(Sokal, Harry Rave The Jazz!)
- Live In Zürich / Promo
(Sokal, Harry Rave The Jazz!)
- Live Is Life
- Live Is Life / Again And Again
- Live Is Life ´91
(No Clue)
- Live Momentum
- Live Noise Everywhere
- Live Olympic
- Live On A Wednesday Night
- Live P.A.
(Elektro Guzzi)
- Live Payback
- Live - Private Cuts
(7 Feet Blues Ramblers)
- Live-Recordings für Demozwecke
- Live samma no schlechter
(5 lustigen 4, Die)
- Live Screams
(Drunken Angels)
- Live Sex
- Live Spirits
(Ballwein, Monika & Andie Gabauer)
- Live statt nüchtern
- Livestream
- Live Stuff 101258
(King Size)
- LIVE Takes 1
(Meindl, Florian)
- Live Tape
(Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Live Tapes
(Weight, The)
- Live - The Greyhound
(Nervösen Vögel, Die)
- Live - Tournee 79
(Danzer, Georg)
- Live Tres anos
(Lila Vila)
- Live und scharf
(TBT - The Banana Trees)
- Live Unplugged
(Sympathy For Strawberry)
- Live Vol. 2
(Austria 3)
- Live Vol. II
- Live Wiesen Sunsplash ´98
- Livewire
- Live With Friends
- Live Your Dreams
(Ed Royal)
- Live Your Dreams Remixed
(Ed Royal)
- Livia
- Livin´ Fantasy
- Livin´ Fantasy
- Livin´ Free, Ridin´ High
- Living Among Meat Eaters
(Plague Mass, The)
- Living F/X
(Living F/X)
- Living For A While / All Day, all Night
- Living in A Waitingroom
(Reiter, Markus feat. Samy Jones)
- Living in Desire
(Glen Ample)
- Living In Shadows / Toxic Cloud
- Living In The Shadow EP
- Living Lâche And Other Typical Pub Situations
(Living Lache)
- Living Loving Riding
- Living On The Edge
(Hip Hop Finger)
- Living On Video
(Piccolo, DJ vs. DJ E-Maxx)
- Living rieselt der Lâche
(Living Lache)
- Living Room
(Auer, Christoph Pepe & Manu Delago)
- Living Room
(Living Room)
- Living Room in London
(Auer, Christoph Pepe & Manu Delago)
- Living Room In London
(Living Room)
- Living Room In London - Exclusive Fringe Edition
(Living Room)
- Living room music
- Living-Room-Music
(Smart Love Junkies)
- Living Room Riot EP
- Livingroom Stereo
- Living Shades
(Sympathy For Nothing)
- Living still life
- Living the Dream Vol. 4
- Living The Moment / Lost In Being Human
- Living Things EP
(Silent Cubes)
- Living With Passion
(Moral Support)
- Living With Passion
(Moral Support)
- Living With The Bridge
(Yoshi Hampl)
- Lizard
- Lizards
- Lizzy
(Low Life Rich Kids)
- Lm.001
- LND / Ghetto
(Dub Ten)
- Lo
(Smiling Buddhas, The)
- Lo_Future EP
- Loa
(Camo & Krooked)
- Loaded Battery
- Loathed Resistance
- Lobgesang
(Cech Mütter)
- Lobotomie
(Def Ill)
- Lobotomy (feat. Alicia Edelweiss)
- Lobster / The Word
(Word, The)
- Local Heroes IBK Rapsampler Vol. 1
- Local Heroes Promosampler 2010
- Local Objects
(Boros, Zsófia)
- Loch amoi
- Lockdown
- Lockdown Breaker
(Unreal Sign)
- Lockdown EP
(T Raum)
- Lockdown LP
- Locked EP
- Locked In
(Zirbs, Peter)
- Locked In Space
(Elin et NF)
- Locker
- Locker und leicht schwer
- Lockerungen
(Klien, Volkmar/Aufstieg SQ)
- Locura Oscura
(Xandoz & miloWATT)
- Locura Oscura 2
- Locura Oscura 3
- Locust​ / ​Geek
- Locust Valley
(Hella Comet)
- Lodenfreak/Pink Punk Shirt
- Löffel
- Lo-Fi Financial / Roots Boot
(De Vibroluxe)
- Logical Low
- Logic Levels EP
- Logistic Regression
- Loive
- Lokbraker
- Lokomotive Active
- Loktor Of Heaven
- Lola
- Lola / Der Anfang vom Ende
(Luky Schrempf Band)
- Lollipop
(Steiner, Robert)
- Lollipop
- Lollipop Man
- Lololo
(Sixtus Preiss)
- London
(Treiber, Rudi)
- London
- London 2 Brighton
- London Affairs
(Santol, Isabel with Julian Joseph)
- London Calling #1
- London Zoo
(Bug, The)
- Loneliness
- Lonely
(Eli Preiss)
- Lonely / Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weene Honolulu Strandbikini
(Drahdiwaberl & Lukas Resetarits)
- Lonely Ballads. Reduced Songs to Step Back
(Aktionstheater Ensemble)
- Lonely Boy/Sweet Home
(K. Band, Johann)
- Lonely Boys
(Band of Angels)
- Lonely Drifter Karen
(Lonely Drifter Karen)
- Lonely Fighter
- Lonely Nights
- Lonely Road
- Lonely Thoughts
- Lonesom Cauboy
- Lonesome Me
- Lonesome Solar Surfer
(Bloom 05)
- Lonesome Town / Frankie Goes To Munich
(Déjà Vu)
- Long Ago/All I Do
(Flowers, The)
- Long Dead Machines I-IX
(Dafeldecker, Werner)
- Long Distance Call
(Cryptic Commands)
- Long Distance EP
- Longest Day of My Life EP
- Long Gone
(Wreckage Machinery)
- Long Live The Dead
- Long Lost Feeling
- Long Nights / God Of The Highway
- Long Shot Poems For Broke Players
(Moff & Tarkin)
- Longtime
- Long Way Home
(Superior Street)
- Look At Me Now
(Ambeek, Lorenz)
- Look at your World
(Rox 4)
- Looking at Me EP
- Looking At You EP
(Lola Pour)
- Looking Back
(Jack´s Angels)
- Looking Back
(Miklin, Karlheinz)
- Looking Glass
- Look In Your Eyes/Feel The Force
- Look Like You
- Look Out
- Look Outside
(JM Kanes)
- Looks Like &%! 3
- Look Straight
(Private Lightning Six, The)
- Look Things
- Look To The Light
(Carter, Dorretta)
- Loony Brain/Massive Riot
- Loony Circus EP
(Naked Fish)
- Looper
(Theo Meier)
- Loophole / Side Hustle
- LoopMonkeys EP
- Loop Pool
- Loops & Roots
(Mama Oliver)
- Loop The Sound of Vienna Part 1
- Loose Frames
- Loosin´ My Mind/Babe
- Loosing Myself
(Malek, Dorota)
- Lorca & More
- Lord
(Faith, Jeremy)
- Lord Raised His Voice / We´ve Got Together
(Schmetterlinge, Die)
- Lords of The Hunt
- Lords Prayer / Vater Unser
(Eela Craig)
- Lore & Testament Vol.1
(Falco, Tav)
- Lore Krainer ... singt von Mäusen, Menschen & Lippizanern
(Krainer, Lore)
- Loretta / der Agent
(Wiener Wunder)
- Los
(Pastel, Fred)
- Los Autodisparadores
(Low Frequency Orchestra)
- Lösch 50 Bramböck
- Los Chicharrones de Surf
(Balu & Die Surfgrammeln)
- Lose Control
(Ping Ping)
- Lose Control
(Palastic & Novum)
- Lose Control LP
- Lose It
(Misses U)
- Lose Myelf
(Wild Culture)
- Lose My Mind
- Loser
- Lose Yourself
(Ellison, Ulrich)
- Losgeher
(Lang, Hansi)
- Losing Control / Feel So Good
- Losing Grip
- Losing Orientation
(Media Attack)
- Losing Something Beautiful
- Los Jaybirds
(Jaybirds, The)
- Los Piratas
(Deep Sea Mud)
- Loss & Love
(Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Loss & Love
(Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Los Sagwas
- Loss and Love
(Son of The Velvet Rat)
- Loss Mas Bleibm
(Neigungsgruppe Sex, Gewalt und Gute Laune)
- Lost
(Davy Jones's Locker)
- Lost
- Lost: Transmissions 002
(Sentic Cycle)
- Lost & Found
(Johnnys, Die)
- Lost A Brother
(Dimitar Georgiev & Markov)
- Los Tabulos
(Pichler, Simon & Stefan Oser)
- Lost Acid Tapes
(Meindl, Florian)
- Lost Alone
- Lost And Found
- Lost And Found
(dZihan & Kamien)
- Lost Control
(Falb Fiction)
- Lost Drum Tapes
(Meindl, Florian)
- Lost Edge / Wafels
(Ordure & ZeroZero)
- Lost EP
- Lost Files & Broken Mics
(Wisdom & Slime)
- Lost Flesh
(Neufeld, Clemens)
- Lost Ground EP
- Lost Grounds
(Trusty Chords, The)
- Lost Home Recordings
(Al Bird Dirt)
- Lost In Africa
- Lost In Desire
(Lost In Desire)
- Lost in Dreams
(Alice In The Fields)
- Lost In Dreams
(Alice In The Fields)
- Lost in Durban EP
- Lost in Fragments 2
(Akali Akali)
- Lost In Landslide
(Paul SG)
- Lost In Silence EP
(AKOV & Tesseracts)
- Lost in Space
(Kurt Razelli featuring Matthias Strolz)
- Lost in Space
- Lost In Space
(Urban Trip)
- Lost in the Dark EP
(Giuseppe Aiello)
- Lost in The Dust
- Lost In Time
- Lost In Unknown Spaces EP
- Lost In You EP
- Lost Islands (Mataya Waldenberg Remix)
(Tony Renaissance)
- Lost Memories
(Beatcore & Corinna Jasmina)
- Lost Memories EP
(Jakobin & Domino)
- Lost On The Ride
- Lost Piano
(Kapp, Larissa)
- Lost Places
- Lost Projects Part 1
- Lost Projects Part 2
- Lost Signal (A.K.O.R. Broken Ice Remix)
(Van Der Wiese)
- Lost Since 1998
(Eli Preiss)
- Lost Souls
(Disrupta & Mofes)
- Lost Souls EP
- Lost Space / Dirty Mind
(Frank Lemon)
- Lost Tales EP
- Lost Time
- Lost to You
(Lex Audrey)
- Lost Tracks
(Elektro Guzzi)
- Lost Transmissions: 005
(Sentic Cycle)
- Lost Treasures 1 - Isle Of Ra
- Lost Tribes
(Zawinul Syndicate, The)
- Lost trust
- Lost Without You
(Sub Lime & Fuzion)
- Lost Words
(Wreckage Machinery)
- Lot
- LoTechTrash
(Füreder, Marcus)
- Lotte EP
- louasril
(Lou Asril)
- Loud In N.Y.
- Loud Music
(Missy May)
- Lounge.fm Volume 1
- Lounge Crooning
(Pfann, Rudy & Apollo 3)
- Lounge Musics
- Lousiana
(Dozzler, Christian And The Blues Wave)
- Love
- Love, Fear & Fire
(Thirteen Days)
- Love, God And Radio
- Love, Live, Fly
(Ortega, Manuel)
- Love, Peace & Vollgas
(Ötzi, DJ)
- Love, Peace & Vollgas
(Ötzi, DJ)
- Love: Green
(Taylan, Cay)
- Love/Rocket
- Love's Wanted
(Gü-Mix & Shanti Roots)
- Love's Wanted EP
(Gü-Mix & Shanti Roots)
- Love & Decay In 16 Bit EP
(Broken Ego)
- Love&Fist
- Love & Light
(Count Basic)
- Love & Migration
(Tali, RoyGreen & Protone)
- Love & Misery
- Love & Order
- Love & Starve
(Clara Blume)
- Love 2020
- Love 7''
- Love Affair/Michelle
(Gin Tonic)
- Love and Beats
(Chris Colt)
- Love And Familiy EP
(Adrian Flux)
- Love And Other Crimes
(Orange Baboons)
- Love And Other Nightmares
(Exit To Eden)
- Love At First Sight
(Ellen D.)
- Lovebells
(O5, The)
- Love Birds
- Love Boat
- Love Call
- Love Club Members
(Hearts Hearts)
- Love Constant
(Sketches on Duality)
- Love Devotion
- Love Don´t Lie
(Love Don´t Lie)
- Love Don´t Lie
(Shyne 11)
- Love Drunk
(Jay Rome feat. Ill-Esha)
- Love Flows
- Love For Ukraine
- Love From The Sun
- Love Games/Farytale
- Love Grave / The Stand
- Love Hate Fear Fate
(Spitting Ibex)
- Love Hotel
(Yung Hurn)
- Love In Times Of War
(Clara Luzia)
- Love In Times Of War (p.K.one Remix)
(Clara Luzia)
- Love Is
(Charles, Gianna)
- Love Is
- Love Is A Circus
(Pia Maria)
- Love is a Devil
(Mally, "Sir" Oliver)
- Love Is A Doing Word EP
(Aiko Aiko)
- Love Is All / Magical Love
(Liberman & Paul)
- Love Is An Ocean
(Creative Dance Experience)
- Love Is A Real Thing
(Lila Vila)
- Love Is A Thief
(Eastwood Haze)
- Love is Easy?
(Earl Grey)
- Love Is Free
- Love Is Gonna Last
(Pat Davis)
- Love Is Louder
(Cottriall, James)
- Love Is Love
- Love Is My Only Crime
- Love Is On
- Love Is On Your Side / Cool, Cooler Than You
(Peter Pan)
- Love Is Our Mission
(Mary Broadcast)
- Love Is Pain / Can't Take My Eyes Off You
- Love Is Real
- Love Is the Answer
(Carl Haze)
- Love Is The Law
- Love Is The Message
- Love Is The Message
- Love Is The Movement EP
(Yarah Bravo)
- Love Is The Way
(Millions of Dreads)
- Love Junkies
(Naked Lunch)
- Loveless
- Love Letter
(Elis Noa)
- Love Letters (To A World That Should Have Never Made It This Far)
- Love Letters EP
(Elis Noa)
- Love Life
- Love Life Death
- Loveline
(Unique II)
- Loveline
(Unique II)
- Lovely Objects
(No Business For Dogs)
- Lovely Rita
(Lovely Rita)
- Lovely Rita
(Lovely Rita)
- Love Machine
- Love Machine ´88 Version
- Love Machine (`88 Version)
- Love Machine (im:Takt Remixes)
- Love Machine EP
- Love Me
(Mary Broadcast)
- Love Me Like No Other Does
(Fisher, El)
- Love Me Right
(Alaba, Rose May)
- Love Me Too
(La Rochelle Band)
- Love me Uh!
- Love On Hire
(Private Curtain)
- Lovepoems & Hatetirades
(Death Rising)
- Lovepower
(Cairn, Peter)
- Loverboy/Shepherd´s Dance
- Love Revenge Obedience
(Heavy Preachers Club)
- Love Revisited
(Seesaw, The)
- Lover Man / Lady Sings The Blues
(Sharrock, Linda)
- Lovers
(TNT Jackson)
- Lovers / Happy Hubbubs
(Hubbubs, The)
- Lovers´ Walk - In 30 Easy Versions
- Lovers & Offers
(Nintendos, The)
- Lovers EP
- Lovers Left Alone (feat. Eléonore Fourniau)
- Love Sex Acid
(Tin Man)
- Love Sick
(Fall In Blues)
- Lovesick & Dirt
(Rigler, Mike)
- Love Song (Why Don't We Try) / Get Down
(Coxx, Paul & die Panzerknacker)
- Love Song EP
- Love Song für Inge
- Lovesongs for a Broken Pencil
(Hands & Bits)
- Love Songs Vol. 1
- Love Stories
(Crystal Heaven)
- Love Surf Music
(Expressway Sketches)
- Love The Filth
(Mother's Cake)
- Love The Skin You Are In
(Rounder Girls, The)
- Love Time Eve
(El Roberto)
- Love To Live/Find My Way
- Love To S(w)ing
(ETs Jazzpartie)
- Lovetune for Vacuum
- Love Will Set You Free
- Love will tear us apart
- Love Your Smell
(Mother's Cake)
- Love You Today
- Loving Custodians
- Loving You
- Loving You Is Easy
Loving You Is Easy (Remixes)
Loving You Is Easy (Remixes)
(Camo & Krooked)
- Loving You Is Like Washing A Sieve EP
(Moff & Tarkin)
- Low & Slow
(Dole & Kom)
- low based human polygon
(Empty C)
- Lowbau The EP
- Low Blow / Voices
- Lower
- Lower Class Anthems For The Damned
(Devil's Rejects, The)
- Low Frequency Orchestra
(Low Frequency Orchestra)
- Low Light
- Low Lights EP
(Storm Lily)
- Low Noon
(Toxic Lounge)
- Low Profile
(Kampelmühler, Michael)
- Lowrey
(Simon Leitner & Neal Porter)
- lowridin
- Lowtech Artist Series Vol.1
- LP1
- LP 2
(LS im D-Land)
- LSD 3000 / Sehnsucht
(David, Harry Quintett)
- Luca´s Dream
(Simion, Nicolas Group)
- lucas/toole
(Interstate 35)
- Lucedivino
- Lucid
(MashoX & Cyke)
- Lucid Dream EP
- Lucid Dreaming EP
- Lucid Dreams EP
- Lucid Living
(Wolf Lehmann)
- Lucifer
- Lucifer Incestus
- Lucifer Turns Up The Volume
(Programm C)
- Lucky Child
(Frats, The)
- Lucky Day
(Otti, John Band)
- Lucky Days
(Duke, Peter)
- Lucky Girl / The Bass Journey
- Lucky Streak
(Jul Lekey)
- Lucky Thompson & Me
(Hermann, Heinz von)
- Lucy
(Staber's, F. Memories)
- lucy.com
(munKa twitch)
- Lucy´s Eyes
- Luddite
(Naked Cameo)
- Luder
(Gelée Royale)
- Ludwig Hirsch 6 (Traurige Indianer - Unfreundliche Kellner)
(Hirsch, Ludwig)
- Ludwig Hirsch liest Ludwig Hirsch
(Hirsch, Ludwig)
- Lueur Noire 01
- Luft
- Luft & Liebe
(Marjan & Lukas)
- Luftangriff
- Luftdeppert
(Trabitsch, Klaus)
- Luftikuss
(Andy Front)
- Lugburz
- Lüge Immer
- Lügen
(Katastrophen Kommando)
- Lui Lui Tek
(Heatzy & Tony Maroni)
- Lukas Ligeti & Beta Foly
(Ligeti, Lukas & Beta Foly)
- Lukas Plöchl
(Plöchl, Lukas)
- Luke Andrews Band
(Andrews, Luke Band)
- Luke Lambheart
(Luke Lambheart)
- Luky light
(Luky Schrempf Band)
- Lullaby
(Freak Weber)
- Lumen
- Luminal City / Partnerschaftslied
(Schmetterlinge, Die)
- Luminance Era
- Luminate EP
- Lumpi, unser Hund
(Fibich, Bernhard)
- Luna
- Lunae defectio​ /​ Rain Dub
- Luna Loop/Kleines Walzer
- Luna Parc Hotel
(Louvel, Oliva)
- Lunapark
(Graml´s, Gerhard Lunapark)
- Luna Park
(Tiefenthaler, Ernst)
- Lunatic Fringe
- Lunatic Instinct
(Selective Mood)
- Lunchbox
- Lunchbreak
(Namby Pamby Boy)
- Lunchtime Atop A Skyscraper
(Beyond A Coloured Dream)
- Lundi
- Lungoland
(Querschläger, Die)
- Lunz
(Roedelius, Hans-Joachim)
- Lure EP
(Black Yen)
- Lush
- Lust & Anger
(Candy Beat Camp)
- Lust auf Leidenschaft
- Lust auf Liebe
(Werger, Stefanie)
- Lustobjekt / Jedes G´sicht erzählt a G´schicht
- Lustwandel
(Roedelius, Hans-Joachim)
- Lus U
- Luv
- LUV013
- Luv Is Louder
- Luv Lite Massive Vol. 1
(Megablast & Masta Huda)
- Luv Lite Massive Vol. 1
(Luv Lite Massive)
- Luv Lite Massive Vol. 2
(Luv Lite Massive)
- Luv Lite Massive Vol. 3
(Luv Lite Massive)
- Luv Lite Massive Vol. 4
(Luv Lite Massive)
- Luv Me Bad!
(Global Deejays)
- Lux Aeterna
(The Phobos Ensemble)
- Lux devicta est
- LuxSeriös
- Luz E Sombras
(Dobrek Brasil)
- Luz y sombra
(Cuarteto Viena Tango)
- LV​-​426
- Lvl Up
(Eli Preiss)
- Lying In The Sun
(Palastic feat. Bright Sparks)
- Lynch Me!
(Clouds Over Chrysler)
- Lynne's House
(Kieran, Lynne)
- Lysergic Ceremony
(Ling Ling & Vikkei)
- Lythos
- LZ 130
(LZ 130)